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1  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: We invite you to visit a project on: December 28, 2013, 12:43:02 AM
The people running this website found an exploit in the Vanilla forum software to temporarily fuck with my company's online forum and homepage by redirecting to
My company, Open Garden, is a general supporter of Bitcoin and while we don't offer any services for payment yet (all of our apps are free to download), we reach out to the Bitcoin community because of the philosophical similarities with Bitcoin and mesh networking (we even had a booth at the Bitcoin convention in San Jose earlier this year). I assume this is why thought we'd be a good target without risking making a big stink in the Bitcoin world.

They caused us a headache to say the least.... these guys are real jerks.

Thankfully everything is back to normal... but in all seriousness: fuck you BitMonica.

-Paige Peterson
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Anyone go to BitCon? on: May 29, 2013, 06:50:14 PM
We had our own table, right across the way from TradeHill and next to Kipochi. It was a super exciting place to pitch our product to attendees... never have I had so much engagement from viewers! I love the BTC community. Cheesy

Lots of similar suggestions from BitCon attendees about using BTC for reimbursement... the biggest problem we face with that is our relationship to carriers.  We already technically allow users to violate TOS because our app makse it very simple to avoid the tethering fee for sharing your data plan with your laptop, tablet, etc... the thing is we don't want to take too hard of a stance against the carriers.  We'd rather make them understand our value to their users as a tool for staying connected to the Internet.

AT&T currently has us blocked for its users on Google play while the rest of the carriers (including Verizon) have not done anything yet.  If we implemented a way for users to basically resell their data, that has a chance to piss them all off.  We're taking it slow and steady... a less direct method for being compensated for sharing data is enabling users to receive tips. Trust me, I would love to see all of this happen and say SCREW YOU to the carriers... but my bosses have other priorities. Heh.

The more the BTC community engages with our application and leaves feedback on such a feature, the more incentive my company has to implement it.

If y'all leave comments on our online community, in the Google play store or as a message to our "support" email address about wanting to be able to do this, those are the most direct lines for letting the rest of the company know.  I'd link you to them, but I'm not allowed to do that yet on here... so you'll just have to do a quick google search to find 'em.

3  Other / Beginners & Help / Anyone go to BitCon? on: May 29, 2013, 04:43:29 AM
Hey everyone!
I'm new to this forum but have been learning about Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies for the past 6 months or so.  I was at Bitcoin 2013 a couple weekends ago managing an exhibition table for my company, Open Garden.  We are not Bitcoin related other than the philosophy.... we've made a mesh networking app for devices to share Internet access with our unique p2p protocol. Just for a bit of background on our experience with p2p, our CTO and Lead Developer are ex-Bittorrent employees, having created the LEDBAT congestion protocol and the uTorrent client, respectively.

I am the Community Manager and a longtime fan of decentralization. Cheesy

Did anyone here go to BitCon too?  Did we meet? I met a lot of people but only walked away with a handful of business cards.

Anyways... great to be here! 1 more female to help level out the Bitcoin gender gap. Smiley
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