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Mientras las Alts arden en el infierno bitcoin está despegando... Veamos que tan lejos llega esta vez.. Si tienen alguna recomendación para los inversionistas es tiempo de soltar unos buenos consejos. -Si piensas cambiar BTC a USDT usa un servicio con fees bajos como poloniex... -Importante tener en cuenta que ETH 2.0 está dando paso grandes en el desarrollo. -Invierte en monedas que tengan buen volumen de transacciones. No se tu me gusto esta parte y me causo risa que las ATLs armen en el infierno 
I don't think that the large commissions is a problem that something can be fix by your idea. First off all the commissions handed down by the ecommerce platform is not always fixed most of the ti.e before even a reseller sales its items to the platform they will always enter into a negotiation first. So I really do think having an Amazon version 2.0 for you won't change anything. Another thing is you need to have loads of cash to even steal a market share and resellers from e-commerce giants. You need to have a better idea than this one.
I think the idea of just stealing from you is the market for cryptocurrency payments would be a start. I'm going to make a demo of the project. I think they are this would give a clearer idea to the points I mentioned. For the truth it is difficult to expose an idea only in text. Visually, it would be better. 
Hi I'm thinking of creating an ecommerce project similar to Amazon + Shopify. Currently ecommerce has the problems of large commissions that charge this platform for sales between 2% to 45% commission. Additional none of these platforms accept cryptocurrencies, creating a problem in the adoption of this new market.
For this reason I want to know your answers.
They have high fees but also at the same time they have insane traffic, this is why we agree to pay high fees and sell on amazon, ebay... I know millions of people are coming each day to see products with opportunity to choose seller, it automatically means these number of people sees you too. They don't accept crypto, that's bad but not fatal. Can you provide huge traffic? It requires a lot of finances, really a lot, that's a problem, otherwise creating a similar website is pretty easy nowdays. On the contrary, great financing is not required. I think that after you have a draft or a demo of the project you could better the idea itself. But I see it as a great opportunity to adapt to a more the cryptocurrencies that until now ebay or amazon or alibaba have not done.
Hi I'm thinking of creating an ecommerce project similar to Amazon + Shopify. Currently ecommerce has the problems of large commissions that charge this platform for sales between 2% to 45% commission. Additional none of these platforms accept cryptocurrencies, creating a problem in the adoption of this new market.
For this reason I want to know your answers.
It is a lot easier for Amazon to add crypto payments than it is for you to build what they have. The problem is not just adding crypto as a form of payment. All you want to sell on Amazon do the loading manually. Apart from that the commissions are very high. Shops are interested in a platform that can create your store without paying initial costs because you do not know if you are going to sell or not. Shopify, Bigcommerce and charge you a fixed monthly fee plus commission. Apart from that he has to pay commission in amazon. My idea is to unify these services. Both the payment record system and the product tracking are transparent in blockchain.
Hi I'm thinking of creating an ecommerce project similar to Amazon + Shopify. Currently ecommerce has the problems of large commissions that charge this platform for sales between 2% to 45% commission. Additional none of these platforms accept cryptocurrencies, creating a problem in the adoption of this new market.
For this reason I want to know your answers.
Why invest in altcoin when you can invest in real estate, stock market?
The cryptocurrency market will have faster growth if you know how to invest. The news of the moments are cryptocurrencies. In the real estate sector, it is more difficult because of the economic problems that exist globally. It can take you to sell an apartment up to 1 year.
One of the problems of the ICOs is marketing. With both SCAM and people have stopped confirming in many projects. That's why it's hard to raise capital for a token.
This is a question I ask myself all the time that why do so many ICOs usually take so long period of time before they are finally over. Some ICOs could go for long period of time as long as 6 months and 7 months thereabout. Does it mean the longer the period of ICO the better the rewards? Does that long period of time really mean I will have better profits either as a bounty hunter or an investor? I need some clarification and probably some advise as a newbie to ICO bounty.
There are couple of things about why many projects need a longer time frame to complete there ICO: (Below points I am writing are only for genuine ICOs and not the SCAM ones) 1. The amounts they are raising from ICO could be humongous, I have seen ICOs raising $75mil+ and obviously, they cant be sold out in a day or two, until and unless those are really hyped up or if shilled from some business giants. 2. Projects may not have enough awareness, there marketing skills are terrible and they are not reaching out to there audiences in the correct manner to raise funds, so it takes months of time to complete there fund raising from ICOs. 3. The ICOs are not appealing and the crowd thinks that its worthless and they dont want to invest in it. It is the toughest part for the fund raising company, about how they need to engage with the investors, how to take them into belief,etc. You stole the answer. I think that it can not be clearer
Uno de los lados mas oscuros del bitcoin. Bueno de cualquiera altcoin.
I need someone's help with translating whitepaper for project in my signature. I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to ask here. Thought I would provide this earning opportunity for the community here.
Details of whitepaper:
Pages 46 Words 7017 chars 45241 chars without spacings 38414
Please PM me you budget. Below 400 usd if possible and also all relevant contact info. Such as e-mail, telegram or discord?
Regards, Matt.
Interested. If you want you can write to my email.
Mas informacion. Esta incompleta esta noticia que paso jajja
Vosotros creeis que con esto de que los paises intenter regular las criptomonedas hará que suban su valor??
Yo pienso que sí, o al menos que entrará mucho más capital. Hay muchos inversores que aún ven con recelo el tema de las criptomonedas, como algo muy inestable y de mucho riesgo. Pero si empiezan a regularizar las ICOs y las criptomonedas, y eso supone una mayor seguridad y estabilidad, pues probablemente acaben por entrar. No comparto tu opinión, te explico del porque. Todo inversionista tiene conocimiento que cualquiera inversión en cualquier proyecto es riesgosa si no conoces el mercado o como funciona. Si empiezas a regular las ICOs que aquí en donde esta las mayores estafa brindara mas seguridad en verdad. Pero las criptomonedas fueron diseñada para peer-to-peer (punto a punto), nadie tiene control sobre la red P2P ¿como van regular algo que no pueden?. Por mi puede regular o no, igual no importa. Pero las regulaciones se deben que hay mucha estafa en este mercado.
Y no tienen Ripple para eso? Bufff
Ripple no sirve para nada. Los bancos se siente cómodos como funciona su sistema o su core bancario.
Mi opinion es que si bitcoin o alguna altcoin seria tuviera una visión a largo plazo seria genial. Si alguna moneda ofreciera riqueza a futuro seria genial.
Como inversionista y programador puede decir algunos cosas.
Todas las altcoins y tokens de ethereum son un riesgo eso es seguro, hasta bitcoin es un riesgo y ese token de tron tambien es un riesgo. Ejemplo: cuando subio el bitcoin por el boom y quedo en los 20K imagine las personas que la compraron a ese precio, ahora mismo esas personas estan perdida.
Todo proyecto toma su tiempo, no te vas hacer rico de la noche a la mañana ojala fueran así las cosas. Ejemplo: Abre un restaurante, las personas no saben como cocinas, el sazón de la comida, etc. Cuando las personas conocen tus productos y ven que las comida esta buena poco a poco vas armando tu cartera de cliente. Lo mismo pasa con las criptomonedas.
Lo que pasa que hay algunos exchanges y bukers descarados que te llaman o te ponen publicidad que te vas hacer rico con las criptomonedas. ¿Dime que moneda ahora mismo te promete una garantía? Respuesta: Ninguna. USDT (Tether) esta cuestionado, TRON también, IOTA también, Bitconnect la mayor estafa, El Petro por dios. Ninguna criptomoneda te va prometer nada, porque el mercado funciona así. Cuando llegue una criptomoneda con personas serias que te digan la verdad en tu cara como funciona, hay vamos haber un cambio.
Me gusta tu post.
Mi opinión personal debemos estar agradecido por algunas personas han podido sacar proyecto con todo el tema de los bitcoin, altcoins y tokens. Es verdad algunos altcoins y token de ethereum se ha vuelto una basura con el tiempo pero no todas. Pero siento que bitcoin, altcoin y los tokens han traído un nuevo ecosistema no solo como moneda de cambio, si no que han traído nuevas tecnologías interesante.
Si lo vemos en parte de la tecnología es difícil conseguir un inversionista para patrocinar un proyecto. Las altcoins y tokens de ethereum han facilitado un poco en la búsqueda de inversionista. Como inversionista, todos queremos meternos un proyecto que con el tiempo genere riqueza, pero no todos los proyectos son así. Mas adelante abra un tecnología que va mejorar este ecosistema.
Creo que habia leido una noticia hoy, que el banco central ha sido que todavia no era necesario es moneda.
Al final no creo que ningun gobierno va detener ninguna moneda o controlarla. Es como la droga nadie tiene control sobre ella.
El porcentaje depende te cada persona. Si tiene un millon de dolar, claro que invertira en 200k 0 100k en altcoin. Pero como es un mercado cambiante cada inversion debe pensarse 2 veces.