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1  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan Menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] - Legendary Welcome. on: November 07, 2024, 03:10:16 AM

Teman-teman SFI pada kesempatan ini izinkan saya untuk mengajukan postingan untuk di review oleh teman-teman dan juga senior disini.
Semoga dengan adanya kritik dan masukkan dari teman-teman SFI dapat meningkatkan kualitas postingan saya agar menjadi lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Berani mengambil resiko apakah salah satu tindakan menuju sukses on: November 01, 2024, 02:51:00 AM
Lebih tepatnya orang tersebut belum siap untuk menerima risiko dari apapun tindakan yang dilakukan, sebaliknya berani mengambil risiko merupakan salah satu karakteristik sangat penting dalam kesuksesan dan kelangsungan usaha, tentunya sebelumnya melakukan tindakan tersebut lebih dulu mempelajari segala strategi dan situasi yang terjadi di pasar karena mereka sadar langkah yang diambil akan dihadapkan pada dua pilihan, gagal atau meraih sukses besar.

Memilih bermain di zona nyaman tidak salah juga, tapi merasa puas dengan situasi saat ini tanpa mencoba melakukan hal-hal baru juga akan mempersulit berkembang apalagi tingkat persaingannya yang semakin meningkat. Jika seseorang masih dihadapkan pada dilema dalam menentukan pilihan mana yang lebih bisa membantu berkembang, mungkin berada di zona nyaman akan lebih baik untuk sementara waktu sambil menunggu kesiapan mental untuk mengambil risiko.

Jika memang seseorang belum siap dalam mengambil resiko yang akan mereka hadapi tentu akan lebih baik mereka terlebih dulu mempelajari tentang hal tersebut dengan baik agar mereka tidak menyesali dengan keputusan yang mereka buat tersebut dan mempelajari strategi yang tepat kemudian baru membuat sebuah keputusan agar tidak membuat keputusan yang sia-sia pada usaha yangmereka lakukan.

Itu benar, seseorang yang masih memiliki keraguan dengan pengetahuan yang dimiliki mungkin akan lebih baik bermain aman dan juga resiko yang mereka hadapi mungkin akan dapat dengan mudah mereka terima dan juga saat mereka telah memiliki kesiapan untuk mengambil resiko yang lebih besar tentu mereka dapat mencobanya tentu ini lebih baik.
3  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: mengapa banyak anak muda lebih memilih judi dari pada investasi? on: October 31, 2024, 11:56:07 PM

Kondisi ekonomi orang saat ini membuat orang pada stress dan selalu menacari jalan pintas dan cepat menghasilkan uang.yang lagi heboh saat ini banyak orang yang kehilangan uang mereka setelah mereka depokan ke beberapa MLM seperti GrafixAI. tslla Robotaxi dan satu lagi saya masih ragu apakah sudah scam atau belum SAI AI.

Hampir diseluruh indonesia kita dengar kasus seperti ini buka tutup, buka tutup.
Jika seseorang tersebut benar-benar terjun di sana apa yang anda sebutkan, kemungkinan besar mereka tergiur dan ada rasa ketertarikan apa yang lihat dari beberapa video atau member yang berhasil mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat signifikan, tanpa meraka mempelajari terlebih dahulu. Mereka terlalu bernafsu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang tinggi sehingga mereka terjebak dalam perangkap mereka dengan menjadi member di sana. Alangkah baiknya kita jangan terlalu mempercayai apa yang mereka buat, lebih baik kita mencari terlebih dahulu bagaimana cara kerja investasi itu bekerja.

Ketika seseorang memutuskan untuk terjun dalam suatu hal untuk menghasilkan uang maka mereka juga harus benar-benar memahami dengan baik akan hal tersebut dan jangan sampai mereka kehilangan uang pada hal yang mereka lakukan tersebut, jika mereka hanya dengan melihat vidio beberapa orang telah sukses pada hal itu tentu ini tidaklah menjadi suatu alasan yang kuat untuk mereka memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan uang yang mereka miliki tentu saja mereka harus benar-benar memahami sebelum memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan dana yang akan mereka investasikan.

Mereka yang tergiur dengan keuntungan yang didapatkan orang lain lalu memutuskan untuk berinvestas pada hal tersebut tentu saja mereka akan mengalami kegagalan dikarenakan bisa saja orang lain hanya memperlihatkan keuntungan saja dan tanpa memberi tahu dengan detail tentang cara kerja mereka sehingga saat kita memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan bisa saja sudah berakhir dan hanya kerugian yang kita dapatkan.
4  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: TRADER bukanlah PENGANGGURAN on: October 29, 2024, 02:55:23 AM
Kalo di era sekarang, orang-orang lebih mudah untuk diajak kompromi karena dengan luasnya jaringan media sosial, orang awam yang awalnya sama sekali tidak mengerti apa itu crypto dan Bitcoin, menjadi gampang untuk diberikan sedikit wawasan. Sehingga jika mereka yang semula menganggap aktifitas trading merupakan kegiatan negatif, maka kemungkinan besar mereka akan memiliki mindset yang berbeda setelah tau kenyataannya (asal referensi yang ditunjukan adalah sebuah informasi yang valid).

Kalo bagi yang tetep ngeyel menganggap hal tersebut negatif, saya pikir mereka inilah yang aslinya menjadi korban di dunia Crypto karena ketidaktahuan mereka sendiri, sehingga untuk menjadikan perasaannya lebih baik maka pelampiasan mereka adalah dengan cara menjelekan Crypto beserta aktifitasnya (bukan yang negatif dan kriminal).

Beruntungnya memang kita berada di era saat ini yang dimana semua kesalahpahaman, atau kurangnya pengetahuan bisa dihilangkan dari melihat referensi-referensi di dunia maya. Saya juga merasa keputusan saudara jauh saya itu untuk tidak lagi sinis terhadap saya & bahkan terjun ke crypto dipengaruhi oleh video-video tentang crypto yang juga ia sering lihat di Tiktok.

Dari setiap kemudahan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan saat ini tentu akan dapat memberi kita keuntungan dari setiap hal yang akan kita lakukan dan yang terpenting kita terus berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk bisa memperoleh pengetahuan yang tepat agar tidak melakukan kesalahan ketika mencoba menjalankan pengetahuan yang telah kita dapatkan tersebut, terkait dengan cara pandang lain terhadap hal yang anda lakukan saat ini tentu saja hal tersebut tidaklah menjadi masalah bagi kita selama hal yang kita lakukan tersebut tidaklah merugikan mereka dan juga tidak melanggar aturan yang ada.
5  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Menghindari Kesalahan Ketika Mengikuti Hype Yang Sedang Terjadi on: October 29, 2024, 02:40:09 AM
Saya setuju dengan pendapat agan. Mengakui kesalahan itu kunci agar kita bisa berkembang. Tanpa itu, kita nggak akan bisa belajar untuk meraih keberhasilan dan bisa terjebak dalam keputusan yang salah. Jadi, penting banget untuk analisa dulu sebelum terjun ke hype yang ada. Mencari informasi yang tepat bisa membantu kita ambil keputusan yang lebih bijak dan meminimalisir risiko. Dengan begitu, kita bisa ikut hype dengan lebih percaya diri dan harapannya dapat keuntungan yang memuaskan.

Yang perlu diingatkan dalam mengikuti sebuah hype tertentu yang sedang terjadi dan juga sedang sangat viral itu adalah jangan terlalu gegabah dalam membuat keputusan kalau kita sendiri masih belum menemukan cara mengikutinya dengan benar dimana hal tersebut adalah seputar informasi penting seperti yang om katakan itu. Karena mengikuti sebuah hype adalah bagian dari memanfaatkan momen tertentu yang sedang berjalan sehingga kita masih harus berhati-hati dan tidak terlena dengan hal tersebut apalagi kalau kita tidak tahu kapan masa hype itu akan berakhir. Jadi setiap keputusan yang ingin kita buat memang harus benar-benar bijak karena hype itu biasanya tidak akan berjalan cukup lama pada hal tertentu yang mana hal tersebut bisa saja berakhir tanpa kita sadari om.

Anda sangat benar, jika kita gegabah dalammengambil tindakan saat mengikuti hype yang sedang terjadi bisa saja kita kehilangan dana yang kita gunakan dalam mengikuti hype dan jika kita belum menemukan informasi yang tepat untuk mengikuti hype yang sedang terjadi maka ada baiknya kita tidak perlu mengikutinya, jika memang hype tersebut tidak berjalan begitu lama maka memiliki informasi yang tepet sebelum memutuskan untuk mengikutinya tentu saja hal tersbeut sangatlah penting dan jangan sampai saat kita mengikutinya hal tersebut telah berakhir dan juga kita tidak bisa menghasilkan apapun dari hype tersebut.
6  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Teknik Dasar Saya Belajar Investasi on: October 21, 2024, 06:06:22 PM
Sebagai pemula yang baru mempelajari investasi memang akan lebih baik jika mereka terlebih dulu fokus pada aset Bitcoin terlebih dulu, karena jika mereka tergiur dengan proyek baru yang mereka sendiri belum memahami dengan baik dan seiring menjalankan investasi mereka dapat mempelajari terlebih dulu sebelum memutuskan untuk mencoba pada proyek lain untuk menghasilkan keuntungan, karena akan sangat beresiko jika mereka mencoba tanpa memahami dengan baik akan aset yang akan mereka pilih sebagai investasi dan setelah mereka memahami tentu akan dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat dan juga menghasilkan keuntungan.
Dengan mempelajari jenis investasinya, mereka bisa mengetahui apa dan bagaimana mereka bisa memulainya. Mereka juga bisa menghindari keinginan untuk bisa cepat kaya karena mereka tahu bahwa itu tergantung dari proyek apa yang mereka pilih. Selain itu, mereka juga harus memperhatikan jumlah uang yang ingin digunakan karena tidak ada jaminan mereka bisa menghasilkan keuntungan dari beberapa proyek yang mereka ikuti. Untuk berinvestasi di Bitcoin, mereka sangat perlu mempelajari bagaimana caranya menggunakan metode DCA dengan benar supaya mereka tidak kesulitan dalam menerapkannya.

Mempelajari investasi sebelum memulai tentu saja sangat penting dan juga mereka harus benar-benar memahami dengan baik agar mereka tidak melakukan kesalahan saat akan menjalankan investasi, jika seseorang memahami dengan berinvestasi akan menjadikan mereka cepat kaya tentu kesalahan mereka dalam memahami investasi tentu saja ada proses yang mesti mereka lalui hingga dapat melakukan dengan benar hingga mereka menghasilkan keuntungan dari investasi yang mereka jalankan, untuk dapat menjalankan metode tersebut kami rasa mereka hanya perlu menyisihkan sebagian dari penghasilanyang dimilikinya untuk dapat menjalankan metode tersebut dengan baik.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: Do you compare prices or bargain before making purchases? on: October 21, 2024, 05:50:56 PM
When we choose to shop at a store that already has a price tag, then when we make a payment, of course it is in accordance with what is stated on the item and of course this will make it easier for us to make payments without having to bargain. I agree with you, we often see those who bargain when making purchases, those who have limited money and also those who see the price of the item is not in accordance with the general selling price and this often happens in markets where the price is not listed on the goods being sold.

There are positive and negative values about this and now supermarkets are available in many places with prices that have been attached.
If the seller gives an unreasonable price for a product, then do not buy it and also do not need to bargain because there are many other stores that also sell the same goods.
Sometimes we as buyers also have to give a little reprimand to sellers who make unhealthy efforts so that they understand that consumers are important and cannot be treated arbitrarily.

Someone who does not have a lot of money will definitely make an offer when they want to buy something, but buyers must also understand that when asking for an appropriate price reduction, so that both buyers and sellers feel benefit.

Shopping at a supermarket with a predetermined price will of course make it easier for us to choose an item according to the money we have and even occasionally supermarkets have some discounts that might benefit us if we get the discount when we shop.
Yes, it would be better when we see a product that is not reasonable for us to buy at that price, it would be better if we do not bid on the item and we can look for another shop that sells at a price according to the item, maybe only some sellers do not consider consumers important to them and of course this will make it difficult for them to achieve their sales targets.
I agree with you in terms of bidding on an item, of course it must be mutually beneficial and a buyer should not bid on an item at a price that the seller cannot give, of course this is not reasonable.
8  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy Buy Buy or Sell Sell Sell? on: October 21, 2024, 05:34:50 PM
You are absolutely right, any investor who wants a huge return must or should accumulate Bitcoin and hold for a long period of time unless they don't want a huge return and then, they can go ahead with the short term investment and whether short or long term there is going to be a return but there will be difference in the return. However, investing aggressively in Bitcoin can be disastrous at times that is if an investor doesn't have a good discretionary income but when an investor have a good discretionary income investing aggressively will be a nice move as that will help them increase their portfolio faster.
It is not reasonable to expect a quick return on investment from any business. But comparatively an investor if investing in Bitcoin can get higher returns than other investments but he must plan to hold Bitcoin for long term. Bitcoin does not guarantee a quick return on investment but those who believe in it and hold the investment can get big long-term returns. One thing that investors must consider when investing in Bitcoin one should not consider it is a get rich-quick scheme. There is no guarantee of multiply profit on investment. Those who make the mistake of investing in bitcoins to get rich quick will face losses. But those who know and understand Bitcoin at a slow pace and invest regularly will be able to get the return.

In any case, of course, there will be no quick profits from every investment that we make and it takes patience and also the right strategy to be able to generate profits from the investments we make, planning to maintain Bitcoin assets in the long term certainly requires a source of income that can meet our daily needs and it is impossible to maintain these assets without income that can meet our needs.

If someone thinks that investing in Bitcoin will make them rich quickly, of course that is their mistake in understanding the investment and it would be better if someone could invest slowly and do it consistently in collecting the assets, of course they will be able to make a profit from the investment they are running.
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: One trading strategy is enough. on: October 21, 2024, 05:09:12 PM
As a trader you must work on strategy development instead of trying to adopt different strategies, you can only try a different approach if the system you are using isn't really profitable. The problem with a lot of traders is that they get carried away easily by a lot of trading sf trading strategies they come across online by different traders not knowing whethr if these traders really make enough profit from it. One strategy that works is enough, you don't need multiple strategies to be in profit. This is why going for knowledge first is of utmost importance.

If you already know that there will be situations that we cannot predict when trading, of course it would be better to be able to master several strategies so that when facing unexpected situations, we will be able to try other strategies to be able to reduce the risk of loss or be able to make a profit even though it is small.
When someone learns trading online and they don't really know whether they have good trading skills or not, of course this will make us fail when we are going to trade and if they do have good skills, of course this will not be a problem for us.
Having knowledge is of course very important for anyone who is going to trade because without knowledge of course they will only spend the money they use in trading and only luck can give profit to their trading.
10  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Some qualities a good trader should have on: October 20, 2024, 05:50:31 PM
Dear OP all you have said is okay and not a bad idea, these Information you share actually are basics and I would love to add, Patience ,  it's a very key habit to put to consideration while trading but a whole lot of traders don't have it fir sure, even a discipline trader needs patience to execute their trades, needs it to stick to their trading plans and all other factors that would be needed to maintain a good and healthy trading system.

Management of emotions is another, I have known of people who have brilliant strategies, excellent trading plans and very effective risk management system with which they trade but still struggle with their emotions bringing everything to a zero sum struggle all over, if they are able to overcome emotions I believe even a beginner wouldn't be long before they will start trading like a pro.

When someone trades and they do not have patience of course there will be many losses that will be obtained from the trades they make because they cannot trade well, with patience in trading they will be able to know the right time to enter the market and also exit because someone could make a mistake in holding on while they have to release the assets they hold for the profits they have earned.

You are right even though someone has understood well the right strategy for trading but they still have not overcome emotions when trading then they still experience failure and for beginners of course must continue to train so that they can always overcome emotions when trading if they do not want the trades they make not in accordance with what is desired.
11  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is now a good time to sell or buy bitcoin? on: October 20, 2024, 05:34:00 PM
Of course, it’s not the best time to buy right now, but it’s also not the best time to sell. The smart move is probably to wait for the right moment, because there’s a good chance that an all-time high (ATH) is on the way.

Most likely those who do not want to hold on will sell temporarily while waiting for some market corrections where speculators or let's say weak-handed whales will disrupt the price in the market to create a price reversal so that they can buy again at a low price from some of the profits in trading their assets.

For those who hold, it is also good and the positive thing is that they will sell at 73K too.

If someone does not want to hold on to their assets, it could be that their desired target has been achieved and for some people who are waiting for a price reversal and want to buy it at a lower price, of course they must first prepare funds to be able to use to buy when the price they want has been achieved and will sell it again to take profit, if you want to maintain their assets until the price reaches 73K then continue to focus on the process of accumulating your current assets consistently, of course you will be able to make a profit when your desired target has been achieved.
12  Economy / Economics / Re: Trusting your budget in times like this. on: October 20, 2024, 05:04:51 PM
The more sources of income the better because we never predict how steady jobs will be tomorrow. The mindset of the rich will always be thinking about how to make a lot of money and they make coordinated plans to achieve it. It takes planning as you said because life without a plan will never work and how we can increase our interest in continuing to obtain things in a much better way.
Rich people who are already smart and those who come from poor families will certainly always have a plan to increase their wealth by continuing to find more money with the capital they currently have. So rich people who still have the spirit to work will continue to move with their wise plans and they will not care about people who still complain for various reasons. And from what you said, I think it is also true because everyone clearly cannot guarantee the level of stability of their income for the future so whatever can be done and it can make money, it will be very good to continue to do it without any indication or thought of stopping.

Everyone will certainly always think about how to continue to increase their wealth and also prepare their future to be better than now and with the knowledge they have it will certainly make it very easy for them to collect their wealth over time, having a spirit to work is very important for anyone who wants to increase their wealth and it is very unlikely that those who like to complain will have good ideas to be able to make them continue to develop to be better than now.

And because we cannot guarantee what we will face in the future, it would be better if from now on we continue to work and earn money so that we can always be ready to face any situation that may possibly occur in the future.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: TAKING UP BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES on: October 20, 2024, 04:51:50 PM
Indeed, to get business opportunities, we need to look around us first, that is something that needs to be done before looking at potential elsewhere, because having business opportunities around us is much better, because we already know the environment where we live, so when setting up a business it will be easier.
Most people will indeed look at the place and business opportunities around them first before choosing to move to another place with the same goal. Because most people who are willing to move to another place to do business are the result of there being no more places in their own environment so they choose to look for it elsewhere and I think that is also not wrong to do as long as they are able to maintain and manage it very well. Because in terms of business, opportunities in any place must actually be utilized well if we have more ability to reach it.

When someone is going to build a business, of course they will first pay attention to their surroundings whether it is reasonable for the business they are going to build or not and if someone wants to move their business they must also check whether the type of business they are going to run can run well in that environment or not, because without understanding the environmental situation of a place and we try to move the business then it is very unlikely that the business we are going to run can run well, so it is very important to first check the situation so that the business we are going to run can run well.
14  Economy / Economics / Re: Other businesses and Bitcoin investment. on: October 18, 2024, 01:47:31 AM
Some people see Bitcoin as a source of income and they wait patiently for it to grow so they can sell and it profit especially those who are traders, a lot of people see it as there only source of income but we forget Bitcoin is very volatile and anything can happen at anytime one can be expecting to get a huge profit 3 years to come from Bitcoin and Bitcoin falls, this has caused a lot of people depression and it is advised that will use our Discretionary Income to invest in Bitcoin.
Some people says before investing in other business you must make sure you have accumulated enough Bitcoin but that's not it one can still invest in a business that will give you income while accumulating Bitcoin especially for those who are not long term Bitcoin investment.
When you build another business that brings you good profit it will help you grow your Bitcoin more bigger.
Building another business while accumulating your Bitcoin is not a bad idea, and is very much possible, let's all stop seeing Bitcoin as a source of income because it may cause panic when ever there's a dip or fall in Bitcoin.
Passive income requires setting up a business. Because Bitcoin investment will give you good profit but it will never give you passive income. To get the best out of Bitcoin you need to hire DB for the long term. So if you do not have a business or job, how will you meet your daily expenses? So instead of depending only on investing in Bitcoin, you have to keep an eye on some other sources of income that you can't avoid. But you can invest in Bitcoin only as an asset. And you can keep it for a long time.

We can get passive income from working or running a business and as you said very true we will be able to make a profit in the long term but cannot provide passive income from the asset, to be able to meet the daily needs that we need of course we must have income from the work we do and it is very unlikely that we will be able to survive in investing without having enough income to meet the daily needs that we need, yes having some sources of income that we have will certainly help us in running investments well and will also be able to hold the assets that we have invested in the long term without having to take for the needs that we need because we already have the income that we have for daily needs.
15  Economy / Economics / Re: Is personal responsibility the biggest factor in poverty? on: October 18, 2024, 01:30:33 AM
As I grow older, I’ve come to realize that personal effort often pales in comparison to the power of existing social systems. Poverty isn’t just about the lack of financial resources—what’s even more disheartening is that discussions about poverty are usually led by those who have never experienced it themselves.
Poverty is not caused by one or two factors in a country only but there are various other ancillary factors in addition to the socio economic condition of a country. Poverty is caused by the geographical location of some countries especially if the country is located in an environment where it is not possible to produce agricultural products and has to depend on exports of other countries for agricultural products. Again if a country lacks education among its population and also if that country has to depend on importing goods from other countries for mineral resources especially energy and infrastructural development then that country gradually turns into a poor population.

If a country is experiencing difficulties in terms of the economy, of course it will be difficult for most people to get jobs with decent incomes to be able to meet the needs they need and there will be many people who will become poor because of these conditions.
Related to agriculture, if we continue to rely on imported products, of course it will be difficult for some people who have low incomes to be able to enjoy agricultural products, so it is important for them to be able to think of an idea that can indeed build the agricultural sector even though their country does not have a good geographical location for planting agriculture.
If the population of a country is lagging behind in the field of education, of course the government must focus on developing the field of education so that their country can continue to experience development towards a better state than before.
16  Economy / Economics / Re: Do you compare prices or bargain before making purchases? on: October 17, 2024, 05:39:35 PM
Sellers usually put unreasonable prices on their goods, because they know most people just pay what they are asking for without questioning. But the minority who notices it and appeal to bargain are able to convince the sellers to decrease the prices to more reasonable digits. Both, sellers and buyers, win in this case. So I see only pros in bargaining.

Some sales often make unreasonable prices and they will see the condition of the buyer, usually when a buyer comes who looks like he has a lot of money the price will be raised and I have seen that when buying something.
That's why I prefer to buy something in a shop that already has a price attached to the product so we don't need to ask for a price reduction and before buying we can also check the price on the internet.

Bargaining when buying something is common and it will vary quite a lot in the style of the existing buyer.
That's why it used to be said that the buyer is king because the seller must serve well every time a buyer enters our shop.

If the sales offer a price for an item that we think is unreasonable for the item they are offering then it would be better for us to bargain for the item if we really want it but if after making an offer and they don't give it then it would be better for us not to buy the item because what they are selling is unreasonable for us to buy at the price they offer.
When we choose to shop at a store that already has a price tag, then when we make a payment, of course it is in accordance with what is stated on the item and of course this will make it easier for us to make payments without having to bargain. I agree with you, we often see those who bargain when making purchases, those who have limited money and also those who see the price of the item is not in accordance with the general selling price and this often happens in markets where the price is not listed on the goods being sold.
17  Economy / Speculation / Re: Road to 100k? on: October 17, 2024, 09:13:05 AM
I often say this, trading and investing are two different things. We cannot risk our money only to take the profit in less than an hour or two days and we call that investing. A young investor should invest in Bitcoin at least 10 to 15 years minimum to achieve great benefit from it. Anything other than that can be seen more like a trading and a get rich quick mindset. Investing in Bitcoin is knowing its true value and keeping it till then.

I have come to understand that great wealth comes only when we store value over a period of time and hold it for decades. And that should be the same for Bitcoin, cos it is such an asset with great value.

The reason why most people sees trading as a waste of resources, is because of how newbies easily rush into it with the aim of trying to get rich quick with any proper skill or knowledge about it , I have met alot of successful well trained traders that have been using trading to earn a living and some are also investing in bitcoin after knowing the potential that lies in bitcoin, but one thing I know for sure is that trading is not for everyone, while investing is something anyone can do with or without any skill. That why I keep saying that anything you are doing in this space always prior your bitcoin investment, so that you won't miss out in what is coming ahead.

Bitcoin is giving me joy each day now it's around the price range of $67k go bitcoin go... Cheesy

If someone rushes into trading with the aim of getting rich easily through trading, then the results they will get are of course very bad and of course this is not desired by everyone who trades, it is true that not everyone is suitable for trading, especially those who cannot control their emotions and do not do any analysis when entering the market to trade.

When someone chooses to run an investment in Bitcoin, of course it will be easy to understand and can also be run as long as they have income that they can invest and we all know that investing in Bitcoin will be very profitable if maintained in the long term for the profits that will be obtained after holding the asset, in the past two days we have seen very good price movements and I am sure it will continue to increase.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: Is taxation theft? on: October 16, 2024, 03:51:42 PM
We are a community so I think yes we all should contribute to the betterment of the society.

Taxation is only theft if it is used by government officials for their own personal benefit. I also think the system itself needs a refix to make it fairer and better but the point stil stands. There are so many corruption inside the system and the poor is suffering. Meanwhile the rich people can just avoid taxation with no repercussions. Now that is theft.
Yes, that's right. A country must have taxes in order to finance public interests, including economic development. It is also done so that many jobs are created, so that with many jobs, people's income can be distributed evenly. Not to mention infrastructure, health, and so on. So it is true as you said in community life it is very important for all of us to contribute to the progress of a country, especially society. In other words, the purpose of taxation is for the sustainability of a country and all development carried out for the welfare of society.

It's just that in many countries taxation has become a field for officials to commit corruption so that it is very far from the purpose of taxation itself. So it is not surprising that many people think that taxation is legalized theft. This is very reasonable to say because it is very sad that in almost all countries tax money is not used properly and as you said again many rich people avoid taxes and even officials do the same. Actually the purpose of tax is good, so taxes should be implemented according to their purpose and if they violate anyone's rights from the tax money, they should be imprisoned or given severe punishment.

It is true that the money collected from taxes will be used for the public interest if it can be realized properly, but when officials do not use the money collected from taxes properly and appropriately, we can see many government services that are indeed not feasible because the money collected from taxes is not used properly, but if the money generated from taxes can be used properly, I think we can see a prosperous society because the government has allocated tax funds to things that are really needed by many people.

If a country does not have good tax management, it will certainly lose the trust of the community to pay it, but because the punishment given for violations committed by these officials is not carried out properly, it is very possible that they will easily commit violations and continue to take tax funds paid by the community for their own interests, so it would be better if law enforcement against officials who cannot use tax funds properly can be carried out properly so that the community can feel the benefits of the taxes they pay.
19  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Greed when trading on: October 16, 2024, 03:11:23 PM
Yes, in most cases, traders who experience MC or lose all their money in a short time are because they trade based on a desire to take revenge on the market, usually this feeling arises after they experience a number of losses and what triggers this action is because they are unable to accept the risk of loss they experience.
This is why we always say and advise anyone, especially beginners who want to learn to first understand the negative side of trading activities, don't just look at the profit opportunities, because it's useless even if you have a good way to make a profit but on the other hand you don't know a trader must have good responsibility or the ability to accept risks, then in the end all the profits will also be lost through the revenge scenario.
On the other hand, a trader should not apply greed when they succeed in making a profit, so as I said above, learn everything, find information about what can be done and what should be avoided when someone wants to get involved in trading if you really want to stay safe in the long term.
Revenge in trading will always exist especially when the market is in bullish condition. Although such conditions are good especially when the market is in positive condition, greed can also turn it into something bad or bring disaster because they cannot accept previous losses which makes them too confident and emotional because they want to get back the losses or are ambitious to want profits that exceed previous losses. And this must really be fixed because being a trader must be able to control emotions and not be greedy because most of them forget themselves because of greed which makes them forget to sell it because the market is not easy to predict which sometimes suddenly reverses direction due to previously unknown factors that occur suddenly.

Yes, of course, this can happen at any time, both when market conditions are improving and greed occurs because someone cannot do a good analysis so they only trade not based on the knowledge they have and when they experience losses they will chase losses to be able to make a profit but they do not realize that what they do is just following their emotions to get back what they have lost from it and most of them will fail again because they are controlled by their emotions. In order to improve greed, we must continue to practice and analyze before deciding on something in the trades we make and I think it would be better for us to take the profits we have gained compared to passing up the opportunities we have gained because we cannot know for sure what we will face in the future.
20  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Anxiety in trading (heart disease) on: October 16, 2024, 02:53:23 PM
Even gamblers too usually go though this because of the risk involved in their stake. Trading comes with a lot of pressure and tension that might result in cardiovascular disorder overtime due to high level of anxiety. In order to be a disciplined trader you must master your emotions. The financial market involves taking risks but in order not to feel anxiety you must take responsible and calculated risks, inculcating risks management can save you from a lot stress. If you can't handle the emotional rollercoasters that comes with trading it's Best to avoid it

When someone does something related to money and has a high risk, be it trading or betting, of course it will be prone to making someone emotional, especially if they fail in the trade they do, of course that anxiety will arise by itself, but we must be able to control it by using capital that we can indeed afford when experiencing failure, the importance of understanding the risks that we will face when trading requires us to be more careful in making decisions when trading and I agree with you if you have not been able to control your emotions when trading, it would be better to postpone it first so as not to experience losses when trading because of doing it with emotion.
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