That's right - it's the leverage.
Notional value is $100, margin req. $10.
Ok. I'm just trying to understand how the system splits the payment. jerry has $10 (locked) Elaine paid $10.1. Winner gets $1 ( ($10.1 -$10) x $100 / $10). system pays jerry $11 and Elaine gets $9. ( where does .1 go)?
Here's a conceptual preview of the futures contract:<What’s happening here is the reduction of the absolute value balance integer of a smart property categorized as a futures contract is reduced by 1 or more. The protocol parses the index# of the contract that is being netted to 0 and compares the price of that transaction to the price of the contract that nets out the first contract. In this case, both parties in a transaction are netting positions. The price difference between netted contract is a positive number, so a settlement will be paid to the address that is reducing a positive balance by 1. This process repeats for each contract involved in the batch transaction, and a series of send-to-owners transactions push a certain amount of USD to the winning address, the amount paid to addresses reducing a long position equals: Notional_Value x Close.Price-Open.Price, for short positions the subtraction is Open.Price-Close.Price.> jerry has $10 and 1 Seinfeld. Elaine has -1 Seinfeld Elaine paid $10.1 for jerry's 1 Seinfeld After netting. How did jerry get $11 and Elaine $9?
How many board seats are up for grabs?
5, as per the blog post, albeit information I should've repeated. Ok. There are 5 seats available and (so far) only 5 candidates. Counting the votes will be interesting. Ex. if a person sends dust to all 5 candidates address. Does this mean all 5 get an equal number of votes from the persons Omnis?
How many board seats are up for grabs?
When is the eta of meta Dex in omni core?
Bitoy - that’s awesome. Let us know how it goes!
The screenshot you see above is for a tablet- and mobile-formatted web wallet. At this point in time there is no android implementation being pursued directly by the Foundation, but I’m aware of several that are in progress.
Thanks to Dexx for supplying the mastercore api. The android app I'm working on can now send (and receive) a mastercoin property (msc, tsmc, ePeso #27) in testnet. Adding a way to allow the user to create his own property (coin).
Since Dexx posted some UI screenshots, here’s one more.
Nice screen shots. I'm also working on a customized android app (with API calls to master core). Is there an omniwallet android app source code ?
Counterparty bring ethereum to the bitcoin blockchain.
Will mastercoin copy from counterparty?
Your legacy is secured. Rest in Peace Mr. Finney.
Please add an official windows mastercore build.
Mastercoin at ipo was around $1 and now it's $4.50 $3.49 $3.31. It has been a great investment.
it's now 0.006 btc below ipo 0.01 (buying slowly)
Mastercoin should concentrate on "crypto securities" because whoever overstock chooses will gain a big lead in the bitcoin 2.0.
"Real coins" ( maybe useful here if overstock decides to accept usd instead of bitcoins.
You know, thats not such a crazy idea. Mastercoin and Counterparty parted ways because of difference of opinion- maybe they have proved their point and it's time for both sides to get back together.
Very interesting. It will be the first crypto currency merger. Mastercoin has the btc. Counter party has the bigger market cap. (New name will be mastercounter coin 
Can i use other wallets like blockchain or counterwallet ?
A mastercoin address is a bitcoin address. If you have a bitcoin address in, you can withdraw MSC (from masterxchange or poloniex) to your blockchain bitcoin address.
Normal  When new master core coming? Where i can easiest buy msc. How i do it if its not only log in to wallet and buy like in counterparty. Can i buy in poloniex? Even after mastercore msc is 1year behind in development vs counterparty. We must still remember there is half of coins behind two face and maybe 70-80% behind couple big holder so in markets have only 20-30% of coins and still price swing down. Mastercore will be release August 1. (It is a fork of bitcoin core.) For me the cheapest way is to Buy MSC at poloniex or using btc. Use to create your online wallet. withdraw MSC from poloniex or masterxchange to your online wallet address.
Good news. Hat tip to Michael and the mastercore team.
They were supposed to use Master Protocol and the last minute changed their mind because Mastercoin hadn't developed a pay all capability.
By "pay all capability" is this the same as the dividend feature?
anyway, yes, XCP is winning battles, though the language in the previous posts may be a tad misleading. XCP is also getting the privilege of hosting Storj's crowdfund. their crowd sale website it seems they will only use only counterparty. "Storjcoin X (SJCX) is a cryptocurrency that runs on the Counterparty protocol and is intended to be transacted on top of the Storj platform within Storj's applications." (MSC vs counterparty reminds me of Edison (dc) vs Tesla (ac) from "men who built America" history channel ) Edit I joined the storj crowd sale using counter wallet. Encountered a lot of api errors but in the end sending bitcoins push through and overall the experience is ok. But the storj tokens are not credited immediately. It will probably be manually added due to the range based token distribution. Adding a script to the crowdsale (suggested by Ron) can probably make token distribution automatic.
That is a big wake up call for msc. Counterparty is winning some battles. Hopefully mastercore can help add more exchanges and restore community confidence back to msc.
How will the holders of Mastercoins, who funded the creation of Omniwallet, be compensated now that the project is for-profit?
Maybe can "sell" Omniwallet to a new corp "omniwallet inc." for x amount (17,857 MSC = $250,000/14) MSC. Omni wallet inc. can then raise funds using both btc and MSC. (Btc for liquidity and MSC to pay