I am writing here as I got banned from the Photon telegram channel for
You came into chat insulting admins rubishing work done and saying we should pay when asked if you would chip in/help with effort/pay for it you refused saying its our responsibility and we should pay hmm???
the criticisms are the first thing you said in chat yet we are put over as the kids ok sure demanding asshats are all grown up yay is the world not a better place oh wait its not

we all think the logo art is awesome far better than many other projects and even some top brands and it is done by a volunteer professional that is one of the community members thats why you were asked the reason for it not being professional? *no reply about exactly why you said it was not professional and what exactly gives you rights here? what we offer and interacting with us is a privilege and not a right!!! yet treat the people putting in work for free like we owe you something or we should do this/that just to please 1 person well thats not very community like or democratic
there is not 1000 active user in that chat can see from voting as you were informed:
https://vote.jalapen.io/homethe community and fund rasing is not good as well as so few that will chip in the accusation when we dont reach goal is just bs and just pressures us to pay the slack which ends being 95% the total, what some of the crypto community do/say which is "I will not pay it myself" or the "I will not help with the effort myself" or the "I already invested buying from people on exchange why should I help" none of these are or will ever be a real photon community no matter what they preach
all success will come from the hard work put in not some small time toxic trader that wants it and wants it now and does not like anything we do nor is willing to cover effort/time/funds of his own requests *why are you even looking at photon then eh?
lol kindness yes hope you get it back too matey threefold thanks for helping out and encouraging the 100% volunteer team what a nice chap

using 3 accounts shit talking from 2 totally ethical chap not upto bs at all just multi accounting like all the other community and should be trusted be default right? oh Wait

I respect those that respect the people doing the hard work not money talk, bs talk or talk of community when you did not ask them if they think it good/bad in fact some of them even said they think its great yet somehow you being god means you talk for them oh great and yet we get the "borderline Asperger" sure sure I personally dont have issues with you or anyone having aspergers as long as they respect others and dont instantly start bashing which is exactly what you did and continued to do even when asked why no reply!!

Crypto Timothy, [05.09.18 16:47]
I would love a Photon shirt!
Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 16:49]
I would love a keyring
Mike Willams, [05.09.18 18:56]
The logo is awesome 😎
Sid Grip, [05.09.18 19:36]
Logo looks good to me
Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 20:05]
Yes definately. Oh by the way I think the logo is really good.
Joshua Baumert, [05.09.18 21:04]
Were and when i can get the Shirt?
apparently as a dev should also not hold my coins and sell them to pay for your whims I think not

and we banned and removed all his posts so was in no way still asking questions all reply belong to the removed posts the real community members were asking questions after
Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:57]
😂😂 I really cannot believe what I just read. I’m gob smacked. 😂😂
BlueDragon747, [05.09.18 19:57]
err its too common
Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:57]
But awesome responses from the dev and admins fair play
Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:58]
[In reply to BlueDragon747]
Yh I’m starting to realise that. Havnt been in crypto too long so I’m new to all these crazy people who just go into chats to start a fight:
cowards walk away from things not stick around while being abused but that talk is obvious and just trolling/picking a fight which is exactly what you did in the channel and why you are banned and will stay that way inf for rest of your sad life unless you want to be a coward and hide from your wrong doings which is expected from trolls

dont forget to go bash all the other crypto projects for shit logo's too as 100% sure many many inc ltc/btc are bit shit and in no way better or more professional *whatever you meant by that as you never clearly stated why or which exact image you were bashing just that our logo is "not professional" and we should buy or run a "It would cost $200 to $500. That's quite a good price" competition because you say so? cheap yet "No, I will not pay for the logo myself"
from your other posts "Banned from Enjin telegram channel."
oh I wonder why mr nice guy

"I have no feelings when it comes to trading/investing/running my business."
and I have no feelings about banning an asshole right after he starts showing what he is like people have been un-banned but often they have realized the mistake however this is def not you sir
*blocked just so I dont have to read your trash goodbye and your not welcome nor is anyone else who wants to act in same way its toxic is not community and imho is unethical guess you treat all volunteers and charity workers this way what a nice guy must be so loved *possibly only by cats meow

Appreciate your ignorant ramblings, Thanks for dumping you bags of PHO

----> As always, If your not happy about shit then go create your own cryptocoin somewhere else the way you wan't to see it done.
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There's the door --> | __ __
() | Now Kindly Fuck off

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