I hope that we will see again this price 20 000- 25 000USD. Every day I am reading about that Bitcoin is stronger and stronger everyday.
It's 50%-50% possibility if we look at how bitcoin has responded to the long time bearish trend. Now, we only have 3 months left before we can finally see what bitcoin's market price will be. In response to that, i am holding my bitcoin for a year or two. $ 25,000 for bitcoin will not happen this year, in my opinion, because my prediction later this year is at the level of 10000 $
i think market start going to up at this time, it already dropped so fucking hard in last 8 months many sign appears that we can know crypto will start growing
time to buy? yes because the price is now decreasing, and predicted to rise again in Q4 this year
it's a natural thing if the price of the token falls after ico, especially if you start distributing coins to many parties. many people want to get a high price and as a result the price of the coin plunges to the lowest base and has to wait a long time for the coin to reach the highest position.
to date Trust in projects and crypto-currencies has fallen a bit. If you remember the year 2016, then everyone kept the coins after the company's ico to get the highest possible price for the tokens. And to date, most are trying to sell coins after distribution. they wanna sell immediately because they are not sure with the project. it's normal to avoid lose (down price) the project must do hardwork and prove they are trustworthy in order to get dump The project will develop but it will always needs time, only hype will make the price rise, some reasons are if it's listed right away in big exchanges but whales will easily cash out and price will go down again especially if the price of bitcoin is not bullish. after the token entered the market is certainly the usual price to experience a dump, because a bounty hunters, and we have to wait for prices to rise again
Hold!!! Why do you wanna sell? If you need the money urgently you can sell little from it don't ever do the mistake of selling all, you might regret in future if you sell all now, Eth will sure hit $2000 one day
if you want to own and get a lot of profit, then you have to hold on until the ethereum price returns to 500 $ -800 $
We need good news to drive the price to higher level, and get out of $6k. Im seeing that if the bullrun starts no one can stop it. That is why buying coins right now is a good investment.
Indeed, the more good news presents in bitcoin the chances are higher to increase again. Well exactly the priority to catch the price to invest in bitcoin somehow price can rise again. I know for sure that btc will turns green and we can see in bull runs soon. we can use the market being green, by selling our assets, when we get profit then sell
To hold the best for the time now, choose ETH, because this coin is quite potential, maybe only in a short time this coin up to 1000 $. And that is the opportunity for us to sell and take profit
Holding ETH for a long time is my top priority as I am sure the $1000 price will happen again and things will become more stable if the market enters the uptrend. What you need to do now is hope for a new future for Cryptocurrency as it is about to happen again in 2019. prioritizing ethereum, and ripple might be one of the right options besides bitcoin, in the next 10 years I'm sure the price will be to the moon
it could be because we don't know and can't predict the market will go down and will rise. so it's possible if the market will go down again if I think
no, because today is a price increase, don't worry about prices falling again, I'm sure bullrun will arrive
Every person who believes in crypto money believes that the price of the ethereum will rise again. Maybe in just a few weeks you can rise up to 500, then up to 1000 dollars, perhaps up to a few months ethereum  The market will not be known at this time because it is now very difficult for ico itself to be processed. including now. in my opinion if you are sure to buy it there is no harm if you buy ethereum at a fairly low price right now if the ethereum that you have is used as a long-term investment then the profit you want is certainly great I said, now is the time to buy ethereum, if you don't buy ethereum now, you will miss the train for the moon
the price of the token at the time after the ICO will usually go down and it depends on the development and the project of the ICO so that it can make the price rise or fall and whether investors are still interested in the token
after ico finished 80% of the price dropped, we have to be patient to see the dump price, and wait for the price to rise again until at ico
The best cryptocurrency to buy now is Elastos, Coinvest and Refereum, definitely! I think it is worth paying attention to these coins.
you can buy eos, waves, eth, xlm, or xrp, if you are smart to play short term, then you will get a lot of profit
From 250 dollars to 150 in 15 days. Just let' s stay. I think now is better have just bitcoins
for ethereum prices at the moment is the cheapest price in my opinion, I am sure that the price of ethereum will rise rapidly to level 500$
You can put your funds in Eth but i will recommend to wait a little more, best buying entry would be around $600, if you get in then hold for few months, im sure it can give you 3-4x this year.
maybe your advice is very appropriate our choice depends on our confidence and patience in investing with crypto currencies regardless of the type of coin which is the most important belief and patience of the main capital lots of altcoins are now good for investment, like ethereum, ripple, bitcoin cash, and stellar
UBEX has raised most of the its hard cap target so can be called a successful ICO. There are many good ICOs ongoing or upcoming so put your money in many instead of all in UBEX.
it's up to you, if you want to buy UBEX, buy it, my advice if the price is still below ico buy UBEX
In my opinion, Cardano's price was originally overvalued. As far as I can see, the current capitalization is built on expectations, and not on the real possibilities of the coin. Once the projects based on Cardano's technology are implemented, then one can already talk about the real value
cardano now the price is below the stable price, cardano reportedly if it is resistant then the price will rise again, hopefully
gua rasa sih misal nya di adakan lagi untuk bounty nya hanya orang yang mau masuk ke lobang yang sama atau yang di sebut bodoh yang mau melanjutkan kembali bounty nya, dan gua juga setuju masih banyak proyek lain di luaran sana, dan tentu nya tidak seperti proyek catena
Catena sudah membiat semua peserta bounty kecewa berat kayaknya. Bukan cuma peserta bounty saja, tapi investor juga kayaknya bakalan kecewa karena penundaan ICO proyek ini. Maaih banyak kok gan proyek lain yang bagus-bagus. Jadi jangan terlalu kecewa dan tetap semangat. kalau bagi para bounty hunternya sih gan oke oke aja beralih ke project bounty lainnya ya, tapi bagi mereka yang berinvestasi tentunya ini akan menjadi beban tersendiri dan ini juga akan berdampak buruk pada project altcoin lainnya, dimana kepercayaan investor akan kembali menurun dengan adanya hal seperti ini kalau menurut saya investor tidak/belum dirugikan gan karena proyek ini bukan scam yang membawa dana kabur, tapi masalah ini mungkin akan berimbas ke penambahan dana selanjutnya atau minat investor lainnya akan menurun projek seperi iDEX dulu ya gan, tapi mau gimana kalau ico diundur udah jadi hal yang biasa, pastinya bounty hunter dan investor kecewalah.
Makanya tidak heran hasil yang didapat pun sepadan dengan promosi yang dilakukan gan , penasaran pastinya dengan hasil akhirnya apakah bisa mencapai hardcap atau tidak karena hanya tinggal 3% lagi. Mudah-mudahan ada investor yang borong sedikit lagi tokennya.
dilihat saja gan nanti akhir bulan pada waktu berakhirnya penjualan mereka. kalau dilihat dari web sih tetap ada dana yang masuk gan, meskipun tidak begitu banyak. sekarang tinggal 3 % saya kira bisalah tercapai karena masih tersisa waktu yang lumayan untuk bisa mencapainya. sangat mengagumkan ubex saya juga sering pantau project ini di iklan etherscan sering muncul di coinmarketcap juga begitu jelas harcap saya rasa tinggal 3% lagi soal nya projek bagus soalnya gan, dana yang mereka dapatkan juga terbilang banyak, makanya dia berani masang iklan dimana-mana.
iya gan ane juga melihat bahwa menegernya dalam penghitungan itu tidak setiap minggu gan melainkan kalau iconya selesai jadi yang gabung tidak usah binggung gan kerjakan saja tugasnya sesuai aturan gan
bukankah itu sudah menjadi cirikhas dari menager btcltcdinger ya gan? setahu ane sih cara kerja dia sepreti itu.
tapi ngomong-ngomong apa alasan agan melakukan 2 post seperti itu dalam waktu yang sangat singkat dalam satu thread yang sama? apakah untuk mengejar jumlah post yang lebih banyak? saya kira bahkan orang baru disini saja mengerti jika post seperti ini tidak dianjurkan bahkan tidak diperbolehkan karena sebenarnya dua post yang agan buat itu bisa di jadikan dalam satu post. dan kebanyakan saya melihat postingan agan jura kebanyakan seperti itu, saya saranin untu agan untuk mengedit post-post yang agan buat. Benar gan ane juga sering sekali menjumpai agan okyevana ini melakukan post yang waktu nya terlalu singkat antara keduanya dan selalu pada satu thread. Post dalam jeda waktu yang berdekatan bisa dianggap nye-pam loh gan .. sudahlah gan jangan saling menyalahkan seperti ini, biar pihak moderator yang menangani permasalahan seperti ini, lebih baik fokus ke pekerjaan kita sekarang, apalagi yang join di ICOVO, semangat pokoknya
Ethereum will grow back sooner, after a long time being affected by the hackers, what eth has brought to the currency market will be extremely good and have the potential to bring the currency market up further.
I am very confident with ethereum, and I am not worried, ethereum hopefully can reach 500 $ next month!
I think Btc and Eth are good for long-term investments, because both of them have popularity that exceeds other coins so that it affects the market price both now and in the future.
that's right, both are very good for long-term investment but if you look at the current conditions ethereum is better because the price is cheap suitable for traders who have little capital. Everyone who knows digital currency will decide that Bitcoin and Etherum are the best coins. Without a doubt that Bitcoin and ETherum are short-term investments and also long-term investments. This can be seen from various existing analysis data. The more popular and the higher the transaction volume owned by each coin, it will prove how strong the coin is in the Trading market !!! short term for bitcoin and long term for ethereum, in my opinion it's a suitable title for the coin, but there is one more coin that cannot be underestimated, this is ripple,
ico is actually not a scam even though almost 90% failed, this was because the team from ico could not maximize the opportunity against ico, so Iico's failure was the main factor was the team. before choosing ico, a maximum research must be done and in order to be able to choose good ico, it is also a solid team.
90% = failed, and 90% = scam, that in my opinion, if ico ends with a scam, then ico won't develop again