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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: March 21, 2020, 07:01:49 PM
This is to announce my resignation from the DevCoin Project. The primary reason for this decision is because of my strong and vocal disagreement in the handling of the recent STEEM fork and my account's power down on both the STEEM and HIVE blockchains. My main focus with the DevCoin Project, of late, has been with #DevSTEEM so my position on the fork would not reflect well on DevCoin.

It has been my pleasure to have worked with you all over the years on such an altruistic project as DevCoin. Do not doubt for a moment that much good has come from it.

Yours truly,

- Nova
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: March 12, 2020, 01:57:04 AM
Watching the Justin Sun/Steemit saga in the past few days has made me wonder if its really the value of devcoins that Justin Sun is trying to badger into to be able to acquire Devcoins.

Links for the noobs?  Thanks.

- Nova

What positive effect would this have on Devcoin?

Sorry. A bad attempt at sarcasm.  Cool

- Nova

How was I being sarcastic? Can you elaborate please? I only wanted to know what, if any positive impact this Justin Tron saga would have for Devcoin.



My reference was to my attempt at sarcasm.  Cool
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: March 08, 2020, 02:48:41 PM
Watching the Justin Sun/Steemit saga in the past few days has made me wonder if its really the value of devcoins that Justin Sun is trying to badger into to be able to acquire Devcoins.

Links for the noobs?  Thanks.

- Nova

What positive effect would this have on Devcoin?

Sorry. A bad attempt at sarcasm.  Cool

- Nova
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: March 08, 2020, 02:45:45 PM
Watching the Justin Sun/Steemit saga in the past few days has made me wonder if its really the value of devcoins that Justin Sun is trying to badger into to be able to acquire Devcoins.

Links for the noobs?  Thanks.

- Nova

@Nova: I think they were after a more direct link to the info about "Justin Sun/Steemit saga" rather than a link to steemit itself.

Basically the guy who owns TRON has his eyes on steemit


That was a link to my blog which has re-steemed a number of posts surrounding the saga.

- Nova
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: March 05, 2020, 03:02:43 AM
Watching the Justin Sun/Steemit saga in the past few days has made me wonder if its really the value of devcoins that Justin Sun is trying to badger into to be able to acquire Devcoins.

Links for the noobs?  Thanks.

- Nova
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: February 24, 2020, 12:36:57 AM
I am following the current progress and am hopeful to see what we spent so much time and effort on come back to life in a new and improved way.

Not sure if you have heard that Justin Sun of TRON fame has purchased Steemit Inc., their web portal and stake (21%-ish). This could make things interesting with #DevSTEEM.

Here's a link to his introduction posting:

Glad things have settled down for you, ranlo.

- Nova
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: January 30, 2020, 11:08:54 PM
Hi, DVC admins! I want to start off by apologizing for my absence. Over the past couple years I've gone through major life changes and my health has deteriorated significantly. Mixed with DVC as a whole having been a bit stagnant at the time, I continued what I could but didn't really see much going on regarding my jobs (Inspector Factotum, for example, I had been doing, but there wasn't a lot of writing). I want to say that I appreciate you all keeping the project alive and rebooting what we all spent so much time and effort on in the past!

I'm finally getting to a point where my health is at least normalized (though still fairly bad), but I would be happy to rejoin as an administrator in the future when I'm to a point where I feel my contributions would warrant holding a position.

Thank you all again!

Nice to hear that things are turning around for you, ranlo. Your input will always be welcome when you feel ready.

- Nova
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: January 16, 2020, 03:22:29 AM
Why are not fixing vulnerable problems that bitcoin already fix

Hi unicode.

My understanding is that the Developer Admin position has recently been vacated with the recent resignation of ctya. Perhaps knotwork may be able to address your question being one of the original Devs of the project.

If you could offer some links or more details as to the vulnerabilities it may be helpful in getting an answer to your question.

- Nova
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: December 31, 2019, 02:11:48 AM
Wishing everyone in the DevCoin Community a happy and prosperous 2020!

- Nova
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: November 11, 2019, 02:20:53 AM
i am merge miner

Where is DevTome content now?  Need config infos listed there about block sigs

Can you supply me with the old url, unicode.03C0? Equiped with the url then the original page should be retrievable from the backup server and made available for you.

- Nova

Nova, I can publish the info to our github receiver's wiki You only need to send me links to the pages in the backup server.

- develCuy

Searched for "block sigs" with no results. That's the reason for asking for the original link. Should be easy to get then.

- Nova
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: November 10, 2019, 02:15:44 AM
i am merge miner

Where is DevTome content now?  Need config infos listed there about block sigs

Can you supply me with the old url, unicode.03C0? Equiped with the url then the original page should be retrievable from the backup server and made available for you.

- Nova
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: November 04, 2019, 05:48:36 PM
What is point of all this when you have no trading activity on the exchange and nobody willing to trade it against bitcoin or dollars?What is coin any use for??not so much a crypto coin

It may be interesting to note that in the years of my involvement with crypto only one BTC of my cryptfolio was ever traded for fiat. That was due to being caught in a spike in 2015 when padding a buy order on an exchange. You can call me a HODLer in the true sense of the word.

On the STEEM social media dApp, Condenser, one hears this all the time. The price of STEEM and how STEEM is over because of its price against fiat. There is still this hold over mentality that speculators are the only reason for crypto. They do not see, in STEEM's case, the fastest cheapest transactions on any blockchain out there. They do not see how the DPoS Governance of STEEM has dealt with the scalability issue. They do not see that STEEM is not so much a crypto coin as a utility token. There are games like Wizard of the Coast cards running on the STEEM blockchain that allows cards to be created, owned and traded over the same chain. There will soon be a time when people using STEEM dApps will not even know they are using a blockchain. One such dApp is under development in my hobby lab at

To see a crypto token only through the eyes of a fiat investor is very limiting in my opinion. DevCoin is a very old, secure and, almost, impossible to ursurp  blockchain. You may not see any value in it because of how much the token is presently trading against fiat. This viewpoint is shortsighted in my opinion. Although STEEM is DPoS and DevCoin is PoW, they share many simularities. They both reward content creators and both produce about the same amount of tokens annually. They are complimentary coins in my opinion. You will not be surprised to hear of me seeing great potential value in the DevCoin Blockchain; particularily in regards to the merged mining of #DevSTEEM.

This is not meant as financial advice due to the fact that crypto is a technology to me, more so than a financial vehicle. Like MarkM was told by me way back in the day when he wanted to chip in on a pizza or something with BTC. "It is a great technology, Mark, but it's not money."

In hindsight maybe we were both right.  Cool

- Nova
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: November 01, 2019, 04:35:54 PM
... Novacadian blocked my access to the Devcoin admin forum.

Please get your facts straight before you try to defame me, yet again, with your paranoid BS. Anyway it weren't me.

- Nova
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: October 24, 2019, 07:38:43 PM

Attention DevCoin Administrators

Now that DevTome is behind password protection while still being online acsessable to admins, it is time to think of the move from the online Wiki to the STEEM Blockchain. The first order of business should be the DevCoin related postings like the Human Resources Page, etc,, There are a great number of them from a quick look earlier. New rewards will be worked out for the new tasks of finding content in DevTome and moving it to the STEEM blockchain through postings from our STEEM @devcoin account. All admins are encouraged to join the discussion in the DevCoin Forum to have a voice in those decisions.

As time goes on the hope is to reward DVC for posts using the DevTome community/team/tag in their STEEM postings, yet that is still up the road. Running our own community/tribe node is also an aspiration which would display only DevTome content from the STEEM Blockchaian. The main objective in the near future will be to port Ad Sense acceptable Proof of Brain Admin approved content from DevTome to the STEEM blockchain using appropriate tags.

Any Admin that wishes to be part of the port please make that intention known on the DevCoin Forum. Once our present human resources are fully tapped then we will reach out to the wider community for candidates.


- Nova
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - DevTome on: October 21, 2019, 03:48:20 PM
DevTome Update

There have been some adjustments to the plan moving forward with DevTome as first explained in a recent post on this thread found at :

After reviewing the costs associated with hosting DevTome, bandwidth-wise, it is hard to see the value it is bringing to the project at this time. That is not to mean that the content does not have potential value as we move towards #DevSTEEM. 

The big difference from the original proposal will be that DevTome will be set up behind password protection so that admins can access it to be able to pick and choose what will then be posted on the STEEM blockchain using the tag devtome, thus removing the concern over bandwidth usage. We will also pick only Ad Sense friendly content so that we can eventually run a community/team of our own on the STEEM blockchain and gain a revenue stream from DevTome's content - as was its original unfulfilled goal.

MarkM is putting together a scheme whereby the traffic can be redirected to the STEEM blockchain so that links using DevTome urls will continue to work.

Ongoing contribution to DevTome will happen through the use of the devtome community on the STEEM Blockchain. This will likely include upvotes from our @devcoin account on approved content as well as a possible revenue split on Ad Revenue once we have our own Community STEEM Node operational and displaying banner ads while displaying DevTome content.

We are in the process of getting the content holding site online. It will be given password protection so that Administrators can begin the process of sorting through the DevTome content and begin the port to the STEEM blockchain.

More to follow, hopefully, shortly.

- Nova (DevTome Administrator)
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DVC]DevCoin - Official Thread - Moderated on: October 07, 2019, 02:13:16 PM
Just catching up on a bit of backlog and seen the thread and discussion going on here.

I think the problem was 50 shares was being sent to the last historic share count of devtome where the user had not written any new content. That obviously needed to stop. Perhaps as there was disagreement for these funds to be sent to a user or group with no outline clearly explaining what the funds would be used for maybe burning the devcoins would have been a better option this round? As seems this has caused ctyx to feel the need to leave the dve community, this saddens after all the hard work I have seen ctyx produce recently for dvc.  

This is the second round which has had a moritorium placed on all and any DevTome rewards for the reasons you have stated, FuzzyBear. The DVCs were accumulating for future use in the DevTome Budget. One can only speculate, yet my guess is that without the 50 shares being assigned to DevTome (down from 100 btw) that it would mean more DVCs for ctya's 25+ shares. Just an assumption on my part and with his resignation it is somewhat moot.

- Nova
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Shares provision for Devtome Fund on: October 06, 2019, 01:42:03 PM

Ctya, you have 25.8 shares = 18725795 DVC being paid to you this round (604058 DVC per day)

Thanks for making that clear.

To recap
25.8 shares to me for hosting the two primary sites, hosting multiple full nodes, hosting receiver files, and much more
50 shares to yourself for a project with no activity and an idea that it might be used in the future.

I will ask again:
Can you suspend those 50 shares until you have a proof-of-concept?



Hi ctya,

This reminded me that there is a candidate willing to unburden you of the Bounty Factorum position. Could you please outline the duties the position requires (to aid in the position's budgeting) on the thread found at:


- Nova
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Shares provision for Devtome Fund on: October 04, 2019, 07:05:17 PM

How much in DVC is yet to be determined.

This has the potential to be very beneficial to the DVC project.  It is a good path to rewarding writers.
I understand the need for funding it.
However, I request that these shares are not included in the next round.  I think there are enough funds to get started at some as-yet-undetermined time in the near future.

Additional requests:
 * Prove the process and the budget with the funds acquired during this round.
 * Post on DevTome the wallet address, the process, how to participate, the value per word, and any other information you think will help recruit and retain participants.
 * Resume the round shares to this address after you have demonstrated the process and participants are waiting for funding.



Well let us all get our budgets in order before pointing out others.  It's not like the funds are being misused when sitting in a wallet. Wink

- Nova
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Shares provision for Devtome Fund on: October 04, 2019, 01:40:34 PM
Just to let you all know that the Devtome project is being assigned 50 ongoing shares from round 98. This is similar to DevFund (budget for devcoin source code) on charge of the Development team, and the DevSTEEM fund managed by myself. For Devtome, the funds are on charge of the Devtome team, with the leadership of Novacadian.

The official address of Devtome Fund is: 1FQsjzmQvpETEfsR8CwyoL9HThE56mEry

We keep all these info open for public audit.

Go go Devcoin!

- develCuy

P.S: Ending: ThE-56-mEry was just pure coincidence.

What is this purpose  for this approximately 1.3 Million DVC-per-day fund?

Although there is currently a temporary moratorium on DevTome submissions, the forming consensus on the admin forum seems to be that there will be a DVC per word payment for DevTome submissions. How much in DVC is yet to be determined. There will also need to be a DVC Bounty for some changes to the scripts. At present a word count is being done, yet instead of a proportion of shares as reward a payment in DVC will be made to the appropriate wallet covering the price per word for their submission.

There will need to be a payment in a DVC salary of sorts for DevTome Admins. The general plan that is forming is that along with their normal duties of signing new users up and reviewing content they will also choose content that seems to the caliber of STEEM's Proof of Brain.  That content will then be posted through our @devcoin account on the STEEM blockchain. Using the new Beneficiaries system of STEEM, 10% of the post rewards will be assigned to the @devcoin account to aid in its growth, 10% of the post's rewards will be assigned to the admin who had chosen the content to post and 80% will go to the original DevTome content creator.

Should the DevTome budget end up being larger than needed then perhaps contests, in the style of present STEEM contests, could be arranged to assign surplus DVCs to high quality content creators.

None of this is, yet, etched in stone as the final DevTome budget has not been formalized. develCuy has simply assigned 50 shares (down from 100 if memory serves) in the meantime.

Feedback is welcome on these plans which are yet to be formalized.

- Nova
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: URGENT: File custodian at! on: September 28, 2019, 02:23:19 AM
Who is Booner?

When registering on MarkM's BBS back in the late 80's it asked for an ALIAS. The only alias that came to mind was a nickname given to me as a child. In my pre-school childhood a popular TV program was about the frontiersman named Daniel Boone. Because of my obsession with the show someone had even given me a child's version of Daniel's Coon Tail Hat. The name "Booner" was given me and many in my extended family called me that well into adulthood.

- Nova (a.k.a Booner)
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