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1  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Don't invest your all! on: September 12, 2024, 06:54:19 PM
If not because someone is so desperate to make it quickly, I don't think anybody who understands the risks that trading involves will ever think of borrowing money to trade. Trading is very risky, and even someone who has proper knowledge about it still has no guarantee of making profits on whatever they enter. There is no assurance in trading, and that is why I will never advise anyone to borrow money to trade. Let us be wise and stop following all those people lying on social media about making huge profits from trading.In fact, some will even advise that if you don’t take high risks, you won’t make money. Even if someone wants to take risks, the person needs to be sure and have over 70% certainty that what they are doing will be successful.

Yes, that's right, bro, it's best to avoid trading with money from loans because the risk is too high, when you start from loan proceeds and it's not profitable then it becomes an even greater burden for us, start trading from the smallest capital but the money itself is not from the proceeds. borrowing, then the risk is also less than forcing yourself to lend money to trade which can end up making yourself frustrated because of your own mistakes, no one can guarantee that in trading you will always make a profit, there will definitely be losses too, so take the least risk Even though the profits are small, you will be calmer by trading from your own capital, not from other people's loans.
2  Economy / Economics / Re: Insurance is important on: September 12, 2024, 06:46:20 PM
It must be agreed by everyone because the usefulness of insurance is indeed in a direction that we do not expect where in general it is like a disaster that we cannot avoid so that the importance of insurance cannot be avoided by anyone including the poor in this world. Because health and vehicles are two important things that are always needed and used every day by everyone so it is indeed worthy of having insurance for our relief when we have to spend more money on both of these things.

Yes, that's right, bro, insurance helps us when we have a disaster and something we don't want, insurance is a contribution for unexpected expenses, so that when we experience a disaster we can claim our insurance, that way we are relieved a little by the insurance. , we don't have to look for a loan first when we experience a disaster, whether an illness or a disaster while traveling, this is very important for us because we have to take good care of our health and when that happens we will receive relief through the insurance that we registered previously, in my opinion and for all of us insurance is very important in our lives.
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Which is More Profitable? on: September 12, 2024, 06:38:03 PM
In as much as I am concerned the most profitable way to recoup the investment made in building an apartment is by renting it, it will take you very long before recouping your money but it is more profitable than selling it. Because selling an apartment is like exchange of money and food between a buyer and a seller (food vendor). If the buyer consume the food everything will vanish, and he will have nothing to do with the seller again. But if you put the apartment on rent you will become a rentier and you will make a lot of profit that you will also rebuild another Residencial apartment and have a lot of renters and it will be more profitable. Hire a caretaker and a rent collector to free yourself from stress and tenant's problems.

Agree with your opinion, it is more profitable to rent apartments than to sell them one by one after we have finished building them, that way we can return the proceeds from renting the apartment by building a new apartment and then the proceeds from the new apartment are also the same and we can build another apartment from the proceeds. rent the first apartment, indeed from the proceeds from renting the apartment it is not easy to return the basic capital, but with the proceeds from renting the apartment we turn it over again by building a new apartment and then it will be collected into the main capital we build it, but not in the near future it will take a long time to The initial capital can be returned, that way our money doesn't die at one point, there are several points that we can make money from each month.
4  Economy / Economics / Re: Is labour wealth? on: September 12, 2024, 06:28:19 PM
Those who work hard honestly, they never get bored. They can achieve good success at some point, the only key to success is hard work. As well as luck has some hand but you have to work hard. If you work hard you will definitely get success sometime.

Hard work is the key to success but it must be based on knowledge and intelligent abilities, hard work alone is not enough, there must be a pattern that can make us successful through hard work, hard work coupled with creative ideas will make it easier for us to get to where wealth is. , and we have to prepare various aspects to reach the highest point so that we can direct ourselves, training our patience and mentality is also important so that our hard work so far is not wasted.
5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: The Importance of Having a Trading Mentor on: September 11, 2024, 07:21:23 PM
I don't know how a newbie trader would succeed without a mentor or a guider, A mentor is just like an eyes to a newbie trader who don't have any experience about the market, a mentor is very necessary when it comes to trading, there sometimes that you would stock with bad trade and you don't know what to do at that point, but with a mentor by side it will help guide you with taking a better decisions that will help you navigate your trading journey.

Agree bro, no one can do something without knowledge and those who teach, those who teach are mentors, it is important for us to have a mentor who always accompanies us on our trading journey so that we can see and know things that we don't know yet so that we can carry out trade correctly, not haphazardly, let alone follow along, trading is not as easy as we see and think, trading is very complicated because we cannot guess whether the market price will go up or down, with a mentor we can understand how it works and You can monitor it via the graph, when there are problems in your trading journey, we are not careless in taking a stand because there is a mentor where we can ask questions and learn from mistakes and failures, that's why it is important for us to have a mentor who accompanies us when we are beginners.
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Hope for the best, but expect the worse! on: September 11, 2024, 07:13:15 PM
That is the basic thing to understand here. You should hope for the best but things might not always go that way and so you have to ready to face the bad things too. This should not induce anxiety, which sort of destroys the entire premise., but be prepared for the bad.

Markets can go haywire, but the important thing is to stick to spot trading only so you have asset at hand to spend and break even with patience. Dont for anything other than spot trading however tempting it might look, they are traps.

Everything has its own risks, so before starting, prepare yourself carefully so that when we accept the risk we can find a quick way out so as not to cause excessive anxiety, ups and downs in trading are normal, so we can control our emotions when adversity hits us.

We all hope for the best, but we also have to prepare ourselves for adversity because good things will not always come, there will be times when adversity will also come to us, so prepare carefully so that we can control everything well and carefully.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: What are the problems of wealthy people and what they want on: September 11, 2024, 07:04:55 PM

Wealth comes with various advantages and disadvantages, every wishes to be wealthy. Most time I think about the wealthy ones tired of being rich, is that even possible. Imagine living a !ife, where you no longer have to work for anything you desire as you have all the money you want in this life to purchase them. Sometimes you see kids born into the wealthy homes being tired of their life's styles as they don't get to live a normal live and always way from their parents whom are out making money and not giving them the live they wish to have.

That's right, bro, I agree with your opinion, we see a lot of rich families whose children are unhappy and lack love from their parents, they want their lives to be like ours, which live simply, with lots of free time hanging out with the family and being able to spend time playing together. -Same, we are also the opposite, we also want a life like those who are rich, because whatever they want will come true without having to try first, unlike us who live barely everything we want must try first to achieve our desires. what we want, so the point is we have to continue to be grateful for what we have, if we want to be rich, try hard accompanied by prayer, so that our efforts and prayers are equal, nothing is instant, rich everything requires a long process and goes through many obstacles so that they can reach the point where they want and have been working for all this time.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: New way to fight against inflation the wealth storage on: September 11, 2024, 06:56:07 PM
I don't know where your mind came from, because you have mixed up the principle of storing value especially meme coins, don't put all your holdings in it. Quite a scary perspective if a beginner follows your direction. Don't you have any other choice besides meme coins? Isn't there still bitcoin that has been proven to be able to give you long-term profits if you want to make it a store of value according to the portion you want. Shouldn't we as investors be observant in evaluating every ratio between risk and reward? Sad

That's right bro, we have to be careful in analyzing future charts, don't let us take the wrong steps so that we are trapped in losses due to our own actions, many coins can be profitable in the long term, coin memes will not guarantee the integrity of the capital we save there, many coins which is more convincing of long-term profits so that we can invest our assets in convincing coins.

We can invest the assets we have in various coins which guarantee a profit figure, we don't have to invest all our assets in coins which will not guarantee a profit, in bitcoin you can save half of the assets you have so that you can scatter the other half in coins that are similar to bitcoin so you can be calm in investing your assets.
9  Economy / Economics / Re: Rich and the poor who spend the most on luxury? on: September 11, 2024, 06:47:46 PM
If you ask, who spends more money on luxury goods, is it the poor or the rich? The answer is clear that the rich spend the most money on luxury goods, because if you think logically, how can a poor person spend more money on luxury goods. Here we will not discuss people who look rich for the sake of being considered rich, because from your picture it is just a metaphor, and in real life it is not like that. Okay, rich people look simpler, but are people who buy 2.5k USD pants poor people? both can be categorized as rich, but to a different extent - that's why there are terms fake rich, crazy rich, and real rich.

I agree with your opinion, many rich people wear luxury and branded goods, because they can afford it and it has become their daily need, by wearing luxury goods it is a pattern for them to enjoy the results of their hard work so that the goods They are used to buying and using luxury goods.

Poor people will not buy expensive things because they know their daily needs are more important than buying luxury goods that are expensive, why would they buy luxury and expensive goods when it is difficult to even eat every day, they still prioritize their daily needs and the rest they save for their survival.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [Bounty] Buzz Mini App | 🚀 Spin wheel, farm rewards 🚀 $18k Tokens | CC/Sig/ on: September 06, 2024, 08:29:35 AM
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11  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Apakah GUBERRNUR DKI Jakarta akan dipimpin ANIES? on: September 01, 2024, 03:57:47 PM
Berat sih buat Anies untuk pilkada Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahun ini, apalagi setelah Koalisi perubahan antara PKB-Nasdem-PKS sudah pecah kongsi yang berawal karena ketidaksetujuan masing-masing partai dalam memilih calon wakil Gubernur untuk Anies dan berakhir dengan ketiganya meninggalkan anies.

Beberapa media berpendapat kalau harapan Anies hanya di PDI-P

Iya gan, tapi PDIP juga sudah mengusung calon mereka sendiri dari kader pdip jadi semua partai sudah meninggalkan Anies, berat sih untuk melawan sosok beliau di pilkada, dan partai lain pun semua berkoalisi dengan  Presiden terpilih kemaren, mereka juga was-was kalau mengusung Anies mencadi Calon Gubernue DKI, akan ada tindasa untuk mereka jadi mereka lebih memilih jalan aman dengan berkoalisi dengan presiden terpilih, segala cara dan upaya sudah mereka lakukan untuk anies tidak bisa mencalonkan sebagai calon gubernur, dan anies sendiri sudah menjawab pertanyaan dari pers tentang beliau batal mencalonkan diri sebagai Gubernur DKI, susah untuk seorang anies maju di pilgub dki karna banyak yang menjegal dia untuk menjadi gubernur apalagi di wilayah DKI, mereka akan memenangkan RK di DKI untuk Gubernur masa yang akan datang.
12  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: PDIP Sebagai Oposisi on: August 31, 2024, 06:34:30 PM
Biasanya partai besar manapun yang tidak tergabung dalam koalisi di pihak yang memenangkan pemilu akan selalu menjadi oposisi. Jadi, PDIP sebagai oposisi bukan hal yang mengagetkan lagi dan memang pasti terjadi. Kecuali jika tiba-tiba pemimpin atau para elit di PDIP ditarik kedalam kabinet seperti ketika pak Parabowo dijadikan Menhan.

Sekarang tinggal melihat seberapa vokal pihak PDIP dalam mengkritik kebijakan Pak Prabowo sebagai Presiden terpilih nantinya jika sudah memegang jabatan aktif setelah pak Jokowi resmi berakhir masa jabatannya.

Justru lebih baik untuk negara ini dengan adanya pdip yang oposisi ada yang mengkritik disaat mereka sudah tidak berjalan diatas jalur, ketika berjalan di atas jalur saja mereka akan dikritik apalagi di luar jalur, dengan adanya partai yang oposisi maka ada yang mengkritik ketika kepala negara mengeluarkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, yang sangat disayngkan ketika semua partai berkoalisi tidak ada yang oposisi disitulah hancur lebur karna tidak ada yang mengkritik kebijakan yang mereka keluarkan, karna mereka semua ada didalam pemerintahan, itulah maka adanya oposisi untuk melanjutkan demokrasi negara ini agar tidak bablas dalam mengeluarkan kebijakan.
13  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Penindasan pemerintah terhadap kepada para bitcoiner mungkin akan berbalik arah on: August 31, 2024, 06:25:02 PM
Pemerintah mendapatkan uang ratusan milyar dari perdagangan crypto secara nasional setiap tahunnya, namun tidak ada akses yang memadai yang bisa diberikan oleh pemerintah untuk mengakomodir berbagai kebutuhan kita. Pemerintah tahunya hanya mengambil pajak, namun tidak memberikan aksi nyata kepada masyarakat dan pertanggung jawaban kemana uang pajak itu dipergunakan.
Semakin hari semakin sulit untuk mencari pekerjaan, harga-harga bahan pokok semakin tinggi - kita dituntut untuk mencari solusi sendiri terhadap masalah kehidupan kita, namun para pejabat hanya tertawa dan sibuk memikirkan bagaimana mereka bisa mengenakan pajak semakin tinggi dan semakin beragam untuk semua sumber pendapatan/pengeluaran kita. Pemerintah sekarang ini tidak lebih dari sekedar pemalak kepada rakyatnya.

Bener gan, mereka yang tau masyarakat harus taat terhadap pajak, mereka dengan seenaknya mengambil pajak itu demi kepentingan keluarga mereka masing-masing, kalau ditelusuri kebanyakan pegawai yang bekerja di kantor pajak mereka sangatlah kaya dan mereka memiliki mobil-mobil mewah dan harta berlimpah, sedangkan masyarakat panting tulang mencari uang lalu membayar pajak dan hasilnya dirasakan oleh mereka-mereka masyarakat semakin tertekan, apalagi sekarang ini dimana masyarakat yang taat akan pajak tetapi dipersulit saat mereka membayar pajak, contoh paling umuk kita lihat ketika kita hendak membayar pajak sepeda motor, kalau kita ambil jalur bayar pajak diloket dang mengantri membayar sendiri kita akan terbuang waktu karna kita tidak di pangil-pangil, ketika kita serahkan melalui calo tanpa harus kita tunggu langsung selesai dan beres, langsung sat set selesai, seperti itukah saat ini yang mereka lakukan untuk menindas masyarakat yang taat akan pajak, tetapi mereka dengan semena-mena juga menghabiskan uang pajak demi kepentingan mereka masing-masing.
14  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What motivates you as a trader? on: August 31, 2024, 06:13:45 PM
The most important thing is Money, where money is everything in our lives, all efforts are accompanied by money, so the main thing that motivates us in trading is only looking for profit, the rest is looking for more assets for our future life needs.

After starting trading for a long time, there are many things we can learn in this forum, we can freely discuss with each other, and in trading there are many things we can take, we can control our emotions and we are taught to be patient in everything. , so there are many things that can motivate us apart from money.
15  Economy / Economics / Re: You want to earn the same income like other, do what they are doing . on: August 31, 2024, 06:04:15 PM
Nature and the system it creates around it  rewards you based on what you've put into it. In other words, the rate of returns you tend to get at all the things you do depends mostly on how much resource you've put into the said task.

In the normal circular world, if you employ a graduate, another that's not a graduate and the third that's a graduate but is still skilled. The salary structure for the three categories of people Is going to be different and will be to the favour of the one that has the greater value. Same is what's applicable in this analogy of Bitcoin investment. If you invest $20k when Bitcoin is $50k and sells when Bitcoin gets to $100k your profit will be $20k but if you invest with $100k when Bitcoin is still at $50k and sells at $100k, your profit will be $200k which is more than what the one that has a lesser profit gets. The profit you get is based on how much you invested but when it comes to investing at the right time, it's quite deficult to know which is the best time to invest in a crypto since most of the information you're exposed to that helps you make your investment decision are mainly speculation.

That's right bro, it's better to improve ourselves first before we start anything, good skills are needed in all aspects, where skills can change our lifestyle for the better, can be applied in all our jobs, especially in the world of investment and trading.

Talking about what other people do until they are successful is very easy, but it is difficult for us to do because everything requires our own process, there are individual patterns that have not yet been determined, the pattern they apply matches the pattern we apply, the most important thing is to keep trying as much as possible, there must be a way.
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: I mistakenly left a position opened until I woke up on: August 30, 2024, 07:18:20 PM
I had the same trading experience as you. but the difference is I didn't fall asleep and left my trade in an open position. I consciously left the trade with an open position. I was panicking because my neighbor asked me to take her mother to the hospital immediately because her mother suddenly had shortness of breath.
after I got home and checked my PC, I was lucky. I finally closed the position of the coin I chose with a profit. It's not big, at least I didn't lose.

This is all a reply to you for the kindness you have done to help neighbors who need help. From you we can learn to help other people in trouble sincerely and willingly. There will definitely be a reward for the kindness we have done for other people without expecting anything in return. from the people we have helped.

At least you don't have any losses, even if you only make a small profit, that's enough, because not many people can make a profit from trading in an open position, then we just leave it like that, if we are a little careless, we will suffer a loss due to our negligence and just die trading with an open position. So it's better to be careful in trading, don't be careless or negligent.
17  Economy / Economics / Re: The Higher the capital the higher the returns on: August 30, 2024, 07:03:30 PM
The amount of capital and strategy and how to see important moments in the market must be balanced enough for each investor and also for each trader because in the end everyone will also hope for a level of luck but for capital and how to read some important moments it will be a very necessary basis for everyone. So it is true as you said that profit does not always come from large capital, but it has the potential to be realized through a high level of knowledge and is also accompanied by a sufficient amount of capital in the market.

Big profits don't necessarily come from big capital either, big profits can come from small capital, but most of the profits come from the way we produce it all, sometimes we have big capital but have small profits, our skills in making profits also necessary in trading where we can analyze market prices well so that we can look for gaps more freely to seek big profits, of course everything has its own risks, we must be prepared for all the risks so that we can be more careful and careful again in the future.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: My view of economy on: August 30, 2024, 06:52:20 PM
Contrary and I am confused about what you mean. If there is no skill, how can you invest and trade. Trading is an activity that requires a lot of energy. I mean energy like skills and extra expertise to analyze opportunities.
Investing is not as complicated as trading. If you expect money to keep flowing from the two types of activities you mean, it seems like you are giving people confusion.

Yes bro, he should really master how to trade well, trading is not as easy as what we are talking about, we have to really master good opportunities and be right on target, we have to be good at finding information about the price increase graph of a market, where we have to master the market price a little before we can start trading, and never start trading by following other people, no one can predict and guarantee 100% accuracy regarding market prices, so we must have skills in trading, don't be careless. so that the loss is meaningless.
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: If we know how our world is run by the profit money and greed then we kno future on: August 30, 2024, 06:39:38 PM
It is true that money is everything, and because of money, everything will be seen, whether it is good or bad for someone, the more money you have, the more you are respected and appreciated by someone, and money can also buy power.

It's true what you said, money is everything, although many people say money is not everything, but everything requires money, with money everything can be resolved well, a person can be judged by money, in terms of friendship and brotherhood, when we have a lot our money is respected and praised because money influences everything, from the good to the bad, when we have a lot of money we have to be careful with insincere friendships, many people want to be friends with us when we have a lot of money, but not necessarily they still want to be friends with us when we are in trouble and don't have money, it is very cruel if everything is judged by money.
20  Economy / Economics / Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad? on: August 30, 2024, 06:31:18 PM
The economy is currently not doing well with inflation rates which are getting higher and higher making it increasingly difficult for people to live their daily lives, plus the extreme poverty rate which continues to increase means that life is not going well at the moment, where currently the era of technology is all over the place. Sophisticated, school children are now required to take exams via cellphone, where difficulties regarding even basic needs have not yet been resolved, plus with such recommendations, the difficulties they feel will increase even more. Keeping up with the times is fine, but it must be considered as well as possible so that everything is evenly distributed and not burdensome. each other, do not add to the difficulties on top of the difficulties already experienced.
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