I had a couple questions.
I can miss a session because I am human and will go to suspended.
1. If I have an invite out, will I still get the invite rewards if I miss that specific validation? 2. If I terminate my identity to get my stake, will the invite rewards I get in the next epoch(s) still come through even after I terminated?
Actually, no I did not "abandon them". I very carefully saved my wallet.dat and moved on to other things. Thanks for your reply though =/
wish u luck could become a legendary story same as how i did buy 2 pizzas for 20000 BTC and they didnt even taste special how i did manage to recover my DMD Diamond from 2013 and became a happy man Bro there is only like a $6,722,079 marketcap on this coin....... so um yeah wont be a story like lazlo.... might buy a few actual pizzas though  I hope you will be happy with your crates of beer that you bought with the money from the sale of DMD. It is not necessary to open the door to the future for people who do not care about this coin. nvm
Actually, no I did not "abandon them". I very carefully saved my wallet.dat and moved on to other things. Thanks for your reply though =/
wish u luck could become a legendary story same as how i did buy 2 pizzas for 20000 BTC and they didnt even taste special how i did manage to recover my DMD Diamond from 2013 and became a happy man Bro there is only like a $6,722,079 marketcap on this coin....... so um yeah wont be a story like lazlo.... might buy a few actual pizzas though 
Hi, I have my old wallet.dat from 2013. I see the process to get private keys and convert. The problem is I do not have the old blockchain, so none of the txs are showing up only the first original address... none of the mined coins and such. Is there a way to still access these?
u dont need to sync the chain u only need to know what address holds ur coins and export that private key and then import that private key into a DMD Diamond v3 wallet if u dont know the address or dont have access to a wallet dat that hold the keys for that address i cant help u u abandoned ur valueable diamonds for 8 years and missed all essential upgrades its on u to dig them out of the dirt its possible but not a easy task google is ur friend many commands that could be useful maybe dont even exist on a 2013 wallet dumpwallet and importwallet would be very helpful with that u just export all keys ur wallet.dat holds https://bitcoincore.org/en/doc/0.16.0/rpc/wallet/importwallet/Actually, no I did not "abandon them". I very carefully saved my wallet.dat and moved on to other things. Thanks for your reply though =/
Hi, I have my old wallet.dat from 2013. I see the process to get private keys and convert. The problem is I do not have the old blockchain, so none of the txs are showing up only the first original address... none of the mined coins and such. Is there a way to still access these?
How is that possible? How can a bot solve the flips?
Thanks for the heads-up guys, I will update asap my node too. Anyone knows what is the latest version - the hardfork version - so I will update to the latest one? Is already out?
It is going on in 32 minutes from this post. So, it will be/should be complete in 1 hour 32 minutes from this post. I am glad they are forcing all mining status off so it will be an easy transition.
I got my first mining penalty  last night. Im not even sure what happened, when I woke up I checked and my vps node was off. I checked my logs and I did not see anything to cause it. I'm going to create a cronjob to avoid this in the future.
New communication about Cryptopia
This is kind of good. I would really like access to my account because like many, at this point I have no idea the account balances and/if it is even worth it to go through the whole process.
https://twitter.com/Don_wonton/status/1305960002390196230A Giveaway was just announced on @cgcardona 's livestream event during the #Chainlink hackathon. Just reach out to @cgcardona on Telegram or Twitter for $10 worth of mainnet #AVAXRocket Like and Retweet this so we can get AVAX into as many hands as possible! I tried to do this but my message got ignored on telegram for a few days now. What markets is this trading on? I would like to get in at an early time. This seems like a solid project, with skilled members of the team.
Unfortunately, AFAIK, smart-contracts aren't available in this hardfork.
No, that will be in a future fork. This is still the beginning, it is a new idea of a project so there will need to be many improvements as the time goes on and more problems arrive.
Thanks just got the Copper badge yaay. App will be free to use. Rewards within the app are from the YOP token. Deck is available on website with more details. Key focus is to improve DeFi customer experience. At the moment if you are new in crypto or not too technical but want to participate in yield farming or just liquidity pools the UX/UI is not great. Things are moving fast and sure there will be progress but there is a big enough market. We believe in the mobile app space we should have a good advantage with our focus on UX/UI. YOP is putting front end development first, the under lying technology has come a long way but access not so much. YOP integrates the best tech and makes it accessible. Our goal is to help make the DeFi marketplace (and wider crypto market) access easier for all and at the same time have a secure, smooth and robust mobile application. I like this goal. I am not new to crypto by any means, but I have been away a while and honestly I have not much knowledge of the defi markets and all of this new stuff. Ive been looking into it. I think your project would be a big help for many because it is kind of confusing.
I done this, but still missing 2years. For me it froze A LOT, when trying to synch. I was able to get it going again each time by just restarting the wallet. Im not sure if that was on my side or the client, but synching was a nightmare.
Introducing predefined smart contracts Motivation: As a fully functional smart contract layer takes significant development time, we are to release a set of predefined smart contract primitives. These smart contracts can be combined as building blocks to achieve a complex money flow driven by oracles’ decisions. If A happens then send coins to address B otherwise then if C happens then send coins to address D otherwise make a refund to all initial contributors. A and C are some facts that are certified by randomly selected Idena participants. These primitives can be used for community-driven funding, prediction markets, dispute resolutions, paid votings, paid polls, games and etc. The following list of predefined smart contracts will be available for anyone to use: TimeLock — Lock coins on the smart contract address until a specified block number. Once the block number is mined the coins can be transferred to the specified address. Multisig M-of-N — a multisignature wallet address with specified M and N. In order to send coins from the multisig M specific participants out of N have to provide their signatures. OracleVoting — Oracle voting contract. The smart contract can control coins locked by EvidenceLock or RefundableEvidenceLock smart contracts. EvidenceLock — a non-refundable smart contract that locks coins until a decision is made by oracles. If the voting result matches the expected value then coins are transferred to the address A otherwise to the address B. Both addresses have to be specified beforehand. RefundableEvidenceLock — a refundable smart contract address that locks coins until a decision is made by oracles. It works similarly to the EvidenceLock, however it can provide a refund if either A address or B address is not specified. The refund is provided proportionally to the initial deposit made by an address. In order to use these smart contracts, the Idena app development is to be finished (ETA end of Q4 2020). Until that these smart contracts won’t be available: An additional hard fork update is planned to enable these contracts.
Is that the upcoming hardfork, or is another one planned to implement this? Either way this is a pretty big deal. zso many people are blind to this project, hopefully updates like this will open their eyes soon.
I do see your point. I also see that becoming a problem in the future. Crypto growth is based on people using it not good ideas. If people have to wait an entire month to get verified from this, im afraid it will just slowly die off. Maybe they could make the time length for verification shorter for candidates but longer for newbies and verified?
This will affect network core advantage - 1 node 1 person. Every human could take part in validation once per month on main account, once per week as candidate mining from many nodes. When you want to start mine bitcoin you can't start just now. You need to order antminer, wait for deliver guy, you need to ask local elecrity provider for discount and wait for his response - etc. I understand that this might be frustrating for someone who is excited and want to join but it will not be a reason for slow die. Validation once per week could be because the majority of network will quit after few weeks being frustrated about constant work (preparation before validation, being on time during validation once per week). I hope to see you longer in here and be able to talk about this case with you after 10 validations  I only have 2 validations so far. I have endless amounts of time on my hands though, so I can be at every validation unless there is issues with my isp. Everyone is not in the same situation as me. The problem with your outlook is that you are missing a step. Where we are now >> missing step that causes huge growth of network >> coin value being enough to justify waiting an entire month to even get started. Then if you add in issues like we saw last epoch, like who is going to wait a month to try something that might have a network side issue causing you to lose your candidate status? Only time will tell though obviously. And I like this project and hope to see it succeed. Im just offering up what I see as possibilities.
My friend was a candidate and was not able to pass validation this time. The people who already know the project, will not be run away by this, but new users will. If you have to wait 2 weeks between each epoch, it should be 100% usable during the epoch validation. Honestly, I think the 2 week thing is way too long anyway. Maybe 1 week epochs would be better. I understand the team is convinced the 2 week thing is good..... so maybe when someone clones this they can do shorter epochs.
It is based on number of nodes. It will go to once per 28 days when network will reach 16203+ nodes and trust me... You dont want it to be more often. 1 week might be good for candidate (someone who just learned about IDENA and wants to start mine as fast as possible) but not for someone who passed first validation and is already mining. After 36 epochs I can tell you that after first 10 validations it is no longer fun. Creating flips (hard for IA, easy for humans - even those with 70 IQ) takes hours. Being ready at exact hour at random day for whole year is a pain in the ass too. Waiting for few more days to start mining is small price for saving hours on less frequent validations. I do see your point. I also see that becoming a problem in the future. Crypto growth is based on people using it not good ideas. If people have to wait an entire month to get verified from this, im afraid it will just slowly die off. Maybe they could make the time length for verification shorter for candidates but longer for newbies and verified?
I could not find any information about the team. Who is developing this project? Also, it says the presale starts in a month, but the public sale will not start until next year, what is the necessary cap to reach to continue this project?
Yearnify Finance is a decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, that plans to create integrated DeFi platform which brings various products at present including yield aggregator, lending, DEX (Swap), etc together for the community to easily access various DeFi services and grow their portfolio in one platform. The team supporting Yearnify finance aims to continue the effort in delivering quality DeFi products to the community
Due to the lack of Whitepaper about the project, this is the only statement that I can check whether it has been plagiarized or not. Lo and behold, this has been copied in the project of "Creed Finance". I hope you can provide an explanation on this one. Thanks! Creed Finance source: https://www.exchainge.xyz/creed-finance/ Wow they can even get a paragraph of original writing anymore. Good catch. It is definitely just copied and pastad.....
Im glad things are going forward. This last validation went really bad. I guess we can learn from our mistakes. It brought my average down because one flip did not show at all.
Hello there! Why do you said it went really bad, because of only 1 flip not loading? Remember this is a testnet, so bugs may happen, anyway even the blockchain stuck at some point everything went just fine in the end and no one I am aware off got suspended/killed. Do you remember epoch #46? This was nothing! My friend was a candidate and was not able to pass validation this time. The people who already know the project, will not be run away by this, but new users will. If you have to wait 2 weeks between each epoch, it should be 100% usable during the epoch validation. Honestly, I think the 2 week thing is way too long anyway. Maybe 1 week epochs would be better. I understand the team is convinced the 2 week thing is good..... so maybe when someone clones this they can do shorter epochs.
Im glad things are going forward. This last validation went really bad. I guess we can learn from our mistakes. It brought my average down because one flip did not show at all.