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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, internet of blockchains on: May 19, 2019, 06:05:30 PM
Renaming this thread to "Cosmos, internet of blockchains".

"Internet of blockchains" and the "interchain" are descriptive terms that shouldn't be trademarked nor owned by any single entity.  We're all building toward the interchain, and Cosmos is one frame of reference.  Long live Cosmos, internet of blockchains! Wink
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Tendermint \ All in Bits {They are Thieves} on: November 05, 2017, 10:23:12 PM
Hi Loree, and for everyone who is reading,

On Jun 30th, 2017, Loree and All in Bits, Inc had signed a contract to begin developing a CI tool for Tendermint.
The contract included a provision to pre-pay $20K USD, and hourly thereafter.

Meanwhile we asked Loree to join our Slack channel to communicate with the team to go over requirements.
We also gave Loree a email address.

The initial $20K payment had issues.  First we tried Bitwala but it didn't go through.  Then we sent a check for $20K.  This process took over two months, but we weren't concerned about it because it wasn't time sensitive, and it didn't seem that Loree had started her work yet.  We figured, because:

* She never signed into our Slack as we asked
* She never signed into her email address.

The check for $20K was sent on the week of July 24th.  It was scheduled to arrive on Thursday, but by Thursday Loree had told Matt that the check had not gone through.  Despite further communications to verify delivery of the check, on Friday and Saturday Loree had not responded.  Matt canceled the check Sunday night because it seemed like was lost in the mail.

Then on Aug 1st, Loree sent us an invoice.  The invoice we received said the following:

* Initial payment (past due): $20K
* June (past due): $21.6K
* July (past due): $27.0K
* Aug: $21.6K.

For a total of $90.2K.

So to recap, Loree charged us $90.2K while we hadn't even begun to discuss the design of thing, and she never signed into our Slack as we asked, nor even signed into her email address.

On Aug 7th we received a letter from her lawyer (Jon) requesting payment for $23K.

Even stranger, on Oct 17th we received an email from Loree with the following body:

Things have been a real challenge to get straightened out. The payment issue caused so much concern that the actual product that was created for you all to use got lost in the mix. I think you still need it.
In an attempt to avoid any further diversion I setup the latest code base on a server @ aws. It is a live demo of the “Jenkins Watchman Cloud” product that was created to support multi cloud deployments. It was specifically designed to support block replica instances that at hosted on multiple cloud platforms. It also provides for synchronous deployments to the various clouds. Below are the live server urls.  Please feel free to click around.
Also there is a new feature called Watchman Console. It is an imbedded information blog that makes keeping up with build jobs as easy as a scroll.
I have put a product information URL below also.
The whole system self maintains and need very light systems administration, once learned there is no need for a dedicated Jenkins administrator because it enforces its own policies and spins its resources down in the evening.. Conserving money and reducing the cloud footprint.

(Several URLs redacted)

Despite attempts to communicate with Loree all we got were lawyers and invoices (with the exception of the unwanted deliverable on Oct 17th).  We've never had issues like this in the past with anyone.

We refuse to pay for such blatant unprofessionalism.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: May 10, 2017, 06:43:55 AM
A lot of noise about this project.  Roll Eyes

Agreed but no news or update about the project on this thread,do we have anyone from the team available here for frequent updates?

We will begin hiring for long-term community management soon.  ETA end of this month to have someone bridging BCT w/ our Slack and other channels.  Thank you for being patient.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 11, 2017, 08:52:14 PM
by negotiating with VC funds in advance, getting the partners to agree the deals, postponing the ICO date until they are all ready, and then hiding the hard cap from the 'open' market to snap shut this pseudo 'ICO' instantly (this was no ICO). this was a publicity stunt masquerading as an ICO.

Anyone with a belief that the next web should be truly open and decentralised should shun this project. it's a trap.

The lead 5% and pre-contributor deals were the only ones negotiated.  USD $1,329,472, for 16,856,718 ATOMs from 14 distinct individuals/entities.  There were crypto-focused hedge funds in that list, but no VCs.

We refused to sign or agree to anything else, and we had no other buyers "lined up".  Going into the fundraiser open, we didn't know whether it would sell out as quickly as it did, or whether we'd even hit the $10M cap.  We were prepared for all scenarios, and were all surprised by the outcome.

If it weren't for the hidden-cap, it probably would have sold out even sooner.  Good thing we had it!  The only two people who knew the cap figure was me and Ethan.

But hey, good for you for being skeptical.  I wish we could have taken more funds and let more people in, but we really don't need any more funds to make this happen, and everyone including the team and our lawyers, wanted us to set a reasonable cap.  I'm not sure what we could have done better in retrospect.

Thanks for the support, everyone!

- Jae
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 06, 2017, 08:16:04 PM
On behalf of the team and community, thank you everyone!
Tomorrow is day 1.  Cheers!
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 04, 2017, 07:13:42 AM
When does the ico site come to life?

It's alive now, but inactive.
Tomorrow we are posting more instructions including those for Mist and the NodeJS command-line cli.

The site will become active when the fundraiser begins!
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 04, 2017, 07:12:24 AM
Hi. You should really come into blocknet's slack. Development is far from inactive, and progress is being made. You looked at the wrong place on github, try:


We have seen those repos.  There isn't anything there that is at all analogous to our proposal in the Cosmos whitepaper.

Oh and I notice you guys still use the phrase 'Internet of Blockchains' in some of your communication, a phrase adopted by BlockNet a long time ago.

It's a completely descriptive phrase.  We're happy to be building the internet of blockchains, whether or not we're the first.  There will be many others that follow us as well.

- Jae
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 01, 2017, 01:45:17 AM
I think ICO moved to April 5th! Great, that'll give me some time to raise some real funds.

It's April 6th, 2016.  Check out this link:,100,1796236,2643743&h=8&date=2017-4-6&sln=6-7
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 01, 2017, 01:43:08 AM
yea i am interested also. how active is your slack?

Slack is by far the most active.  We've been growing that Slack community for 2 years.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: April 01, 2017, 01:40:24 AM
Does polkadot achieves the same thing?

Cosmos and Polkadot have different designs and different focus.  The Cosmos Hub is about token interoperability between sovereign chains.  We're solving a specific problem.  Polkadot is designed to create a scalable network under the same security pool (e.g. validator set), but it also appears to be a more difficult problem to solve.

Ideally, we work on both solutions and have them interoperate.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: March 28, 2017, 06:48:25 AM
By the way, are the funds raised in the "fundraiser" considered investments/shares or as a "donation"?

The funds are never to be considered as investments or shares in equity.  They are, for the purposes of the Interchain Foundation (Swiss Foundation), a donation.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: March 28, 2017, 06:46:39 AM
How much prefunding have you raised and what was the rate compared to the ICO?

It's all in the post, MellowYellow.

This journey started quite a long time ago, and without the support of some early, irreverent Cosmonauts, we wouldn’t be here today. Thus, the foundation will recommend allocating a corresponding amount of atoms to those funders.

First, we received a commitment for USD $300,000 from lead donors in August 2016. At that time, we didn’t know much about what the Cosmos fundraiser would look like, so we recommended that those early donors be allocated 5% of the total atom supply for their support.

Second, we received a number of contributions from pre-contributors and strategic partners. Those are also people who supported the project substantially earlier and/or are providing crucial support in other areas. We raised a total of USD $1,329,472 from these 13 individuals and entities. We did give discounts between 15% and 25% on these contributions. The total amount of atoms allocated to pre-contributors and strategic partners is 16,856,718.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: March 28, 2017, 04:43:28 AM
Hi everyone, a new announcement is finally here.

Fundraiser date moved to April 6, 6am PDT

Many of you have been asking us for more information and updates. The date we announced for our fundraiser is almost here and everybody wants to inspect the terms and conditions and look under the hood before embarking on this adventure of cosmic proportions.

Well today, we finally answer your calling with several critical updates:

For more information, please visit

We also have good news, so please give it a read.

I know that we haven't been updating BitcoinTalk as much lately.  We will be more active here from hereon out.  Thank you for being patient.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: March 17, 2017, 03:22:17 PM
I think this is a great project and helps mitigate some serious issues with current block chain technology.  I also note that several other upcoming, and existing, projects have mentioned potentially working with you (Aeternity being one, which I also think is a great project).  However, it seems that you are relatively dependent on 3rd parties, one of which being Rootstock.  How would your ability to continue to develop the software be impacted if Rootstock takes significantly longer than expected to be completed?

Thank you.

Hi Mattaero,

We are prepared to develop our own BTC peg solution.  There should be some options for pegging to BTC.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, internet of blockchains on: March 15, 2017, 02:35:12 PM

Cosmos fundraiser date set to March 31st, 2017!
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: March 12, 2017, 07:09:24 AM

We've been busy crossing the t's and dotting the i's with legal.  We have the answers now, and agreements etc are forthcoming.

Early contributors, we will be contacting you shortly.

Meanwhile, there's a bug bounty contest for the fundraiser flow:

New announcements forthcoming early next week.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, internet of blockchains on: January 20, 2017, 05:52:29 PM
We're releasing a preliminary roadmap document soon.  Stay tuned.

Wanted: Someone to manage this community and relay w/ our Slack @ . You will be responsible for being active on our Slack channel and asking questions, to bridge the knowledge gap.

Pay: $30/hr paid in BTC.  You will be required to document your hours worked and send us an invoice.  Mutual at-will consultation, may be terminated at any time.

To apply, please send me an email @ w/ something interesting about Cosmos, internet of blockchains.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: December 01, 2016, 11:50:29 PM
New blog post, BFT: The Most Secure Proof-of-Stake

Bitcoin brought the world’s attention to the blockchain. But alas, the Bitcoin version of blockchain isn’t sufficient for the world’s blockchain needs. That is because Bitcoin’s proof of work (PoW) consensus requires an enormous amounts of energy. In addition, transactions are painstakingly slow, taking an hour or longer to commit. And because PoW miners have little incentive to be loyal to one chain or other, upgrades are difficult to coordinate.

We need an approach to manage blockchains securely that does not impose a huge energy cost on our planet. That approach is Byzantine fault-tolerance (BFT)-based proof-of-stake (PoS). We call it BFT-PoS.

Before I delve into the merits of BFT-PoS, let me first address the concept of Byzantine faults without going into confusing detail about Lamport’s General and his armies.

In a distributed system, where data is replicated across hundreds or thousands of nodes, there needs to be some type of fault-tolerance or consensus algorithm, for the simple fact that computers break down or go offline from time to time. So if a portion of those nodes fail, the system as a whole still needs to reach a consensus.

Standard fault-tolerant consensus algorithms like Raft and Paxos assume that when a node fails, it simply stops working and doesn’t send back a reply. Google, Facebook, and some existing database products already use this family of consensus algorithms within their firewalls to ensure that services remain available despite faulty computers.

But these algorithms aren’t suitable for public blockchains, because there is no firewall in a public blockchain. Anyone with mining power (in PoW) or staking tokens (in PoS) can participate, or even try to sabotage the network. To reach consensus on a public blockchain, we need Byzantine fault-tolerance. In a Byzantine fault, the faulty node can behave in a completely arbitrary manner. Nodes can even collude to try and maximize the damage they cause.

So essentially, the purpose of a BFT consensus algorithm is to establish trust between otherwise unrelated parties over an untrusted network like the Internet.

BFT is nothing new. The concept was first introduced in an academic paper by Lamport, Shostak, and Pease in 1982. But Lamport et al only demonstrated the theoretical feasibility of the algorithm in a synchronous environment, where all the messages always arrive on time.

But in the real world, you can’t really trust the Internet to deliver anything on time. So in 1988, Dwork, Lynch, and Stockmeyer (DLS) proposed an algorithm that works in mostly asynchronous environments. Later in 1999, Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov proposed a practical solution for continuous BFT consensus that was, and still is today, the state-of-the-art in BFT algorithms.

But for a long time, the mainstream press ignored these seminal works. Nobody understood the importance of BFT outside academia and major institutions like IBM and DARPA, until 2009 when Bitcoin came along. Bitcoin was the first open decentralized application to provide BFT consensus on a global currency ledger, but using a completely novel solution to the Byzantine general’s problem: PoW.

In PoW, miners compete, based on who has the most processing power, to validate transactions. And for their efforts they are rewarded with transaction fees and newly minted bitcoins. This is how Bitcoin creates new currency. Bitcoin miners around the globe compete in a lottery-like system for these newly issued bitcoins, and the efficient market makes it so that the cost of the energy used by the global mining network is on the order of the block reward (plus transaction fees). Today, that turns out to be around $1M worth of electricity per day. In addition, Bitcoin mining is being commoditized by large data centers in places of the world where electricity is more affordable, making it difficult for laymen to participate.

PoS, on the other hand, does away with the energy dependence of PoW entirely. In PoS, miners are replaced with “validators” who have a stake in the system. Validators don’t have to invest in expensive processing systems but they do have to purchase “staking tokens.” Any normal laptop will suffice to solve the algorithm.

Peercoin, BitShares, Nxt, and others already use some form of PoS, and Ethereum is planning a move to PoS in the near future. Yet, while PoS makes practical sense, many people have rallied against the use of PoS, claiming it is impossible to secure. But that is simply not true. Using BFT, you absolutely can secure PoS. It’s just that we haven’t seen any BFT-PoS public blockchains yet.

While the theory may be difficult to explain or understand, the ultimate results provided by proper BFT algorithms are simple to grasp. Unlike PoW blockchains, BFT-PoS blockchains do not fork (i.e. get double-spend attacked) at all unless ⅓ or more validators coordinate such an attack. And, when 1/3 or more validators do cause a double-spend attack, we can computationally determine which validators were responsible for the attack, destroy their staking tokens and eject them from the network. It’s as if the staking tokens are virtualized PoW miners that blow up when used to attack the system. No other blockchain consensus algorithm, including PoW, can provide the level of collateralization that is possible with BFT-PoS.

BFT-PoS performs extremely well. Today, in global public blockchain with a few hundred validators, you can get transaction finality on the order of 3 seconds, easily – no need to wait for additional block confirmations! The theory has proven to us that these are optimal fault-tolerance thresholds for “instant-finality” blockchains. While more validators does slow down consensus, if Nielsen’s law continues to hold, we’ll even be able to support an exponentially increasing number of validators every year with the same performance.

In addition, BFT-PoS will also increase the security of mobile wallets. Few of the mobile wallets in existence today take full advantage of the security offered by Bitcoin, for the simple fact that nobody is willing to wait an hour for a transaction to clear. Instead, most wallets just assume that the person sending the money isn’t trying to double spend it. And, though we don’t have time to dive into it here, efficient mobile wallet protocols, or “light client SPV” protocols are the key to future blockchain interoperability.

While PoW worked well for Bitcoin, it’s costly, slow, and environmentally unfriendly. The best alternative out there right now is BFT-PoS. It’s an enduring, energy efficient solution that works well in asynchronous environments. And best of all, because BFT was developed by the best and the brightest in the computer science industry, it’s provably secure. You can’t do any better than that.

19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] CØSMOS, network of blockchains on: December 01, 2016, 11:47:58 PM
actually ,if post information of your team,maybe higher authoritative

Jae (me) and Ethan from the Tendermint team, are two directors involved in the Cosmos Network Foundation.  There are others involved with Cosmos as well.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][COS] COSMOS, network of blockchains on: December 01, 2016, 11:46:01 PM
everyone need 50,000USD to attent pre-sale, it is too much

Sorry about that, it's just too much work to handle pre-fundraiser agreements manually.  We'll open up the fundraiser to everyone though.
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