I actually encountered and fixed this last night. If you have Homebrew installed on your machine, just run:
brew install libidn
When it finishes, you may have to create some symbolic links to the library, but you'll have a copy on your machine at least.
Well... I'm glad I braved it out and didn't sell. I could have participated in the panic, but I didn't. Now I'll just continue to sit here and wait. If I find I need something, I'll go buy it with Bitcoins. However, I don't think I'll be selling on the exchange in the near future.
Good for you, but you just as well could've picked up the free money, selling at 14 and buying back at 7. Indeed, but then I would have actually had to watch the market, worry, stress, and wonder. Instead, I just said screw it, wrote it off as a possible loss, and enjoyed the weekend. Going long is so much easier
Well... I'm glad I braved it out and didn't sell. I could have participated in the panic, but I didn't. Now I'll just continue to sit here and wait. If I find I need something, I'll go buy it with Bitcoins. However, I don't think I'll be selling on the exchange in the near future.
I'm irrational, illogical, and emotionally invested. Anybody with me?
If someone is looking for graphic design work, my wife happens to be an excellent graphic design artist (not that I'm biased or anything.) We posted a few things here and there on various bitcoin job boards, but all we ended up with was more spam in our email.
I'm just not sure the market is there yet, but if someone is looking, feel free to send me a PM.
People need to stop buying and prices will decrease.
Not soon enough
It definitely feels quiet. I was actually kind of surprised no one had posted about it yet.
Closing an account you don't use is going to hurt them good. It's intelligent to keep your options limited. This is why sarcasm font is needed. Best idea EVER The internet has a sarcasm font... it's comic sans
My frog legs and eyes of newt are clearly showing upward price movement over the next month. The dark ravens on the fence post this morning may be a counter-indicator, but I think it's safe to say the three-cloud-pattern which obscured the moon six nights ago protects against this type of reversal.
Time to go to the basement and consult with my monkey and his ouija board. Why is it I feel like this is exactly what I do every time I buy or sell?
2 BTC says BitcoinEXpress is really just some big-talking nobody living in his mom's basement.
Troll, GTFO. If you're going to express that childish attitude here, then you are the nobody living in your mom's basement. The fact that he is providing insightful information that most of you cannot take seriously of really makes me sick of the Bitcoin community. Chick, I don't think your post is quality material either. Tradehill, I think you've handled this marvelously so far. You contacted Dwolla prior to a public disclosure, and the fact that you gave them two weeks over $37,000 is more than sufficient in my book. They refused to address the issue competently. Like you said, it could have been a failure to get the attention of the right people, but at this point and in light of recent actions by Dwolla, I think it is safe to assume that they are in the wrong on this. Please continue to keep the community informed in the manner you have started. It's obvious from the majority of the posts in this thread that your actions are supported and that your customer base appreciates full disclosure. Dwolla, Your failure to fully address this issue is losing you customers. At this point, I personally believe that you're hiding and will not make a statement, and if you are as badly off as some people, myself included, think you are right now, then there is no statement you can make to fix this. However, deleting comments from public spaces, sending out empty email responses that don't address the issue, and changing your terms of service without notifying any of your customers will not leave a good impression with anyone you are currently doing business with or those who may bring you business in the future. I will be cancelling my account with your service, but I wish you the best in improving your business. All VCs and Dwolla supporters, Your advice and expertise are appreciated. However, the BitCoin community is not your average customer. We don't want to do business in the same manner as the current model. If we did, we probably wouldn't be excited about BitCoin. We want an open discussion between all parties involved, and we're tired of the lying, cheating, and stealing that is the current system. We don't want another company funded by Wall Street or Silicon Valley that offers outsourced customer service and hidden fees around every corner. That change won't come overnight, and most of us know that. We still don't want you in here preaching silence and backdoor deals. So next time, instead of offering unsolicited advice to either protect a current investment or a future one, just leave.
I don't believe I'm playing word games. We have an account with user balances in it. Dwolla went in and pulled $37,000 out of our user balances. We've said that we want that back from Dwolla. If they don't return those funds then we will compensate our users out of our company funds. Users will be able to withdraw their funds from TradeHill.
Does this answer your question?
Now it's clear, so you don't have enough funding to insulate your customer's funds from your operational account. Dwolla withdrew or debited your account which essentially was your customer's money. Not a very smart way to do business. Wreckless at best. BTW I work on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park and I know that has VC meaning to you. I'm no dummy. You're up a creek if a lot of people suddenly withdraw USD from TH aren't you? Keep airing this out in public, saying more than you should and that is exactly what will happen. If you have any sense at all, you will stop making this public, arbitrate with with Dwolla and settle this quietly. If your users start an attack on Dwolla based on your postings here in this forum as they have indicated, you are done in the VC world and you can take that to the bank. Once again, if you're smart, you'll stop the public whining and settle this quietly. Wow, that sounded an awful lot like a threat. So the typical business world would rather we all play in the dark and hide in the shadows instead of dealing openly and fairly? Did I get that right?
No offense, but paypals policies are there for a REASON. They didn't start out being so strict. The policies piled on after people exploited any leeway they could find in the system. I dislike Paypal, but I can't drop them until I have a similar replacement. Furthermore, any replacement will have the same policies because they have to.well, no. Bitcoin is a replacement for paypal, and none of paypal's policies in re chargebacks, fees, account cancellation or anything else, exist (or could even be implemented) in Bitcoin. we'll get there. +1 And look at the spin-off press we're getting as a result! http://www.shinyshiny.tv/2011/07/5-alternatives-to-paypal-as-anonymous-organises-boycott-oppaypal.htmlLast on the list, but we're on the list
I obviously haven't been keeping up as well as I should because I have no idea what you guys are talking about in terms of merged bitcoin/namecoin mining. Anyone got a link where I can read more about this?
I know you've been asked this question before, but I was wondering if we could get an update. Has CampBX been working with Bitcoin Watch to get the ticker and charts up on their site? I think doing so would certainly drive more traffic to your exchange.
Keep up all the good work, and love the quick response to community feedback!
Email sent. I hope there are some invites left.
I think the market is washing out the mining mercineries.
my estimates it will be back to 0.01 USD for a year. before it hits up some thousand usd per btc.
I think I've seen this same post from you in three different threads. Please add something new to the conversation instead of just posting the same remark in multiple threads. On topic, we received some pretty good news today in both CNN and Gizmodo that could end the downward trend. If it has an affect later in the week, we could see a bit of a rally, but in the short term, there doesn't look to be much resistance stopping us from hitting $12
Well I for one am sticking with tradehill.