HI, that's what I understand. Simple analysis is that the paper purse is a light purse, and it's easy to open it, just remember your password and don't need any other equipment. But it's possible to leak passwords and be exploited by hackers. Cold wallet is a kind of wallet that relies on hardware to log in. As long as you don't connect to the network, your password is stored in the cold wallet, no one can open it, and from the security analysis, of course, choose the cold wallet. In addition, the cold purse generally needs to be purchased.
I've got three such emails this week, and they're really a lot of crooks. Do not click on their links, and cheat you want your wallet key, and another kind of fake Etherdelta send you messages, say your IP has problems, and then send false links to you. These cheats are really annoying.
In the future, bitcoin should be the link that links people all over the world. It can make people in every corner of the world instantly communicate and communicate, which is the function and charm of the centralization.
If you decide to buy it, buy it right away. Don't you say something like this? If you don't act, nothing will happen
有些牛人能力不低。其实很多人只是缺少一个好的平台。 只能说,造成这种原因还是我们这个环境过度重视学历造成的。现在的教育制度只会生产填鸭生,听话生,无创意流水线生。
Supervision is a good thing, but it must be the right regulation, find some bitcoin, understand the chain of chain technology to do supervision, is the most reasonable. Indeed, bitcoin is now used in many fields, and many people prefer bitcoin when it is illegally traded, because it is completely anonymous, which weakens the functionality of the country. Control of every country will not want their country banknotes are bitcoin replaced.
This question is very difficult to answer, because everyone's environment is not the same, everyone treats the problem angle is not the same. That's why 1% controls 99% wealth. Perhaps from a very long time, this is the case, because people want to survive, we must protect their own interests. Rich people think that wealth is what they get, they want to keep this right, always give their children. Continue!
最简单的方法。马上拿钱买。到各大交易平台都有出售BTC 另外一个最简单也是最难的方法,去自己挖矿挖BTC。为什么这个方法也是最难的呢。因为个人的话。就算有专业矿机也很难挖了,现在算力非常高,你需要和专业的矿场在一起挖才能有点收益。建议新人不要去挖矿了 浪费时间。
洋葱现在算力也不低了。 你可以到洋葱的官网那边去找找,那里有非常详细的洋葱挖矿教程。如果你是专业矿机挖的话。那没有问题。
Yes, don't mess in some mining site. Especially if you go in, don't mess around. Before that, I went in to a miner to talk about the community. It turns out that the browser was hijacked. Some websites may steal your passwords. Friends must do a good job of backup.
真是抢钱啊。这些要关闭的平台都在进行着最后的疯狂。只有韭菜最苦了。 国家不让开也有好处,至少没有那么多ICO了。那简直就是圈钱和骗钱。
Yes, the next fork has been fixed. It's btx. Now you can trade on the C exchange. The price has risen by 50% yesterday, and it seems like it can be sold next month
你去下载一个数字货币的钱包,网上很多钱包教程,随便找一个自己试试,最重要是自己的动手能力哦。你操作了一次就会发送代币,接收代币了。 祝你成功,朋友。
希望尽快有相关的应用落地。假货让人太痛苦,今天收到一个包裹,拆开一看,又是三无产品。 再这样下午工厂也会完蛋。以后谁还敢乱买东西啊
I wonder if we should sell our bitcoin at this time. Hard forks are good news. But it feels too fast. I'm going to sell some bitcoins. That's a strange idea. I always thought the dollar was the safest. What do you think?
It should be a big event in the international situation, when the purchasing power of paper money declined. Most people grab gold and bitcoin.
You can have tokens of the POS mechanism, which are generated with interest. The old POS coin is famous for its black currency, and the annual interest rate is about 8%. The latest POS coins you can invest a little onion deep coins, now still drop, and hold it also can have generated interest, interest mode called mining, you can go to their official forum to see how mining interest.
I think, within a short period of time. There must be some countries with relevant policies. Restrict bitcoin. However, in the long run, bitcoin ecosystem is the future trend, I believe that one day bitcoin will become the world currency.