what another pre-mine and dump project... on day 2, 5M Unifyroom coins were dumped and the price slammed.
I should make a pre-mine coin and do the same! Seems to occur ALLLLL the time. Amazing how people never learn and buy everything.
Well looks like this coin is for the bin. Xeggex just announced it is being removed please withdraw. Don't think there is any exchange for it now. The Explorer is down more than it is up so not much you can do with the coin.
Blockchain stuck at 43237? Plenty of nodes just not moving ATM.
Mining on Murkapool. c-=ltfn but wallet not switching from btc. please fix. ltfn1qx5wk63vxv0pknfuqt9extgjz20s3chqs5jlarg
It would be useful to have another exchange. One that doesn't require KYC would be helpful.
It has been several days with sufficient qty of GPBS for payout. Still no payout. Mined and all were blocks.
It has been several days with sufficient qty of GPBS for payout. Still no payout. Mined and all were blocks.
Well that was quick. Now says processing.
It has been several days with sufficient qty of GPBS for payout. Still no payout. Mined and all were blocks.
Well that was quick. Now says processing. Went back to payout in 3+ hours. Beginning to get tired of this.
It has been several days with sufficient qty of GPBS for payout. Still no payout. Mined and all were blocks.
Well that was quick. Now says processing. Went back to payout in 3+ hours. Beginning to get tired of this. Got two pay-outs with most of the coins. Guess the rest may become a donation if they are not paid. Balance is now below minimum payout threshold. [moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
Now 4673 blocks behind on qt v3.0.0.0 No Sync & log no help. Need a node that works. Current nodes drop out without sending any data. Saying wallet normal is fine, how about some working nodes.
Thanks, thought that may be what happened.
No one here to monitor? Wallet still stuck. v3 .0.0.0
Carteira não sincronizada
Wallet lost sync. Now 904 blocks out of sync. Running V3.0.0.0: Beta Problems?
Interesting, I have also updated win10 & still unable to get past 'loading & silhouette of building' page.
Uninstall the wallet after copying or writing down the seed. Reinstall the wallet restoring with the seed. Just wait for a next round of windows update if the wallet doesn't start at the point. not only that , he has also remove files from registor... Thanks. I'll give another try. Not too worried about the wallet as it is currently empty. Will try to clear all AMS in my C & D drives and download for a fresh install.
wallet 5, stuck in block 77125 ( already a day, 6 connections to the network What can be done ?
What files do I need to transfer to another computer when reinstalling the wallet?
It's not a lot to download. Just restore the wallet and sync from the scratch. I see that Solaris has a new wallet update which makes it easier for recovering staked coins so I just wonder if Kees is working on a AMS wallet update which has the same feature. My wallet seems to be staking well and I hope that it continues to do so when the next windows update comes along.
The wallet started normally and staking fine after another Windows update. This time I copied the AmsCoinNode folder and will try to use it if the wallet won't start after another Windows update. Yes I just had another windows update a few days ago and the wallet is working perfectly so I was thinking that it might of been that windows update from 2 months ago that messed up the AMS wallet but so far last month and this months updates have not messed up the wallet from loading, touch wood. I have also done what you did just in case it happens again. Interesting, I have also updated win10 & still unable to get past 'loading & silhouette of building' page.
Interesting, there is no AmsterdamCoinNode folder in the clean install. Did a full pc search & there is no such folder.
I just had a windows update yesterday and so I thought that I would try once again and open the AMS wallet and guess what it is now loading again and I was able to log in and start staking again. I don't know if it is windows that's the problem but I was trying for weeks and nothing but now the wallet loads again.
Did you reinstall the wallet after the update and restart of system or was there installation already? I found my working installation didn't start after an update and a restart. Tried delete everything and restart then reinstallaton, but it didn't work. I found there is AmsterdamCoin folder but the AmsterdamCoinNode folder was not installed in Roaming folder. Deleted everything and did a fresh install. Same result, doesn't get past the loading page.
I just had a windows update yesterday and so I thought that I would try once again and open the AMS wallet and guess what it is now loading again and I was able to log in and start staking again. I don't know if it is windows that's the problem but I was trying for weeks and nothing but now the wallet loads again.
Tried to open same result. Stuck on opening page. Deleted all for a fresh install same thing. So no AMS at the present time. Too lazy to look any further for a solution.
I starting using this release in February. It says it's a pre-release. version v0.18.1.0rc1 (64-bit). "This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications". Assume it is now a full tested release. Do I need to reload the qt?
The rc1 release of the 0.18 branch will work fine, but if you want to get rid of the warning I would recommend updating to the released version: https://github.com/myriadteam/myriadcoin/releases/tag/v0.18.1.0Thanks
I starting using this release in February. It says it's a pre-release. version v0.18.1.0rc1 (64-bit). "This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications". Assume it is now a full tested release. Do I need to reload the qt?
There is no 'node txt or debug log as the program never loads far enough to create a log. Appears to go to a single src or image after timing out.
Could you please open a cmd.exe and run: "C:\Program Files\AmsterdamCoin\resources\daemon\Stratis.AmsterdamCoinD.exe" Then please post the output here. I am unable to reproduce the situation so I am dependent on the people to provide me with some information. keesdewit, no logs. I confirm lukax8@HP:~/.amsterdamcoinnode/amsterdamcoin/AmsterdamCoinMain/logs$ ls -a . ..
I have most of the program on my D drive and the logs & blob-storage on the C drive in roaming. The logs are empty. The Daemon starts and closes with no output. Appears as though the opening screen is caught in a loop from the start.
There is no 'node txt or debug log as the program never loads far enough to create a log. Appears to go to a single src or image after timing out.
I have tried 2 or 3 clean installs and all the same. Wallet doesn't load. Using latest win10 and have no problems with other wallets. Suggest from the readings here and on Discord there is a bug in the startup. Tried running as Administrator with the same result stuck on the loading screen. Seems to unpack ok and allows for selection of where to store data etc, but no cli file and the gui doesn't work.