BehaviourExchange is cancelling announced ICO Dear BehaviourExchange supporters, a few months ago, we had postponed our planned initial coin offering. In our opinion, the conditions on the ICO market have not substantially improved since then and we have therefore decided to cancel our ICO. While Blockchain remains a paradigm-shifting technology, the hype surrounding ICOs has caused too much to happen too soon. We believe that some time is needed for the ICO space to rehabilitate and stabilize. If we decide to hold an ICO in the future, we believe we will be better equipped and stronger. However, the cancellation of the ICO does not mean that BehaviourExchange has given up! On the contrary, we are as committed as ever to our mission to customize online content to each Internet user's needs. In 2019, we have launched our platform and are offering our service to several companies which resulted in new interesting opportunities and finance sources. We will continue to do what we do best, and that is combining revolutionary technologies with an innovative mindset to create products that have a meaningful impact. We would like to thank our supporters from all corners of the world for your continuous support and kindly invite you to remain active members of our community. We would like to encourage anyone interested in our work, to visit our new website and follow us on Facebook. BehaviourExchange Team
BehaviourExchange is cancelling announced ICO Dear BehaviourExchange supporters, a few months ago, we had postponed our planned initial coin offering. In our opinion, the conditions on the ICO market have not substantially improved since then and we have therefore decided to cancel our ICO. While Blockchain remains a paradigm-shifting technology, the hype surrounding ICOs has caused too much to happen too soon. We believe that some time is needed for the ICO space to rehabilitate and stabilize. If we decide to hold an ICO in the future, we believe we will be better equipped and stronger. However, the cancellation of the ICO does not mean that BehaviourExchange has given up! On the contrary, we are as committed as ever to our mission to customize online content to each Internet user's needs. In 2019, we have launched our platform and are offering our service to several companies which resulted in new interesting opportunities and finance sources. We will continue to do what we do best, and that is combining revolutionary technologies with an innovative mindset to create products that have a meaningful impact. We would like to thank our supporters from all corners of the world for your continuous support and kindly invite you to remain active members of our community. We would like to encourage anyone interested in our work, to visit our new website and follow us on Facebook. BehaviourExchange Team
Dear bounty participants,
We truly appreciate your participation in BehaviourExchange bounty programs. With your help we successfully spread the word about our project globally.
Today we would like to inform you that for the time being all the bounty programs are put on hold. As soon as there will be any updates about bounty programs we will let you know since we consider you an integral part of our community.
Thank you again for the past and future support of BehaviourExchange project.
BehaviourExchange Team wishes you a merry Christmas and all the best in 2019.
Kind regards,
BehaviourExchange Team
Dear bounty participants,
We truly appreciate your participation in BehaviourExchange bounty programs. With your help we successfully spread the word about our project globally.
Today we would like to inform you that for the time being all the bounty programs are put on hold. As soon as there will be any updates about bounty programs we will let you know since we consider you an integral part of our community.
Thank you again for the past and future support of BehaviourExchange project.
BehaviourExchange Team wishes you a merry Christmas and all the best in 2019.
Kind regards,
BehaviourExchange Team
PUBLIC TOKEN SALE ANNOUNCEMENTDear Bexians, here is the new date of BEX Public Token Sale: BEX Public Token Sale will start on Monday 15/05/2019 at 12:00 UTC and will end on 11/11 at 12:00 UTC.During the last few months, the BehaviourExchange team focused primarily on the launch of BEX services. We are happy to tell you that we are successfully establishing connections with the first clients, signing the first contracts and, most importantly, that there are many more companies who are interested in our product waiting to start talks. In our last announcement, we prolonged the Private sale until November 2018 because the ICO market was bearish at that time. Now, the ICO market is slowly improving. A healthier ICO market along with a successful product launch makes for a very bright prospect for the future. That is why we decided to prolong the Private Sale and execute the Public sale on February 25th 2019 in order to give the project the best chance of success. Visit our website here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Consumers expect you to recognize their wishes and needs. Can a personal approach be applied to masses of potential buyers online?Marketing has changed significantly over the last two decades and one of the most important recent marketing trends is personalization. Technological advancement in recent years brought about new opportunities for ever more accurate targeting and personalization of messages which will eventually replace inefficient general and impersonal marketing strategies. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
These are the brands millenials most frequently talk about!Millennials are digital natives, so it comes as no surprise that the brands 18- to 34-year-olds talk about mostly come from the digital world. But there are also notable exceptions as the YouGov Millennials Ranking shows. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Find out which targeting method you should use in your B2C Christmas campaign!
Selecting and reaching the right audience is a crucial factor in digital marketing as the performance of your marketing campaigns depends on it considerably. So let’s take a look at some of the most effective targeting methods available today. Sociodemographic targeting — readily available but not very precise Sociodemographic targeting uses — as the name implies — socio-demographic aspects such as age, gender, occupation or income to deliver content, advertisements and other messages to the right target group... Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
These are the 3 golden rules for running a successful website! Rule no. 1: Content is king…The slogan “Content is King” is old, but still completely up to date. Many online retailers have great products or offer unique services, but they do not manage to convince the visitors of their websites. Many companies, including major well-known ones that have been on the market for a long time, are not getting the distinction between classic marketing, such as TV advertising, and online marketing, and prefer to overspread their website with outdated marketing blah — instead of focusing on what visitors actually want. And that is good content. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Personalized content — a trend with big impactAs data collection has become more sophisticated, content personalization has gotten easier in some ways and more complicated in others. Starting out as a buzzword, this marketing approach now determines the way companies communicate with its customers. People actually demand personalized contentAttention has become a precious commodity in the digital age. Web users in the US spend about the same amount of time sleeping (an average of 7.8 hours per day) as they engage with digital content. That’s one of many eye-opening findings in a new research report from Adobe, which surveyed over 1,000 consumers. The number of digital consumption hours is even higher for Millennials, who on average spend 9.6 hours per day consuming digital content. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
B2C Companies Miss (Too Many) Sales Opportunities By Not Knowing Their Web VisitorsBusinesses of all sizes are embracing digital marketing strategies to grow brand awareness, pull in revenue and create impact. However, building a website’s traffic is one thing. Converting traffic into sales is quite another. Don’t get lost in the noise
In a world where users are constantly bombarded with content and ads that try to sell them something, only the messages with a personal touch will come through. In the early stages of information gathering and the buying process, the Internet has become the preferred source of information for potential customers. This makes the website of a company one of the most important points of contact for prospects and potential new customers. Online marketing with its many possibilities has also become established over time as an integral part of successful concepts for lead generation and customer acquisition. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
BehaviourExchange uses machine learning and artificial intelligenceMachine learning and artificial intelligence are tools that can enhance creativity if used correctly. The way we tell stories and make connections has changed over the years. We now have tools and automation to help us understand our audiences in ways never before possible. Today we don't have to choose anymore between push and pull, man and machine, emotion and data...We can bring them together and enable to earn people's attention creatively and strategically. At BehaviourExchange we combined Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Marketing in order to make online space pleasant environment. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Content personalization drives the latest online revolutionThe term banner blindness (also ad blindness) is used when visitors to a website do not perceive banner ads or other elements and content that they perceive as advertisements. Ads can be found almost anywhere on the internet. They traditionally have standard sizes and are placed in specific places on the website. Read more here. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Why website personalization is important?Consumers expectations have shifted to the point that people expect a personal digital experience that mirrors the typical level of personalization they receive offline. Many have grown accustomed to personalized experiences from their news feed, social network, and shopping recommendations. In fact, expectations have risen so high that companies who want to improve their products are changing their strategy to address this need directly. Many business and technology leaders name personalization as a top commerce technology investment priority. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Personalization channelsLatest studies show that there are numerous challenges inherent with personalization, it holds much promise across various channels and processes. Among those respondents personalizing today, the most common channel is the website (80%), followed by email (76%), although email is the most popular among respondents in the marketing department. Correspondingly, respondents noted that customer profile data is most important to website and email marketing functions. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
We have another great news to share with you:
👏 BEX has been invited to participate in Wayra AI & Blockchain Accelerator competition and we made it to Semi-Finals!!! 👏 The program is supported by Telefónica, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and has been designed to accelerate the best AI & Blockchain start-ups in Europe to scale globally. Our CEO Marijan Jurenec is meeting the Wayra team todat and is going to present the BEX project in Edinburgh. Keep your fingers crossed! 🤞 Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Im new to crypto and looking for worthy projects and ive read information about yours and it seemts pretty good. Ive already picked P08, just fascinated with its industry, but now i need something different but not less worthy heh Please,tell, for how long you plan to stay on the market? And what is your plan in case of the lack of demand ?
Since every B2C company that has a website is out potential client we are positive that there will not be a lack of demand for our services. Best, BehaviourExchange Team
BehaviourExchange Announces the Launch of BEX services and a new date of Public Sale! The BehaviourExchange team has been working very hard in order to finish the development of the BEX User Interface and to test the functionality of BehaviourExchange platform. As you already know, BEX solution enables an automated customization of a website’s content so that each visitor is greeted with a personalized offer of products, services or content. We are very proud to announce that BEX services are finally available to all B2C companies, and even more, our sales force team has already introduced the project to the first companies. Every single company, small or big, with an online shop or just introducing its products or services on the website, welcomed the BEX solution with an open arms. Why? Because BEX services will enable companies to personalise the communication with each online visitor and to show the content that visitor is actually interested in. This will more likely lead to a desired action of visitors on the website and help the companies grow their business on one hand, and improve visitor’s user experience on the other hand. Public token saleIn our last announcement we set two milestones: Public Token Sale in September 2018 and the launch of BEX services in October 2018. Since the ICO market is currently bearish, we put all our efforts into the launch of BEX services instead and jumped ahead of our initial promise. We launched BEX services a month earlier and did it with a big success! We also decided to leave Waves and to move to ERC-20 token smart contract. Therefore we are prolonging the Private Sale and are planning to execute the Public Token Sale in November 2018. The Public Token Sale will be executed in a few phases and will end 6 months after the start date. Dear Bexians, here is the new date of BEX Public Token Sale: BEX Public Token Sale will start on Monday 19. 11. 2018 at 12:00 UTC and will end on Friday 19. 5. 2019 at 12:00 UTC. For more information visit BehaviourExchange website. Whitelist here. Follow us on Telegram.
AI driven and Blockchain based platform
 ℹ️BehaviourExchange is an AI driven and Blockchain based platform, which identifies and profiles web visitors in real time. ℹ️BehaviourExchange enables an automated customization of a website’s content so that each visitor is greeted with a personalized offer of products, services or content. ℹ️With the visitor's consent, we will follow what they read and how they behave to determine their profiles. They will benefit from getting relevant content and by being rewarded with BEX tokens to buy products and services from the companies in the network under favourable conditions. Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.
Challenges in achieving a single customer
 One of the key problems surveys noted relates to linking information across channels. For respondents, the main challenges in achieving a single customer view are: Inability to link different technologies (40%); Poor data quality (34%); and Lack of relevant technology (32%). Follow us on Telegram. Read the Whitepaper here.