#PROOF OF REGISTRATION Forum Username: Forum Profile Link: Telegram Username: Participated Campaigns: Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address:
Proof of Authentication: Bitcointalk Username: aleandromagno ERC20 Wallet: 0x4331c47410F7493b7DC82eAfc4395aCBf46EF103 Campaign : Signature
We will update signature soon, pls wait.
 Welcome to Dronair Bounty Thread! I'm jack8989, Dronair Bounty Manager.
This campaign will run for 1 month Stakes you will get from the campaign will allow you to receive DAIR tokens at the end of the campaign. You will receive 667.000.000 DAIR =100k$ , based on your number of stakes.
Bounty Campaign structure: Part 1: Twitter Campaign : 15% of bounty Part 2: Content Creation: 20% of bounty Part 3: Video Campaign: 20% of bounty Part 4: Telegram Campaign: 15% of bounty Part 5: BitcoinTalk Translation Campaign: 10% of bounty Part 6: BitcoinTalk Signature Campaign: 20% of bounty
General Rules ● Bounty Campaign : 15 December- 19 January, lasts for 35 days. ● Tokens will be distributed to participants personal cabinet within 1 month after the end of the IEO. ● Daily stakes! You can do tasks every day! We allowed you to make 1 report for 3 days! ● For performing certain actions you will get stakes, after the end of the bounty campaign, the stakes will be converted into tokens, according to formula (total number of tokens/total number of stakes)*number of your stakes. ● Using multi-accounts, spam, bots and so on are strictly prohibited, all attempted users will be banned. If these terms will not be met, you will not get the stakes. ● ALL WORKS WILL BE REPORTED AS A NEW POST TO THE BOUNTY THREAD. DO NOT QUOTE YOUR OLD REPORT! ● We reserve the right to adjust the conditions of the bounty campaign during the period of IEO. ● You must be subscribed on Telegram chats: https://t.me/DronairProject, https://t.me/dronaircommunity, https://t.me/DronairBounty. ● If you have any complaints - fill this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuvKDape673XIK9fCknrfbuTMtg9lTfbaaw7vcPP1dpCM2aA/viewform● You need to follow us on all our social media, see above. ● Whenever you are ready submit your Proof of Authentication by replying to this thread, see below format / sample: Proof of Authentication: Bitcointalk Username: ERC20 Wallet: Campaign :
Reward:1000-1500 follow- 2 stake/week. 1500-2500 follow - 4 stake/week. 2500-5000 follow- 8 stake/week. More than 5000 follow- 12 stake/week.Twitter Campaign Rules:- Subscribe to the Dronair Twitter
- You must have at least 100 subscribers
- You need to make 5 retweets (and 5 likes per week.)
- No more than 2 retweets each day.
- Make 3 tweets per week about Dronair. It must link to dronair.io (NO OTHER LINK) , contain related hashtag(s).
- Twitter audit should be more than 85% of real subscribers, most of them have to be people interested in cryptocurrency. https://www.twitteraudit.com/
The membership form to post on this thread: You can publish the form and then modify it, no manual verification will be done, you have to provide all the links. Twitter Week #: Retweet 1: Retweet 2: Retweet 3:
Reward: Excellent Quality: 50 stakes High Quality: 25 stakes Good Quality: 10 stakes Normal Quality: 5 stakes Low Quality: 1 stakes/week Content Campaign Rules:- Low-quality Content will not be accepted;
- Your content must be original, we don't accept plagiarism especially copying other people's work or websites.
- The Content should exceed 500 Characters, less than 500 Characters will not be accepted.
- A Maximum of 2 submissions per person will be accepted, each submission not be accepted.
- You can use our logo or image on the content that your post.
- All content must have at least one website link and / Whitepaper, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and our Linkedin.
- One link of your own Bitcointalk Profile and ETH Address,Telegram User Name, BitCointalk user name in the bottom of your article or in the comments to prove it is original content.
- Content :Post a positive about "Dronair"
Reward: Excellent Quality: 50 stakes/video High Quality: 25 stakes/video Good Quality: 10 stakes/video Normal Quality: 5 stakes/video Low Quality: 1 stakes/videoYoutube Campaign Rules:- Low-quality videos will not be accepted. We will only pay for interesting videos, so try to come up with an interesting topic. We will not accept videos where you just read aloud the text from our landing page.
- All languages are accepted
- Your video must be at least 3 minutes long;
- You must mention Digital Gold by name at least 3 times;
- Add our hashtags and links to our website, White Paper, social media channels or Medium.
Reward: Join Telegram Group : 1 stake/week Wear our Avatar: 5 stakes/week Add “| Dronair Best Operating For Cargo Robotics Industry” to your telegram name - 5 stakes/week Posting messages about Dronair other Telegram groups (minimum 1,000 members): 5 stake/post Posting messages about Dronair in your Telegram group (minimum 1,000 members): 5 stake/post Avatar: Telegram Campaign Rules:- Stay in the Telegram group until the bounty is over.
- If you add “ | Dronair Best Operating For Cargo Robotics Industry ” to your Telegram username, no other project names in your username are allowed.
- Actively participate in discussions on Dronair telegram group until the end of the campaign. Inactive users can get 50% less payrate or can be simply disqualified.
- You need to make at least five comments a week. Ask a question about the Droinair, comment on some aspects of the project or talk about other relevant things.
- Comments such as "hi", "good project", "very good" and similar will not be counted.
- You can promote Droinair in other Telegram groups, but they need to be made in a constructive way, not in a way that might be considered spamming. Deleted messages won’t be counted.
Week Number: ____ Your Number on the Spreadsheet: ________ Bitcointalk Profile Link: ________
Posts: 1 – (dd/mm): _____ 2 – (dd/mm): _____ 3 – (dd/mm): _____ 4 – (dd/mm): _____ 5 – (dd/mm): _____
Reward: Bitcointalk Dronair ANN Thread: 10 stakes + 1 stake per new valid post about the project Whitepaper: 100 stakes Website: 25 stakes Other documents: 5 stakesTranslation Campaign Rules:- Participants are required to keep the local thread alive by posting and translating regular updates, news or any important announcements. A single post thread will be rejected.
- A maximum of 1 post per day is allowed.
- Automatic (Google or similar) translations or translations with low quality will be rejected. You need to have a portfolio to participate in this campaign.
- Unnecessary or repeated posts shall be rejected for stake counting.
- Quality is the main requirement for success participation in this campaign. If you fail to deliver the high quality of the translation - your reward/stakes/work can be reduced or rejected.
- A translator must necessarily translate each required part of translation campaign.
- After the confirmation, you will have to complete the translation in 7 days.
- You must be active during the bounty campaign.
- Required Languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, China, German, Korea,.....
- If you are selected - bounty manager will send you all information via Telegram PM
 Weekly Rewards:- Jr/Copper Members : 0.5 stakes per week
- Members : 1 stakes per week
- Full members : 1.5 stakes per week (+0.5 if avatar is worn)
- Senior members : 2,5 stakes per week (+0.5 if avatar is worn)
- Hero/Legendary members : 3.5 stakes per week (+0.5 if avatar is worn)
Signature Campaign Rules :- Participants have to be at least Member to wear a signature.
- Multiple accounts are not allowed and will result in banning you from our campaign.
- Minimum 7 constructive posts per week . Week is considered: Monday 00:01 to Sunday 23:59 CET
- 7 constructive posts per week in different threads (preferrably in Altcoin subforum) per week.
- More than half of the posts should be in English.
- Posts made in this thread do not count
- If your forum rank change during the campaign, you must contact jack8989 via PM Or CHAT Telegram Bounty.
- If you leave campaign before it is ended, you loose your stakes.
- I will check signatures several times during the week and will disqualify cheaters.
Signature codes: Update Soon! Pool Airdrops 100.000.000 DAIR = 15k$ Reward: Join Telegram Group : 10 stake Join Telegram Channel : 10 stake Follow Twitter : 10 stake Follow Medium : 10 stake
Limit : Just 1500 participants
There is one thing I have realized from my experience with KYC for bounties. Almost all the projects I have provided my personal information to them failed to even get listed on exchanges and the project dies off. Surprisingly, those that didn't require KYC paid me and the project is truly developing. My point is, am beginning to think those project requesting hunters to go through KYC are just in for their information to trade and do not have any intentions to develop their crypto project so let's be vigilant about whom we carelessly give our details to, for some peanuts...May God bless our hustle
I think you are unlucky to just participate in bad projects. I have also participated in a number of projects that they want us to provide KYC like TGN, OATH, ... but they are still very successful at keeping prices good. You should analyze it more carefully before participating in certain projects to minimize risks.
It will soon increase to $ 120 to reward the Litecoin miners. halving events have happened but there are not many changes, but it is only a phenomenon in the short term. In the long term, its price will increase very strongly when bulls run.
Currently investors are still paying more attention to the BTC and alts will have fewer buyers. That's why the price of ETH has not increased sharply in the past. But don't worry too much, Bitcoin will soon cool down and the era of ETH will come soon. We will see a green lasting for weeks in the coming months.
DEEX currently has very low liquidity and it seems to be a dead exchange. Will the team make a new marketing campaign to attract more traders? And I also have suggestions, we should change the interface to make it easier to see and shorten the unnecessary zeros.
A great idea and a talented team, but unfortunately, why did you choose IEO on a lesser known exchange? It is definitely a bad idea. I think you should open selling public token and make some money to IEO on better exchange like Exmarket, Coineal, Okex, ...
this is just for fun? means that this mining will be stopped at any time? With such high risks, how can you attract many mining people? dead project!
I will definitely not use the government currency. because it's no different than using fiat money with credit cards. What I like about cryptocurrency is security and speed. I don't like the government interfering with my income and spending every day.
At the beginning, VBK I couldn't buy it and was very sad because I really liked bittrex The price of VBK drops below the price of IEO and bittrex announces the new IEO as Oceans I still believe in bittrex because it is a big floor. This time I bought OCEANs and believe that bittrex will give the price of oceans a strong boost to regain its inherent honor. Life is not like a dream , I bought 0.73 btc and cut to 0.15 btc . I officially quit playing IEO and returned to the traditional trade coin , Do you have any money strategy? Please share with me. There must be failure to succeed. You look at me and draw new lessons. SAY BYE IEO and BITTREX . Bittrex did not really bring investors confidence. The price of tokens listed on Bittrex is now greatly reduced and it is very bad. Want to invest in IEO successfully, I think we should only trust in Huobi and Binance. Besides, hold BNB and HT are also very safe because their prices are not highly volatile.
I'm really impressed with the interface of the exchanges, it's quite new and I'm really excited. The volume is not high, but we can improve with marketing. But I want to comment on one more thing, we should combine the stoploss function. It is the most important function for many traders. Hopefully exchange will be updated soon stoploss function so that I can deposit bitcoin and trade try there.
No, I do not agree. Many people use Bitcoin only in crypto market. Today, there are still many people using fiat money and even people in big cities still don't know what cryptocurrency is. To become the main currency, I think Bitcoin and the top alts need to have certain price stability.
United States regulator the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is in talks with Facebook about its upcoming stablecoin launch, the Financial Times (FT) reported on June 2.
Citing chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo, the publication revealed that Facebook is attempting to smooth out the regulatory landscape ahead of the asset, currently dubbed GlobalCoin, allegedly going live next year.
currently they are under a lot of pressure from parliament. There is a news that Facebook may have to pay a fee of up to $ 5 billion and must accept some of the parliamentary information security conditions. It seems that Libra is experiencing many disadvantages during this period. I suspect they will terminate this project.
A very informative AMA. Nick really answered few very good questions. Auctions stands at 90% done. so very soon first auction is going to take place. i m thinking of september as first auction launch. also they are very safe with funds etc. as they good to go with finance beyond 2022. Its best time to buy at these prices as once back to back auction starts then price will also keep appreciating. Nick also admitted that the price does not reflect the Real Value of the token. and with Marubeni, things will only go Better here. Great future and Price appreciation. True Hodlers will reap maximum Rewards. means that WRP is being traded lower than its real value? Does he say he will have a program to use revenue to buy back and burn token? I am a genuine footer and I quite like this type of event. It really reduces supply and increases the value of the coin a lot in a short time
"Again, the house never wins because there is no house and you can't lose. If the dealer never wins, then where is the money to grow the business? When you divide the winners' money and losers in the "jackpots" flexibly, this really doesn't bring in revenue for the business.
With my personal opinion, NYC is really going in the wrong direction when choosing to cooperate with Yobit exchange. It is one of exchange scam which is operating quite large and has received many negative feedback about traders there. Supportters always don't help those who are stuck with money and always find ways to cheat money from traders. Stay away from Yobit's telegram channel, all a fraud system. I have a sincere advice for the NYC project, you should choose a better exchange with cheaper costs like Exmarket, VinDax, DOBI, P2PB2B. These are prestigious exchanges and help investors feel more secure.