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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: February 12, 2022, 09:10:54 AM
👋Dear community

We’re still 100% active on both Birdchain and NFTP. 

We’re working behind the scenes, setting things up against our next move. 

💪We’re also working on our NFTP IDO launch, NFT marketplace and the meta-gaming platform.

Stay tuned for updates

Telegram: @nftpossionchat
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: February 04, 2022, 08:21:02 PM
👋 Dear community

There have been some changes with NFTP in the background.

💪We’re looking to put up an effective marketing team plus new dev in place before we move into NFTP IDO

We need to launch NFTP token without a setback.

For this reason, we’ve postponed the launch of NFTP IDO

We’ll keep you posted on a new date soon.
Stay tuned for updates

Telegram: @nftpossionchat
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 28, 2022, 02:17:22 PM
👋Dear community,

NFTP smart contact has been updated.

📌NFTP total token supply has massively decreased
📌50% of the total mint token has been burned.

Here is the new smart contract address

More updates about our upcoming IDO coming soon. Check out the NFTP website for the current tokenomics and much more.


Join Telegram group:
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 28, 2022, 11:54:30 AM
👋Dear Birdchainians,

While we’re preparing for our upcoming NFTP IDO, we’re also preparing for the launch of Birdchain’s chat and publisher feature. We want to launch these two features alongside effective marketing.

👉We’re focusing more on the upcoming NFTP IDO because we believe Birdchain will benefit greatly from the NFTP platform.

Birdchain will also be a major token in the NFTP marketplace.

💪We’ve also noticed a tremendous increase in activity on Birdchain’s gaming section.

This is good - so we are debating whether to permit users to stake their game points to earn Birdchain tokens or chose and reward top 10 game players every month.

Check out the games in Birdchain app

Stay tuned for further updates.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 25, 2022, 08:08:51 AM
Dear community,

There are some major changes that will be taking place with #NFTP to enable us to proceed with the upcoming IDO.

We’ll create a new smart contract in which the total supply of #NFTP tokens will be reduced to match our listing on vindax exchange at 8 digits.

We’ve already paid for #NFTP listing on vindax exchange, so we’ll drastically reduce the total supply of #NFTP tokens.

Also, 50% of #NFTP tokens will be burned instantly.

Stay tuned for updates about this.

Join telegram group:

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 18, 2022, 11:08:55 AM
Question:: Dear NFTP team, what will happen next if your IDO is not successful?

Response:: That is a question we frequently get these few days and here’s our response.

This will make us more bullish and hardworking. We believe in the bright future of NFT and metaverse.  So NFTP is here to stay.

In case we’re not successful with the current IDO, we’ll relaunch it with an improved marketing strategy.

In brief, we’ll do KYC along with other tasks. We’ll bring in a full marketing team to lead the IDO forward.

After the IDO, NFTP will be listed on pancakeswap.
Also, we’re preparing Birdchain for the launch of its chat feature. A marketing campaign is in preparation.

Don’t forget to participate in the NFTP IDO on Dxsale here

More is coming to Birdchain and NFTPossion. Stay tuned for updates.

Join NFTP telegram group:

Official NFTP website:
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 17, 2022, 12:40:14 PM
Only 3 days remaining for #NFTP super launch on pancakeswap.

🚀#NFTP IDO is Live on dxsale. You can now participate using the link below.

#NFTP Dxsale link::


60,201,988,014,959,000 #NFTP tokens were burned to a death wallet just few days ago,
This is just the beginning. We'll continue to burn of #NFTP token plus the regular 1% burn on any transfer.

Burn Explorer: address::

📌90% liquidity locked.
📌Big bonus reserve for any participant with more than 3 BNB.
📌launch Immediately after IDO on dxsale.

Participate now in #NFTP IDO on Dxsale. Follow this link:

🚀#NFTP Dxsale link::

Alternative link:

Join the group
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 14, 2022, 06:56:18 PM
Dear Community,

🚀#NFTP IDO is Live on dxsale. You can now participate using the link below.

#NFTP Dxsale link::


📌60,201,988,014,959,000 #NFTP tokens have been burned to a death wallet.
📌This is just the beginning. We'll continue to burn of #NFTP token plus the regular 1% burn on any transfer.

Burn Explorer: address::

📌90% liquidity locked.
📌Big bonus reserve for any participant with more than 3 BNB.
📌The launch date has not changed, it's 20th January.

Participate now in the IDO on Dxsale. Follow this link:

🚀#NFTP Dxsale link::

Alternative link:

Join the group
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 14, 2022, 06:30:46 AM
👋Dear community,

We’ve decided to cancel all ongoing NFTP presales. Be ready for the next big updates coming.

🚀We’ll do a fair launch of NFTP token. This means there’ll be a poll and whatever amount is raised, tokens will be distributed among the participants.

👉Once the fair launch is completed, NFTP token will be listed on pancakeswap, then intensive marketing will begin.

Stay tuned for updates
Join the group for announcements
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 13, 2022, 02:50:53 PM

👉#Nftpossion (#NFTP) is an NFT community-driven project with #MetaGaming features. About 21% plus of #NFTP Total supply was burned during Minting and the tokens come with a regular 1% been burned on each transaction.

3 simple functions occur during each transaction:

=> 3% Redistribution to all #NFTP Holders👍,

=> 1% Reserve for Marketing ❣️and Charity.

=> 1% Burn🔥🔥 naturally on each transaction.

6 days left for presale to be over. If we hit our softcap, listing on pancakeswap within 5 to 10 hrs. intense marketing kick-off. New marketing partner announce. Development fully in launch mode.

6 days remaining participate now on #pinksale

#Pinksale Participation link::

Get a massive Bonus from the team by participating with  3 BNB above.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 08, 2022, 04:26:50 PM*ejiykWF3jWLhj0U-Vy4PPg.png
Dear community,

🥳Anyone who participates in the initial liquidity offerings (ILO) on pinksale with more than 3 BNB will receive a big bonus from the team.

💪Once you participate with more than 3 BNB, contact the NFTP support team for big  bonus via this email:

NFTP presale is counting down. Here is the link to participate


More news coming after the NFTP presale.

Join NFTP telegram group:
Official NFTP website:
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 08, 2022, 03:37:10 PM
Dear Birdchainians

Every task you complete in the “Offer 2 tab” will be shown in your history as “Birds offer 2”.

Tasks completed in “offer 1 “ section will be shown in “Birds Ads”.
See the image below and check your Birdchain app.

Don't have the app, get the latest version through this link

In the future, for any updates regarding tasks and offers, we'll let you know.

Don't forget NFTP token presale is still live and counting down fast.

Participate now using this link

A success for NFTP means a big win for Birdchain. Participate now in NFTP ILO still in this early stage.

More news coming after the NFTP presale.

Join NFTP telegram group:
Official NFTP website:
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 07, 2022, 06:32:56 AM

This is a reminder, NFTPossion (NFTP) token presale is live and counting down on pinksale. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Seize this opportunity to participate in the presale before NFTP gets listed on pancakeswap.

Here is a direct link to the presale on pinksale


📌ILO, 1 BNB = 83,200,000,000,000 NFTP tokens. For early adopters only.

📌3% fees are redistributed to all #NFTP holders on each transaction.

📌1% Of #NFTP token burn on each transaction. See more details on the presale page.

Also, join the NFTP telegram group for regular updates.

Official telegram group::

Official website
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / NFTPossion Presale is live. Join now on: January 05, 2022, 04:05:21 PM

🧲 Dear community,

What is #NFTP?

 🏆 NFTPossion (#NFTP) is an NFT community-driven project with #MetaGaming features.

About 21% plus of #NFTP's total supply was burnt during Minting. The tokens also come with a regular 1% being burnt on each transaction.

3 simple functions occur during each transaction:

=> 3% Redistribution to all #NFTP Holders👍,
=> 1% Reserve for Marketing ❣️and Charity.
=> 1% Burn🔥🔥 naturally on each transaction.

🔗 NFTP Presale on Pinksale is live. Follow this link to participate now::

Official telegram group::

Official website
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ❤️#NFTPOSSION Update. #NFTP IEO session 2 on Vindax on: December 27, 2021, 02:12:32 PM
❤️#NFTPOSSION Update.  #NFTP IEO session 2 on Vindax will begin Tomorrow. To those who participated on #vindax, you will have to send an email to to claim your remaining #NFTP token since Vindax only supports but 8 zero.

🚀🚀 We have our official ILO on unicrypt currently going on, reserve your seat now to get your #NFTP token on unicrypt. After the ILO on unicrypt is complete, the listing will be made automatic to pancakeswap with liquidity locked.
👂Don't miss the opportunity to get #NFTP token now. Current ILO price is 160,000,000,000 NFTP / per BUSD

🐧Unicrypt Participation link below::


16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Meta Gaming Feature on: December 21, 2021, 02:48:41 PM

Dear community,
The new Birdchain app is now available on playstore. You should upgrade to the latest version 2.1.2


Don’t forget, NFTP IEO begins tomorrow Wednesday on Vindax exchange

Here is the link regarding the IEO.


Stay tuned for updates
Official site:

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Meta Gaming Feature on: December 20, 2021, 01:29:40 PM
Dear community,
The NFTPOSSION first  IEO session will begin this wednestday 22nd on Vindax exchange.

Once the IEO takes place,  NFTP will be listed on Vindax Exchange, Pancakeswap and other exchanges.

We also want to let you know that there's a massive bonus during the IEO on Vindax exchange.

For any purchase above $250, the user gets a 90% bonus in NFTP tokens.

NFTP token will be listed using the token symbol #NFT on vindax other exchanges will maintain the symbol #NFTP

Here is the link regarding NFTP IEO

Also, we're currently waiting for Birchain app to be available on playstore.

Stay tuned for updates

Official site:

18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Meta Gaming Feature on: December 16, 2021, 01:38:59 PM

Dear community

The Birdchain app has been updated and is currently pending verification on Google Playstore.

We’ll begin marketing soon and the official date for the IEO will be announced in the coming days.

Stay tuned
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: NFTPossion Meta Gaming Feature on: December 09, 2021, 01:51:53 PM
Dear community
Due to the recent market dip, we’ve decided to push the IEO to a later date.

The official date of the IEO will be announced once we have a conclusive date with the exchange.

Also, Birdchain updated app will be available soon on playstore.

We’ve added more earning options and prepared the app for the chat integration.

Just to let you know, the NFTP IEO will take place before the 24th of this month, and also the listing on pancakeswap and cex exchange will happen this December

Don’t forget to participate massively now in the general airdrop campaign.

Here is the link to join

visit NFTPossion official website

Stay tuned for updates
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / NFTPossion Meta Gaming Feature on: December 07, 2021, 12:33:59 PM
Dear community

#NFTP meta-gaming feature will be an advanced gaming feature where users can play and are been rewarded and also create and mint their characters to sell directly into the marketplace for more profit.

Don’t forget the NFTP first general airdrop campaign is ongoing.

Participate now using this bot below:


Also, join the NFTP and Birdchain telegram group here:

NFTP Group:

Birdchain Group:

Stay tuned for more updates
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