It's been a while, but bump!
Untold has done a great job for the Bitcointalk Project COVID-19 ANN design and one of our design team member. Thanks buddy for your creative involvement. Thanks Royse!
How much you charge for a logo design, how many sample you provide.
Hi Shmoopa, Thanks for your message. I've just sent you a PM with my pricing. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thanks and take care, -Untold
Thanks for the awesome new signature. Professional service, high-quality design and easy to work with. Recommended.
No problem mate, thanks for the opportunity and review!
Excellent portfolio. Still you are providing these service not active on the ann thread for a several days.
Apologies, I have been on holiday but am back now!
I could use some help writing blog articles for our fitness website. Anyone have experience with this?
Hi Hootie, While I'm certainly not the most knowledgable in the fitness market, I would be happy to take a look at your website to see if it's something that would suit my skill set? Please feel free to shoot me a PM with a link and I'll take a look. Thanks! -Untold
Would love to talk! Best, Borja
Untold, I sent you telegram but it's either not reaching you or something is going on! My Telegram ID is: @borjesm Best! Have sent you a message.
Can you design landing page
Hi Skyslope, I certainly can! I can provide both design and front end development for a landing page. Please feel free to get in touch with me on Telegram at forward to hearing from you. Thanks, -Untold
Untold I am keen, will PM you right now. Awesome designs btw!
Thanks Ivan, I will await your PM. Feel free to message me on Telegram if easier ( Take care, -Untold
Still looking for a competent web developer to assist.
Hey all, Haven't updated in a while, so heres a few of the projects I've worked on. If you want to make your project really stand out, get in contact with me ( Thread Designs One Pager 
Hey all, Haven't updated in a while, so heres a few of the projects I've worked on. If you want to make your project really stand out, get in contact with me ( Thread Designs One Pager 
Haven't found someone yet, if you are or know someone who fits this description, please send them my way!
Hey guys! Looking for a great web developer to assist with some freelance web design projects when they come up. Basically just need someone who can take a design from Sketch and implement it, generally prefer using Bootstrap4 etc, as my current dev is taking a step back from web work. Looking for those who are good communicators (primarily English speaking) and responsive on Telegram. If this sounds like something that interests you, please shoot me a PM, or contact me on Telegram ( with your portfolio or example projects that you have completed and we can discuss further! Thanks and take care, -Untold
No flashy images or fancy formatting.
Hi actmyname, I think what you are doing is a great initiative to reduce spam on the forums, and I completely understand not using imagery in your thread. If you do ever decide that you would like to include imagery or create a designed thread for your services, please feel free to reach out, as I would be glad to assist in whatever way I can to help increase the visibility of your services (free of course). Thanks and best of luck! -Untold
what if you get an order of apps and websites simultaneously, is it not overhelmed?  Hi Pukul, Thanks for the question. I manage expectations and timelines with the client, this is very important if I get busy. Under promise, over deliver, that's my motto! Take care, -Untold
Thanks mate, but this was discussed with the client.
Also, if you read my thread, it mentions that stock images and templates may be used under certain circumstances, such as short deadlines, or low cost jobs.
Thanks and take care,
Very interesting project because this project explains why we should choose this project, what should we do all explained in the project, so I think it is a good project and will be successful.
Are you an asshole or you are simply acting like one? This is not an ICO; but a designer's promotion thread; who does kind of an okay job with tall claims.  If possible to keep this kind of language out of my thread, that would be appreciated. Thanks and take care, -Untold