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Losing your bicoin is like storing a bag of gold somewhere in the world and then forgetting where it is exactly. You might remember parts of the location, but as long as you don't have it exactly, you can't touch them again.
This is generally where things tend to go wrong actually. A lot of the USD exchanges have been having issues recently and some have been having persistent issues for a while (e.g Gox). I'm not sure how Cryptsy is going to avoid the same issues with regards to it all but it will be interesting to watch how it turns out.
It's a sure thing introducing USD/EUR trading will bring problems to the site, but let's hope it won't alter the quality of coin/coin trading.
Waiting for registration's admin approval.
I've used it several times in the last couple weeks and it always worked.
It might change in the future but right now I'd use it again.
Dès que quelqu'un utilise le mot "crypter" pour parler de chiffrement, un chaton meurt.Je te conseille de lire l'article sur le wiki officiel. Je pense qu'il répondra à beaucoup de tes questions: tout cas, attention à toute les saloperies qui trainent sur le net pour voler les wallets des gens. Il y en a même avec des keyloggers pour enregistrer les passphrases. Sinon, une méthode qui marche bien c'est de l'imprimer sur du papier.
Because it's the place to be.
I guess a better support of HCE with Android 4.4 will allow tons of bitcoin related NFC related apps and ideas.
do you guys consider buying LTC now @$37 a bad idea?
Whatever you do always seems a bad idea at the time you do it, unless you can see the future.
I'll celebrate by making sure my wallet backups are fine.
This thread makes me think about buying some QRK.
It would be nice to be able to add coins that aren't listed on any exchange (like brand new ones or shitty ones). One would then enter their values manually.
In my case, it'd be useful to note where I stored my coins, since I don't store them all at the same place or in the same wallets.
Is there any exchange/places where I could buy some?
Il y a deux jours j'ai eu une mésaventure similaire. Finalement au bout de 24h environ j'ai reçu mes bitcoins, mais au travers d'une transaction différente que celle qui m'était indiquée par le site.
Il est vrai que cette attente est souvent pénible. Continue à surveiller.
This data is a total cliché.
People don't want to manipulate values with lots of zeros. That's why the SI units where invented.
I like lotteries. I'm in.