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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 25, 2018, 01:27:03 PM
What do you want to achieve in the future. Is there any ambition to make a worldwide education network?
That would be very strong. But it is very difficult at this stage.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 24, 2018, 10:26:45 AM
I think bringing blockchain technology to education is a great idea.
Which will benefit people and investors will make good money.
Moreover, tokens will appear on the stock exchange only 2 weeks after the end of sales.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 23, 2018, 09:26:50 AM
Diplomas that will be issued within the ecosystem will be confirmed by universities?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 22, 2018, 09:47:41 AM
I think this project should turn over the training system. So the introduction of such technologies will increase the efficiency and will save a lot of money
But this is how it will work in the future, although not everyone will benefit from it...
The main thing is that it was beneficial for the majority.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 21, 2018, 08:33:56 AM
How much money has been collected? Where is the link to the fees?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 20, 2018, 10:45:33 AM
Tell individuals can lay out their courses on the platform?
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 19, 2018, 12:10:29 PM
when about tokens will be added to the stock exchanges?
I heard the information that already 2 weeks after the end of sales.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 18, 2018, 11:32:02 AM
Well, if in the future there were electronic diplomas that would work all over the world.
Well it would be very cool but it's necessary to start small, I think and develop in this direction
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 17, 2018, 12:35:47 PM
is there a video overview of the platform on YouTube?
I would also gladly look with joy. I want to see how this will work
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 16, 2018, 09:57:30 AM
Developers will be presenting their platform at conferences?
it would be a good chance to personally communicate and learn many details.
I think it's bound to be, you need to follow the company's news on Twitter
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 15, 2018, 09:43:11 AM
Why did you decide to work in India?
I think there is a large part of the population that needs education
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 14, 2018, 10:12:58 AM
Tell me if the price of the token grows, then the cost of the company's services relative to the dollar will also grow?
Oh, this is a very interesting question. Huh
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀[ANN] [ICO & BOUNTY] Edgecoin Education Revolution built on Blockchain 🚀 on: January 13, 2018, 09:45:30 AM
Is it planned to release tokens in the future?

I did not read anything about this in white paper. I think this would negatively affect the price of the token
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🚀🚀 World Peace Coin 🚀🚀 on: January 03, 2018, 02:08:04 PM
Hey. What languages will the platform support?
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🚀🚀 World Peace Coin 🚀🚀 on: January 02, 2018, 01:32:29 PM
I think the project worth investing in.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] - Participate in the very inovating way to rent a luxury car on: January 01, 2018, 04:35:13 PM
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Good luck with your project
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🚀🚀 World Peace Coin 🚀🚀 on: January 01, 2018, 02:14:17 PM
Hello, can I join your team?
I think if you have certain skills, then why not
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] - Participate in the very inovating way to rent a luxury car on: December 31, 2017, 02:24:54 PM
If the price of the token increases, then renting cars in dollars will become more expensive?
this is a very interesting question I join and would like to know the answer
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🚀🚀 World Peace Coin 🚀🚀 on: December 31, 2017, 11:23:20 AM
A good project, but I do not really understand who will determine the countries that need help
some countries already exist in the project road map. Apparently these are the ones that will be able to give the most profit to investors
And this is right, because if the project does not make a profit, then it will not be able to attract investors
Well, well, I already bought a few tokens to support the project. I think this will allow me to earn
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🚀🚀 World Peace Coin 🚀🚀 on: December 30, 2017, 06:56:40 PM
The project team looks very major and inspires me with trust. I'm ready to support the project. Thank you
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