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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: - Cryptocurrency price index on: February 04, 2022, 11:39:24 AM
Good Afternoon

It's the same with ARION coin, We have always been on your listing and it has also been removed. We upgrading to enhanced features and MasterCard payments soon and would appreciate being represented once more on your site. Do we have to go through the whole sign up process again or can it just be re-instated

Kind regards
Director ARION Coin
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION NOW IN THREE NEW PAIRS ON FINEXBOX on: November 12, 2020, 11:39:27 AM
We are happy to announce that we are listed on Finexbox currently ranked #47 on Coinmarketcap by Volume. They will be allowing us to trade and will also be doing our swap when the new coin code is available:ArionBoy: onward and upward - more info to follow on the upcoming partnerships
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION shared MN NEWS NB!!! on: September 28, 2020, 07:16:59 PM
We are happy to announce that our wallet developement has started and that we are on the move to faster and more efficient payment solutions and partnerships to use it in
To that end we would like to ask all those members that are in the shared MN channel to contact @HappyG182 We would like you all to please withdraw your coins to your own wallets. The current masternodes are being disbanded and what ever coins you own will be returned to you for the time being. You will submit your request using this form
and provide an Arion wallet address.
You can also follow up or adress any queries in the #shared-mn-service
Or post a question here in Bitcointalk
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][FINAL] FINALCOIN | POS-MN | Final Coin on: September 09, 2020, 11:18:17 AM


The Final Coin you will ever Need.



Watch this space.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: June 08, 2020, 04:23:42 PM
My apologies for the delay in answering - the world has been a little topsy turvy.
The watch Dog status is temporary its a notification that our mining pools all went down at the same time - it will not affect your rewards and as long as you are getting rewards you are contributing to the network.
Thank you for your continued support and let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist.

In answer to your question regarding the Exchange - we have waited to see what is happening here as alot of them are closing due to the KYC requirements. Many of them accept your deposit to list but don't tell you they closing and so its a bit dicey at the moment to pay over to exchanges when we not sure they going to stay. The other concern is tiny exchanges that have just popped up and have no backing yet which is also a risk - we will monitor this closely and decide on an exchange when we are sure its a value for money easy to use exchange partner

As for the payment gateway - we are talking to potential partners to use the Gateway but we also use it already on our own site. The main reason for the gateway is so that ANYONE can use it and if you are an Arion supporter and own a website the idea is to use it our selves and provide goods and servioces and accept Arion as payment . That helps to create an infrastructure that everyone can use Wink

If you need any stickers or material to say you accept Arion you can just ask we happy to assist

Kind regards
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][POS&MN] EAZYPAYZA - PRESALE starts Mon 25/11 only 0.06BTC per Node on: January 22, 2020, 11:03:13 AM

About EazyPayZA
EazyPayZA (EZPAY) is a cryptocurrency that is built on Proof of Stake (PoS) and Masternodes (MN) technology. Open source, decentralized, peer 2 peer, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency focused on achieving transaction privacy, network scalability, and real-world utilization as an EazyPay digital payment solution. From paying your dinner bills to settling your expenses, using QR code scanning technology.

Made by South Africans, for South Africans. We aim to educate and revolutionize the way you see money and how it can be used. With digital ease, you can use your cell phone application to process payments in a fast and secure way. In no way is any opinion expressed here to be intended as investment advice and we are not licensed financial advisors, so you are always encouraged to DO-YOUR-HOMEWORK when looking into cryptocurrency projects before making decisions.

Presale starts this week only before our listing on Crex24 is live. Get your coins at a discounted price before we list! Nodes are 0.06BTC for more info join us in the discord. Click on any of the links below for more info.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][POS&MN] EAZYPAYZA - SWAP YOUR COINS ON CREX BEFORE 25TH JAN on: January 22, 2020, 10:51:38 AM
Crex24 will be reopening the exchange for Deposits today. They will be handling the swap AT the exchange ONLY. This means you need to deposit your coins to that exchange as soon as possible, the deadline will be the 25th January 2020.

As you all know the wallet had some technical difficulty and the reward structure was wrong. Thank you to those that were early adopters and that held onto your coins you will now be the lucky few that staked enough to be able to sell them to the general public, since there will be nowhere else to get it but here in our Eazypayza community. The rewards have been drastically reduced to favour the investors and we ask that you hold out for the price you want - since the only place to get EZPAY is you!!

1 ) We are NOT going to swap any coins manually - if your coins are not at the exchange in time you will lose your coins and they will not be refunded

2 ) ALL of your coins must go to the exchange - those in your wallet and those you using as collateral for your Masternodes

3 ) If your coins are in a staking pool or third party application it is YOUR responsibility to either inform them of the swap or withdraw your coins from their platform and send it to CREX24

4 ) DO NOT send your coins to anyone else but to CREX, we will not refund any coins lost due to sending to wrong addresses or third parties trying to scam you out of your coin

5 ) There is currently a sign up saying that the exchange is closed don't send the coins until the sign is down. Then, always for safety, send a few test coins before sending all your coins together

6 ) The new wallet will be available on the github, as well as the new Masternode installation script, as soon as the exchange has CLOSED on the 25th. To AVOID people trying to send to the incorrect wallets


8 ) SWAP RATIO 1:1
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][POS&MN] EAZYPAYZA - PRESALE starts Mon 25/11 only 0.06BTC per Node on: January 15, 2020, 12:02:37 PM
You can now trade EazyPayZA on Digitaldenar
Bitcoin markets will be added in January

As announced we will be upgrading the wallet of the Eazypay Coin. The deposits at Crex24 have been closed on the exchange for the time being but you can still trade on the platform until the wallet is upgraded. The date of this upgrade will be announced shortly, and further info will follow. Thank you for your patience it is much appreciated.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][POS&MN] EAZYPAYZA - Wallet Upgrade on: January 15, 2020, 12:01:55 PM
As announced we will be upgrading the wallet of the Eazypay Coin. The deposits at Crex24 have been closed on the exchange for the time being but you can still trade on the platform until the wallet is upgraded. The date of this upgrade will be announced shortly, and further info will follow. Thank you for your patience it is much appreciated.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][POS&MN] EAZYPAYZA - PRESALE starts Mon 25/11 only 0.06BTC per Node on: December 12, 2019, 10:33:01 AM
Does this project has any relation with this project? ARION Android app available][ANN] ARION Android app available
Because one of the contributors is the owner of that project, Nikita.

Yes I am helping consult on a South African Team - As I am also from South Africa Wink
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 30, 2019, 09:59:26 PM
Hello team, why no one answer here ? Its not like all of us are using telegram or slack/discord. I have a problem with my wallet as it won't sync and on another one when I want to start my masternode I get an error  "Error : could not allocate outpoint".

I have talked with my masternode VPS provider but its not from them , can I have some help here ? I tried to redeploy a few times but I get the same error. I even made a second and third transaction and still the same error. Also if I want to implement your payment gateway to a website of mine can I get support for that please ? I haven't found any tutorial of how to do it.


Please make sure that your masternode output has enough confirmations.... and then you can also issue a new genkey if you struggling
nano .arioncore/arion.conf - use this command in your server to replace the genkey. Also make sure your masternode.conf file has no spaces in the command lines - do a general check at what seems to be obvious its sometimes something small
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 30, 2019, 09:55:05 PM
Hello team, why no one answer here ? Its not like all of us are using telegram or slack/discord. I have a problem with my wallet as it won't sync and on another one when I want to start my masternode I get an error  "Error : could not allocate outpoint".

I have talked with my masternode VPS provider but its not from them , can I have some help here ? I tried to redeploy a few times but I get the same error. I even made a second and third transaction and still the same error. Also if I want to implement your payment gateway to a website of mine can I get support for that please ? I haven't found any tutorial of how to do it.


Hi there here is the tutorial for the website - Api - shout if you need more help

Note: WooCommerce needs to be installed for Arion Coin Payment Gateway to work.
From your WordPress dashboard
•    Go to Plugins > Add New,
•    Add Plugins > Upload Plugin,
•    Browse to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway and upload the .zip file.
•    Activate Arion Coin Payment Gateway from your Plugins page.
From the WooCommerce settings on your WordPress dashboard
•    Go to WooCommerce > Settings,
•    Go to the Payments tab on top,
•    Enable the Arion Coin Payment Gateway by clicking on the toggle,
•    Click on the Set Up button to the right to get to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings,

From the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings on your WooCommerce settings
•    Enter/Change Title that displays a type of payment on the checkout page,
•    Enter/Change Description that displays in Arion Coin Payment Box on the checkout page,
•    Enter your own Arion Coin Wallet Address which is what the customer uses to pay into,
•    Enter your CoinMarketCap API Key which allows you to get the current price for Arion Coin,
•    Click on Save changes and Arion Coin Payment Gateway should work successfully.
How to Add your Arion Coin Wallet Address
•    Open your Arion Wallet on your pc,
•    To the top left of the window go to File > Receiving Address…,
•    Choose the address you would like to receive the store's payments to,
•    Either click on the address and click the Copy button on the bottom left of the window or right-click on the address and click Copy Address,
•    Now you have your Arion Coin Wallet Address ready to paste into the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings.
How to Get CoinMarketCap Key (FREE)
•    Visit and click on GET YOUR API KEY NOW,
•    Enter your details and select Basic Plan – Our Free Use Plan,
•    Log on to your email and verify your account,
•    LOG IN to your newly created account at,
•    On the left-hand side of your Dashboard, hover your mouse over the box under API Key and click on COPY KEY,
•    Copy your key in your Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings and you are done and ready for your WooCommerce store to convert the checkout total into Arion Coin.
Most Trusted Cryptocurrency Market Data API | CoinMarketCap
Use CoinMarketCap's free crypto API to get the best, most accurate real-time, historical cryptocurrency and exchange trade data for Bitcoin, Ethereum and more
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 30, 2019, 09:53:33 PM
Hello team, why no one answer here ? Its not like all of us are using telegram or slack/discord. I have a problem with my wallet as it won't sync and on another one when I want to start my masternode I get an error  "Error : could not allocate outpoint".

I have talked with my masternode VPS provider but its not from them , can I have some help here ? I tried to redeploy a few times but I get the same error. I even made a second and third transaction and still the same error. Also if I want to implement your payment gateway to a website of mine can I get support for that please ? I haven't found any tutorial of how to do it.


Sorry for the delay in answering your message
Multiscript setup guide
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dos2unix -y && wget && dos2unix && chmod +x && ./
use the full command
if asked a question type y
you will then be asked how many masternodes you want to install - type in your number
You will then be asked the port number as an example use 8001
RPC port 9001
when loading more than one masternode use the number in sequence for each new masternode
eg.rpc port 9002 port 8002, next rpc port 9003 port 8003 etc etc
enter you masternode privacy key and press enter
it will say that the rule is added and the server is started

Wallet Installation
Make sure you *re-index the wallet
Masternode rewards after the 19th will not reappear but mining done on the minpool will

Some commands you might need
You use cd bin to get into the right directory

then you can use the following codes:
in this example my masternodes name is mn2 - insert your name wherever applicable

./ masternode status- check the status of your node

./ -daemon to restart your mn

./ stop to stop the daemon

./ getinfo to check block status
Solution to re-index your MN
In this example my MN name is mn1 - insert the name of yours
Each one needs to be done

cd bin
./ stop -reindex -daemon getinfo masternode status

the end of this itr should be on the current block in the getinfo section and should return a message saying masternode successfully started

Go to desktop wallet and choose the reindex option in the wallet
once done start your masternodes
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 30, 2019, 09:51:43 PM
Project is still alive right ? I see active devs on discord , new updates coming almost weekly and a lot of new supporters coming into the project but this doesn't reflect on the price as 1 masternode is almost 9$ which is pretty cheap I would say if you take all of this in consideration. I have 3 Arion MN's since when the price was a little expensive ( 20~$) but I won't sell them because the team is still active.

Can we expect the payment gateway to be implemented somewhere soon ? Venezuela needs this I would say and I know you have someone already on this , but any news ?

Hi there yes we used a couple of currencies in the android wallet that is already in use in Venezuela. You can also already use these currencies on both our website and in the Venezuelan website. It would be a good idea to join the discord where most of this information is readily available and all the links and support is also there to help you
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 04, 2019, 10:20:14 AM
You can move your coins to :





Android Wallet

Feel free to ask a question in our Discord
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION Android app available on: October 04, 2019, 10:15:55 AM
@everyone In light of the Coinexchange closure and at the request of our community members I have uploaded the Arion Android Wallet release 1 to the Arion Github.
We will upload it to the Google Play store as well. Enjoy! Feel free to ask questions if you need help
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ARION WEBSITE API TO ACCEPT ARION AS PAYMENT on: July 09, 2019, 07:52:53 PM
Note: WooCommerce needs to be installed for Arion Coin Payment Gateway to work.
From your WordPress dashboard
•    Go to Plugins > Add New,
•    Add Plugins > Upload Plugin,
•    Browse to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway and upload the .zip file.
•    Activate Arion Coin Payment Gateway from your Plugins page.
From the WooCommerce settings on your WordPress dashboard
•    Go to WooCommerce > Settings,
•    Go to the Payments tab on top,
•    Enable the Arion Coin Payment Gateway by clicking on the toggle,
•    Click on the Set Up button to the right to get to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings,

From the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings on your WooCommerce settings
•    Enter/Change Title that displays a type of payment on the checkout page,
•    Enter/Change Description that displays in Arion Coin Payment Box on the checkout page,
•    Enter your own Arion Coin Wallet Address which is what the customer uses to pay into,
•    Enter your CoinMarketCap API Key which allows you to get the current price for Arion Coin,
•    Click on Save changes and Arion Coin Payment Gateway should work successfully.
How to Add your Arion Coin Wallet Address
•    Open your Arion Wallet on your pc,
•    To the top left of the window go to File > Receiving Address…,
•    Choose the address you would like to receive the store's payments to,
•    Either click on the address and click the Copy button on the bottom left of the window or right click on the address and click Copy Address,
•    Now you have your Arion Coin Wallet Address ready to paste into the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] NEW Wallet Upgrade Version 2.0!!!! - X11/MN/POW UPDATE URGENTLY on: July 09, 2019, 07:14:42 AM
@everyone Our website and Marketplace are being refreshed - If you have goods or would like your services available for payment in Arion please let me know. You listing in the Marketplace as an Arion Owner is free. Also if you would like to see your favourite top up vouchers on the market place let me know what they are:ArionBoy: Send your requests to
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ***Zaarde*** - New code to fork from safely LIMITED MASTERNODES on: June 19, 2019, 09:48:51 AM

Zaarde Coin The Zaarde (ZARD) blockchain is completely decentralized and 100% Proof of Stake (POS) and Masternode (MN) based in order to ensure its longevity and reduce Zaarde's greenhouse footprint in a period of heavy energy usage by Cryptocurrency miners.

ZARD's multiple desktop wallet applications are simple to use and send/receive transactions are nearly instantaneous, with new blocks being generated every 60 seconds surpassing BTC speeds.

Unlike many other POS and MN-based currencies, ZARD block rewards start at just 0.1 ZARD and slowly increase over time before then decreasing at a similar rate. Coin supply is therefore regulated and a 30-year gap is created between the ZARD genesis block and maximum supply is reached.
20  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: - Dogecoin Exchange and Faucet on: June 03, 2019, 05:42:21 AM
Hi there. I'm a community lead in a couple of coins that would love to be listed with you. Eddie COIN & ARION Pleasr would you pm me the details on your listing process
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