What tutorial? To scam people with shitcoins?
2017 masternode flashback + 2024 AI bullshit. 
Open window for what? To jump into?
Correct. Jump at a good opportunity. When this sale closes there will be no other sale until the ICO, where the price will start from 0.05. DwellCoin does this to try to finish completing its team and move us to the "ULP" A computer park where large companies such as "Mercado Libre SA" operate since geographically we reside in the same place. So you want to sell this promises for 1k dollars total? Without even website, whitepaper etc? 
Open window for what? To jump into?
Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain respectful and keep it Pyrin related.
If you don't trust us or you don't like what we're building, just move on.
Lets not fire the Karlsen vs Pyrin attitude, we wish Karlsen all the best. We focus on our own project.
I don't know, you better say it for fanboys of your coin, that blame Karlsen every single time.
Looks like bitcointalk have lost a lot of active members, just 12 pages for such an unique gem in more than two years.
@Children of Gaia @mega22
it hurts to read so much frustration and hatred in your texts. What's your problem, guys? A new announcement about an android wallet is coming out, which clearly proves that the developers are active and not just doing a cheap copy-paste thing like karlsen. but you keep spreading your garbage here.
Don't you guys have a real life? do you need to be busy here? If people are listening to you, they've heard your message, they know your point of view. now end this or get out!
Get a life, stop answering on every single comments here. And stop blaming others of your copy-paste fails and incompetence. 
Yes we have premine 0.2% of the total offer to supply a dev found... in my opinion it is more than reasonable
I just noticed, there was no info about that in topic. For me it's okay unless you don't deny it.
272k blocks already mined. With 1 sec block time that means 75 hours of mining or 3 days.
Got muted in discord for no reason, only said that mainnet-dnsseed doesn't work. JFYI.
You are two of the most toxic imbeciles I have ever seen in my entire life, time spent replying to you is a great waste. Keep taking refuge in your shitty and sinking karlsen garbage. You will never succeed and you will remain two imbeciles. The more you behave like this the more people will continue to realize that pyrin is indeed the right investment. Keep it up you pieces of shit.
Unlike you I never posted in Karlsen topic, retarded moron.  Obviously urine shitcoin is a right investment if you want to lose all your money, that's for sure. 
Yurine devs are bold-face liers. They copied the kaspa code and just did are just a search replace. So yeh they didn't fork  They are so close to kaspa that it was possible to mine yurine using kaspa code on ASICS. Smart investors will stay away from this fraud. If you want to get banned on their discord just asked about the ASICS, and if devs also mined using ASICS That looks so damn pathetic, the only reason of yrine shitcoin existing is to blame someone for things they are doing themselves.  The only arguments is like "hey, our copied wallet is better than your copied wallet, just compare".
Is this a channel for grown-ups? Then stop whining all day like a baby who's been robbed of candy and go outside and get some sunshine. You're dumb enough to post on Pyrin Bitcointalk all day.
I see you are an adult but sounds and act like a two year old. I am sorry about that! I suggest copy-pasting in the morning, noon and evening to calm down. CTRL+C CTRL+V CTRL+C CTRL+V Come on, repeat that. I see that yrine devs and fanboys know much about this process. 
He/she is probably talking about near dead discord and tg channel, calling it "growing community". 
They can't even set up block reward reduction properly. Nuff said. 
Very interesting and promising project. Wait for pump after election. 
just check your wallet. kaspa wallet, just color changed. like everything else. all said.
Better focus on paying xeggex listing fee for your yrincoin. 
Very ugly clone of a clone. Glad I sold my few thousands of yrin that I mined with CPU at 0.11$. Now watch how this ridiculousness going to zero where it belongs.
i smell desperate karlsen community. stay in your premined copy paste corner. I mined karlsen too, yes. As far as I know karlsen team started their network first, so it forced you to start your main network before you wanted and prepared to with major bugs without any miner except CPU what caused few chain rollback, isn't it? In this case I wouldn't say karlsen is copy pasted compare to your yrin shitcoin, I would say the opposite. Not that I was a big fan of karlsen, but it is what it is.
Very ugly clone of a clone. Glad I sold my few thousands of yrin that I mined with CPU at 0.11$. Now watch how this ridiculousness going to zero where it belongs.
How long were you mining with CPU and which? What was hashrate when you started up until you finished? Why did you stop? About two-three days with single 5800x3D. Don't remember exact numbers, it was like 170 KH/s, but you should was running few miner windows at the same time to load CPU properly. I stopped because someone started mining with GPU while only CPU miner was released. I didn't want to waste GPU power to such a shitcoin like yrin, so I decided to leave and sell as fast as I can.