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As far as I read, the verification takes only place with the investor company covering the btce tokens. If the investor company does not show up, there will be not verification and just the 55% withdraw option.
Believe me, the "investor company" will show up 100% and there will be tokens. Again, which legal "investor company" following KYC/AML laws would do business with wanted criminals? (that's a contradiction in itself). Right, none. BTC-E owners will create a new company with new branding. Funds will come from them! Everything will stay in the big BTC-E family. Lot's of quick money they can make here ;-) So, here is how things will turn out (most likely) The pyramid scheme will be like this:Since everybody has to verify (long proccess). Nobody will be able to dump tokens at start. So BTC-E will have time to dump their own BTE assets first. Token soon will be worth a fraction of 1$. Soon many verified user will dump their tokens to get at least some btc back. Since BTC-E dumped first they can rebuy coins later at a fraction of 1$ and give them to the new verified users way cheaper one point when most of the users dumped their tokens btc-e can rebuy all coins cheap and pump it back to 1$. Business as usual until G.I. Joe shows up and busts them again. This time with all the accounts linked to your personal or "faked" docs whatever... The whole thing looks fishy.
They clearly stated "ALL users need to verify" and @illinest is right. There is no fiat processing involved. You will get coins + token and you don't need to verify for them in other exchanges who are following AML laws like Kraken, Bittrex, GDAX, etc. There is no reason at this point to send over high resolution scans of my personal documents to criminals. This is a big security risk for all customers.
So to speak, the child has already fallen down the well. At this point KYC/AML laws are BTC-E's and all it's employees smallest problem. They are tainted as money launders and now will be hunted and prosecuted.
The US law is very clear about this matter, especially if it comes to business partners, and customers:
Participation in any capacity such as an accomplice, assistant or instigator in an offence established in accordance with this Convention.
All participating in the infringement or attempted infringement, should be declared responsible, according to the particular country's internal law, as accomplices or instigators.
Meaning if you are doing business with BTC-E or what ever they call themselves now will be liable to prosecution. That applies particularly to the new "investor company". If they strictly follow KYC/AML laws and do business with BTC-E they break the law and would be a criminal offence.
Conclusion: The whole thing looks fishy. Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.
Don't do it. You have been warned!
So my guess is YandexMoney (NASDAQ stock symbol YNDX), QIWI, Cloudflare and many other well known companies who worked with BTC-E are also "accomplices" and their respective CEOs will be hunted down and detained by the US government.
Cool story, bro.
Nope, because all these company's immediately halted their business with btc-e, handed over ALL evidence and froze btc-e fiat accounts after FBI busted them. By the way that's a good example how company's make DEALS with US government to get immunity from prosecution! btc-e should do the same 
My advice to
BTC-E and their employees.
Give your customers coins + token now. Then call FBI and US Attorney General. Turn yourself in and make deal!
THEN if everything is fine again follow KYC/AML laws and request high resolution scan from your customers.
Everything else is are big security risk for your customers! Don't force them to send fakeID and become criminals themselves.
Will all the users that were already verified via xbtce have to re-verify? If they have the database, they should know who was verified already? Seems like xbtce has started the purge, I got email today to provide NON-US residency proof or provide details to remove funds. When I logged in to check, i am no longer verified.
Yes, you will have to re-verify! 100% sure
@A.Zimmerer Don't do it = Don't get your coins
As far as i understood they require you to send your docs before you can withdraw. FIAT or coins doesn't matter
If you have only coins you can try sending a fake ID i guess, but how can you get a fake ID??
Nope, we should convince BTC-E to do the right thing. Hand over our coins and token without verification! Sending fakeID is no solution Lionel. So I will have to become criminal to get my coins + tokens from criminal ? Nonsens...
It doesn't matter what they were doing in May 2017. The money laundering charges stem from 2012, and the unlicensed MSB charge likely stems from inception of the exchange. I believe they are trying to salvage funds by deterring some people from making a claim on their funds. I can't think of any other rational explanation. The new exchange refunding balances tied to BTC-E (along with the token scheme) will clearly tie them to the original exchange. Mandatory KYC at this point (especially with no fiat processing) doesn't further their compliance efforts; they are already tainted. It's just to scare people away from asking for refunds. 
They clearly stated "ALL users need to verify" and @illinest is right. There is no fiat processing involved. You will get coins + token and you don't need to verify for them in other exchanges who are following AML laws like Kraken, Bittrex, GDAX, etc. There is no reason at this point to send over high resolution scans of my personal documents to criminals. This is a big security risk for all customers.
So to speak, the child has already fallen down the well. At this point KYC/AML laws are BTC-E's and all it's employees smallest problem. They are tainted as money launders and now will be hunted and prosecuted.
The US law is very clear about this matter, especially if it comes to business partners, and customers:
Participation in any capacity such as an accomplice, assistant or instigator in an offence established in accordance with this Convention.
All participating in the infringement or attempted infringement, should be declared responsible, according to the particular country's internal law, as accomplices or instigators.
Meaning if you are doing business with BTC-E or what ever they call themselves now will be liable to prosecution. That applies particularly to the new "investor company". If they strictly follow KYC/AML laws and do business with BTC-E they break the law and would be a criminal offence.
Conclusion: The whole thing looks fishy. Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.
Don't do it. You have been warned!
Well guys, looks like its all turning out well. All the haters and ghoulish gloaters have been proved wrong and are now eating shit. All that remains to resolve is if there will be a trollbox amnesty
well, there is the small matter of sending ID docs to the exchange. not a fan and certainly not the btc-e i know. i hope it's not a honeypot. i'm not particularly fond of sending my docs to them at this point. it's not that i'm worried about identity theft, as some have pointed to..... it's that i think those servers might get seized again someday and i don't want my docs on them. seems like non-US citizens are in a better position in that respect, if you know what i mean..... I absolutely agree with you @figmentofmyass Finally someone asking the right questions! Verification doesn't make sense at this point of time and with a busted exchange like BTC-E this is a security risk for every customer. BTC-E didn't care 7 years about any AML laws now they get busted and want to verifiy every customer. People wake up this is fishy! BTC-E and all it's employees are wanted fugitives and hunted by FBI criminal division.
Why would I send over high resolutions scans of my personal documents to criminals? (Yes, yes I know they are not criminals but for the US government and all their allies they are)
So again, I ask why send over personal documents to criminals? Makes no sense to me and I can only discourage everybody doing this! Especially if you are from US!
I can guarantee you the FBI will hunt them (whatever they call themselves) down and bust their servers. But this time with ALL your documents tied to your accounts and you as accomplice! Meaning you will be liable to prosecution. The fact that BTC-E will change their name doesn't change anything and doesn't matter at all. People wake up and don't do it!
ich verstehe nicht, warum in diesem Fall so auf dem Impressum herumgemäkelt wird. Ich werde die Börse auf jeden Fall nutzen, weil ein Deutscher im Impressum genannt wird, auch wenn es eine UG ist. Die bekannten großen Börsen haben meistens überhaupt kein Impressum und wenn doch, ist es genau so sinnlos, juristisch gegen irgendjemand in Honolulu vorgehen zu wollen, wie gegen eine UG in Deutschland. Als Nutzer muss man jederzeit damit rechnen, dass eine Börse dicht macht, und man dann kaum noch eine Chance hat, an sein Geld zu kommen - egal ob mit oder ohne Impressum. Trotzdem finde ich es mutig und ehrlich von Julian, so etwas in Deutschland aufzuziehen. Das gibt mir mehr Vertrauen als jede Börse in China.
Kann dir hier nur zustimmen. Hab die Börse jetzt nen Monat Beta getestet und auf alle Funktionen geprüft. Alles funktioniert einwandfrei und sehr flott. Mit dem aktualisierten deutschen Impressum!!! und den schnellen Support- Antworten gibt's von mir 2 Daumen hoch.
Julian schreibt gerade Geschichte mit der ersten deutschen Altcoin Börse ich wünsche ihm nur das Beste und viel Erfolg
MINI-REZENSION: Okay, nach nem Monat BETA- Testen muss ich sagen die Börse läuft wirklich rund und sehr flott. Das senden von BTC dauert ca 30-60 Minuten bis es auf dem Konto erscheint und auch das Abbuchen ist im selben Rahmen. Das Design wurde komplett überarbeitet und gefällt mir sehr gut. Einzig Mobilgeräte werden nicht unterstützt(IPAD). Eventuell muss hier nur eine Kleinigkeit im Code angepasst werden. Charts müsste auch nocht verbessert werden hier würde ich mich einfach an POLO orientieren aber ansonsten bin ich zufrieden  Da es momentan noch nicht viele Coins gibt... im Prinzip nur FEE's (interne Börsen Währung) muss hier definitiv zum offiziellen Start nachgebessert werden! Danke! Ja, Coins kommen nach und nach die nächsten Tage und natürlich auch nach dem Launch. Heute z.B. wurde Dogecoin hinzugefügt, weil daran ein Feature des Exchanges sichtbar wird: Preise mit mehr als 8 Nachkommastellen. Super Sache! Hab gesehen das DOGE dabei ist. Weiter so 
I have beta tested the exchange and I am very happy with it. It's working like a charme and very fast.
Julian, can you give a link that identifies you? I might of missed it but so far all I have is that your name is Julian and you are from Germany.
There is a imprint with all details. For all people with buttons on their eyes... link:
MINI-REZENSION: Okay, nach nem Monat BETA- Testen muss ich sagen die Börse läuft wirklich rund und sehr flott. Das senden von BTC dauert ca 30-60 Minuten bis es auf dem Konto erscheint und auch das Abbuchen ist im selben Rahmen. Das Design wurde komplett überarbeitet und gefällt mir sehr gut. Einzig Mobilgeräte werden nicht unterstützt(IPAD). Eventuell muss hier nur eine Kleinigkeit im Code angepasst werden. Charts müsste auch nocht verbessert werden hier würde ich mich einfach an POLO orientieren aber ansonsten bin ich zufrieden  Da es momentan noch nicht viele Coins gibt... im Prinzip nur FEE's (interne Börsen Währung) muss hier definitiv zum offiziellen Start nachgebessert werden!
on a side note, ive been trading on rawx beta for a month now, everything is quite smooth and ok, withdrawals work fine too, so far no risks detected
I can confirm this. Everything working fine so fare  If Julian would now add some coin MOON !
Nobody needs a nice frontend. We need COINS! This should be priority no.1
Of course, coins is what generate volume. But a nice and clean UI is important too I believe. Here you can see my progress with the new UI: me if you like it or if you have suggestions etc. Ui looks great, please add mobile support
dickes minus bezüglich mobile medien! neue UI läßt sich weder auf dem IPad noch Iphone anzeigen 8 
He's working on frontend right now, not backend. Trying to do too many things at once are why places fail
I've been watching closely and am impressed so far with how the beta site works. I haven't had any problems yet and any suggestions we give he has implemented quickly
He's listening and interacting, that's enough for now for me with what he has so far
Nobody needs a nice frontend. We need COINS! This should be priority no.1
Es kommen bald neue Coins. Aber im Moment stehen einige andere Entwicklungsarbeiten an, wie zum Beispiel eine komplett neue UI.
Vergess die UI wir brauchen Coins! An der UI kannst du in den nächsten Monaten rumpfeilen. Genau aus dem selben Grund ist damals mcxNOW gescheitert. RS hatte einfach keinen Bock neue hinzuzufügen was ihm dann das Genick gebrochen hat.
Die Sache ist ganz einfach:
Ohne Coins -> kein Volume -> ohne Volume keine neue User -> ohne neue User das kannst du dir dann selber ausmalen...
Das du lieber mich ankeifst als meine Anschuldigungen zu entkräften spricht Bände. Keine Infos zu den Einlagen, kein rechtskonstrukt, kein greifbarer Ansprechpartner...
Kostet ja nur unnötige Energie. Ich lösch das Rating auch wieder, wenn du die anforderungen eines sicheren Exchange erfüllst. Ich nehme nur an das dass bei nem Hobby Exchange schwierig wird. Darum kriegst du auch keine Chance von mir. Ist schon viel zu viel Geld verbrannt worden mit Amateuren.
Gut gebrüllt, Löwe !
Natürlich kenne ich Julian nicht persönlich, dennoch macht er auf mich einen seriösen Eindruck. Fragen und Anregungen werden im Gegensatz zu anderen "so called" Börsen umgehend beantwortet und der Mann ist von Fach und weiß wovon er redet. Den Trust Level runter zu setzen ist ein klarer Verstoss gegen die Bitcointalk Regeln und Willkür. Hier wird ein guter Mann ohne jeglichen Beweiß diskreditiert und einfach mal unter Generalverdracht gestellt. Dieses vorgehen verstößt gegen alles wofür die Bitcoin Gemeinschaft steht! Ich halte eine solche vorgehenweise für nicht Rechtens und fordere Bitcointalk Team umgehend auf diese falsche Bewertung Rückgängig zu machen.
Biggest question here. Why doesn't he add any coins 
Und mich auch. Ich hatte nämlich den Leute erzählt und gezwitschert, daß LSK hier bald zu finden ist. Schließlich war das der Sieger des Votings  Das versteh ich auch nicht ganz  Wieso wurde z.B. VCash das 2-3 Vol Bitcoin am Tag hat hinzugefügt und LISK nicht. Zudem war LISK auch der Sieger der Umfrage. Macht für mich keinen Sinn ...