Many analysts today believe that the prices of all altcoins depend on the current state of BTC and Ethereum. When BTC prices begin to decline, we can see a deterioration in the altcoins market. Therefore, I very much hope for the restoration of the prices of BTC and Ethereum - this will really be very useful for the entire crypto market.
I have seen a lot threads here about how to choose good bounties. It shows the challenges many of us here are going through in choosing a good bounty. If you really want to maximize your chances of participating in bounties of successful ICOs, i will recommend Bountyhive for you. The success rate of their bounties is very high. Their social media campaign is less stressful because of the absence of weekly reports. They have a limit as to the number of participants in each campaign thereby enabling you to earn a higher income. Although there are certain drawbacks in their processes such as your inability to see your weekly earnings on their spreadsheet, in general their services are really good and i will recommend for everyone
On the modern crypto market one can find various convenient and useful platforms for choosing suitable bounty for work. My favorite resources are now becoming bountyhive, bountyguru, amazix. Thanks to these resources, I can compare and select suitable bounty for work.
Ever since the market went red, have you guys received any tokens from the bounty campaigns you have joined? In my case, I haven't received any and I've asked the devs of the projects that I have participated in and they told me that they are following their roadmap and focusing on their product. Are you in the same situation as me?
Of course, due to the current problems in the crypto market, the situation for the bounty participants has deteriorated significantly. But so far I have not had any problems lately. I carefully chose bounty, so I was able to get my tokens at the appointed time. Only a few bounty increased participation time.
Some people say hold your crypto, some says sell immediately that holding for long is useless. What do you believe and practice?
In each case, you need to make the appropriate decision individually, depending on your goals and the characteristics of the selected coin. Personally, I now prefer to continue to invest money in the purchase of good altcoins, which have a real potential for development and appreciation.
for me the only thing that dragging the crypto currency price are two things the bad and fake news that are spreading by some people who has big interest on crypto there is no denying that this is their doing and nothing else, who has the money and funds to do that? im sure by now that its clear, second is the timing the the stock market also plummeting also this is all over the news, everyone should understand that this is what really happening and panic will not only drag the price down , but will also empty you pocket so keep calm
In 2019, there is every chance to see a significant improvement in the crypto market. Including due to the legalization of different coins, the spread of cryptocurrency in the world, there will be a gradual increase in prices, and it will be possible to regain the confidence of investors. Now the right strategy for the job is to keep buying and hodl good coins.
Of course, gradually, the opportunities and benefits of KYC technology need to be introduced in the crypto market. After all, it will be possible to increase the reliability of ICO and gain confidence among investors. But I’m unlikely to participate in airdrops programs that require KYC to take place.
Why does coins prices fluctuate so much and it is never been constant making predicting price much harder and much riskier and holding on to coins can be the best way right now.
why does it change prices constantly and never stagnant?
It should be understood that cryptocurrency prices change regularly, depend on many factors. In fact, this is a completely normal logical situation. Investors and market participants simply need to take into account such nuances in their work. After all, the level of demand and prices change regularly.
Everyone keeps saying that neo will surpass eth.. how come then the price hasn't even gone over $100 :/
I am fully confident that today NEO retains the status of one of the most reliable and favorite options for altcoins for profitable investments. Next year there are all prerequisites for the rapid development and price increase of NEO. But personally, I am convinced that in the short term, Ethereum will maintain the status of a true leader in the altcoins market, providing powerful resources and ambitions for successful development
2018 was a year of financial correction after a rapid price increase. In fact, we already noticed a similar situation in 2014. I believe that the year 2019 will demonstrate a certain increase in prices, but it will be moderate - up to about 6 thousand dollars.
The main lesson for me personally is that in any case, there is no need to panic, despite the sharp drop in prices. In the period of market decline, you just need to be patient, over time, the situation always returns to normal. It is necessary to learn to work calmly and rationally without panic and unnecessary experiences.
I noticed this phenomenon. Often someone buys up all the proposed tokens with a small amount of trading (for example, look at SMT on hitbtc this night), and after a few days these tokens go up in price very much. Is it worth buying such a token?
As before, the decision must always be taken individually. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the demand for a specific coin, its prospects for further development. After all, you need to understand that there are many coins, all of them have a different fate. But I regularly invest part of the money in the purchase of such coins.
I am confident in the huge potential of successful development of the ICO market. There is every reason to assert that investors will continue to work with promising projects in the future. But I believe that investors should become more attentive and smarter, should carefully select projects for investment, in order to reduce the income of scammers.
There are many ICOs out there, but more than 50% of them fail. From my analogy, could this be the reasons why ICOs fail? 1. Being too complicated: If you want investors to favour your ICO, make sure they understand your coin offering. Be concise yet interesting, creative yet not too ‘techy’ and try to explain concepts from scratch. Of course, the detail you go into is likely to depend on your target audience. 2. No unique Use case and lack of creativity: The reality is, ICOs are not straightforward and with new ideas and concepts arising daily, you need to get noticed and that means coming up with some unique Use case So, before a developer even attempts to launch an ICO or enter the crypto world, ask yourself: "What will make investors choose this particular ICO over a competitor’s ICO?" I believe the list continues.
This situation is due to many circumstances. Among the main problems I can single out a significant increase in competition in the current ICO market, the total amount of investment has significantly decreased. Also played a role and a significant increase in cases of fraud.
I am fully confident that the crypto market now provides attractive opportunities for profitable investments. Right now the perfect time comes for a bargain for Ethereum and BTC, while prices remain at a minimum. Today, these are true leaders in the crypto market, with time they will definitely restore their high positions.
I want to know how you relate the risks to profits? What is the determining factor for you to sell or buy coins? How many of you are trading short-term?
In fact, a very relevant and important issue for successful work in the crypto market. But after all, no one can definitely answer how to protect yourself in different situations. I believe that the main rule for such a result is to distribute your investments, carefully select suitable projects.
I bought some ETH when the price was 0.026 BTC I know ETH price will start moving up sooner or later. Just Checked Binance the price is trending now @ 0.038 BTC I am expecting to exchange my ETH with BTC once the price will cross the 0.080 BTC Mark. This time HODL for ETH LOL I am also fully convinced that buying Ethereum is now the right and very profitable solution for investors. Since Eth prices have stabilized recently. There are all prerequisites to declare that in the near future we will notice a stable appreciation of coins, you just need to wait a bit.
I am also fully convinced that novices must have sufficient knowledge to succeed in their chosen field of activity. Technical analysis provides relevant and important information for its success. Therefore, you should always find time and energy to study this information.
Now the situation on the crypto market really remains quite complicated. But in fact, there is every reason to say that with time the situation will improve, you just need to wait and not panic. Now is a great time for a profitable investment in the purchase of good coins, while prices remain minimal.
I am fully convinced that the crypto market will continue to exist and develop in the future. But the situation here can change very much and rapidly, making accurate predictions is really difficult. After all, there are many factors that can affect the situation and prices.
Too fast and short XRP reclaims its position from Ethereum. I am still hesitant to invest now, the market is still not good. More often red and no significant changes. How do you respond to this? Will you still survive to buy several altcoins? Thank you in advance.
I believe that today Ripple and Ethereum are the two main competitors for the status of the leading and most successful altcoin on the modern crypto market. I believe that both coins have excellent potential for successful development in 2019 after the situation has improved.