Good day.
For several years I have been using Claymore's Dual Ethereum on ATI 280, I’m happy with everything and devfee was always on. I respect the work of others and ready to pay for it. I am using hiveos for mining Music and Pirl. But for a month and a half, when switching to devfee Claymore's is turned off with an error of out of memory for Dag file creation. My rigs goes to reboot. I lose five to seven minutes to restart rigs. Could you please fix devfee in the next versions or turn it off for video cards with a small amount of memory eg not only 2GB but 3GB too. Anyway, ETH DAG will soon grow to 4GB and I think you have to do something with it. Maybe you will switch devfee to a coin with a little DAG for these cards?
Thanks, WBR