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I have a 5 figure amount stuck there for a few months and it keeps growing in value... Nitro went to shit around june this year. they first limited cashouts extremly(used to be unlimited just took a little longer for big cashouts) suddenly 50mbtc a week or whatever, then suddenly they just stopped paying at all asking for KYC(wtf but I did complete it), claiming they had to review my account(noted ive been on nitro for like 6+ years) they havnt accused me of anything nor have they explained why they cant cash me out all these months later. So first they started struggling with normal cashouts and then they couldnt even do their promised min cashouts. and then suddenly made up some investigation which has not resolved the case. I dont buy the change of management for a second and it dosnt line up with the return of the creator/ceo in 2023. At first they made some changes and listened to some feedback so it seemed promising, then suddenly no more cashouts. Either they got hacked or decided to go full scam and just stole the money. Theyve also stopped posting here completly.... If someone has a contact on there let me know.. Nitrobettors,
I f**ked up. I had dreams of Nitrogen becoming the center of the world of crypto gaming and poker. Just a few years back we still appeared to be on that path. Through a series of missteps and failed projects we have fallen short of that ideal. Seeing another major failure a few years ago, I became such a pain in the ass to everyone around me that I was asked to step back and let others run things. I took that option and hit my reset button to get my head straight after years of building Nitrogen. I was young, rich, and had no responsibilities. A dangerous combination.
For the next while, I had a sh*tload of fun and went full-out YOLO. The bad news: our platform stagnated. As of this year, I'm back with laser eyes, fully focused on turning Nitrobetting into the original dream of being the go-to destination for crypto fun. This will be the best place for punters to come and play in a hassle-free environment.
To start, I'm going to make sure we get the basics right. That means listening to what you guys have to say. Unfortunately, I have earned myself a lifetime ban from responding to support tickets (that was Athena's doing). I will be reviewing tickets for the next month to see what you guys are saying about the platform. I may be able to sneak in a response or two but no guarantees. After this month, we are going heads down into build mode. This year is about getting back to innovation and crushing it as Nitrogen Sports did for our first six years in the space.
As for right now, we are committing to our basic strengths:
Industry-leading customer support from REAL human beings Fast and hassle-free withdrawals Competitive odds offering Wide range of products You crazy Nitrobettors that have stuck it out with us for the past nine years are truly the best. Now it's on us to get our mojo back and start delivering the bad-ass, industry-leading service you know and expect from our nine years in the industry.
The layout, game system, bonus mechanisms, and overall user experience feel completely different. It makes me wonder – did the management or administration change?
Yes, Nitro is under a new management. They made the desicion to switch providers (No more Ultra Play) and now they will try to turn Nitro into a standard operation. The previuos management was a joke and that triggered some of the changes you are now seeing. One of the changes being turning off withdrawals? They are have not paid me for months now, first slow payed then stopped completely...
The post on 371k is still there and you can try to dig for past posts with Wayback Machine.*/ With an archive in 2011, the OP has less information than an edited post in 2012 by Maged. Who is Maged? and why Maged edited that post? I guess Maged used to be a forum moderator. Oh, I'm still alive and kicking.  Yeah, still have them, though like was said, it would not be possible to sell them all at once and become an instant millionaire. No one is going to buy that many at once. I have kept my client running 24/7 since then though, managed to generate a bit more before the collective mining groups took over  Without the massive server farm I had going before, I'm just down to my personal desktop, so it's never gotten over the 371k since.I do keep many, many backups though just in case  that wasnt the original post, its this had the screenshot as proof. although thats not the actual post i remember, though its fuzzy at this point. but I thought he made a post about his troubles with the company wanting the btc back or something along those lines. Either way i guess we will never know exactly what happened, hard to belive someone trying to blackmail mitt romney one year, is donating houndreds of thousands of btc to wikileaks the next Edit: here he explains how it went down and that they used amazon cloud as i remembered, also how he kind of scammed(questionable) his investor and bought the whole stash for 5k lol also wikileaks only ever got 4000btc ish to their public wallets, so unlikely he donated it there.
You're thinking of knightmb.
Thanks, finally someone that remembers a thing or two here  371k no wonder I didn't forget it, and his original post is gone, seems to have some information and he turned out to have blackmailed Romney wtf
This was pre 2011 so cpu mining times, you def could have rented somer servers and mined a lot of coins back then. If he did or not is what iam curious about. There wasn't as many scams back then those came later as money started entering the space..
GPU become main choice in 2010 and FPGA become main choice in 2011. Besides, AFAIK CEX.IO was the first cloud mining in 2013. So i think you misremember. I never said he mined in 2011, he made the post about his troubles with his former company in 2011. it was 100% a post, I didnt post about if the post happened or not, i remember that part. its the details and outfall i was curious about, i guess theres some chance it was deleted. If you werent active here back in 2011 you dont really add much to the question unnless you somehow found that thread after the fact...
You guys are a fraud, if you bet sharp or arent a losing gambler, they will slow pay you out your funds
Used your site since at least 2017 and never had issues with cashout both large and small, always used to be same day for any amount, what is going on lately and why are you suddenly slowpaying and limiting cashout? can one of your reps help me with my cashout its been stalling for weeks now without explanation...
This site always sucked and treated their players unfair. No wonder they are rebranding over and over again, can't keep up with the bad reviews I suppose. Do yourself a favor and find a new site to play. Nitro doesn't even have gimmicks like weekly/monthly bonus, rakeback, bonus drops or anything most of the other casino/sports betting sites offer these days. They are stuck in 2015 and will forever be. No it didnt, it was alawys solid although lacking some more frequent updates, Ive never had problems there before, always promt cashouts, sometimes security checks for bigger amounts but never big delays. until lately. hope they fix this asap!
This was pre 2011 so cpu mining times, you def could have rented somer servers and mined a lot of coins back then. If he did or not is what iam curious about. There wasn't as many scams back then those came later as money started entering the space..
I don't really know much about that kind of company as I was not part of the forum back in 2011 but men you came here only to ask that who can share a thread with you that's 13 years old? Out of curiosity I want to know that what made you to search for that company or its thread, or the person who posted it?
Because I never saw it mentioned again, everyone loves brining up lazlos pizzas, Satoshi stash etc, but I never saw this guy mentioned, and I never forgot it because the amounts he claimed he mined were astronomical. I GPU mined myself back in 2011 so the numbers were nuts to me.
I vaguely remember reading this old thread from 2011-2012 probably(it could have been even earlier and i just read it then) Where some guy talked about how he through his company early on mined a ridic amount of coins, I remember it as several hundred thousands but could have been tens of thousands.
He then said the company gave up on it and let him buy it for scraps, and then later when btc shot up they had a dispute. If my memory is right he had receipts in the form of screenshots.
I've unsuccessfully searched for that thread a few times but I'am sure someone on here remembers, just curious if there ever was an update or if it was true at all. And why I've never seen it mentioned since
Used your site since at least 2017 and never had issues with cashout both large and small, always used to be same day for any amount, what is going on lately and why are you suddenly slowpaying and limiting cashout? can one of your reps help me with my cashout its been stalling for weeks now without explanation...
Hows the cashout situation atm? i used your site earlier but the cashout experience was so bad i had to get on the forum and complain and get help before i finally got my money out. wouldnt mind checking it out again but if theres not instant cashouts/ or at least same day its not worth it for me.
Any plans for insta/sameday cashout in the future? id be back on the site the day thats a reality, like other sites such as coinpoker/swc/nitro its a must in the crypto space these days with so many rug pulls and scams, no one wants to keep crypto on sites when they are not using it.
finally got the cashout on 4th august, so exactly 2 weeks after requesting the first cashout on the 21st. just not good enough for me to continue on the site, if you can guarantee same day cashouts later i might be back as i liked the site. but i just cant have funds locked up for that long.
3rd attempt at cashout now pending for 5days, its not even that big just around 2k$. how hard can it be to process it?
5 days of pending is kinda long did you talk on their support representatives about this issue? Since if they can't process it according to the time you request it then maybe there's something wrong happening to them. So I suggest if this will take long until a week better post a scam accusation with proof so that other forum member could see that your issue still not been solve by them. yea i added to my post, ofc been in contact with support and they non answers/blame technical issues. even talked to their bitcointalk rep on here and he said he would get back to me and still hasnt...
3rd attempt at cashout now pending for 5days, its not even that big just around 2k$. how hard can it be to process it? been trying since july 21st, everytime support gives me some non answer, or blaming some technical issues but say they will "escalate it" to get it done. and nothing happens.
what on earth is going on at this site, they keep rejecting my cashout, without reason then claim they have technical problems
Have you tried contacting their support and asking them about your issue? It is weekend time and I think they are doing manual withdrawals so you need to be patient, and they could really have technical problems, like all other gambling website. One more way to communicate with them is with their bitcointalk account. yes this has been going on for over a week, whole point with a crypto gambling site is quick transfers!
what on earth is going on at this site, they keep rejecting my cashout, without reason then claim they have technical problems
now that you removed poker rakeback from old site are you brining it back on the new site? you already have one of the highest rakes in the poker world along with stakes from the 1000$ btc days, in need of an overhaul to stay competative!
please do I cant see any response or updates from their "team" after january this year. Details about who ran it if it wasnt you guys, did you sell it? you linked us the players to their site when you changed "management" and now people have their balances stuck for months. has not been involved with the running of or had any access to poker for 4 years. They have a BitcoinTalk account and ANN thread, as well. Please direct any questions to them directly. If you need assistance with the casino or sportsbook, we can assist you promptly. so you "sold" the site, let them keep your name, and then they ran off with all the balances and closed shop? and you take no responsibility? can you tell us who bought it or why you sold it? seems awfully convienient....
why cant i find the rake structure anywhere on the site? and why is the help button in the poker room completly empty!
Do you have any plans to fix the poker cash game lobby? i've asked you for months/years now and always gotten a positive response but nothing has happened. We are still left with a lobby and subsequently rake from the days off $1000=1btc, when playing 10/20 on your site was actually 10/20$ and a $2000 buyin. That same table is now $400/$800 and $80000 buyin, but you have lower stakes you might think, yes you do but with rake meant for what was once micro stakes games except they are now high stakes tables. to play a 1000$ cash game which is pretty high, i would have to sit 0.1/0.2. this also led to no micro stakes, theres 0.01/0.02 and then 0.001/0.002 which equates to nl$100 and nl$10, no stakes in between like nl$25 nl$50 or lower like nl$2 nl$4. there's now a lot of competition from blockchain poker, swcpoker, and all the other apps that let us deposit BTC these days. so even though i like the site its very hard to play any meaningfull stakes lately, its very dead from lack of micro/low stakes. and no one dares play each other at higher stakes because of high rake. My suggestion would be a chip split of x40-100(which would 1. move games up the lobby, 2. add a lot of lower stakes like you used to have and 3. make the rake more competitive) which is about the btc valuation gain since that time i think a pictures explains it best. if you need a poker consultant of any kind let me know   Hi penta, thanks for the feedback. I will forward your concern to our poker manager. I just want to say thanks for inviting my account in the Nitrosorry pool, I think there was a typo in the email as prizepool was halved when I checked the site but I still appreciate the effort for adding another pool.  Hi Ralle14! Of course! The correct prize pool is 0.1 BTC and it will be updated on the NFL Survivor Pool page soon. -Kevin any update on this? the poker lobby is still stuck in 2018. with stakes and rake that make no sense.