the day after tomorrow is already October so its currently still September. give the man some leeway. CI will provide the coins when they are ready. He has not failed us yet. the other option is give up your number and watch someone else grab it. Patience is a virtue
from previous PMs about this from CI.
> Shipping will start in September. >Thank you very much, I will let you know once it ships!
I have not received a message about shipping so assume they havent been shipped yet.
expect it to take a while. Global shipping is crazy right now
bookmark this forum and visit regularly. If something comes up for sale as a new coin/card/collectible, its almost always on here.
Has anyone ever offered the 10 coin set for sale? I was always bummed I missed the window on that one.
I have not seen one offered for resale. From the original auction, the only people that got 2 were Canaryinthemine and Greenplastic. I imagine you would need a decent stack of BTC to tempt them to sell their second one.
What is the going rate for an eagle?
3-5 of the basketball went to auction, Im unsure if winning that auction gave you the chance to buy the same number hockey or if 3-5 will be auctioned again.
Good Luck with your sale 2stout.
These are indeed a show stopper, I hope they go to a loving collector.
Thanks for the replies gents, hard to find people as passionate about these things in real fact, my mates get bored everytime I bring my crypto collection out hahaha
lol, just dont. I am often asked (more during the last bull run) "So Edits, youre into Bitcoin, how much do you have?" "Not enough I keep spending it" "what, you can spend it? what do you spend it on?" "I buy these collectible Bitcoin physical coins, here let me show you the forum" IMMEDIATELY the eyes roll back and glaze over. You have found your people. Welcome.
Yes indeed.
Quite excited to see the hockey coin IRL. Got the PM yesterday.
Im Wondering what sport might be next, We have already had BBall and Hockey. Maybe football (soccer) but that looks a lot like Basket Ball. Maybe Tennis? edit: this was just me looking at popular sports in Spain. Cycling?
uugh, tldr: dont buy coins from ebay.
That said whats the going rate for an eagle? They sure are pretty and I assume they dont have the sweeping issue of the bull.
Sol Noctis Binary Eagle Bitcent. Easily the best design Ive ever seen on a coin, the use of 1s and 0s to make feathers was amazing.
Miffman Bitpiece. Simple clean design.
This is assuming its not just "coins I have"
Those big red warnings in your original pics have saved me a couple of times from sending people BTC when I won an auction. (Denarium and BTCC come to mind) but that doesnt help when the original user IS a newbie
Im still a new user, but I have already been phished once and seen a few of these scams along with one to pay for a coin I didnt even win.
Be careful, this board is full of scammers (obviously they rarely post, they just DM) but its also full of genuinely good users that want to share their passion for collectibles and are happy to help new users in any way they can.
edit: That said, I reset my password recently (just noticed when checking my trust) so its not a smoking gun of fraud, It could also be a sign of forgetful/drunk users
| works as well I believe. Edit - I think walletexplorer is case-insensitive, but I may be wrong, it's been a while.  smartbit works really well, it suggests all the addresses that start with those characters as you type plus, its Australian so Im biased towards it. per owlcatz's edit, wallet explorer is indeed case INsensitive (just tested it) so you dont need to get the caps right to find the right address. You do need to get the case right to find the address on smartbit.
Honour the sale.
You messed up OP, you called the auction end early (against your own rules) and contacted a bidder to let them know they won at that price.
yeah, sorry mate, im slow on the messages.
responded and sorted.
I love this forum for buying coins. Such a good community.
I have not seen a single GOLD halving coldkey go up for sale sine the ANN so you know its rare.
Take that as you will but the BTC amount on the card is irrelevant. Its now a 1 of 21 rarity.
FYI I never got the gold or silver and have been hawking for both since, no one is selling them.
okay cool.
I assumed you would give me a BTC price that includes shipping via PM, but if you want to use MJ thats cool too.
You pay shipping to MJ, They can contact me and let me know a total to get it shipped here.
I dont think I should pay an escrow fee when you choose to use it and Im happy to pay up front, but w/e.
edit: since we both have trust from MJ, cant we just make a trade between each other?
Hi Edits, that will be 0.014 shipped to Australia.
Hi MrStacy, please see the attached privnote for txid and shipping details.
Hi Edits, Confirmed. heres the tracking for your coin.