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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to Buy Your First Bitcoin on: October 15, 2015, 01:53:55 AM
Very good overall but it could do with an international rundown too. It's very different from country to country. It might be a giant pain up the arse to include but perhaps it could link to separate pages.

I had given a little though to internationalization you are right on it is VERY US centric - almost to the point of not being useful (or harmful) to other nationalities?

I wonder if I could do some type of switch based on language...

What do you think? I've only ever lived in the US so I'm not sure what expectations (or frustrations) are in other countries visiting US-centric pages.

Feel free to email if that is better for you:

Thanks for the thoughts!

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to Buy Your First Bitcoin on: October 15, 2015, 01:51:23 AM

    This is a great guide. Calling  out Coinbase as the only online wallet is a bit misleading, no? How do you know it's the wallet that most people want? In  fact, most people here would tell you they don't want to use Coinbase for several specific reasons. What about Xapo? What about Circle? [/list]

    Hmmm I did want to make one recommendation per Category to make it simple. I definitely didn't intend to mislead people.

    Initially I used Circle for day to day purchases, but I went back to Coinbase for some reason (buy limits? habit?)

    I haven't used Xapo, but I think I have an account there...

    Thanks for the thoughts! I might reword some of the wallet section.
    3  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to Buy Your First Bitcoin on: October 15, 2015, 01:49:19 AM

    Hey Dave, welcome and thanks for making this very nice guide! I will bookmark it and share with people who I introduce to Bitcoin and who might ask me the same questions as people have asked you!

    Even though there are some things that I wouldn't do as a beginner, I think that these things are OK to slide for the beginners! They will get away with them.

    Thanks Mickeyb!

    If there is something you want to share privately re: things you wouldn't do as a beginner feel free to email me:

    Thanks again!

    4  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to Buy Your First Bitcoin on: October 15, 2015, 01:47:57 AM
    i don't agree on bitcoin mining being a bad way to earn bitcoin, it depend

    if you have free electricity or at least very cheap, you can do it without thinking, you will have a very high chance to roi, without doing the trick of selling your miners after 3 months

    with that trick you can actually take big profit and in a short time, if you invest big

    Yeah those are good points. I might reword what I said.

    5  Other / Beginners & Help / How to Buy Your First Bitcoin on: October 14, 2015, 05:06:09 PM
    One of the questions I get asked all the time is How do I buy my first bitcoin.

    I put together a comprehensive guide to buy bitcoin for people who want to buy their first bitcoins.

    The step-by-step post covers:
    • Coinbase - the option most people want.
    • LocalBitcoins - if you NEED bitcoins today.
    • Buying bitcoin with a brokerage account (IRA, 401K, etc.)
    • BitWage - how to get a portion - or all - of your salary in bitcoin.
    • Exchanges - for bitcoin traders and experienced investors.
    • Why Bitcoin Mining is a bad way to get bitcoins.

    If you are a beginner looking to buy bitcoin, let me know what you think.

    6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to make money arbitraging: bitcoin gold & purse io on: October 14, 2015, 04:57:37 PM
    Yes Blawpaw you buy them and wait to receive them by mail and then sell them at a local shop.

    Sorry about the confusion!
    7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to make money arbitraging: bitcoin gold & purse io on: September 08, 2015, 02:41:47 PM
    Sorry, the link was in the post.
    8  Economy / Trading Discussion / How to make money arbitraging: bitcoin gold & purse io on: September 08, 2015, 01:27:26 PM
    I've found a way to make 9% selling gold bought through

    It took me about 5 months to figure it out and I want to share it with the community.

    I think there are a lot of opportunities for arb through Purse.

    Let me know what questions or thoughts you have by replying to this thread.

    Here is the link again:

    9  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Bitstamp - Taint analysis on: January 06, 2015, 01:25:13 AM
    Thanks for the analysis!

    It doesn't seem suspicious to me. It makes sense.

    If I were going to steal coins and knew the target kept between 500 and 2k coins. I'd want to wait to steal until there were 2k coins (if possible) and try to trigger an event to make it fill to 2k (if possible) before stealing to maximize my illicit gains.
    10  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: New Trade Service - 90% discount! on: June 05, 2014, 05:36:57 PM
    Yes I am. I also write articles for Benzinga:
    11  Economy / Service Announcements / New Trade Service - 90% discount! on: June 05, 2014, 02:31:27 AM
    I've just launched a new bitcoin news analysis service out of beta: Profit from Bitcoin.

    The goal of my product is to help traders accurately understand news, like the IRS ruling and make correct trading decisions. I'm very bullish on bitcoin, but I also understand different people have different cash flow needs so I'll take that into account when making recommendations.

    Here is what one of the early users said:
    "I agree David's analysis is top notch...I know this because I have read and watched every YouTube podcast/interview in last 1.5 years and the insight on this site is nothing less than a diamond in the rough- or rather a "block chain "in the rough! Lol...DD galore here for sure! Actionable intel though!"

    As a bonus I'm providing a first month 90% discount. AND there is a 30 day money back guarantee!

    I hope you'll try out the service and let me know what you think. Bitcoin has /10k-into-193K-last-year]given a lot to me and I'd like to give back!

    I run an ethical service and don't participate or condone pumps or any other type of market manipulation. If you are looking for that try somewhere else.

    Hope you try out the service and I look forward to your feedback here!

    P.S. to da moon! =)
    12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: namecoin faucet? on: January 29, 2014, 11:50:11 AM
    I'd like to register a domain too, but don't have any NMC. A donation would be much appreciated!

    13  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: CoinLenders,, Tradefortress (HACK) on: November 18, 2013, 05:03:37 PM
    Coinlenders -

    Refund address: 1AtJzBnoiLN4dMjbR5zb6hVk86nvRW4QzK
    14  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: embeddable bitcoin price chart on: September 24, 2013, 03:17:57 PM
    These charts are awesome!

    • Add a variable for increase in currency amount over the time period. IE. I could enter 5 and if the increase was 100% it would show 10. I've seen this on ETF charts and it helps non-investors grasp the meaning.
    • Add up to 12 months of data and YTD options.

    Even without the above features, very cool!
    15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Please review my Bitcoin Explanation for non-tech users on: September 18, 2013, 02:12:13 PM
    Thanks for the feedback. I didn't post a link because it wasn't live yet.

    It is live now with most of the feedback incorporated:

    Not sure how I forgot about BTC sending fees!

    Thanks again!
    16  Economy / Service Discussion / Bitbox going down? on: September 17, 2013, 06:20:41 PM
    I noticed Bitbox isn't accepting new deposits (9/17/2003 @ 2:00 PM Eastern Time).

    I wonder if they are going to be closing soon?
    17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Please review my Bitcoin Explanation for non-tech users on: September 17, 2013, 03:17:45 PM
    I've noticed a lot of "intros" to Bitcoin discuss technical aspects of it.

    I'm putting together a blog post designed for non-technical users.

    I've posted a PDF of it online and would appreciate feedback:
    18  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: What's the latest on MtGox withdrawals? on: September 12, 2013, 10:31:44 PM
    I'm a US citizen and looked into getting a Japanese bank account. From my research sounds like you can only do it in person, need a non-hotel address, and need a certain type of document that I forget the name of. From my reading even US military over in Japan sometimes can't open accounts.

    I've been looking a bit into opening a Hong Kong bank account. From my reading it sounds like they deal in multiple currencies as standard practice. I'm not sure if a Hong Kong bank will help speed up Gox withdrawals though...
    19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: High risk to Coinbase- wtf on: September 08, 2013, 01:54:05 PM
    I've done about 150 or so transactions with them over the past two months. I've had issues with 2 transactions being delayed (one four hours and one is going on 3.5 days now) and I have an open question regarding a discrepancy in my account balance that may be my issue or theirs, not sure.

    I've probably opened 10 or so issues / feature requests with them. Their support seems to respond in 3 days to two weeks. Their ticket system makes it hard for me to look at my open tickets. I have to search through emails so these are estimates.
    20  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2013-08-20 MT GOX Dwolla Seizure was $2,915,507.40 on: August 20, 2013, 01:12:32 PM
    How do you get those court documents? Freedom of Information Act Requests?
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