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Thank you for listing. However, some questions remain to be addressed. Dear community, please wait until green light is given and do not deposit any MVT to 9coin.
Campaign Update
All rewards have been paid out on Apr-13-2018 from The Movement's bounty fund address.
The Movement Fully Decentralized Organization
Twitter Campaign Round 2 Status:
Round 2 starting Monday 12th March 2018 -- Friday 13th April 2018 If you have any questions please send a private message to MovementAI. Payout:#1 Mon 12 - Sun 18 March #2 Mon 19 - Sun 25 March #3 Mon 26 - Sun 1 April #4 Mon 2 - Sun 8 April #5 Mon 9 - Sun 15 AprilTotal available MVT for Round Two: 8,000
1,600 MVT are paid out on each weekend divided by the number of eligible participantsPlease note: if a payout didn't occur on the weekend, it will occur within the first half of the week.Requirements:* Minimum Bitcointalk activity: 50 * Active Twitter accounts with real followers only. * Twitter audit must be >90% real followers, last update < 2 months old. * Users that are on any blacklists, or have negative default trust, are not allowed to join. How to get started?1. Follow Make a post in this thread with the following details: Bitcointalk username: Twitter Profile Link: Link to Twitter Audit: Amount of Followers: ETH address:3. Like and/or retweet The Movement's tweets. Comment whenever you are truly interested. Log your retweets and post your report in this thread (one post only for signup & report). Enjoy!
Greenpoint and Decentraland's TerraformGreenpoint is a virtual headquarter for decentralized collaboration. It allows people from all around the world to connect and create across borders and cultures. Organized as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), The Movement allows anyone to take part in its development and governance. The Movement is a pioneering organization and movement for the advancement of decentralized grassroots activity worldwide. To establish a common ground and place that is based on the vision of decentralization and borderless collaboration, Greenpoint will be built in Decentraland — a cutting-edge decentralized open VR world on the Ethereum platform. In addition to The Movement Token (MVT), LAND in the Decentraland Terraform Event has been secured by The Movement's initial creator as a gift to all Movement participants of the presence and the future. It is meant for people to build upon, to make friends and collaborate, to connect and create. Build valuable decentralized networks based on trust and friendship. Info on the Initial Decentraland Terraform LAND Reservation Transactions:
To Move It:
Dear Movers!
We deeply believe in creating something great for everyone. This takes some time — posting on Bitcointalk does not necessarily help the development process.
The Movement is a challenging long-term and sustainable project.
Those who have been actively contributing, you know who you are. You understand the DAO.
Those who have a hard time waiting: worry not, you will be able to sell your tokens soon, thereby opening the doors for new enthusiasts to step in.
I don't necessarily mind the inactivity but it would be really nice if the developer(s) at least said that he is still working on everything instead of staying silent for over a week now, wouldn't take even a minute to post that.
Hi! Thank you for your patience everyone. The Movement devs are here every day, and working in the background. More info is about to be released.
Movement D A O Check the Genesis Data. Have you received a -70% penalty? Please reach out to MovementAI before August 31. The Movement
Repost from The Movement's ANN: Get active, feel free to create and maintain your Sphere of interest.
This is what you want to do.
Do what you love.
You are the creator.
TAO will come to you.
Once we finalise the Genesis Data, The Movement DAO will operate on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Get active, feel free to create and maintain your Sphere of interest. Do what you love. TAO will come to you. Once we finalise the Genesis Data, The Movement DAO will operate on the Ethereum Blockchain. Local threads 中文: Movement 道 | 连接和创建
русский: ДВИЖУХА (The Movement)
Český: HNUTÍ (Movement) - Český PřekladThank you for creating and nurturing the local communities. Sunny greetings to all people from all around the world.
Bitcoin is the original vision.
Over the long run, do not send away most of your precious BTC.
Secure and hold them nicely, use them wisely. Their value will most likely grow the most.
@ Dropper,
I sent a pm about my hacked account, miningteam23. I want to know if my registration with DAO can be changed to my new bitcointalk account, onlytemporary. I hope this possible.
Dear miningteam23. This is possible. You are founding member #133, ETH address 0x3Ec1594D... Please sign the following message and DM the Signature to MovementAI: I confirm that I am miningteam23, and onlytemporary is my new account You may use
To everyone: please take great care of your private keys. If you use Myetherwallet triple check that you are on the original site. Preferably log in via Keystore file.
How i can increase my activity? How i can became Ambassador for Movement? Cannot fing info about it(
Q & A Round One
but one more questions made by many.... when will the distribution of the tokens happen?
Thank you for the great questions. Q & A Round One is being update as we speak.
Q & A
Round One
Dear Dropper, please can you explain about this ranks? Movement Activity: Activity = Idler 0.5, Mover 1, Contributor 1.75, Ambassador 2, Developer 3 what is it and where it from?
1. How to Increase my Movement Activity?The amount of shares you get depends on your rank and is proportional to your amount of activity towards the DAO. There are two crucial factors: 1. Movement ActivityActivity = Idler 0.5, Mover 1, Contributor 1.75, Ambassador 2, Developer 3// Increasing numbers: higher reward in TAOEnrolled, but inactive? Idler.
Participating in the Movement? Mover.
Actively contributing (i.e. Translation, Design, Community Management, Maintaining Spheres etc.)? Contributor.
Leading a team of Contributors? Ambassador.
Participating in the development of The Movement's core infrastructure? Developer.2. Bitcointalk RankNewbie 2, Junior 1.75, Member 1.5, Full Member 1, Senior Member 0.9, Hero 0.8, Legendary 0.7 // Decreasing numbers: higher reward in TAO Answer: Do what you love. Get active, create a Sphere, or join an existing one. Connect and create. Build teams with other members. Imagine. Share. See here. Please also follow the ANN and bookmark Dropper's Summary. 2. When does the Airdrop end?Consensus has been reached. The sign up period for the Airdrop (Genesis Participant Application) will end once 1713 participants have enrolled, or August 31, 2017 is reached. 3. Can I enroll multiple times?No. One account per person. We have an audit system and alt accounts are kicked out effectively on the day of the final audit. 4. When will I receive my Tokens?Once the Genesis participant application data has been finalized, we are moving to the Ethereum blockchain to establish the DAO. The fuel of the movement, TAO, is distributed to all verified founding members on that day. Announcements will be made in time.
Signed up, but not on the spreadsheet? Found some incorrect information? The Movement UNSTOPPABLE ORGANISATION
Thank you for your participation. Data is being updated.
I sent the PM 2 times, but my vote is not displaying..
I sent twice as well, once last night and once this morning, mine is finally showing... how are we supposed to close the airdrop if the bot takes forever to update? Due to high demand and many faulty applications, all applicants and requests are currently approved manually. Every DM is logged, you don't have to send things twice unless you would like to correct an application or vote. We are moving.
Thank you, CrazyX9. In general alt accounts are removed in the Final Audit. The accounts reported will be deactivated, and may defend themselves.
To those who have several alt accounts enrolled: your accounts will probably be detected. If you have alt accounts please send a DM to MovementAI (BCTalk ID: 1097200) to let us know your accounts confidently. If you report them yourself, you do not risk getting your main account banned. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your votes. Keep them coming. Find everyone's Votes on the Sheet.
The Movement D A O