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61  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin to be international currency on: March 05, 2018, 11:09:52 AM
maybe bitcoin can be international currency because there are also different istablesment that bitcoin is accepting in my opinion just maybe because bitcoin has become worldeide really around the world and many of the recipients really will be international currency really because like the money we use everyday as well as bitcoin that you can use anywhere.
62  Economy / Speculation / Re: What/who make the price of bitcoin on: March 05, 2018, 11:02:49 AM
maybe making the price of bitcoin is investors and users when lots of investors bitcoin will definitely increase its price not only sure if the investors really are controlling the price because of my wet news about bitcoin investors really is the number 1 that Well, maybe there are other reasons and not just the investors doing the bit price
63  Local / Others (Pilipinas) / Re: It wasnt unfair at all in the first place... on: March 05, 2018, 09:12:50 AM
Kaya nila pinatupad ang merit system dahil marami ng mga post na walang kwenta at mga spammers dito sa ito na Lang talaga Ang nakikita ni Lang way para sa mga newbie na ma inspire na gumawa ng quality post para din sa atin to mga sir kaya dapat igihan na Lang natin Ang pag ambag dito sa forum alam ko mahirap ng mag pa rank ganon din Ang sitwasyon ko pero wala tayong magagawa kundi sundin Ang merit system na pinatupad nila.
64  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin and not Paying Taxes on: February 28, 2018, 03:21:51 AM
It's true that there is not really a tax on bitcoin because of the fact that they can tax the bitcoin if they do not know who made it so many bitcoin users are still thinking about creating or creating digital money so far no tax breaks on bitcoin because it's not easy to get the tax immediately
65  Economy / Economics / Re: How to teach kids about Bitcoin? on: February 28, 2018, 03:09:26 AM
it's just simple to teach the kids about bitcoin they can easily learn it as one heart and mind they will teach you there are also children who just do not really end up just want to play games for me that's if it's really decisive that it's easy to learn how to get the bitcoin
66  Economy / Economics / Re: wait for bitcoin prices to go up on: February 27, 2018, 01:16:32 PM
many are surprised at the sudden loss of the bitcoin value according to the crypto news because it is in the lunar newyear but we all see that after the lunar new year suddenly pump this price according to predictions they have the price of bitcoin it's been a year to be triple according to crypto news.
67  Economy / Economics / Re: Wonder how many people can hold BTC for more than 3 years on: February 27, 2018, 01:02:51 PM
it does not mean that bitcoin holds 3 years maybe that's just some of them because they only have little bitcoin holders that they can not afford it all this time except for big time holders like my friend almost 5 years he's holding the bitcoin he's not really disappointed because it's too big for him to ask me if you're going to depend on that person if they really can.
68  Economy / Economics / Re: About Cloud mining sites on: February 27, 2018, 06:32:00 AM
I do not love mining but I know about mining can mining is not very well known in mining sites but I also know that many sites use that I'm not mine about mining because it costs more and more many of its users know that I am deep down on bitcoin in mining because of the huge mining users
69  Economy / Economics / Re: There's a new economy growing on this forum - Merit on: February 27, 2018, 06:26:36 AM
the only good thing about this merit system is that they do not see the quality post so it's very hard to rank often those who are merit are those who have long been in the forum why they have implemented the merit if they can not even focus I do not care about the merit that's because people who start with bitcoin just do not know how to make a quality post. I just hope my bigysn will have the chance to rank and learn to make a quality post because we are newcomer.
70  Economy / Economics / Re: Is it better to save money or invest it? on: February 27, 2018, 03:43:13 AM
it's better to get your money than the invetment because you have the chance to fool yourself or you're scammer because of the investment they get the victims they are so it's better to keep your money just a few more ways to grow that not just the investment you can make to earn money you can also buy and sell coins and you can safely secure your money and hold it
71  Economy / Economics / Re: Which one is good, trading or investing? on: February 27, 2018, 03:35:08 AM
for me trading I would choose not to invest in money that could go wrong and lose money because of investing in scammers here they are looking for those who will be trafficked in trading because you just wait for the value of your coins well you are safe and safe money even if you are in a small amount of trade as long as you know that your money will go back when you do not just steal your money
72  Economy / Economics / Re: Holdings of gold vs Holdings of btc on: February 27, 2018, 03:18:57 AM
for me it is just as they have the same value bitcoin or gold yet we choose the gold gain as long as its value increases as bitcoin is dependent on investors when it increases only the advantage of these two if I choose the two I will both choose because they are the same in the world.
73  Economy / Economics / Re: Is your bitcoin earnings enough for you to start a business? on: February 27, 2018, 03:04:42 AM
I'm sure enough of my bitcoin income to build a business indeed is that I have five computers because of bitcoin that I buy that does not amount to my salary every month but that's enough for me to support my business as a student and a young man this great help for my family and in my studies
74  Economy / Economics / Re: Are you thinking about the future? on: February 26, 2018, 10:23:35 AM
so far I have not thought about my future because I'm still young I think my study is maybe too early to think of such things but in your opinion sir agrre I can use bitcoin in your future someday but Not all bitcoin depend on you can also use what you are studying in other work besides bitcoin
75  Economy / Economics / Re: Time is money, how you manage your money and time ? on: February 26, 2018, 10:06:08 AM
I'm not in favor of what you say sir you are right every time is important but not all your time with money depends. there is something more important that you should put aside in your family money and your satisfaction every second minutes should not be the only money to be paid attention because not all the money can be made for you and you will be with your family even for a short time can not afford money.
76  Economy / Economics / Re: Easiest way to make BTC? on: February 26, 2018, 09:54:12 AM
no easy way to earn btc you really need to earn every piece of bitcoin I've been waiting for just 2 months to earn a bitcoin because it's not really an easy way to earn right away you really need to wait and try it before you get it
77  Economy / Economics / Re: why do people agree to pay taxes? on: February 26, 2018, 07:14:03 AM
It's not a bad thing to pay a tax because tax is in our law that we have to make sure that there are also people who do not like to tax and also have not the only thing I can do about taxing not to raise too much because it's not so easy Earn money because you pay the tax you can use as well as sign up so we just obey the law to avoid trouble
78  Economy / Economics / Re: What are the biggest changes in your life caused by Bitcoin? on: February 26, 2018, 03:46:04 AM
Maybe the biggest change in my life since I started with bitcoin was that I myself was educating myself for this great help for my parents so that would reduce the cost of my parents and above all helped kona my family also had to spend at home so thank you very much for bitcoin because it changed the life of my life now I can finish my study because of the help of bitcoin
79  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin reduces unemployment on: February 26, 2018, 03:39:08 AM
I think that maybe bitcoin can supply unemployed people because I can see the effect of bitcoin on people people all bitcoin users have their life not so much so that everyone who uses bitcoin can launch them through bitcoin so I believe that bitcoin can support the indefinable tear
80  Economy / Economics / Re: let us promote BITCOIN on: February 26, 2018, 03:21:02 AM
even if we do not promote bitcoin to people because of their popularity in the world they are coming soon so they know what bitcoin is really good about your opinion sir can also promote bitcoin just in good way for example in the media tv on the news just for people who see people so that people around the world know that there is a new generation of money and this is the bitcoin
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