Imo the theft is the work of probably only one person. But probably someone on the inside, for reasons I'm not aware of. Hearing the domain was basically stolen through an old inactive email from 3 years ago should help find who did this, as probably not many person were to be aware of that. I believe the rest of the staff at Altilly giving updates is genuinely affected too and are doing their best to sort things out. So thanks to the ordinary people stuck in this mess and doing their best, for my part, I'm not too affected so don't worry for me.
I also had a withdrawal that was confirmed but never went through over a week ago from RVN. Never cared because it was 27 RVN's...
Here is what I am asking myself since early december: Their system status page had a deposit, withdrawal, and "safe storage" wallet. But where was that safe storage located? As it seems their funds were already funneled elsewhere. For example: in early december, when trying to withdraw a substantial amount of litecoins that was deposited only 3 days earlier, the litecoin withdrawal wallet of the exchange had to be put in maintenance for 12 hours so that my withdraw could be finally fulfilled. After that, in the system status page, the amount of litecoins, in safe storage, stayed exactly the same even though there was supposed to be a substantial amount of litecoin subtracted from my recent withdraw.
So the person allowing the withdrawals for litecoins and managing the maintenance during that time, had to know that something was going wrong, because I knew...
I recommend to the staff left at Altilly to look at who of theirs left the boat just before the shtf, because if someone on the inside caused that, he/she would left you hanging with all the troubles...
edit: after reading @drofxafm comment, I agree that in the concourse of multiple mistakes, I think it may also be the work of an attacker maintaining stealth control over the exchange for weeks... only time will tell if we'll ever know...
Their 5% return on investbox on BTC, ETH, USDT and LTC were suspicious as hell. It is also very convenient for them to have all data disappearing with funds. If true, it would make legal actions from customers impossible. It seems for now their favorite culprit is their "hosting provider". Personally I do not trust any word coming from them, as they haven't disclosed any info when it happened and just went on silent mode. The blueprint of an amateur exit scam.
Altilly allegedly hacked. Rip another exchange.
It sucks but I'm not that much surprised about the Altilly exchange "hack". First of all, their 5% investbox returns on BTC, ETH, USDT and LTC were suspicious as hell. Also, for many days, I've noticed a memory leak in my browser after long time being logged in. The delisting of XQR markets a couple of weeks ago was botched and pissed customers off. I saw there how amateur they were and it gave me the opportunity to get most of my fund out. Also around that time I've caused the LTC wallet to go into maintenance by myself just trying to get my LTC out. They didn't seem to have the funds on hand and I'm not sure what constituted their "safe storage"... I thought they would close at the very end of the month, I'm surprised that it happened on christmas...
Hi, this is just to confirm that I've received the prize of 0.0025 42 for the 15th of december price guessin' comp! , Feel free to check the address above on a blockexplorer. Big thanks 42 coin and IMZ for the contest. I'm very glad to have now a stake in that super rare asset!
I don't know @Searing but for my situation, litecoin become very handy when bitcoin's mempool goes boom.
Merci GrosWesh pour le link de l'article, ça donne un bon aperçu et je vois que quelques personnes ont déjà un peu cette idée. Je ne connaissais pas Bitwage, wow ils semblent être déjà bien connectés comme intermédiaire de paiement! Merci de vos opinions les amis!
Corrigez-moi si je me trompe mais si j'offre quelque chose du style annonces classées, je serais soumis à très peu de bureaucratie. (Il y a quand même beaucoup de choses à se conformer j'en suis conscient... modération des posts, disclaimers, responsabilités, etc...)
Hi! I'm just curious about what happen at block 800k. How blocks gets processed after total emission is reached?
Merci pour ton avis chagry! Je trouve aussi que ça a sa place comme service. On entend souvent dire "demandez une partie de votre salaire en crypto!" Mais encore faut-il que les employeurs et employés puissent se trouver!
Je suis un peu déçu de ne pas voir de cryptos dans Cyberpunk 2077! . La monnaie qu'on loot dans le jeu s'appelle l'Euro-Dollars. Wtf? lol Dans la version française ? je l'ai téléchargé mais pas joué encore. Curieux de voir ça Je joue présentement à la version anglaise! Sans donner de détails, quel jeu!!
Le 3 décembre 2020, une équipe de cryptographes à cracké le code du cypher de 340 charactères envoyé par le Zodiac, il y a plus de 50 ans, au San Francisco Chronicle du 8 novembre 1969. Le tueur a dissimulé son message en diagonale avec chacune des lettres variant entre 1 et 6 symboles. Un des chercheurs explique le tout dans ce vidéo absolument fascinant sur yt: Découverte cryptographique de l'année?
Sans vouloir réinventer la roue. Offrir un service pour les employeurs et les travailleurs voulant payer ou être rémunéré partiellement (un certain %) ou entièrement en cryptomonnaie. Catégories d'emplois classifiées, recherche avancée (soit par emplacement géographique, type d'emploi, type de paiement, heures par semaines, etc). Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si l'idée a déjà développée/essayée?
Je suis un peu déçu de ne pas voir de cryptos dans Cyberpunk 2077! . La monnaie qu'on loot dans le jeu s'appelle l'Euro-Dollars. Wtf? lol
Hi! there's rumor on Altilly trollbox that I've won the btc price guessing contest! Here is the same address that I just posted on the altilly trollbox to prove that I am the same account here and there: 4PoNH2U6dJjJ6wQ1yvNSE9BAt5Ddus4i5Q
Thanks a lot for the contest, first time I own some 42! I will hodl in wallet by respect to the organizer and see if I can stake.
I took the red pill and it brought me here
We see here who's bull, who's bear... I still stand by my guess.
It's pathetic how this thread is filled with meaningless talk in a excuse to flash bounty signatures to others while legit issues are ignored.
Hi, I'm just a miner and I'm realizing that more and more, some block explorers like the one at and exchanges are having a lot of difficulty detecting deposits/the correct amount on my ethereum addresses. Even if the tx are well confirmed on chain for hours, the tx doesn't appears unless the eth move again. Any reason why it's happening so frequently nowadays? It's kind of a pain in the ***!