Race : Human Class : Treasure Hunter CP : 300K and climbing
Will update this post as level/CP climbs. Account is linked to a Google account which will be handed over to buyer.
Asking price : USD$180 (I am ok with using escrow but would need some guidance as I have not used it before in my previous exchanges on BCT)
Been mining Burst while waiting for any new PoC alt. Doesn't make sense that there is only ONE PoC. (Not SIA nor Filecoin included)
Yeah I downloaded this new wallet and still cant sync at all.  0 active connections to Mooncoin network. Anyone else able to suggest anything? this sounds really odd. i've deleted my peers.dat (from %appdata%\roaming\mooncoin) as a test and fired the client up. within seconds it has established a connection to let me know if you still run into issues. Thanks everyone, it's all good now. Glad to see the community getting more active in Moon.
Yeah I downloaded this new wallet and still cant sync at all.  0 active connections to Mooncoin network. Anyone else able to suggest anything?
I was pretty late in the game. Bought my first full bitcoin when it was a little over $900.
USD$40. Read about BTC from a news article about irresponsible consumption of electrical power. Go figure!
It will be hard, but I do hope that it will garner more support.
Thanks to whoever sent me the 3 coins. All good now.
Quick question re mining. I read above there are 1.7 billion coins in circulation but hard cap at hard cap at 2.1 billion.
Is it worth me getting into mining? How many coins per block currently and how long is it expected to take to get to the 2.1 billion cap?
I was toying with the idea of re-purposing some altcoins towards an 80tb mining rig. Will hardcap be reached and it be redundant by the time it's even finished writing all the plots?
It should reach cap at around Sep 2023 I believe. Did some calculations some time back.
Hi Guys, I was fiddling around over the weekend and set up a monero mining pool using some guides on the public domain. It runs off a VM on google cloud and I intend to keep it running long term while slowly learning how to tweak/enhance it. If you are free and can help me stress test it out, it will be very appreciated. http://www.sg-pool.comRegards. Derek Edit : Registered a domain name for it.  but I saw one miner in your pool, with the power 1kh/s That's my own PC w/2x GPUs back from the BTC/LTC good ol' days. I powered it on and pointed it to the pool. But it seems like it will take some time before I can find a block or more people join in the fun.
Hi Guys, Just for the sake of trying it out, I set up a Monero mining pool using tools from the community and I am glad to say that everything is up and running. The only thing is that being new, I need help to get some miners to help stress test it a bit. If you are keen on semi-solo mining, please lend me your hashes @ www.sg-pool.comI'm not IT trained and it took me a while to get things up to this state and I don't wanna break anything for now. It took me a while to figure out how to register a domain name and the DNS work that goes along with it.  Would love to have more miners join in and see if we can find a block so that I can see what happens next with payments and such. Regards. Derek PS. Feel free to let me know what's a good next step.
Hi Guys, I was fiddling around over the weekend and set up a monero mining pool using some guides on the public domain. It runs off a VM on google cloud and I intend to keep it running long term while slowly learning how to tweak/enhance it. If you are free and can help me stress test it out, it will be very appreciated. http://www.sg-pool.comRegards. Derek Edit : Registered a domain name for it. 
Hi Everyone, Back after a 4 year hiatus from BTC. I see the Singapore section still not growing much.  Hope everything is smooth sailing for everyone! Regards. Derek
The last time we had these kind of buying frenzy in China... 'Nuff said.
ATM i will be there sia... Can't wait to have the feeling of inserting fiat into the ATM as if we are copulating and having it eject BTC in an orgasmic fury!!!
to anyone who is not a Writer just bump this thread out of the kindness in your hearts for animals until a writer is found.
I could help out as well being a dog lover myself. Writing's an on and off passion for me so do PM me for references to sites where I have my writing done if you're interested to sign me up. Regards. Derek
There are regular meet ups here in Singapore which attract quite a large and varied audience/participants. These are normally organised through Meetup.com, failing that you can speak to David at Coin Republic who is active in that space
Yups, I do keep some tabs on the going-ons in Singapore but I'm focusing more on the person-on-the-street. The tech savvy young adults who are so immersed in the ratrace, the teens who are busy chasing skirts or studying hard to participate in the abovementioned ratrace and the older folk fretting about their children and worrying about their University education. My aim is public awareness, to make people know "Bitcoin" and start conversations going and hopefully from there, the avalanche of adoption and use. It's like introducing a new artiste to the masses. Good or bad, we all know a popular artiste just from the face or the name. If the Bitcoin logo(s) is/are easily recognized by the common man, the goal is achieved. Regards. Derek
My Background
My name is Derek and I am not ashamed to admit that I am borderline obsessed with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. I’ve gotten into cryptocurrencies after an article in 2013 that wrote about Bitcoin miners consuming more than USD$150K in electrical costs daily to keep the network operating. I can say that, in my opinion, Bitcoin is an invention that will carry all of us to a new digital age in finance.
I have just turned 39 in January 2014 and I live in Singapore, a city state where the costs of living is one of the highest in Asia, somewhat akin to Hong Kong. A very popular tagline in the 80s was that Singapore’s only natural resource was the people.
Doubtless to say, for someone who learned about Bitcoin, the pull factor was the increasing value of the USD/BTC rate and the fact that anyone could mint Bitcoins. It’s not surprising that the cost of energy in Singapore is also one of the highest in the world (almost SGD$0.28 per kw/h after tax), nonetheless I still went ahead to try my hand at Bitcoin mining just to see if I could leverage on Bitcoin to improve my lifestyle/quality of life.
Mining started with purchasing consumer components locally which consisted of AMD 7970 GPUs which got me started pretty quick and I placed orders for Black Arrow’s FPGA Lancelot modules as well as USB Block Erupters which by end of August 2013 I was running a pretty presentable farm of about 15 GHs. I was also in batch 1 of KNCminer’s Jupiter units and received it in mid-October 2013. It took me a couple of weeks to gather enough friends to collectively venture into the Jupiter purchase and I am very glad that everyone walked away with a healthy profit. All in all, it was a fun hobby getting involved in mining, and making new friends on the forums. It was also profitable I admit, but that was pretty much good luck as the USD/BTC rate shot up in the later part of 2013. Without that spike, I would still be pretty much in the red.
But I digress…
Singapore is a modern society and the percentage of technological/internet penetration in this city state is the 5th in Asia, even higher than Hong Kong surprisingly. Singapore’s GDP per person is the world’s highest at more than $60K in a Forbes report released in September 2013. In May 2013, there were 157K millionaires that resided in Singapore, making it the 10th ranked city in the world of with the most number of millionaires.
With Singaporeans open mindset of adopting stable technology and coupled with the financial prowess of the people, it will not be difficult to have Bitcoin penetrate here to drive adoption and increase the visibility in this part of the world. It also helps a lot that Singapore is akin to a trade hub in the region with many local and international banks situated onsite.
Thus I have taken up an increasing interest in promoting Bitcoin in Singapore and this thread will be somewhat like a diary to track and map the activities that I’ll be embarking on to put the word “Bitcoin” into the regular Singaporean lives.
I have a few ideas that I’m toying with to help make the term Bitcoin get noticed locally. I’ll update the thread here as time goes by.
I’ve also engaged a semi-professional photographer to help shoot some pictures of life in Singapore for those who are interested to know more about us here. I hope he can also help document in photos on my endeavors.
Recently, I’ve also taken part in an interview with a local reporter on Bitcoin mining and I hope that will be printed to aid in messaging to the masses.
~Until the next update.
Hello guys! Welcome to Singapore section. 
Experienced miner here in Singapore willing to test and eval for the community.