Gora! Ezin naiz momentu hontan euskeraz hitz egiten duen bakarra foro guztian; non sartu zarete besteak? Berandu bda ere, badugu telegram kanal non kripotxanponei buruz solasten dugun t.me/bitcoineuskaraz
Simple and well explained
It's difficult so say. In my opinion alt-market is still a bear market.
Do your own research.
This is my opinion, look at github or other code platforms, see if the development is active or if it's a copy of other projects. Look at the web site, see if it has good quality or if it is a bad modified copy.
Why do they hate some much this project? They just want fast moneys and we need patience. If you don't like it, look, there is the door.
I invested time ago and I don't regret.
Gracias por el link,, muy interesante. igua me animo a montar un nodo
A DASH developer has joined the SUB1X premium club/portal! This is only the beginning though, as we have announcements planned for membership of 12 more major core developers in the MasterNode space! Check our official Twitter for more info... https://twitter.com/SUB_1X_/status/1060544508918722560what does this mean? They are going to collaborate on this project?
Team active? I don't think so. Nobody talks on Telegram channel, code has not been updated since may and every new month we have a new announcement here.
Can you give me more information?
If you ask me, this is the best MN coin out there, we just need to wait for the next bull run.
Can you explain to us why?
It's a good thing to see that this project is alive and moving forward.
Somebody made an url shortener, with a Nimq mining element involved. The general idea is that you shorten an URL via the application at: https://shortnim.ml/The person clicking the link will be directed to a shortnim page that loads the Nimiq miner and mines a number of shares before continuing. These shares are attributed to the person that created the link. More specifically, the shares are shares in a Nimiq mining pool, resulting in NIM payouts in the end. As creater of the shortlink, you can specify the nimiq address that receives (in the end) the NIMs mined and the url to shorten. If you want to give it a try: https://shortnim.ml/r#k1z2xI guess it won't be useful in practice because the time needed to mine a single share is too long for people to accept this delay. But is crafted fairly well. If you use it for a link that people find helpful/valuable (like a link to the latest Nimiq Community update on Medium.com), it could work ok. Actually this is a good idea. Nice project.
If you are a web developer, I suppose that you are good with JavaScript, so check this one: https://nimiq.com/
Can someone link an easy guide to set up the miner for linux? Thanks a lot I have followed this one: https://sushipool.com/#!/get-started
I have been reading and doing research about this project, and I have just a couple of questions.
Taking into account that the project seems really good with innovative features and that has been alive since many years ago, why is not more popular? what has happen? Should be on the TOP 20-30.
There is something in the history of this project that I have missed?
there is any exchange where I can buy Nimiq?
so good that someone talks about their love of DeepOnion publicly. We need more of these. yeah really refreshing. we are really working hard for good reviews on youtube. soon all the hardwork will pay off. Yes, nice video. We need more like this one.