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1  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bug Bounty for my Home Server. Can only Pay in iota..$25 us on: December 20, 2019, 11:28:24 PM

Sorry for late reply (due to work)

I got  in contact with the distributors of the search and told them about the bug

They made some changes. So hopefully its all fixed..

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win.. Wow.. thx everyone fantastic thread on: December 14, 2019, 01:59:40 AM
Cheers everyone I really appreciate your opinion. The bitcointalk is awesome.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 14, 2019, 01:23:23 AM
Well I'm a little bit shocked that there's actually someone who doesn't have facebook... I mean, I bet you know a lot about technology yet you don't have facebook.

I made the mistake of arguing politics on Facebook.. When I join again its strickly cat photos and videos of swearing parrots.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 14, 2019, 01:15:45 AM
If you talk about utilities and will pay someone for his services, then there are many people willing to accept with any coin, even they also accept paypal. But here discuss about a currency that can be owned without identity, self-controlled or not centralized. All these things are already owned by Bitcoin, don't you know and turn a blind eye to the use of Bitcoin from real use? .

Yes you have many good points. I don't even think Libra will make in onto coinmarketcap now as it may not be accepted as a genuine coin by them.


I bought my first bitcoins with paypal...

Because there are many people, communities, shops, e-commerce, companies or anyone who can be paid Bitcoin for services and other things

You are correct. I'm thinking  thousands versus Millions here. Its no more than a prediction. But I got my first bitcoin in 2011 and sold all them in 2017. Call it luck or intuition. I just have this belief in Libra that it will work for me..

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 14, 2019, 12:12:00 AM
Why you are so much interested on Facebook's lira project when you don't even have an account there? Roll Eyes

I don't have one of these .. But I sure as am going to buy one  Wink

Because to the best of my ability I see Libra as being the best tool for me..

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 14, 2019, 12:00:11 AM
Win against who or what, your question is not complete.

Get the top market cap in
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 13, 2019, 05:54:19 AM
The sad part of your comment is that you have a point. A very good point.

Just a wee quote

You may say I`m a dreamer; but I`m not the only one.

Also what you say applies to any other coin, if that coin were to become ubiquitous
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Why I think Libra Coin will Win on: December 13, 2019, 05:41:57 AM

Firstly I would like to say I don't care about one coin from another. All I want is utility. I want to be able to pay someone for services rendered.

THAT'S ALL I CARE ABOUT.. I have no loyalty to any coin.

I don't have a Facebook account. But I'm going to get one because of Libra.

I see a business opportunity with Libra and that's that. Some business opportunity bear fruit some don't. You could say that's my own business which I'm not going to discuss here.

OK.. Why will Libra be a game changer.

Because over night millions of people who have no understanding of coins are suddenly going to. And developers are going swarm to Libra..


Let me ask you this, do you actually use a coin? Do you ask for a service and pay for that service or product with any coins. I would bet you don't. Some may. And good on them. But the vast majority here ( bitcointalk ) don't. ( I maybe wrong)

But people are going to use Libra. Its not investment. Its a tool. A stable tool.

That other day I used Iota as a tool. And it worked for me. I asked for a service and received a service. And I payed for that service in Iota.

I was lucky, I found a person with a skill set and the ability to accept payment in the currency I had. Iota...

Soon millions of people with  the skill set I need will be able and willing to accept payment from me.

Libra may not be a game changer for you. But it is for me.
9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bug Bounty for my Home Server. Can only Pay in iota..$25 us on: December 11, 2019, 07:15:35 PM
10  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bug Bounty for my Home Server. Can only Pay in iota..$25 us on: December 11, 2019, 06:45:11 PM
that's not a valid iota address. Its 91 characters long. Iota is 90

I do appreciate your help.

Ive taken my site down and would appreciate knowing what you did.

Its up to you but I want to share with many people how wonderful these coins are

and would like our interaction to be here.

I appreciate your need for privacy of tools and techniques.

Please try with another address. Its got to be an iota address.

Thank You..
11  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Bug Bounty for my Home Server. Can only Pay in iota..$25 us on: December 11, 2019, 06:05:00 PM
Wow.. Cool

thank You so much.  If its OK post your iota receive address here. Or PM it to me.

I'm ready to send you $25  American..

I don't do discord..

12  Economy / Service Announcements / Bug Bounty for my Home Server. Can only Pay in iota..$25 us on: December 08, 2019, 12:21:42 AM

I have my own homer server running from a Raspberry Pi.

I want to pay someone to fine any exploits on my site that gives them the ability to edit my site  I'll will pay $25 in iota only.

Joining the forums and making an edit is not an exploit. The same goes for the feed back page.

You must tell me how you did it.

This is a one off payment to the first person who edits my site and posts poof in this thread so I can correctly determine who is first.

Sorry Guys, I will try to pay more in future. I'm just testing the water.

Have fun. My site is....

13  Other / Meta / Re: Can I pay You in Iota on: November 11, 2019, 07:57:55 PM
I have my own home server. ON a Raspberry PI.

I want to see if I can get someone to interact with my site. For instance Make a post on the form. Or latter when I have my phpBB forum running I would pay someone to join it. And make am post. Just to check if it's Working

Maybe I would pay a few iotas here

But more importantly I would like to offer a bug bounty if someone found a bug.

Thank You...

thx boyptc for link
14  Other / Meta / Can I pay You in Iota on: November 09, 2019, 07:06:25 PM
Can I pay You in Iota

Am I able to make this offer here within the charter of Bitcointalk (Rules)

Thank You
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is Iota Getting Faster and Therefore more usable. on: October 10, 2019, 05:22:31 PM
Just did another experimental transfer. Still not confirmed..  Cry  24hrs latter..

Back to the drawing broad
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Looking for the Best Altcoin Coin Forum on: October 01, 2019, 08:44:39 PM

This forum is by far the best coin forum. Cheers Guys.

For my own personal reasons I am not presently using bitcoins. But I do hold an account where I can convert Bitcoins into Cash and credited cash to my bank. So Bitcoin is very important to me.  

But my business model requires micro-transactions so presently I am learning iota. Which I will most likely use.

But there are other coins out there.

I'm looking for a coin with no fees and fast conformations. But I really want a great forum or community too. The speed and quality of is fantastic. So the coin I'm looking for needs a active community too.

If you know of a coin and community like this please let me know..

Thank You..
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is Iota Getting Faster and Therefore more usable. on: October 01, 2019, 08:25:46 PM
Syscoin can achieve over 60,000 transactions per second

Wow.. Thats amazing.

I may be wrong as I didn't spend too much time on their site.

I run Linux and couldn't find a linux wallet.

18  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: I don't Want to Hack You on: October 01, 2019, 02:53:47 AM

Its was Steve Gibson of Security Now who got me into Bitcoins in the first place.

I believe I have done the full circle now.
Thank You..
19  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / I don't Want to Hack You on: September 30, 2019, 07:31:25 PM

For my own education I am running a server from home on a raspberry Pi. Standard Vanilla. Apache, Mysql, php. I have a static PI address which I point to my Parked URL with GoDaddy and just want to see how far I can go with this set up as far as hits and programming.  

I would like to link to my URL here. But I'm not going to as I would hate to be hacked and my server could attack others.

I am very careful about security. But its a moving target. If you have any security Advice for me that would be great as you guys  need to protect your investments. That means you know your security.

I have a home server, static IP address pointed to a url

What could go wrong..?
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is Iota Getting Faster and Therefore more usable. on: September 30, 2019, 06:33:41 PM
It may be that there will be better technology than the blockchain

Maybe Hashgraph Maybe Iota or more likely a coin from left field. I simply do not have the time to study them all. I am happy with iota, not as an investment but as a teaching tool. To show others how coins work.

I know Bitcoin can do many things. But all I used it for was to send and receive value. In the end I will use any coin that works for me.
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