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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: miniZv2.3c Equihash144,5 125,4 210,9 150,5 192,7 Beam ProgPoW Ethash CFX KLS PYI on: March 20, 2024, 01:24:06 PM

After update to v2.3c report hrate it is broke, mest up

************ miniZ v2.3c ************
Number of miniZ CUDA>=[.] using driver CUDA[12.40] devices found: 1
Driver: 551.52
Algo: [Equihash192,7] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[X]
server[] port[2192] ssl[no] var[auto]
Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[30] delay[30]
Optimisation: ocX[0]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO   ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
#0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Kernels: 06[ * ] 11[ * ] 19[oc0] 20[ * ] 21[ * ] 48[ * ]
miniZ<Equihash192,7>[19:0:00.0:11247]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060

[ 0d 0h10m30s] 0>RTX 3060[0006]  100% [55 C/64%]*19.39 I/s  19.39( 19.45)Sol/s 127(127.0)W clk=1680MHz mclk=8200MHz Sol/W=0.153 (95.5%) (4.5%)


************ miniZ v2.2c ************
Number of miniZ CUDA>=[.] using driver CUDA[12.40] devices found: 1
Driver: 551.52
Algo: EQ[192,7] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[X]
server[] port[2192] ssl[no] pers[auto]
Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[30] delay[30]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO   ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
#0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Kernels: 06[ * ] 11[ * ] 19[oc0] 20[ * ] 21[ * ] 48[ * ]
miniZ<192,7>[19:0:00.0:11247]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060
[ 0d 0h10m30s] 0>RTX 3060[19]  100% [55 C/64%]*18.50 I/s 37.23(37.04)Sol/s 127(127.0)W clk=1747MHz mclk=8200MHz Sol/W=0.292 (95.0%) (5.0%)

aka instead report a ~37 Sol/s it report ~19 Sol/s, command line it same for bouth, nothing change

.\miniZ.exe --pass c=X,zap=YEC/ZCL/ZER --par=192,7 --pers=auto --cuda-devices=0 --coolui --list-modes --show-mode --telemetry=0 --server-share --log --log-period 30 --log-delay 30
timeout /t 5
goto loop

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.29: Partial RX 3060 Unlocker - 35 mh/s+ on Ethash in Linux with Riser on: June 09, 2021, 08:25:24 PM
We have seen recently more than +20Mhs with the Zombie Mode with a nice OC... That is getting more than a 1060 6Gb  Roll Eyes

a 1060 6GB can def do better than 20 MH/s.

True! My 1060 6GB run with 22,8mh - 23,5mh at the moment and on zil they run with 25mh.

if you have samsung memory try this tuning in your MSI Afb or what ever you use:

68 Power Limit, +158 GPU Clock, +720 Vram Clock you will get ~24,124 mh

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: NBMiner v37.5, GPU Miner for ETH, CFX, RVN, GRIN, BEAM, AE, ERGO, ZIL on: June 09, 2021, 08:10:11 PM

- OS:       Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601: SP 1), 6.1.7601
- CPU:      Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz
- RAM:     10261 MB / 12248 MB
- VMEM:   27605 MB / 30678 MB
- ALGO:   kawpow
- URL:    stratum+tcp://
- *| 0|  1|  61| 3072M| 9| NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
- Device 0 started, Free mem = 2910 MB.
- Light cache built, 1.87 s.
- CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2)
- Building DAG for EPOCH 238 on Device 0 ...
- Device 0 exception, exit ...
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mining program unexpected exit.
- Code: 1, Reason: Unknown error
- Restart miner after 10 secs ...
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok - Device 0 started, Free mem = 2910 MB. let make math EPOCH 238 = 2859 MB soo 2910 MB - 2859 MB = 51 MB Free so i ask agen how it is "out of memory"  ?!

thx for try but math it is math aka 1 + 1 = 2
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: NBMiner v37.5, GPU Miner for ETH, CFX, RVN, GRIN, BEAM, AE, ERGO, ZIL on: June 09, 2021, 05:58:00 PM
Hello o7
- NBMiner - Crypto GPU Miner 37.6
Try to mine ETC:

- OS:       Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601: SP 1), 6.1.7601
- CPU:      Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz
- RAM:     10261 MB / 12248 MB
- VMEM:   27605 MB / 30678 MB
- CU_DRV: 11.3, 466.63
- ALGO:   etchash
- URL:    stratum+tcp://
- *| 0|  1|  61| 3072M| 9| NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mining program unexpected exit.
- Code: -1073741676, Reason: Process crashed
- Restart miner after 10 secs ...
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrach my head do not get it !??!

Try to mine Raven

- OS:       Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601: SP 1), 6.1.7601
- CPU:      Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz
- RAM:     10261 MB / 12248 MB
- VMEM:   27605 MB / 30678 MB
- ALGO:   kawpow
- URL:    stratum+tcp://
- *| 0|  1|  61| 3072M| 9| NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
- Device 0 started, Free mem = 2910 MB.
- Light cache built, 1.87 s.
- CUDA Error: out of memory (err_no=2)
- Building DAG for EPOCH 238 on Device 0 ...
- Device 0 exception, exit ...
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mining program unexpected exit.
- Code: 1, Reason: Unknown error
- Restart miner after 10 secs ...
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- EPOCH 238 = 2.859 GB - 3.072 GB = 213 MB - 104 MB (Used by default by idiot SO) = 109 Mb free so how it can be "out of memory" ?!?!

Simple math: 3072 - 104 Mb (default used by SO) = 2968 Free so i ask agen how it can be "out of memory" ?!?!

p.s. i know it is 104 MB used coz i look on GPU-Z info ... same GPU what i try to use is secondary one what it is complete free for mining
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.28a: AMD & Nvidia Miner for Ethash, Beam, Grin, Ae and more on: May 11, 2021, 01:56:21 PM
Hello o7

OS:Windows 10 Pro
Miner: 1.28

Number of OpenCL supported GPUs: 2
Cuda driver detected.
Number of Cuda supported GPUs: 2
Device 0:
    Name:    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
    Address: 1:0
    Vendor:  NVIDIA Corporation
    Drivers: Cuda, OpenCL
    Memory:  3072 MByte
    Active:  false (OpenCL init failure: Memory object allocation failure)
the other one (device 1) it is irelevant because i select the Device 0 what it is free and dedicate only to mining
All devices deselected or failed compatiblity check. Closing lolMiner

The issue is Miner it FAIL to run 192.7 Algo aka it fail mine ZLC when that it suppose to require max 2600 VRAM for frack sake ....
Command what i used: lolMiner.exe --devices 0 --coin AUTO192_7 --pool !POOL! --user !WALLET! --pass c=BTG,mc=VDL/YEC/ZCL,ID=Bx60
I mine yesterday with MiniZ (app) on same condition perfectly ... so i see miner it have multiple issue aka ETC fail to run on Win 10 aka "GPU 0: error when allocating memory or building DAG. Disabling card."

Same issue it have gminer to ... it fail to run on win 10 pro when it suppose to run perfectly soo i don't know what it is going on but for sure it is a issue, probabil nobody it will care to fix but still i rise a hand and point ...

prof Windows 10 Pro it have inaff Vram to run 192.7 Algo

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 06, 2021, 03:25:06 PM

My level of frustration explode to infinite loop error coz i hate illogical situation
SO: Windows 7 miner work
SO: Windows 10 miner fail alocate dang
GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB it is a secondary on completely free, unplug from any monitor
So i really do not get it WHY ?!?!

p.s. for ppls who will want to say 3G Vram gpu can't be use on RVN or ETC here proff they can be use ... but only on linux or on win 7 ... only on windows 10 miner it fail to generate dang

It works on Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC version.

hmm i have windows 10 Pro probabil it wil be same on win 10 home or normal edition soo gminer it have a issue with that system

It will work in either LTSC version which is stripped down a bit, or Server editions.. but not normal win 10. Trust me, try it..

yup i know and i see Win 10 pro, normal, that's i make post to ... it not working and for that my frustration lvl it explode coz i not see any logical reason why not, basic mathematics (elementary one) it show everything it is fine but nop result it is other  Angry Angry Angry
conclusion or gminer it have a memory leak some were on normal win 10 or win 10 it have something extra what screw up miner when it try to run ...
atm i give up and i am stuck on a old windows 7 till i will get bored but still a illogical thing it is annoying as frack
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 06, 2021, 09:37:06 AM

My level of frustration explode to infinite loop error coz i hate illogical situation
SO: Windows 7 miner work
SO: Windows 10 miner fail alocate dang
GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB it is a secondary on completely free, unplug from any monitor
So i really do not get it WHY ?!?!

p.s. for ppls who will want to say 3G Vram gpu can't be use on RVN or ETC here proff they can be use ... but only on linux or on win 7 ... only on windows 10 miner it fail to generate dang

It works on Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC version.

hmm i have windows 10 Pro probabil it wil be same on win 10 home or normal edition soo gminer it have a issue with that system
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 05, 2021, 09:13:42 PM

My level of frustration explode to infinite loop error coz i hate illogical situation
SO: Windows 7 miner work
SO: Windows 10 miner fail alocate dang
GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB it is a secondary on completely free, unplug from any monitor
So i really do not get it WHY ?!?!

p.s. for ppls who will want to say 3G Vram gpu can't be use on RVN or ETC here proff they can be use ... but only on linux or on win 7 ... only on windows 10 miner it fail to generate dang

9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: PhoenixMiner 5.5c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux) on: May 03, 2021, 01:22:03 PM
Hello o7

I am trying to mine some ETC Classic but something it is bad with DAG generator aka:

GPU1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 3 GB VRAM, 9 CUs
GPU1: Allocating DAG (2.66) GB; good for epoch up to #213
CUDA error in : out of memory (2)
GPU1: CUDA memory: 3.00 GB total, 2.43 GB free
GPU1 initMiner error: out of memory
Fatal error detected. Restarting.

Ok acording to GPU-Z gpu what i want to use for mining it have in use 151 MB ok, now let's do some simple math 3000 MB - 151 MB = 2849 MB free, soo IF DAG it require 2.66 then i will do agen math 2849 - 2660 = 189 MB Free!!! so my question is how program it not have inaff free GPU memory ?! i am scraching my head trying to not get in infinite loop error Smiley

p.s. gpu what i try to use is secondary for windows /own need i have other one ... same i was test nanominer it working, gminer and lolminer same issue fail on DAG allocation with is strange ...
p.s. from logs made by nanominer = 2021-May-03 05:10:47: GPU0: 2711 MB DAG generated in 8.26 seconds
ETC actual DAG size = 2648

If you have onboard vga then swith then try again. or use hiveos.
Looks like you are using windows right? If so windows uses alot memory when you connect monitor. also you can add -eres 0 to not allocate 2 epoch dag.

I have 2 GPU:
3. Windows 10 Pro 20H2
4. For tuning i use Msi AF GTX 1060 3GB = Power Limit 68-70, Core Clock: 150, Memory Clock: 500
5. GPU from CPU it is completly disable i not need
6. 12 G Ram - Swap = 16384 - 20480
7. I use -gpus 1 command in bat file aka it chose only 1060 one
8. I mine in this condition in past ETH (when dag was lower), BTG (work perfectly) and other varios coin
9. Command used: PhoenixMiner.exe -gpus 1 -rvram -1 -eres 0 -coin etc -pool pollname -wal wallet.worker
GPU.Z Vram

Simple math: 3000 - 150 (windows 10 cut crap) = 2850 FREE - 2660 (DAG required) = 190 FREE Vram

When i mine i make 650 Default / Main gpu for use (changing main monitor ...) for browsing, watching movie, reading news it is perfect ... soo 1060 it is completly free and dedicate only to mining purpuse
I am doing this for fun, i know it is not optimal or geting great result but heh if i can do it why not.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 03, 2021, 01:19:47 PM
Hello o7
I am trying to mine some ETC Clasic but miner fail to generate DAG say:

06:19:22 Started Mining on GPU0: GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB [0000:01:00.0]
06:19:24 Error on GPU0: out of memory
06:19:24 Stopped Mining on GPU0
06:19:26 Miner terminated, watchdog will restart process after 10 seconds

Acording => ETC actual DAG size = 2648 so a simple math means this 3000 - 2648 = 352 Mb free, GPU-Z it say 151 mb it is use by default even with that there suppose to be inaff VRAM to be use.
p.s. GPU what i use for this is a secondary one, for main usage i have other one ...


Do you have primary GPU for example aka integreted from CPU?
Else there should be this error bcs of memory allocated for the first GPU...

I have 2 GPU:
3. Windows 10 Pro 20H2
4. For tuning i use Msi AF GTX 1060 3GB = Power Limit 68-70, Core Clock: 150, Memory Clock: 500
5. GPU from CPU it is completly disable i not need
6. 12 G Ram - Swap = 16384 - 20480
7. I use --devices 0 command in bat file aka it chose only 1060 one

When i mine i make 650 Default / Main gpu for use (changing main monitor ...) for browsing, watching movie, reading news it is perfect ... soo 1060 it is completly free and dedicate only to mining purpuse
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 03, 2021, 02:24:55 AM
Hello o7
I am trying to mine some ETC Clasic but miner fail to generate DAG say:

06:19:22 Started Mining on GPU0: GIGABYTE NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB [0000:01:00.0]
06:19:24 Error on GPU0: out of memory
06:19:24 Stopped Mining on GPU0
06:19:26 Miner terminated, watchdog will restart process after 10 seconds

Acording => ETC actual DAG size = 2648 so a simple math means this 3000 - 2648 = 352 Mb free, GPU-Z it say 151 mb it is use by default even with that there suppose to be inaff VRAM to be use.
p.s. GPU what i use for this is a secondary one, for main usage i have other one ...

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: PhoenixMiner 5.5c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux) on: May 03, 2021, 01:59:41 AM
Hello o7

I am trying to mine some ETC Classic but something it is bad with DAG generator aka:

GPU1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 3 GB VRAM, 9 CUs
GPU1: Allocating DAG (2.66) GB; good for epoch up to #213
CUDA error in : out of memory (2)
GPU1: CUDA memory: 3.00 GB total, 2.43 GB free
GPU1 initMiner error: out of memory
Fatal error detected. Restarting.

Ok acording to GPU-Z gpu what i want to use for mining it have in use 151 MB ok, now let's do some simple math 3000 MB - 151 MB = 2849 MB free, soo IF DAG it require 2.66 then i will do agen math 2849 - 2660 = 189 MB Free!!! so my question is how program it not have inaff free GPU memory ?! i am scraching my head trying to not get in infinite loop error Smiley

p.s. gpu what i try to use is secondary for windows /own need i have other one ... same i was test nanominer it working, gminer and lolminer same issue fail on DAG allocation with is strange ...
p.s. from logs made by nanominer = 2021-May-03 05:10:47: GPU0: 2711 MB DAG generated in 8.26 seconds
ETC actual DAG size = 2648

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.26: AMD & Nvidia Miner for Ethash, Beam, Grin, Ae and more on: May 02, 2021, 06:34:16 PM
hello Lolliedieb
wave to all o7

Small question: miner it support to mine Zen aka Horizen coin ? if yes what it will be value to use on ALGO and PERSONALIZATION section ?
I was try to mine on and noo success

thx in advance

ZEN it can be mined by some GPU, but is really focused on ASIC, like the coin Piratechain and Komodo

Soo in translation Zen it can't be mine anymore by 1k GPU series ?! bummer so i was a idiot i stop 2 year agow /o\, that means i better hold amount what i have coz it will my be rise in price
p.s. now i am laffing hard when i remeber dev (ZEN) they say on beginning they want to be friendly on gpu algorithm and now they become ASIC oriented Smiley
thx for clarification
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v2.54 Ethash/KAWPOW/Equihash/CuckooCycle on: May 01, 2021, 01:28:18 AM
hello Zminer777
wave to all o7

Small question: miner it support to mine Zen aka Horizen coin ? if yes what it will be value to use on --algo section ?
I was try to mine on and noo success

thx in advance
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner 1.26: AMD & Nvidia Miner for Ethash, Beam, Grin, Ae and more on: May 01, 2021, 01:19:38 AM
hello Lolliedieb
wave to all o7

Small question: miner it support to mine Zen aka Horizen coin ? if yes what it will be value to use on ALGO and PERSONALIZATION section ?
I was try to mine on and noo success

thx in advance
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner on: July 05, 2018, 10:10:15 PM
so conclusion new test version it fix using device correctly (cuda 9.1) ....

Glad you found out solution, after all it was bug in device selection code.

well merit it need go to @EWBF_ coz it came with this test version Smiley is fine
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner on: July 05, 2018, 09:25:48 PM
Hello! check this out:!uhQR0IRa!jZ_tdULPoUf3ib4O6-1BoQ this is a special version, basically the same v0.3, but with a modified device launch system. Please note that if you do not have a problem with starting up devices, do not use this version!

@EWBF_ hmm after i take this new test version miner it start running what it make me think in other version when it use --cuda_devices 0 & there are 2,3 gpu in reality miner it was not deselect other one coz check this:

--cuda_devices 1 (2 GPU) - v0.3 normal version

|         EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner. v0.3         |
23:55:57 INFO: Current pool:
23:55:57 INFO: Selected pools: 1
23:55:57 INFO: Algorithm: 144_5 "BgoldPoW"
23:55:57 INFO: Devices: User defined.
23:55:57 INFO: Temperature limit: 90
23:55:57 INFO: Api: Disabled
23:55:57 INFO: Target: 00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0...
23:55:57 INFO: Detected new work: 62f
23:55:58 CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB Not selected.
23:55:58 ERROR: out of memory

--cuda_devices 0 (2 GPU) - v0.3 normal version
|         EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner. v0.3         |
20:15:04 INFO: Current pool:
20:15:04 INFO: Selected pools: 1
20:15:04 INFO: Algorithm: 144_5 "BgoldPoW"
20:15:04 INFO: Devices: User defined.
20:15:04 INFO: Temperature limit: 90
20:15:04 INFO: Api: Disabled
20:15:04 INFO: Target: 00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0...
20:15:04 INFO: Detected new work: 5b7
20:15:04 CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB i:64
20:15:04 ERROR: out of memory

--cuda_devices 0 (2 GPU) - new test version functional one
|         EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner. v0.3         |
00:11:37 INFO: Current pool:
00:11:37 INFO: Selected pools: 1
00:11:37 INFO: Algorithm: 144_5 "BgoldPoW"
00:11:37 INFO: Devices: User defined.
00:11:37 INFO: Temperature limit: 90
00:11:37 INFO: Api: Disabled
00:11:38 INFO: Target: 00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0...
00:11:38 INFO: Detected new work: 636
00:11:38 Device detection:
00:11:38 CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB i:64
00:11:38 CUDA: Device: 1 GeForce GTX 650 Not selected.
00:11:38 Running device threads:
00:11:38 CUDA: Device: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB 0000:01:00.0 started...

Power Limit: 74%, Core Clock: +164, Memory: +500 (Samsung Vram)
00:20:46 Temp: GPU0: 63C
00:20:46 GPU0: 24 Sol/s
00:20:46 Total speed: 24 Sol/s
00:20:46 -----------+--------------+
| GPU | Power usage |  Efficiency  |
|  0  |     82W     |  0.29 Sol/W  |

so conclusion new test version it fix using device correctly (cuda 9.1) ....
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner on: July 05, 2018, 04:54:33 PM

GPU 1: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 650 2GB (2048 MB) = used for my own necessitate, browsing, working, sometime gaming
With this setting i was play game on 650 & mine on 1060 ETH, Neoscript, old Equihash with out problem only now i can't use your miner because it say from start "ERROR: out of memory" with is something wrong

Bolded is your problem, 3GB cards are new required minimum. Your only option is to start miner only on GPU0 (3GB one), look few post above how to do that (in your case use parameter --cuda_devices 0 for GPU0).

gsanjin if you was read i say GP0 is use only for mining aka always in any mining application i enable only GP0 aka in EWBF case i have "--cuda_devices 0" used, so what you was say is not issue, thx anyway

@Overdrive5 you to was not read all what i write 650 GPU = "used for my own necessitate, browsing, working, sometime gaming" is NOT use for mining ... only 1060 read full post what done on previos page aka here
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner on: July 05, 2018, 04:05:44 PM

Hello @EWBF_

GPU 0: Gigabyte Windforce 2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (3072 MB)
- GPU is together with other video card what i use for my own purpose
OS: Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1
Video Driver: 397.31

INFO: Algorithm: 144_5
CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB i:64
ERROR: out of memory

GPU-Z Report it is 103 Mb ram use so to a simple math 3072 - 103 = 2969 MB there are left
According to

- Quote: Equihash-BTG: "<144,5> parameters require a minimum of 700 MB to run and use about 2.5 GB to run efficiently"
So 2,5G or 2,9G 1060 with 3G Vram it suppose to work but according to EWBF it is not have inaff memory with is ?!?!?!  Huh

This can be the size of virtual memory, check your paging file.

Hello EWBF_
Real Ram: 8g
GPU 0: Gigabyte Windforce 2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (3072 MB) = Full Dedicate to Mining OR Gaming, obvious not make bouth in same time
GPU 1: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 650 2GB (2048 MB) = used for my own necessitate, browsing, working, sometime gaming
Virtual Memory / Page: 12228 min default with max 16384 that is more that inaff for 2 video card & 8 g real ram, i was increase much more, for testing reason, not mater same thing ...
min 12228 max 18432 = ERROR: out of memory = not page is issue
min 12228 max 20480 = ERROR: out of memory = not page is issue
OS: Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1
Video Driver: 397.31

With this setting i was play game on 650 & mine on 1060 ETH, Neoscript, old Equihash with out problem only now i can't use your miner because it say from start "ERROR: out of memory" with is something wrong

|         EWBF's Eqihash CUDA miner. v0.3         |
20:15:04 INFO: Current pool:
20:15:04 INFO: Selected pools: 1
20:15:04 INFO: Algorithm: 144_5 "BgoldPoW"
20:15:04 INFO: Devices: User defined.
20:15:04 INFO: Temperature limit: 90
20:15:04 INFO: Api: Disabled
20:15:04 INFO: Target: 00f0f0f0f0f0f0f0...
20:15:04 INFO: Detected new work: 5b7
20:15:04 CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB i:64
20:15:04 ERROR: out of memory

miner --cuda_devices 0 --algo 144_5 --pers BgoldPoW --pec --server --port 8866 --user xxx --pass x
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's Cuda Equihash Miner on: July 04, 2018, 02:55:29 PM
Hello @EWBF_

GPU 0: Gigabyte Windforce 2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (3072 MB)
- GPU is together with other video card what i use for my own purpose
OS: Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1
Video Driver: 397.31

INFO: Algorithm: 144_5
CUDA: Device: 0 GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB i:64
ERROR: out of memory

GPU-Z Report it is 103 Mb ram use so to a simple math 3072 - 103 = 2969 MB there are left
According to

- Quote: Equihash-BTG: "<144,5> parameters require a minimum of 700 MB to run and use about 2.5 GB to run efficiently"
So 2,5G or 2,9G 1060 with 3G Vram it suppose to work but according to EWBF it is not have inaff memory with is ?!?!?!  Huh

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