my 120kH/s gpu farm is now off your network you stupid morons waiting for Tx to exchange, so I can dump the remaining 700 coins market order, expect an instant -30%
never again anything to do with you
judging by poster comments, its very sad to see the level of idiocy reigning so let me point the obvious out to you
an asic farm can be afforded only by those with hundreds of thousands of dollars to spare for such an investment with a high risk of algo change rendering their asic machines useless
do you have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spare? probably not as you belong to the majority of miners/users which have a small to medium size mining operation based on GPU mining and depend on low difficulty to make it profitable for you
add the asic cancer on any network and you transform it to a few large miners instead of many small ones this is the very definition of centralisation, forget about 51% attack, this is irrelevant to the small to medium miner that was supporting the network. As well as difficulty shooting sky high, coin price gets battered as the asic miners exchange their mining to btc/fiat etc daily, something that small miners generally do not do.
its not about securing a network, that is a bullshit excuse,
otherwise it can become a phycho-demented new world order detritus feeder parasitic cancerous central banker wet dream of complete and irreversible financial control thus population control, with banks like the bank of england (english equivalent of the fed, everybody has one like a heart valve) investing heavily into asic machine mining farms in their basements taking control of coins like Ripple (XRP), which is an ACTUAL and very REAL example (do not ask how I know, just look at the evidence)
wake the fuck up people, crypto is not about making phoney fiat money to pay for their allowance to a dignified life crypto is about breaking the bond currently binding humanity into this non perceived slavery, where they (=a few non accountable private central wankers) create pentillions of phoney digital promises with no limitations or checks compounding inflation on top of taxation on top of interest to make sure YOU can NEVER escape their MORT-GAUGE which means DEATH GRIP in French.
We are revolutionaries not hap hazard miners looking to make an extra worthless buck. Asic is synonymous to killing the revolution before it grows completely out of wanker (central planner) control
Short sighted uncultivated morons is what these sub human parasitic filth want of you, making you an unwitting accomplice to their diabolical plan of complete self admitted dominance over your sovereign existence (death grip)
what does all that have to do with Sumo? enough with chewing food for you, think for yourself what a completely anonymous DECENTRALISED value exchange system does to their (central planners) centuries long plan
decide what you are, cannon fodder plebian or a revolutionary? and act accordingly
@community, ask yourselves, who does all this benefit?
which other coin had the most to loose from sumo ie CN heavy gainning popularity?
it seems the vehicle used to bring this calamity about, is fireice who is alledged to be in trouble with the law thus needy of funds would not suprise me to find fireice being officialy employed by Monero in the near future, or maybe he will also rebrand in an attempt to disappear
what the dev team does with their wallets/coins bears no relation to all this as long as the community feels value added on their investment in sumo
and who the hell is abe91q spewing this asic vommit?
fud was the weapon used to buy up the greater percentage of the London Stock Exchange after false news were spread of an english loss at Waterloo
you kids know nothing about strategy do you?
lashing out and crying over your own decisions for giving an unproven new member access to your wife's underwear
it would of been better if the Dev team remained silent, created maximum fud, allowed the onslaught to loose momnetum and then going on a prolonged aggressive buyback scheme to shoot sumo much higher than previous peak to get market interest back with no waffle or tears or begging for trust
and do not tell me the dev team did not sell sumo at the $5-7 or a higher mark to have the funds necessary to do this
the feeling i get is the Sumo dev team are amateurs and fireice is a cunt
rebranding? what you changed your clothes and now you are someone else? fuckoff
Hi JK,
just wanted to say thank you again have referred many to your thread here hope you are feeling better
all the best
Have been trying for 5 days now to get my 6 Vega 64 rig to accept any AMD drivers without fail. Using an Asus B250 mining exp. evga1600, new risers. Mobo recognises all, Win 10 (1083) recognises the cards as basic adaptors and when i update to any AMD drivers the HD Audio Controler in Device Manager shows the triangle fault as 5 of them go into a disble/enable loop. Happens with one gpu or more. I notice that win updates gpus as soon as they detected and uploads a version of adrenalin i presume, which i ddu and reinstal blockchain or the new drivers. Have tried EVERYTHING: reinstall Win10 with updates and without new risers update all drivers in device man uploaded realtech uploaded visual studio c++ new intel graphics drivers changing mobo pcie ports etc etc SO I GAVE UP and got another rig thats been collecting dust (not enough power to the house, fixing it) to replace this is the same mobo, same prep, 5 x 64 STRIX switch it on, AMD not wanted drivers auto instal, ddu, instal blockchain and booom the same fucking problem on another completly separate rig WTF?  ?? any ideas, im going crazy thnx...
This miner sucks for heavy on frontiers.. This gives 2050H/s on CN-Heavy while SRBMiner gives 2200 and XMR stak hits 2400H/s..
intensities? settings? for stak thnx
can someone help out, I get this trying to run daemon on the masari cli Error: wallet failed to connect to daemon: http://localhost:38081. Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or change the daemon address using the 'set_daemon' command. Background refresh thread started [wallet 5mroGC (no daemon)]:
refresh does not do it either.. thnx
QMS v01.0.0 is now off the coding table and going to final tests/debug below you can see the beta test QMS monitor window (a few asthetic adjustments will be made for launch) SETTINGS ARE APPLIED GLOBALY WITH 1 CLICK Top left: QMS version, monitor window (we are increasing size to fit more GPUs), Monitor and Autorun (at win startup) check box Top right: self explanatory, Read button posts current settings, Set button applies new user defined settings Bottom Left: Current Driver version post, Input and post boxes for miner name and below miner dir path (this field when used auto enables auto restart on drop and allows you to start/stop miner from QMS), use drop box to choose coin/miner and press run CMD and Environment command boxes for tweaking the used miner (command codes are listed in the miner readme.txt file) Pool button, auto cannect to 0%fee VGA pools and miners (active with update) Restart period in hrs for timed restart Bottom Left: Global Power Level higher state settings via driver calls not registry tables Global Power Play Table User Defined Preset Creator applied to all cards at once (higher GPU and MEM states can also be set here but are overiden if GPL boxes are used) Delete powerplaytables button to clear registry (useful when testing and making constant changes to avoid conflicts) and yes a manual disable/enable button to freshen up the gpus, used most during testing and switching between settings every time you activate a powerplay table or preform and new settings function, QMS does a disable/enable automaticaly to refresh registry, calls and gpus, the Restart Cards button is just there in case you need it ---------------------------------- this is pretty much the launch version with an update already in the works (prob 30 days after ending of ITO) for which we will take VGA member suggestions before completing basic preset tables will be supplied with QMS we have worked very hard (and spent a lot of money) to make this software and as you can read from above and before have received a considerable ammount of unwarranted trolling, hoping in the end it is all worth it for YOU for us, this is the very first step in our journey towards combining the QMS software with VGA compute drivers to reach the fabled 100MH/s / 4000H/s if not more. ITO in a week approx (gotta run some final testing), remember you will need to hold 500VGA satoshi in order to receive ALL current and future VGA products/services including free pools and free miners and hardware raffle giveaways and and and... QMS first glance: to see you then, OVER AND OUT
buying with market orders is not very subtle....
"I will personally send you pictures of us full of hookers around when we are on the moon"
I get it now,,,,,,,, the freaks come out
talk amongst yourselves morons
you or you programmer trying just to sell an editor to dumb people nothing else, you make nothing new everything you showed can be done with regedit & overdriveNtool, which most vega miners know to use
vega cards are not buggy, some people are just to retarded to config & use them properly
this software is complete bullshit which offers nothing new & no advantage
and you know that how? because you have tried it and have an opinion or are you just talking out of your ass, cause it sounds like the later because i know what im talking about instead of you, what can you useless software do that cannot be done with regedit/overdriventool? nothing QMS preforms all Vega mining prerequisite actions after Driver install in seconds and can do it automaticaly after initial setup, how long do you take changing settings on all cards with Ntool and Devcon? plus Crossfire/Ulps, powerplaytables, etc to start the miner, seconds? how long does it take you to restart after miner crash? seconds? can you prevent fan drop? can you create powerplaytables and apply them in seconds, and delete them and create others? can you run testing cycles without crashing your pc? can you do all this and much more from 1 application? can you restart cards after failed testing or you wait for sys restore 10 mins later? can you change from one miner/coin to another by clicking 1 button? keep your batch files and manual settings every time and take the powerplaytables/drivers offered to you judging a book before reading it makes your opinions invalid muppet
you or you programmer trying just to sell an editor to dumb people nothing else, you make nothing new everything you showed can be done with regedit & overdriveNtool, which most vega miners know to use
vega cards are not buggy, some people are just to retarded to config & use them properly
this software is complete bullshit which offers nothing new & no advantage
and you know that how? because you have tried it and have an opinion or are you just talking out of your ass, cause it sounds like the later QMS preforms all Vega mining prerequisite actions after Driver install in seconds and can do it automaticaly after initial setup, how long do you take changing settings on all cards with Ntool and Devcon? plus Crossfire/Ulps, powerplaytables, etc to start the miner, seconds? muppet
I'm not the programmer and are not coding QMS, if you read my first post I clearly state that aside from many times after that i know what the programmer tells me and what i see as a result in practice, we set out to make mining with these buggy Vega cards easier and i feel we have achieved this, to be verified by you if you wanted to make design suggestions the window closed a few weeks ago, i did ask for suggestions a few pages back this thread is unlike ALL the others, I dont just parrot, I try to find new ways and maybe, just maybe help others I really do not understand the vitriol being spewed sometimes here so I will try to make it clear AGAIN I AM NO FUCKING EXPERT, DO NOT CODE, DO NOT KNOW THE DETAILS, DO NOT CLAIM TO, I JUST REPORT MY FUCKING FINDINGS FROM MY FUCKING TRIALS A REGULAR JOE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING FOR THE VEGA MINING COMMUNITY
mining ETH with Claymore on QMS ETH NOS powerplaytable preset at 45.6MH/s
Sumokoin, Cryptonight Heavy with XMR STAK (intensity 980 and 960) on QMS XMR ECO powerplaytable preset at 1400H/s
For ETH, I prefer phoenixminer over claymore. why? never tried it, but i will now Very stable, fast, low dev fee. ok I will give it a go
I can not adequently convey how excited we all are at Vega Token, making our first step in changing the Vega crypto mining world, which ofcourse depends on YOU more than us the first VGA nail, in the coffin of the central banking stinking corpse ------------------------- ps by placing QMS in your win strartup folder, your mining will automaticaly resume if system restarts for any reason (check box on QMS cosnole to enable feature) and a timed restart for those of you that simply cant fix hashdrop over time problems, or for those that have super stable miners and want to do a restart every week or so real time monitoring of gpus is optional via check box, for those that are supersticious of hash drop when monitoring (we are not GPU-Z thank you) which QMS does not mouse over instructions per feature included QMS also tells you which driver version you are on
can your software change the hbm2 controller voltage on a vega 56 from 1.25v to 1.35v like on a vega64?
yes = then its awesome no = then its just a powerplaytable editor nothing more
the answer is yes = then its awesome and no its not just a powerplaytable editor and if it was can you please point me to one available today that can be used by non coding savvy folk? when user defined, QMS treats GPU States P6 and P7 and voltages, as well as MEM State P3 and voltage as separate calls through the amd driver aside from settings in the powerplaytables, these calls override user defined powerplaytables why the heck do you need so much voltage? gaming? i never go above 950mV, heats up the cards too much and summer is coming QMS does come with a "its your gpu, put 10V through it but dont blame us for bricking it " warning just about to get the first beta test version out today or tomorrow, I will make an unofficial video of QMS features and show it running a couple of readers of this thread will get an early beta test copy too... they can also chip in with comments and debugging
mining ETH with Claymore on QMS ETH NOS powerplaytable preset at 45.6MH/s
Sumokoin, Cryptonight Heavy with XMR STAK (intensity 980 and 960) on QMS XMR ECO powerplaytable preset at 1400H/s
For ETH, I prefer phoenixminer over claymore. why? never tried it, but i will now
mining ETH with Claymore on QMS ETH NOS powerplaytable preset at 45.6MH/s
Sumokoin, Cryptonight Heavy with XMR STAK (intensity 980 and 960) on QMS XMR ECO powerplaytable preset at 1400H/s