18:33:38  [ { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1453829578, "lastrecv" : 1453829579, "conntime" : 1453829435, "version" : 60008, "subver" : "/TEKcoin:2.3.0/", "inbound" : false, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 1415180, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1453829578, "lastrecv" : 1453829578, "conntime" : 1453829524, "version" : 60008, "subver" : "/TEKcoin:2.3.0/", "inbound" : false, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 1415183, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1453829579, "lastrecv" : 1453829578, "conntime" : 1453829541, "version" : 60008, "subver" : "/TEKcoin:2.3.0/", "inbound" : false, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 1415184, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1453829578, "lastrecv" : 1453829595, "conntime" : 1453829575, "version" : 60008, "subver" : "/TEKcoin:2.3.0/", "inbound" : false, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 1415186, "banscore" : 0 } ]
got four peers but no sync, around 78510 blocks behind (2.3.0 Wallet)
maybe Batch 1 is sold out now
Premine 20%  dev, please explain this hugh premine.
found this in my email account: YoBit ICO: MystiCoin Dear YoBit Users! MystiCoin ICO is open: https://yobit.net/en/trade/MYSTIC/BTCICO coins: 40000000 ICO price: 0.00000025 ICO amount: 10.00000000 btc ICO rules: - 50% buy wall (ico price) - 4 days ICO fund holding periodSincerely yours, Team of Yobit.Net
thx, have done a voting request to CRYPTOPIA ('' UniversityCoin(UVC) Awaiting moderator review... '') Sorry mates, coin will not be listed @ Crytopia because IPO reasons. Maybe new dev can talk to them ?
thx, have done a voting request to CRYPTOPIA ('' UniversityCoin(UVC) Awaiting moderator review... '')
What peers are you guys using? I seem to be stuck at block 2499.
In my SpikesPrivateCoin.conf:
addnode=spc.suprnova.cc addnode= addnode= addnode=
got four connects without conf file:  [ { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1438799630, "lastrecv" : 1438799656, "conntime" : 1438791694, "version" : 70002, "subver" : "/SpikePersonalCoin:1.0.0/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 3989, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1438799656, "lastrecv" : 1438799630, "conntime" : 1438791722, "version" : 70002, "subver" : "/SpikePersonalCoin:1.0.0/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 3991, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1438799655, "lastrecv" : 1438799656, "conntime" : 1438792345, "version" : 70002, "subver" : "/SpikePersonalCoin:1.0.0/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 3996, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1438799630, "lastrecv" : 1438799656, "conntime" : 1438796750, "version" : 70002, "subver" : "/SpikePersonalCoin:1.0.0/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 4023, "banscore" : 0 } ]
got a Stake - think it was block 4000  (amount 1.71940595 SPC)
@cyclingcoin: whats name of .conf file for creating MN (cycling or cyclingcoin or ....) ?
what is this ? No wallets, all coin stays at YObit forever ?
many thanks for update.
For installing my PC cries for : libwinpthread-1.dll - anyone with same problem ?
MN is up and running  SHOW ME THE MONEY Edit: am I good to go or am I missing something still? http://neutron.blockview.space/address/9gtbKMhhtdRY8WYHvPazwgkuxPg7kitU5RAlso, can someone verify if it IS my public IP (i.e. from whatsmyip.com) or if it IS NOT (i.e. my internal computer IP on my network). I've read conflicting information in this thread so far. It was connecting when it was my internal network IP but when I use my public IP and try to "masternode start" I get the error: Could not connect to 172.251.xx.xx:9999 seems you have a problem with your dynamic IP. Every time you boot your PC or your provider disconnects you (normally 1 time per night) your IP changes. Retry whatsmyip.com again and compare with data from your neutron.conf, than restart wallet, unlock and type masternode start again
Congrats , Block 531 was found ! Welcome to staking at Xmas ...
Being added again to an exchange a fantastic milestone for Growth. https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=GRW_BTCWe still need a development team. I was thinking of setting up some sort of GrowthFUND and use GrowthCoins as an introduction to cryptocurrencies. So people could start learning crypto and sharing about it on their blog about what they learn or any other idea they could come up with. and for that, they would receive 1000 GRW for keeping their blog/journal up and sharing it with others. The dev team would need to market/promote this initiative. On the growthco.in website, we could setup a wiki/forum and build a community/learning center around that. I already donated some growth in the GRowthPRXXnMkMpXbFM1iEG8d7ShYdhp3B address and the current balance is over 30k GRW. I am willing to double that amount and I invite any current GRW holders to contribute as well. The wallet still needs improvements, I have plans to make those changes when I get some more down time from my current job. In the mean time, I'm asking the community for anyone who wants to join and help this coin Grow! After all, this is an almost 2 years old coin and I believe it to be a great asset, let's build on that. These are just starting points and anyone is welcome to contribute and add more ideas to the table and when we get a team together, we could push the developments further on. congrats for listing on CRYPTOPIA, see same potential over time here. Please put donation address in OP ( i dont like to search this after my next staking in a week )
congrats, good work. Bought a share for keeping nodes working ...
20:44:22  getpeerinfo
20:44:22  [ { "addr" : "", "addrlocal" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1435085024, "lastrecv" : 1435085024, "bytessent" : 155192, "bytesrecv" : 669140, "conntime" : 1435033138, "pingtime" : 0.12480000, "version" : 61400, "subver" : "/DARKCRAVE:", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 47669, "banscore" : 0, "syncnode" : true }, { "addr" : "", "addrlocal" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1435084979, "lastrecv" : 1435085008, "bytessent" : 1358, "bytesrecv" : 647, "conntime" : 1435084891, "pingtime" : 68.34660000, "pingwait" : 82.80580000, "version" : 61402, "subver" : "/Wormhole:1.0.2/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 46354, "banscore" : 0, "syncnode" : false } ]
I think everyone agreed on 10k coins for the MN and 50/50 split between stakers and MN
Do you think there should be a limit on the total number of MNs allowed?
yes, i think a limited number of MN is good. MNs stabilizises Tron network. Neutron has a limitation of 100 MNs but only around 32 MNs are active with a moneysupply of 3.79 Mill coins. NTRN gives MN a garanteed reward of 25.xx Coins. I think a Tron MN will create a lot of dust with only sometimes a bigger reward. So a MN shall need an additional reward to this 50/50 maybe 1 Tron (?). A limited number of 30-50 Tron MNs are enough. Will do send you some Tron after running MN. greets GD
nice wallet, i like this Statistics function
my first hour mining at OC's pool was just for Nirvana  First 100 blocks are zero reward, have a look at the OP  i know, its not against your pool (which i prefer always). But 65 blocks in 90 minutes, by a new coin .... (and yes it works 75 s/block)