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clasic shitcoin , pump and dump,they ban users from discord..
Nice proect, how i see this is cpu mining ? can we solo ?
Typical scam. ANN made on 29, mean time silently pre-mined for 8 whole days while trying to decisive miners and investors saying there is no pre-mine. now turn on asic miners 99% network pool dont work,they solo mining ,and this man ann this shit without research...
i hope u get ban from forum for support scam proects. plz report him who read this post
PPL dont waste time on this,Admins scamp members not fair start,lot off premine,now pool not working only admins mining ...
I don't think that nvidias, at least 10 series with gddr5 like the strap changes, as there is no way to see memory errors. I stupidly did not backup my pre-strap OC, but now even my most stable, with straps, rig crashed after 122 hours 36 minutes. I wonder if maybe older drivers or windows7 are less prone to memory crashes as someone mentioned here or if is it just bullshit.
I try 14.6 on 5 nwidia rigs, i get 2mhs per cards but not stabil, hash going 0-26mhs, some rigs block, from wall show one sec 300w other sec 600w power use, i set power limit 60 and mem clock 300, still i have problem, drop hash rate.
Lol is not scam w8 to see power on this coin. who smart now get cheap  and maybe you get superblocks. This is an ideal opportunity for everyone not only one who has a lot of coins, u can get 10000% on 100 coin other can get 1500% on 1000coins.
miner 21 and 22 is not stable, all time problem, one rig shut down other miner frezz and not respond,3rd hash 00000 all nvidia cards. i back on eth i not waste time
droping hash if rig no conected on monitor
plz help with bat file lolMiner-mnx.exe --server --port 9999 --user XETxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxj9b5Q.Worker1 --pass x when i use on pc with 1 card work good when i set this on rigs miner use cpu for mining not gpu ?
when I find a block, can I dig a block myself, as much as I can dig the current coins with 1ghs. thanks in advance
i can get support on u pool ? can i use Exchange Wallet MDC5GLwrx7nAqa13HHXEi2w2mWzi59CCue from bitfinex can u send me what i insert in bat file i have 1ghs sped on gpu.
i have problem with mining my adress MDC5GLwrx7nAqa13HHXEi2w2mWzi59CCue i have 1ghs speed and mined 4,5 etv and no payuot i get adress on bitfinex.
start.bat: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal MDC5GLwrx7nAqa13HHXEi2w2mWzi59CCue -eworker 460 -epsw x -ftime 10 -allcoins 1 --mode 1
setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal MDC5GLwrx7nAqa13HHXEi2w2mWzi59CCue -eworker 460 -epsw x -ftime 10 -allcoins 1 --mode 1
hi, why i dont get payout? MDC5GLwrx7nAqa13HHXEi2w2mWzi59CCue i have 1ghs speed and 4,5etp on pool.