What are the plans to add liquidity for the pair WBNB / LQF ?
Where were you yesterday with your announcement? As soon as the token went up you came running over here to sell us your tokens at a higher price. Go to hell, I hope no one buys your fake.
Thank you who commented here for the overwhelming support. It truly means a lot to me. What started as a seed to build a radically decentralized community is gradually taking on its rudimentary shape and thriving.
Several things I hope to touch upon:
(1) The intent and priority are in the dissemination of ideas and the message about how the current crypto decentralized movement is apparently hijacked and filled with VC-backed nepotism and the centralized elites pulling strings through centralized token listing websites and exchanges. If anyone of us digs into the early days of this forum and read Satoshi's posts, we will see how far we have pivoted from the early vision of decentralization set out by the man and quickly becoming another centralized cesspool with pump & dumps, Ponzi schemes, and backdoor dealing making that will as I said before, put traditional equity market to shame. As for the token price, that's not much of a concern for me, and I hope the same for the community. Dogemusk will grow with us here, sharing the idea and message that decentralization Web 3.0 should be about true decentralization with code and software run themselves as protocols, not with a centralized human team manually updating and adding token information and decide the fate of thousands of projects.
(2) To fully embrace the radical decentralization, I will give away the token deployment wallet's private key to a member (a group of members) from the community selected by you guys in the Telegram group. The directions you selectively take will be solely up to the community decision. I wish you can think for the long-term common good for the community and our ideology to embrace full decentralization and build applications with that in mind. I will contribute whenever you need me.
(3) I personally think a website is not necessary with a centralized server. Most of the one-pager websites are boring anyways. Having dialogues here, in the original fertilizing ground of the decentralization movement, and sharing the ideas on Twitter and other social media channels as a community with many voices will be more proper and true to the sense of decentralization.
The journey just got started, and I think we are onto an experiment that's true to the cause since bitcoin's inception in 2009. This time, we, as the Dogemusk community, will hopefully raise some key questions and lead the way to reclaim the decentralized future that we all hold dearly and usher decentralization to a more healthy space away from the danger of being devoured by the centralized few.
Token value generation should not be based on temporary whales and news pump but based on continuous sharing and growth of a community with a solid philosophical backbone, along with decentralized, well-executed applications as its armor.
God, I can't believe my eyes. I just read my thoughts in this text. I will continue to uncover the mysteries in Twitter that have been revealed to me with experience. Thank you!
If you're watching and reading this, you're on the right way. On the road to truth. Truth to an honest and transparent blockchain. You feel something, you suspect something, you even guess that something is wrong, but you cannot explain it to yourself. Explain that there is a whole industry that makes money from ordinary enthusiasts who want to make this world a better place. You're trying to buy something faster than others like you, but you don't realize that you've already lost in this fight. You will be allowed to be first once or twice, but only to keep you going while you still have something. In the end you will walk away with nothing. There's a lot going on on the other side of how to make money on you. These people are communicating with each other, making arrangements with each other. Everyone is involved there, relatives, friends, investment funds, Influencers, CEX, СMC, CG. You can't list them all. What happened between Dogelon&CMC already happened many times, it is a proven scheme. But this time the scales were overflowing, it was the last straw for @SatoshiMycomoto. He created #Dogemusk to draw our attention, to wake us up. I'm not suggesting you buy anything. I am offering you a choice. https://twitter.com/nerozyf/status/1386819909544562694?s=20
Good luck, guys. There are so few real people who do anything useful. You are one of them!
Fuk telegram. It's a trash heap. Use Discord
Fuk telegram. It's a trash heap. Use Discord
How can you comment on this? 1. total sup 2.1B 5% = 105M Uni Liq = 1 050 000 where is the rest of the liquidity?
2. Add 1,050,000 IFEX And 20 USDT Liquidity ToUniswap Remove 412,499 IFEX And 28 USDT Liquidity FromUniswap why did you remove your liquidity?
it all looks like you don't have the money to start a big project. But if you have no money, then how are you going to keep the project up and running, all these servers, user support and the like?
All right, tell us more about debit cards. Verification is required? what are the withdrawal limits? what are the withdrawal percentages?
Ivanov Thompson CEO - Market - North America
hey guys what is this movie you made? Did you hire actors and rent the building? This is not serious, this is complete shit and looks like a fake.
Looking at your site OUR TEAM Ivanov Thompson CEO - Market - North America
Really? Ivanov Thompson - First Name Last Name Fuk. Ivanov is a Russian surname, it cannot be a first name.
And this is not a SCAM?
So long, I hope you don't get a cent
I agree with what is said above & Fuk telegram. It's a trash heap.
updated the wallet, mining three days the flight is normal, payments come from the pool can be safely updated
Total Payments: 0 Total Miners Paid: -1 Minimum Payment Threshold: 0.000 WCC Denomination Unit: 0.000 WCC Do you have a TX screenshot or tx link in Explorer?
public.explorerwcode.org not working as it should. it is also a node. Wallet is not updated. Payments from the pool, I still do not see.
it can't be like that, everything worked for me yesterday and the more so the developers reported that they solved the problems That's what the pool says Total Payments: 0 Total Miners Paid: -1 Minimum Payment Threshold: 0.000 WCC Denomination Unit: 0.000 WCC
public.explorerwcode.org not working as it should. it is also a node. Wallet is not updated. Payments from the pool, I still do not see.
10 minutes before the program no explorer no pool the coins that were mined are gone. how do you believe after that? Sorry, our sale is over, see you next time 
The Beyondcoin roadmap is now available! You can get it via pdf at https://beyondcoin.io/roadmap.pdf (I'll soon put it on the Beyondcoin website so you don't have to download a pdf). I'll try to revive the topic. Excellent roadmap. Can you tell more about some of the points? For example “payment gateway”. What's it? How does it work?
No, I still don't have access to the pool Yes it is very similar to a problem with servers. The pictures in the first message were gone, too. Ok, will wait for the servers to return
If I have 1 BTBZ, Can I participate in POS mining?
minimum coins to start staking is 1000 BTBZ Last POW block: 300 Block reward: 1 Only 300 coins are available to all. Where to get this 1000 coins and take part in POS mining? we will allocate 250,000 BTBZ for sale during the presale phase , join our discord for more info https://discord.gg/97Mmk2WThank! I do not buy a presale, because this is not the way of distributing coins that was originally laid in bitcoin. I accuse you of deliberately creating a situation in which we need to buy coins from you, otherwise we will not be able to participate in the distribution of coins from the very beginning. In other words, you need to sell at least some coins to pay for the work of programmers and start doing the next project.
If I have 1 BTBZ, Can I participate in POS mining?
minimum coins to start staking is 1000 BTBZ Last POW block: 300 Block reward: 1 Only 300 coins are available to all. Where to get this 1000 coins and take part in POS mining?
If I have 1 BTBZ, Can I participate in POS mining?