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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: November 20, 2023, 06:06:49 PM
Updated OP

BLC is still going strong 10 years on

most of the chat is on Telegram/Discord, lot of changes to exchanges this year but the whole Blake ecosystem is supported on Xeggex and CryptoRadar

Still have Multiple Pools either official or zpool as above

other development works are still ongoing changed game engine to Godot 4 no major news on game side still wip

2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [WARNING] Bullionschain - Fake Team on: October 12, 2020, 09:14:02 AM
We have been working on this for the last year

These guys have done zero research to see if there is any coins/tokens using BLC ticker and considering BlakeCoin is on CoinMarketCap its poor show!

Caveat Emptor  Shocked Roll Eyes

Edit (updated):
I have also posted and tweeted this too hopefully anyone doing some basic research should find this issue and not get confused between the two!  Cheesy

Spoke with James of BullionsChain Team via Telegram at length about the ticker issue and they agreed to release a official statement to clarify:

just to be clear I dont think its a good idea to have tickers that clash with other network/projects its not allowed for trademarks/stock symbols for a good reason regardless of if your on same exchanges or tech!  

after all it is going to cost lot of time/effort/money(crypto or fiat) to make a successful project launch especially with some of the goals they speak of  

my team has contacted some of the coin/token tracking sites/apps/services about this to point out the issue, for example Delta incorrectly reports trades/vol for BullionsChain on Blakecoin some of the others only support one while cmc or cg support multi with same ticker.

I have also advised them to slow down and get a handle on these issues than rush a release as it is triggering Major red flags for many in the crypto community!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: BullionsChain - Exchange Precious Metals Via Blockchain on: October 12, 2020, 08:32:22 AM
These guys have done zero research to see if there is any coins using BLC ticker and considering BlakeCoin is on CoinMarketCap its poor show!

Caveat Emptor  Roll Eyes
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: October 07, 2019, 12:15:45 PM
Happy Bday Blakecoin still going strong  Cool

have a new wallet build in the works should be released next week or so

still working on games for but progress been kind of slow atm Embarrassed
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][Exchange] c-Patex ( Additions & News on: August 04, 2019, 01:48:24 PM
Hello, I'm the founder and CEO of C-Patex

We have initiated a new topic because the control of exchange was transferred from my own IT company to a new business unit (a new registered company in Argentina) Cripto Patagonia S.A.

This change is for legal and accounting purposes only. We still are the same team, the same family, working together in the same project.

Maybe many people are finding out about us just now, and are commenting as if we were new to the business. We are online and operating since November 2017 and currently we have more than 13'000 registered users (from 120 countries), half of them with positive balance in their accounts.

We are not a bank and we do not pretend to be a safe box. We recommend our users to deposit the amount enough for trading only. But to this day we have maintained our security correctly, overcoming the attacks on the site without problems, and reducing fraudulent maneuvers to small amounts that we have in our hot wallets. We work permanently to improve our security, in the same way that hackers work permanently to violate it. They are the occupational hazards.

There is something mainly we are very proud of: our user support team. The answers arrive immediately, correcting any inconvenience related to deposits, withdrawals, or inconveniences in the accounts.

We are constantly changing some things about the design and operation of the site. And those who say it is not very pretty are right. But during this time we have prioritized the security and reliability of operations, permanently adding new currencies. However, anyone who has seen the original Peatio project cannot deny that we have made enormous advances in aesthetics and functionality, and of course, we will continue to do so.

I think your doing great job with passion and right mindset to keep people safe as you can  Cool

like I said think site is great and fact I can contact support and get a real person looking into the issue almost immediately is pretty insane  Grin
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][Exchange] c-Patex ( Additions & News on: August 04, 2019, 01:37:12 PM
Been using c-patex for well over a year its great exchange and the support is 1st class

how much trade have I done over at c-patex:
BTC: 10+
LTC: 70-90 ish still have some open orders

I personally love the dark theme why are so many people salty and negative to real exchange then dive in without thinking for scam exchange site "Oh is pretty" is really bad way to gauge exchanges better to aim for support(talk with real people to solve the issue), uptime, deposits, withdraws

from all the tests I have done both for crypto(have checked from wallet/node level)and web standards found no security issues which is far better than some much larger exchanges with constant wallet maintenance and no withdraws etc... and imho no better ui either  Cheesy

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: July 14, 2019, 12:35:45 AM
BlueDragon747, Kramble's bitstreams and modified cgminer for the ztex 1.15y are not available for download anymore on his github, do you happen to have a copy of them?  I have 2 of the ztex and I'd like to give merge mining a shot first rather than try Amaveo.


but do be aware we have reasonable efficient asic's (baikal giant b 168.5GH/s ~250w) on the network doing the blake256r8 algo we use so long term not sure I would recommend fpga's in 2019 unless its to reuse/learning   
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: May 25, 2019, 08:53:24 AM
I am not in a position to critique any crypto exchange for a variety of reasons but I personally dislike abusing a open-source license.  If they wanted to hold crypto developers accountable then they should have used a different license or even closed sourced it.  Of course, that would mean that they would have code a large portion of their core software since they wouldn't be able to use some or most open-source for it.

Obviously they could use open-source for infrastructure components but their core software either couldn't be or they would have to find a license that was open-source and just allowed for damages.


Bottom line is Blakecoin devs are not responsible for losses on exchange for Any reason

this is still beta software same goes for BTC thats why I point out the MIT licence that this project uses which is in conflict with what they have asked for in 5. *so in other words they are asking something that goes against Blakecoin's MIT Licence

the MIT licence is pretty open they could use the code they could run mod core wallet(Mt.Gox style) but its at their risk as per the licence its not the liability of Blakecoin devs!  Shocked

if a network issue was to happen no way will we be forced to rollback tx/block addresses or change the blockchain over an exchange, of course we would try and resolve issues but thats not same as being held liable for losses which just seems crazy especially as we all know how much risk is involved and how much of an attack surface exchanges are Huh

2. is common as muck most exchanges have min vol requirements and as said to me "its just business" but its also why the vol on almost all exchanges is bit bs and some times just pure manipulation as often its built into the listing "Deal" requirements needless to say Devs dont get 0% trade fees on Any exchange we pay same as everyone else!!!!

what some of these exchanges want either extreme high listing fees or odd rules/requirements kind of makes it a deal breaker we still ask and check the details but some are just no go, others might be wait off until we have more organic growth to support the vol

anyways keep an eye out and let me know if you see any others will get them checked out and an application in if suitable  Cool
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: May 24, 2019, 08:42:08 PM
mail from nova:

"Dear Cryptocommunity,
We've recently been reached by the news that Cryptopia Exchange is going out of business due to the severe damage that they faced earlier.
It is sad to hear that a fellow competitor of ours is facing these problems since all competition is good for crypto.
Cryptopia as a company has been around for many years, providing excellent trading, service and a healthy ecosystem for the cryptocurrency community.
In order for the communities to survive, especially the ones being traded only at Cryptopia, we at Nova Exchange would like to offer our help in order for the ecosystem(s) to grow, and offer free listing for all coins that were listed with Cryptopia.
The only condition for the free listing would be the following:
1: We receive the listing application before 1st of June 2019 through this form
(please specify Cryptopia Free Listing under payment options)
2: We ask their developers to add in the extra comments, addresses that they know that belong to the hackers.
This will ensure that we do not facilitate money laundering from people that are responsible with actions that are not in the favor of the cryptocurrency community.

Have a great cryptoweek,
Team Nova"

good chance to list on next exchange

some of NOVA listing requirements
2. To ensure and maintain a healthy trading volume for the cryptocurrency trading pairs, by providing liquidity to the market himself, or by assigning a market making agency the task of doing so.

5. Cryptocurrency developers are liable to redeem losses caused on Nova Exchange if the responsible for such action is official representative of the cryptocurrency, or because the representatives of the cryptocurrency were unable to prevent such losses (for example in events of double spent attacks etc.)

Quote from: MIT License

Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Bitcoin Developers
Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Blakecoin Developers

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


we have been looking into other options before the issues with Cryptopia and some other options since but tbh I dont think NOVA with its terms is practical option but the more exchanges putting out this type of offer the better  Cool
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] PHO Photon blake256- MERGE MINE 6 COINS- NO PREMINE - POW ONLY 4+ YRS on: February 03, 2019, 06:12:14 PM
The photon died? I had 30000000 coins. what to do? There are some prospects or the project soskamitsya? What do developer contact, there are some news???!?!?

The Photon has not died  Roll Eyes

check twitter or telegram for news

most of the news is related to the work on

see the api rewards for playing latest top AAA games like Fortnite or Battlefield V as well as a growing base of our own titles too like the current work on Battlegrip

I am one of the core dev but Dont contact me asking why markets do what they do its not something that we devs have control over(why BTC not $20k) same goes for anyone asking when moon or when Binance I dont reply to these anymore!!!

as for issues with Cryptopia I have not been given any extra info that is not public by NZ police or Cryptopia themselves, but have been monitoring via script cryptopia wallets for all BlakeStream coins on that exchange so far no major movement so does appear that its still under cryptopia control afaik

*I have said many many times dont leave coins on any exchange its not safe if you need to trade then only risk % of your holdings same goes for all crypto secure your own private key*

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] LITHIUM (LIT) - NO PREMINE - BLAKE 256 - MERGE MINED -- HOT NEW COIN -- on: January 30, 2019, 01:58:45 PM

We are reviving though your concept and project too. There are some issues as technical as functional in your code and as structure wise too, If you need to project annalist and need refectory the project, We are doing this all the things without single penny and to help the development of cryptocurrency because it our prior and charitable work. After the support if you want to charity you can but if you don't we don't expect.

Thank you.

Virbhadrasinh Gohil
Director - Unofox IT Solution india pvt ltd

I would prefer a web development company does not try and get into crypto and hijack projects that are active, some of what you said does not make any sense so be warned I will alert community if anyone tries a scam with Lithium (LIT)  Undecided

as one of the core devs for this open source no ipo/ico or pre-mined project you are most welcome to submit pull requests via github they will be review and if suitable merged if you really are looking to help Cool

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: January 28, 2019, 10:59:25 AM

I have released new Amoveo miner for old Cairnsmore1 FPGA cards (from Enterpoint). If you have these boards from the old bitcoin mining times , you can mine Amoveo with hashrate 1500MH/s per board

the open source version for blakecoin (bitstream and project + cgminer + patches is on github) does ~1500MH/s and uses ~ 22w "on a Enterpoint Cairnsmore 1 Quad Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board" since 2013-2014 hmm  Undecided

your version is:
locked to which has 2.9% pool fee?

binary cgminer miner has 4% dev fee? no source code for cgminer or including the licence?

not related to this thread apart from probs using opensource code without any licence or credit for all the other people that worked HARD on it  Lips sealed

we can change algo to prevent baikal ASIC, from Blake256 8rounds to Blake256 10rounds. I can modified fpga mining software for ztex, Lancelot and Cairnsmore1.

nope no change in algo never planed on being resistant to asic

and getting a good fmax bitstream for ztex, Lancelot and Cairnsmore1 is easier said than done with Xilinx ISE/PlanAhead

i have a good bitstream for Blake2s (Verge, Neva, Tajcoi...) and modified SHA2 for pascalcoin, For Blakecoin i have 3 cores @ 220MHz = 2640 MH/s for 1x Cairnsmore 1

 Huh Undecided
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: November 01, 2018, 09:51:28 PM
will look into this can also find some fixed on Photon just been busy
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: October 07, 2018, 08:53:37 PM
This new tool is very helpful, especially for miners, new miners, who always want to have as exact mining estimation as possible for their mining works.
Someday, this tool might become competitive with
Congrats with this one, newest additional tool for BLC mining community!

yeah there are some issues atm as does not take into account these are merge mined so is not very accurate yet can see work is being done might once a few more issues are sorted out
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: October 07, 2018, 12:52:40 AM
Happy Bday Blakecoin   Kiss

sorry everyone for not being more active here just so busy  Shocked

you will be glad to hear we have lots lined up for release this year via BlakeZone portal time to start kicking butt yay Grin

can sign up and follow our progress as it happens
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: September 19, 2018, 02:34:16 PM

I have recently added BlakeCoin (BLC) to provide soon Mining Calculation, Pools and Exchanges listing some others interesting statistics and Graph about this coin.

great have you calculated the fact its merge mined with Photon, BlakeBitcoin, Electron, Universal Molecule and Lithium?

I see your missing the official pools too why? they have been open and listed in OP and on BlakeCoin site for over 4 years now  Cry

they are doing most of the hashrate for all the coin networks in the merge!!! ~20-40TH/s

Note: pools also use standard MPOS api so no issues pulling current data/stats

and we have a full set of explorers with full api's too

Cryptoid Based Explorer

Iquidus Based Explorer
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] PHO Photon blake256- MERGE MINE 6 COINS- NO PREMINE - POW ONLY 4+ YRS on: September 06, 2018, 03:06:15 AM
I am writing here as I got banned from the Photon telegram channel for

You came into chat insulting admins rubishing work done and saying we should pay when asked if you would chip in/help with effort/pay for it you refused saying its our responsibility and we should pay hmm???

the criticisms are the first thing you said in chat yet we are put over as the kids ok sure demanding asshats are all grown up yay is the world not a better place oh wait its not  Undecided

we all think the logo art is awesome far better than many other projects and even some top brands and it is done by a volunteer professional that is one of the community members thats why you were asked the reason for it not being professional? *no reply about exactly why you said it was not professional and what exactly gives you rights here? what we offer and interacting with us is a privilege and not a right!!! yet treat the people putting in work for free like we owe you something or we should do this/that just to please 1 person well thats not very community like or democratic

there is not 1000 active user in that chat can see from voting as you were informed:

the community and fund rasing is not good as well as so few that will chip in the accusation when we dont reach goal is just bs and just pressures us to pay the slack which ends being 95% the total, what some of the crypto community do/say which is "I will not pay it myself" or the "I will not help with the effort myself" or the "I already invested buying from people on exchange why should I help" none of these are or will ever be a real photon community no matter what they preach

all success will come from the hard work put in not some small time toxic trader that wants it and wants it now and does not like anything we do nor is willing to cover effort/time/funds of his own requests *why are you even looking at photon then eh?

lol kindness yes hope you get it back too matey threefold thanks for helping out and encouraging the 100% volunteer team what a nice chap  Roll Eyes

using 3 accounts shit talking from 2 totally ethical chap not upto bs at all just multi accounting like all the other community and should be trusted be default right? oh Wait  Shocked  Roll Eyes

I respect those that respect the people doing the hard work not money talk, bs talk or talk of community when you did not ask them if they think it good/bad in fact some of them even said they think its great yet somehow you being god means you talk for them oh great and yet we get the "borderline Asperger" sure sure I personally dont have issues with you or anyone having aspergers as long as they respect others and dont instantly start bashing which is exactly what you did and continued to do even when asked why no reply!!  Angry

Crypto Timothy, [05.09.18 16:47]
I would love a Photon shirt!

Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 16:49]
I would love a keyring

Mike Willams, [05.09.18 18:56]
The logo is awesome 😎

Sid Grip, [05.09.18 19:36]
Logo looks good to me

Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 20:05]
Yes definately. Oh by the way I think the logo is really good.

Joshua Baumert, [05.09.18 21:04]
Were and when i can get the Shirt?

apparently as a dev should also not hold my coins and sell them to pay for your whims I think not   Roll Eyes

and we banned and removed all his posts so was in no way still asking questions all reply belong to the removed posts the real community members were asking questions after

Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:57]
😂😂 I really cannot believe what I just read. I’m gob smacked. 😂😂

BlueDragon747, [05.09.18 19:57]
err its too common

Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:57]
But awesome responses from the dev and admins fair play

Mark Freeman, [05.09.18 19:58]
[In reply to BlueDragon747]
Yh I’m starting to realise that. Havnt been in crypto too long so I’m new to all these crazy people who just go into chats to start a fight:

cowards walk away from things not stick around while being abused but that talk is obvious and just trolling/picking a fight which is exactly what you did in the channel and why you are banned and will stay that way inf for rest of your sad life unless you want to be a coward and hide from your wrong doings which is expected from trolls  Cry

dont forget to go bash all the other crypto projects for shit logo's too as 100% sure many many inc ltc/btc are bit shit and in no way better or more professional *whatever you meant by that as you never clearly stated why or which exact image you were bashing just that our logo is "not professional" and we should buy or run a "It would cost $200 to $500. That's quite a good price" competition because you say so? cheap yet "No, I will not pay for the logo myself"

from your other posts "Banned from Enjin telegram channel."

oh I wonder why mr nice guy  Roll Eyes

"I have no feelings when it comes to trading/investing/running my business."

and I have no feelings about banning an asshole right after he starts showing what he is like people have been un-banned but often they have realized the mistake however this is def not you sir

*blocked just so I dont have to read your trash goodbye and your not welcome nor is anyone else who wants to act in same way its toxic is not community and imho is unethical guess you treat all volunteers and charity workers this way what a nice guy must be so loved *possibly only by cats meow Shocked  Cheesy

Quote from: sidgrip
Appreciate your ignorant ramblings, Thanks for dumping you bags of PHO   Wink

----> As always, If your not happy about shit then go create your own cryptocoin somewhere else the way you wan't to see it done.              
                                  |  __  __   |
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 There's the door -->   |  __  __() |   Now Kindly Fuck off   Kiss Kiss
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18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] PHO Photon blake256- MERGE MINE 6 COINS- NO PREMINE - POW ONLY 4+ YRS on: August 09, 2018, 12:16:28 PM
What is this coin about? 2 guys fighting?

no its about crypto+gaming

read the wp:

p19 group is still unofficial still talking crap and still not helping Photon in anyway also people who run that group have never been part of the team as you can read here a few pages back from December I gave them the bod but all they did was hype bs and pnd "€50 made them €1000" then blame others for their own actions its just sad

Nope no war, antonio is irrelevant and has nothing to do with this coin or the Dev team.

This is the reason people need to stay away from this SH*tdragon. He spread a lot of lies for his own bestwill but it turns out negativ for him.

Photon was a dead coin for more then 4 years. You failed to make it (photon and blakecoin) a great coin in the begin and now you tried to ride on our succes...and you failed again.

It is a shame you want to be the leader of this coins. You are only good to be a programeur and nothing more. You even lost your nearest programeurs because yourself .sssssst go away fro the cryptoworld and go be a programeur and sssshhht

get another socket puppet account antonio your language is still same and your still doing same dirty little toxic tricks eh? hmm what was that about karma???

[Forwarded from Antonio Loves karma]
Where you see crying people? There are reason people are still here.remember that. I speak with a lot people and they tanked me before. The time that photon was 2000% up. People invested 50 euro and earned 1000 euro. Some people invested 10k and earned 100k. There are a lot of people here that respect the work we spend in this together.
It seems like the one with lost are in blakecommunity and are screaming with moreme benny and bleu that we are scammers. A kind of reason for their lost😂😂👍🏼

We are waiting for the best  time to start our own community project.

PnD troll in his own words  Shocked

wonder who dumped on all those new people during the peak bs hype? hmm could it have been antonio and his buddies you know the same ones who were hyping at the time? Oh I never would have guessed and from such trusted newbie multi accounts too who came out of thin air in nov/dec 2017 oh my golly gosh it cant be true Roll Eyes

you would not have 1000/100k if they had not dumped kind of giveaway to what they were doing so I was accurate with my skepticism back in December and did right thing by informing the real community of the issue

Photon will continue as planed and with my co dev cinnamon too so fu that fud is weak! Cheesy

Nope no war, antonio is irrelevant and has nothing to do with this coin or the Dev team.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] PHO Photon blake256- MERGE MINE 6 COINS- NO PREMINE - POW ONLY 4+ YRS on: August 08, 2018, 06:59:58 AM
What is this coin about? 2 guys fighting?

no its about crypto+gaming

read the wp:

p19 group is still unofficial still talking crap and still not helping Photon in anyway also people who run that group have never been part of the team as you can read here a few pages back from December I gave them the bod but all they did was hype bs and pnd "€50 made them €1000" then blame others for their own actions its just sad

Nope no war, antonio is irrelevant and has nothing to do with this coin or the Dev team.

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BLC] Blakecoin Blake-256 for GPU/FPGA With Merged Mined Pools Stable Net on: July 18, 2018, 04:22:30 PM
This is not a lot of activity since I last checked out the thread. Any plans for this or did the dev give up yet? Where is all the discussion going on?

not done much research have you  Roll Eyes

most of the chat is going on here:

and no have not given up been pretty busy developing the new blakezone site  Cool
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