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Excellent work, let me figure out how many of these I need so I can get rid of my coolermaster lan box cases 
Just saw this post on Reedit by Yifu on Avalon why no one has heard from them this month. QUOTE: "It all begin a few weeks ago when we received an email attached with a PDF containing the person information of some Avalon team members in China. Extortion, a familiar tactic when it comes to the Bitcoin scene and business in China. Threatened to release this information public if we do not pay up; we choose to ignore the demands because the information is quite outdated and some even are inaccurate, making this a low threat. Everything changed when people started to knock on some team members parent's house looking for them using the information found on the PDF or other sources. This called for a immediate reevaluation of operational security of the Avalon project. This is the main source of delays and lack of communication in the past few weeks. This matter is still on going, but a majority of the Avalon operation has once again been resumed. Just as this matter is reaching its closure. WSJ prints an mashed article consists of rumors, opinions and pieces of various stories. Avalon whilst under NDA(s) are unable to comment on all aspect of the story. We will however state the following: We were indeed in Amsterdam on Tuesday and had a meeting with TSMC and we will leave it at that for now. We would also like to take this chance to properly restate that Avalon will from this day going forward will no longer be participating in any form of pre-order, pre-sale type of business operations." "
Thanks for Sharing this is good information to know. The good news is that it was only your avalon that was affected and nothing else. Making me think twice about electrical fires that this thing can cause 
I used coinbase and will get my money by friday.
Hi there! MTGox has taken over a month to wire a bank transfer, and I still don't have the money in the bank yet. I am aware of all of the trouble, the freeze and the backlog, but this seems excessive, as far as the amount of time the transfer is taking. I am kind of wondering if I'll ever see the money. When they used OKPAY, things went smoothly. Is there a faster, reliable way to get USD for BTC? Is BTC-E still running well, and are they faster? Thanks in advance!
1) Cancel MTGox transfer 2) Withdraw BTC to your wallet (expect a BS account validation maneuver) 3) Sell on Coinbase 4) Get funds with no problem. ~BCX~ That's exactly what I did yesterday, the reason Gox has that spread is because everyone is trying to get their money out of USD to BTC - really seems like Gox has liquidity issues - I've never heard of anyone taking 3 to 4 weeks to process bank withdrawals.
Just wanted to say this is one of the best threads (if not the best) I have seen in most forums and also on the bitcoin forum. The knowledge in this thread is great not only for BTC but even trading in general. Definitely a must read for anyone that even want to trade stocks, options and forex. Thanks Goomboo! What is a Goomboo? 
They must have just came back online, down for about 10 minutes, probably all the activity going on today with the pricing!
Mt.Gox had some issues today, looks like Coinbase is under attack? 
Thanks for the .001 BTC - even though it's < a penny, this covers 2 transaction costs - way to give!
Cool send some over!
I see a lot of people use Ubuntu Desktop 13.04 or Kubuntu you can try those, I think that will be your best bet! 
Scammer take your scammed money from escrow and take some English lessons. 
Good to know about scammers thanks!
Definitely not Random, and not Untrue here's the unit  I don't post about random and untrue things! Thanks to dxtwo for making me POP my bitcoin cherry after 1 week 
Good thing I have my own mini data center  - I would consider doing this through my tech company since we do some hosting for web and other pieces. FYI, I run all Cisco, have a 45KW genset, Cooling and UPS power, redundant internet, with a 20MB Fiber (Upgrading to 100MB) and 250MB Download from Shaw. We are in Canada eh? (Vancouver, BC) - I was considering building out a portion of the building we own if there actually was enough interest - hash hash hash  Just added the first piece of Avalon Batch 2 - Equipment
Great Seller, very trustworthy and great transaction thanks again!
FinCen is really only concerned if you are a "Money Exchanger" from what I understand. If you are a money transmitter and money exchange like Coinbase and Mt. Gox you have to register with FinCen. Here's a good article on Coinbase about FinCen
I Officially have close to 20 now - avalon has created about 9.5 in the last week 