Ill also grab one please MrHodl.
Theyre a nice looking coin. International Shipping.
Thanks. Edits
Nice work MJ, they belong with the coins. If anyone wants to sell a Yarr, please let me know.
Thats the problem with unfunded Lealanas. You cant just pull the address from the first bits as its unfunded. They only ever got given to the original purchaser. I really wish Smoothie could find the time to provide the community with a complete address list.
well played. I missed it too. Congrats.
| might be into the ditch by the road...
This would be the most tragic of endings.
is that both eagle and bull available as ebay blanks?
Some real treasures there. Had never heard of or seen the puzzle coin before. Great work collecting these in only a couple of years.
Well done.
Set your sights to the next collectable you want, do some research here for market value, pick a price youre happy with and drop a [WTB]
Welcome to the physical rabbit hole.
Does anyone know if these last 500 were sold or perhaps kept by the makers ? I think the highest number I’ve got is in the 44,000s, anyone have a 50,000 serial ?
You have a 44K? That throws my ratio out the window. according to this they did indeed run to 050500, that makes it almost even with post fork "slightlly" rarer. 30500 pre fork, 20000 post fork.
so in BTC that went for less than 28? Seems they sold for 28 in the ANN. (if you bought 1 -4) in BTC terms, coins dont really appreciate in value but I like them... a lot. That is a beautiful coin and congrats to the buyer. what a purchase.
All these years and people still doing “x face value” valuations, smh
How else would it be valued?