Hi dev, any development news for this coin - after nine days of silence ?
i am native ( Kraut ) german, if you like a german translate PM me
Hi dev, have done real early stake ( no. 7 ) some seconds ago. Now CJC blockchain shall beginns to run without timeouts ! Donations welcome: CHoLuUHyMMNRY3YdpHsdzgt6QCR6on5vcA  Like this coin, great idea with this integrated info panels ...
Selbst bevorzuge ich MRR (Mining Rig Rentals) ist etwas teurer - aber die einmal gebuchte Zeit wird abgearbeitet. Bei Minerausfällen/Minderleistung wird man entschädigt. Weis aber nicht ob MRR für PH-Runs geeignet ist ...
Hallo Willi ,bin mit 0,25 BTC dabei.
Transaction 074454a80d19c943c8cff5b301b752d19a9e06d576261b994ebf4d85fb8f08a3
Longtime Hash ist jetzt gecancelled. Werde beim nächsten Run dann hier mitmachen. Ihr dürft natürlich gerne schon jetzt Blöcke finden 
Hallo Willi,
bin wieder mit 5 TH/s dabei. Wir waren ja schon nah dran ( 1:10 Ratio ? ) Besten Dank auch für die geleistete First Class Betreuung ...
done, TX 4ac230aabf2f84bb97a138eaebc40b53cc23fa1aa0397514a8e630b8c1e0c306
Hallo Willi, würde auch gerne ab Start (heute) mit 5 TH/s dabeisein.  kurzes OK würde genügen greets Wäre ok, wenn du die Coins heute noch sendest, geht das? na klar, geht gleich los. TX folgt
Hallo Willi, würde auch gerne ab Start (heute) mit 5 TH/s dabeisein.  kurzes OK würde genügen greets
1 dKxxxxxxxxxBURNADDRESSxxYBTy4AHvuD 820562514.86462975 81.92 YoBit burned
DustCoinDev сколько примерно должно получаться с 916000?И почему то мой кошелек пишет нет зрелых монет.Вот мой кошелек dMHq4rD79e3nqCaJatvp51qY2oJ9SdyQ9H .
Your coins need to mature for at least 24 hours. The 916000 coins should produce about 24500 coins per day at the current stake rate. that is what my math says too, but check the stakes ... around 100%/year now I just think your blocks are split up into multiple smaller blocks. You would receive multiple stakes that sum up to the desired amount. Also its an average per year so in the end you should receive the full amount. sorry to say, but this is no fact. Working several years with coin control yet. TX ID: 8d41e758ce8fcf5999b9e6d0b082a1371189509076bad496c26c0da211ba5345 and TX ID: 14c191251a9886d23d5adbcb59df45642a0ed7491cb1a0d0e6e7a1966027952b
DustCoinDev сколько примерно должно получаться с 916000?И почему то мой кошелек пишет нет зрелых монет.Вот мой кошелек dMHq4rD79e3nqCaJatvp51qY2oJ9SdyQ9H .
Your coins need to mature for at least 24 hours. The 916000 coins should produce about 24500 coins per day at the current stake rate. that is what my math says too, but check the stakes ... around 100%/year now
And we have the first lucky ones
yes, but my math says only 100%. Maybe i am wrong ... I think your wrong this time where is my fault ? for example: some 250.000 DUST adresses in wallet 1000%/year (=10 x) = 2.500.000 / 365 days = 6849 DUST/day (got between 893 and 500)
And we have the first lucky ones
yes, but my math says only 100%. Maybe i am wrong ...
that was lovely fast work, later today we get result ... btw pls explain this unusual block explorer address: #1 dNbdcS2uhDL45yuz12fr6gHCCQpKDPgDED 938278041.42831540 dust 93.83%
got four peers but no sync, around 78510 blocks behind (2.3.0 Wallet)
What is your latest block hash? latest block: 1336674 7e28fe9546d9e1510c0186801f70a613280a86d360679c2785b08c92de0cc485 synccheckpoint" : "c73cc8d30da6c978d0bc7066205ffbd0bc23621fe59a9bc21f32602865b80b2d", "height" : 1335183, "timestamp" : "2015-12-16 09:53:06 UTC", "policy" : "strict" Your wallet is forked, need to re-sync... Correct chain is getblockhash 1336674 c0dd32a7b864e6be6643bf540a7dbffb85bf8a6ecae832a8b9022d6c514261fd thank you for this hint. Will do resync with tek bootstrap now ...
got four peers but no sync, around 78510 blocks behind (2.3.0 Wallet)
What is your latest block hash? latest block: 1336674 7e28fe9546d9e1510c0186801f70a613280a86d360679c2785b08c92de0cc485 synccheckpoint" : "c73cc8d30da6c978d0bc7066205ffbd0bc23621fe59a9bc21f32602865b80b2d", "height" : 1335183, "timestamp" : "2015-12-16 09:53:06 UTC", "policy" : "strict"