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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Evil Plot? on: June 22, 2015, 08:14:44 AM
What happens when a corporate or government entity deploys a quantum computer on the network.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Evil Plot? on: June 21, 2015, 03:40:06 AM
Is it possible to cut off a person or ban them from spending their bitcoins?

Bitcoin to me seems like the NWO Global centralized currency.

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
3  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: - Discussion thread (no advertising here) on: November 21, 2013, 10:27:00 PM
It is working for me. Queue size of 300H/s lol Grin

mine is 54.1MH/s at 2% complete
it says mine is going to take 177 months, thats 14 years! i cant wait 14 years for 140$ in bitcoins, is there a way to just quit.
4  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: COINBASE.COM STRIKE ME AGAIN!!!! RESETS MY ACCOUNT AFTER 18 days VERIFIED on: September 05, 2013, 03:40:17 AM
There is no reason for coinbase to Hold your account transaction for 4 days other than trying to get your personal information which is bs in my opinion.

how about making sure your funds clear? coinbase works differently compared to other exchanges. when you place an order, CB reserves those bitcoins and waits for your payment to clear.

Other exchanges, like MtGox, force you to send your money first - which takes around 4 days depending on deposit method. Dwolla, for example, takes about 5 days. And then another 30min to an hour from Dwolla to CampBX.

As you can see, the hold is still present, the only difference is whether its before or after you place your order.

source: I've done business with CampBX and Coinbase.

I understand Banks take a long time to transfer the money back and forth but look at something like paypal for example, its instant. its purposely done to force its user base to give up personal information for ease of use.
5  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: COINBASE.COM STRIKE ME AGAIN!!!! RESETS MY ACCOUNT AFTER 18 days VERIFIED on: September 05, 2013, 03:13:37 AM
I would not use any service that requires verifying my identity in the first place.

Instead I would attend a local Satoshi Square, or start one of my own.  It is a great way to meet people in the community, build trust relationships, and avoid all the banks and KYC/AML nonsense.  And it can scale world-wide regardless of what big brother does.

I have a great idea for a Bitcoin website but have no idea how to set it up and how to make it secure  Sad
6  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: COINBASE.COM STRIKE ME AGAIN!!!! RESETS MY ACCOUNT AFTER 18 days VERIFIED on: September 05, 2013, 03:11:40 AM
There is no reason for coinbase to Hold your account transaction for 4 days other than trying to get your personal information which is bs in my opinion.
7  Other / Off-topic / Re: Will the US strike against Syria cause a world war? on: September 01, 2013, 10:30:46 PM
A world war? I don't think that Syria or Iran can strike and attack Europe or America. It is not a world war because it is a war between countries from all over the world. It is a world war because the war happens everywhere in the world, which is not gonna happen.

If america attacks syria, Russia will attack america because that attack would be Illegal, if america is going to do shit on its own while the other countries must follow the world law than they will surely attack america and back syria. all of the american allies. if america even has allies anymore will back america while all of russia's allies will back russia, maybe china will back russia or the other. North Korea will surely get involved and take this chance to attack south korea, Japan will try to back south korea because they both hate the north koreans and chinese. and the arab countries will wipe israel off the map. and the Israelis being the sociopaths zionist they are will likely launch the samson option.
8  Economy / Gambling / Re: New BTC Found on: August 29, 2013, 05:05:38 AM
New from BitBillions :

1st GBBG Product!!!
Our very first product will be launching very soon! ONLY Founder members will be able to participate and earn from this product for the first 30 days. I will let you know here here when it is released. Also, our new Projects Page is now in the making. This page will display live and upcoming products for GBBG members to promote.

In addition, we have our Anonymous Private Messaging System designed to allow communication while protecting our personal privacy. We may share our own personal details with each other if we wish, or we may remain completely anonymous by using only our Member ID Number for communication  Wink


The sad thing is this poor old hag either believes in it or she is just part of the brain washing team. I would rather throw my BTC at a terrible gambling site than partake in this filth.
i hope you can see the resemblance. don't naysay unless you can actually prove its a scam or if they disappeared., also pyramid schemes require constant money supply from the members.
9  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: The Anonymity concept is holding back the Revolution - dicussion thread on: August 17, 2013, 11:05:31 PM
At first, immediately locking a thread after the 1. Post is very bad stile.

Seems like you aren't even interested in counter arguments.

So here everyone can actually answer:

Many BitCoiners are holding the idea that the Bitcoin system will help men to
stay Anonymous in front of the BigBrother. The idea was right and beautiful but
it is a dead idea in reality.

These days No One is really anonymous for the BigBrother.

News about the Prism systems revealed what was a known secret, governments
are surveilling their citizens and all other real or fake enemies. The BigBrother has
the best tools to do so and this advantage will always remain against  the normal
citizens. (only really good hackers can stay Anonymous and only for a while).

Understanding and accepting this should not stop the Bitcoin revolution.

This understanding will enable us to look at all the advantages that Bitcoin
can bring to mankind.

- Worldwide commerce free of banks.
- Third nation people will be free from dictators that control the banks and will
  be able to conduct parallel economies.
- Governments will not be able to sequestrate your money (they can jail you
   but if you hide the key it’s untouchable).

By accepting the idea of "Verified ID Wallet"  we gain a door to worldwide
market of individuals  and firms  that can trade and connect above the banking
system. Instead of wasting time and be on the run from the law we can make
a real commercial revolution.

For some Bitcoiners it will feel like aiming lower but I believe it’s great,
it’s the real gospel.

Colored  BitCoin

yes tracking money and where you spend it makes it legal, just like paper money is untrackable unless you record the serial number and know who its currently with. dont be retarded. it can only end badly if the government tracks you even more than it alrady does.
10  Economy / Gambling / Re: New BTC Found on: August 16, 2013, 04:17:57 PM
Whichever mod deleted my posts above:

A. Don't be a chickenshit, I'd like to know who is helping scammers on Bitcointalk, and for that matter so would pretty much everyone. So, who are you?
*Meh, so it was Maged.
B. It's one thing not to delete OBVIOUS scams for lack of time/competence. It is quite ANOTHER thing to empower OBVIOUS scams through silencing those who point out this obviousness.

If the plan is to turn this forum into scammer central, please put this somewhere visible on the main page so we stop bothering with this cesspool entirely.

i've been reading for awhile and i just can't help feel the need to tell you need to shut the hell up. you are going on and on about it being a scam with providing absolutely no proof at all. where is your evidence, lets go and call everyone and everything a scam that'll show em! i don't need proof because its a scam! you sound like a stupid 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum. and globalvillage sound like a damn 14 year old sometimes
"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" what the hell, you start stalking alright then you go off and make an idiot of yourself.
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: AT&T 250gb monthly cap on: August 12, 2013, 08:02:59 PM
Out of curiosity, does anywhere else other than america have throttling/bandwidth caps like this?
Yeah. Capping (or "lite" HSI) was a hot topic in Canada when the discussion came up here. Capping was popular in the dial-up era, when you bought "minutes," but when cable and DSL came out, I don't remember any company talking about caps. Faded from memory. Pay-per-use billing seems reasonable when the infrastructure is unable to handle the demand, and ISPs regularly oversell their bandwidth by hundreds or thousands of percents. It's very difficult to determine real Internet speeds vs. what an ISP advertises in the US, and they aren't required to provide any type of data on that. Hughesnet, for example, previously sold me an "up to 15mbps" connection, with the idea being that it must be faster than the "up to 10mbps" connection. In reality, speeds while people were home (including myself) was ~3mbps.

The trouble with pay-per-use (or capping) being sold as any type of efficient consumer-oriented "feature," is that it doesn't actually solve the problem with peak times (~3-10pm), when the vast majority of users are online and experiencing poor service. People using an obscene amount of bandwidth per month are most likely downloading files throughout the day (esp. if torrents), not streaming them, but because people stream when they're home, all that streaming at once leads to congestion due to ISPs' abused ability to oversell their bandwidth. So really, bandwidth caps are just another arbitrary limit imposed to get consumers to pay more, but ISPs are trying to keep the discussion about "over-eaters" rather than their inadequate, oversold service.

I'd think if the US really wants to see change, we'd be asking why ISPs, industry-wide, are allowed to advertise a meaningless maximum speed  without giving typical speeds, nor guaranteeing a minimum speed. I'm not saying "there ought to be a law," but if enough people are aware of what ISPs' marketing departments are doing, maybe consumers would be more willing to select a service willing to publish meaningful details about their service instead of their arbitrary speed/volume caps on plans.

what is the point of offering higher speeds if you have a cap of 250gb. that looses its incentive.
ISP's should not be allowed to provide tv services, only internet.

companies like at&t is actually trying to compete with Netflix and providing shit internet so people jump to their shitty tv service.
12  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bitcoin Faucet (software) on: August 09, 2013, 02:44:03 PM
does it read capcha? and try to enter corect one?

or is this only a list of sites(software)

its only a list, this is much easier and quicker than having to hunt down faucets or load every page by hand. all you need to do is go down the list and  do a simple captcha. i'll see if i can implement a auto captcha system. there is an update button so im open to suggestions.

also if you have a website that deals with bitcoins post it here so i add it to the list doesn't have to be a faucet.
13  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bitcoin Faucet (software) on: August 09, 2013, 04:26:03 AM
does no one trust this? does anyone care? please respond.

the virustotal screenshot is meaningless imho, you'd need to post full source code and have people compile it themselves. looks helpful though.

should have said something.
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bitcoin Faucet (software) on: August 09, 2013, 04:10:34 AM
does no one trust this? does anyone care? please respond.
15  Other / Off-topic / Re: AT&T 250gb monthly cap on: August 09, 2013, 04:02:25 AM
Bullshit cellphones have unlimited internet. It may have to do with your provider but listen to this. I have had multiple prepaid no contract phones as well as a few contract services who say it is unlimited internet but it really is not. After you hit their magic number usually about 2 weeks into the month you will experience SLOW connections, so slow and so consistent that it is obvious they are throttling your speeds and in some cases just shut you off until the next billing cycle.

As far as internet providers I have seen a couple where it is written in the contract that there is a limit but that they are not currently holding anyone to it. Comcast is by far the worst when it comes to this on top of their shitty customer service and intermittent connection. Its no wonder they have to have a monopoly in any given area because I don't think anyone would chose them if they had another option with similar speeds.

I hate everything about Comcast they are an evil monopoly. I refuse to give them any business. I sure do miss having fast speeds but with the connectivity issues they always have and then they cut your speeds down to a crawl its not worth the 50 dollars a month. LoL 50 who am I kidding, there is always another 20-30 in hidden fees on top of it all.

I currently have DSL. Sure its slow but it NEVER goes out. Thankfully the phone company in my area is totally rebuilding their network and will be offering HDTV, DSL internet with up to 25meg "about half of cable but its a start" and of course phone.

thread is about Uverse and DSL there is a new cap. i enjoyed unlimited data thats why we have it. these shitty companies have a monopoly and there is no other option.
16  Other / Off-topic / AT&T 250gb monthly cap on: August 09, 2013, 03:07:05 AM
It seems the internet is getting worse than it already is and going backwards if you live in the us. this will no doubt take a toll on internet currencies such as bitcoin and websites like youtube, netflix, steam and so on.

if you leave a mining rig on 24/7 be sure to pay 10$ every 50gb after the cap.

150gb cap for DSL
250gb for Uverse

what is the point of even paying for faster internet if you are going to reach the cap faster.
there is no incentive to get faster service.

no doubt At&t has some hidden contract with time warner or some other television company as well as wanting to charge more for unlimited internet.

Even cellphones have unlimited internet, it makes absolutely no sense to go backwards for a consumer point of view for a home internet to be limited.
i hope more people become vocal to protest this bs.

what are your thoughts.
17  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: EVE Bitcoin Corp on: August 08, 2013, 06:18:43 AM
not bitcoin related but here is a minecraft style eve game

maybe you can contact the dev and ask have him implement bitcoins as currency.
its still in development. Smiley
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: How do I make a BTC faucet? on: August 08, 2013, 05:37:17 AM
Host free website on google and get faucet on there.
19  Bitcoin / Project Development / Bitcoin Faucet (software) on: August 08, 2013, 05:26:30 AM
I have been working on a Program to Quickly go through every faucet i could find and bitcoin accepted websites to make a quick guide through bitcoin.

right now there is a list of faucets you can go through and make your first BTCitcoins.

please give me feedback, and if you know of any other faucet i didn't add, or you have a website you want to add please post.

Click To Download Here
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: U.S. Judge determines bitcoin is a currency on: August 08, 2013, 05:19:50 AM

Internet-traded bitcoins are a form of currency . . . a Texas federal judge ruled Tuesday

Bitcoin is a form of currency because it can be used to purchase goods or services and exchanged for more traditional forms of money, U.S. Magistrate Judge Amos L. Mazzant wrote in a decision Tuesday

It's nice to see the U.S. courts acknowledge reality once in awhile.

Honestly they don't care about bitcoins. by acknowledging this. they have a reason to tax bitcoin.
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