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1  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Huge ~40% Drop in Network Hashing Power (5/27/2011) on: May 28, 2011, 07:19:44 PM
What? Wait a minute. Are you saying that you control that hashing power? If so what are you running 1000 5970s?
He doesn't, lol.  People are just saying stuff to get attention, but they're all a bunch of liars.

The word is sarcasm. No need to be an ass.
2  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Huge ~40% Drop in Network Hashing Power (5/27/2011) on: May 28, 2011, 02:41:17 PM
Don't worry guys. Im away for the holiday weekend. I had some concern about burning my house down so I shut the miners down. Be back in full swing on Monday midday with new capacity arriving Wednesday.
3  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Calculating heat generated. on: May 27, 2011, 10:44:44 PM
In most places I know of electricity is cheaper than natural gas/heating oil so yeah I guess you would be saving $ on heating costs.

Where in the world are you?

There is absolutely no comparison between gas and electric heat where I am. I paid about $60 a month to keep a 4000 sq. ft house toasty warm with gas last winter.

I'd be better off burning dollar bills to keep warm than paying for electric heat.
4  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: I manage 10,000+ computers, how to mining ? on: May 27, 2011, 07:37:30 PM
If cost is not an issue, how to mining is best way?

That really suggests you are stealing electricity of your employer.

Not necessery, there is a  possability, that  we meet another botnet developer.

I actually hope so.

Otherwise, this in the kind of idiocy that gives sysadmins a bad name.
5  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Should I invest in a mining rig? on: May 27, 2011, 06:53:37 PM
As I said before I wanted to get a new computer anyway,and although I wasn't planning on getting one with 4 GPUS,I was thinking about it,to make it a repsectable mining rig for a few months...
If the only important part is the GPU does that mean I can get away with using my old P4,by simply getting a new GPU?I've seen someone using a P4 at the "Post a picture of your rig" thread but I'm not sure if it is sufficient..

That P4 is going to be a huge bottleneck relative to your GPUs. However, a very nice, modern motherboard and CPU can be had for $200-300 if you want to come fully into this decade =)
6  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Hobbyist miners forced out today? on: May 27, 2011, 06:37:43 PM

300MH/s = .67BTC/day
= $5.70/day
= $171/month

And anyone with that kind of MH/s is probably using no more than 250w of electricity, so 180kwh/month, or about $18 more in electricity per month.  Well, if you get decent rates on electricity, anyway.  $72/month at most though.

Mining is far from being unprofitable.  When difficulty hits 4M, then we'll talk about it being unprofitable for a good portion of hobbyist miners.
This is a plausible scenario.  What cracks me up is the people who assume the BTC exchange rate will stay the same forever Smiley  Look at the historicals.  It's only going UP.

But if you think the rate will go up, it's more efficient to buy BTC than to mine them.

I'm starting to get tired of seeing this.

If buying and selling BTC were as simple and straightforward as mining has become, it would be a good point. As things stand it's nowhere near it.

A newcomer can start mining and take his first payout in minutes. An ambitious one can build an array of machines and mine for nearly a week before his payments clear through Dwolla and MtGox.

Instant, or at least fast gratification and ease of use is very important.
7  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Hobbyist miners forced out today? on: May 27, 2011, 06:24:41 PM
Given that entry line and enthusiast AMD gfx cards scale in their mhash per Watt, I see zero argument / sense in differentiating between "hobby" miners vs "pros".

How could there be? The MARGIN stays the same issue regardless of how much VOLUME you have.

If it somehow becomes unprofitable for the current AMD generation of gfx cards, it becomes unprofitable for _ALL_ of them.

Regardless of whether it is some dude running 10 machines of 6990s or one normal guy with a 5770 - setting aside other hardware components / power draw sources, of course.

I think most of these discussions would benefit from differentiating between profitable and "worthwhile".

To use an extreme example:

Few people would consider mining with a single device for a gain of $1.00 per day to be worthwhile even though it's technically profitable. However, the same margin at 2000x that scale might be equally profitable but widely considered worthwhile.

At that scale you could even hire a couple of employees to handle daily operations and set aside a fund to replace the 4 or 5 devices that would fail each week while still turning a tidy profit.
8  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Hobbyist miners forced out today? on: May 27, 2011, 05:58:01 PM
network hashrate wouldnt change srsly because of ppl <300mhash

Not true at all. Half the users on BTCguild contribute <300 Mhash and they account for over 10% of the total pool hashrate.

I'd wager that <300Mhash users have even greater representation in the general population.
9  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Question to pool operators on: May 27, 2011, 05:52:01 PM
I'm asking pool operators what the highest hashrate is of any single connected worker.

I appreciate everyone telling me about large mining clusters, but I already knew those existed

Your question is silly because a single worker connection does not necessarily equate to a single device.

You'd be better off googling for 5870 overclock records under air and LN2 and extrapolating a hash rate from that if you're wondering what a single device is capable of.
10  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: transacton fee belongs to pool operators on: May 27, 2011, 03:59:32 PM
Transaction fees are claimed the same way as the BTC rewards for block solving.

2  how can pool operators determine labors who just submit share hash done no result found , without any calculation?

Couldn't you rephrase this question please, I can't wrap my mind around it.

Preparing to calculate translation...
24 AC/s
Translation found!

"How can pool operators identify someone who submits a false 'share complete' message to the pool without actually performing any work to calculate a solution?"
11  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Biggest Mine??? on: May 27, 2011, 03:49:20 PM
I heard somewhere (Agorist Radio podcast, I think) that the total Bitcoin network power has surpassed the total power of the top 50(?) super computers in the world.   That was an amazing figure to hear.

It would be nice if someone could add a page to the Bitcoin wiki that lists the top 50 (or whatever) Bitcoin mining rigs.   And a list of the top mining pools.

I imagine that those employees that are using company assets to mine won't have any serious problem, unless a boss or administrator A) finds Bitcoin running on company computers and B) knows the market value of bitcoins and C) knows how much BTC the employees have mined.   A+B+C could result in a lawsuit to get the Bitcoins or getting fired; A results in a slap on wrist.   I would recommend getting to know the administrator/boss in question and then get him/her to use the idle cycles of company computers.   OTOH, if the state owns the computers and you can access then anonymously...


"A" is the only thing that really matters here. The market value and amount mined are absolutely irrelevant.

Essentially every employer has a computer use policy which identifies any unauthorized use as grounds for termination. I've had a hand in writing and enforcing these policies.

It's not a game, particularly for any organization that deals with money or PII.

12  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Biggest Mine??? on: May 27, 2011, 03:23:10 PM
What do you mean when they get caught?  Do you mean their hardware is from questionable sources and being "borrowed"?

They shouldn't be using the equipment. One group is at a University, the other a bank/financial institution. They're tech support/networking, so able to do that, but bound to get caught at some point. Someone's gonna get too greedy, and/or make a mistake.

The question is, what can companies, academic institutions, and the like, do to prevent this ?

I should have kept my mouth shut, and kept this BTC to myself. And just made out that my online business was pulling in more money !

I imagine the chances of getting caught are pretty slim but, the penalties are likely to be severe.

If running something as innocuous SETI or F@H on company machines will get you fired and sued for the cost of power, re-imaging the machines and a subsequent security audit then hashing Bitcoin for profit is going to see the book thrown at you.

Particularly for the guys in finance. The bank is going to lose it when some security consultant tells them they need to trash every bit of equipment that has potentially been "tainted" with bitcoin and inform their customers of the breach.
13  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Biggest Mine??? on: May 27, 2011, 03:02:06 PM
At a glance it seems that 4+ Ghash users are fairly common and the top 20% of miners are producing 70% of the hashrate.
14  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: BTC Guild - 0% Fee Pool, Long polling, JSON API, invalid insurance [~275 gH/sec] on: May 27, 2011, 01:10:56 PM
i really don't mind to "..see idle warnings/RPC errors from time to time..",
but check this out.
and that's only 4hours

No idea what the problem is on that one.  We've still got about a thousand workers running which aren't experiencing anything close to it.
I am also getting quite the idle miner warning.

2011-05-27 15:13:50: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:13:50, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-05-27 15:13:54: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:13:54, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-05-27 15:15:48: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:15:48, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-05-27 15:17:51: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:17:51, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-05-27 15:21:02: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:21:02, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-05-27 15:21:02: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:21:02, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-05-27 15:21:55: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:21:55, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-05-27 15:23:46: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:23:46, long poll: new block 00000961bf8290e0
2011-05-27 15:24:00: Listener for "btcguild": 27/05/2011 15:24:00, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC

I'm seeing the same. Multiple idles popping up once every 90 seconds or so.
15  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: First quantum computer sold on: May 27, 2011, 04:24:21 AM
Even so... How fast can it solve a block?

First things first, we'll worry about blocks once we get DOOM running.
16  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Building a Mining Rig on: May 27, 2011, 04:20:28 AM
I Bought everything I needed but I don't know how to daisy chain 2 PSUs and somehow LinuxCoin isn't working properly. I think it doesn't have the driver for 5970?

I'm not sure but can some one please help me get my rig started -.- I've been looking to install ubuntu on USB but theres just so many sites out there and none of them have a working solution I've tried...

If I were you, I would get as much as possible up and running by booting from a Ubuntu desktop CD in order to produce while doing additional research.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When and how did you find out about Bitcoin? on: May 27, 2011, 02:33:58 AM
Apparently, bitcoin discussion was pretty tightly confined. I think part of the problem is/was that a lot of people have an irrational hatred for it. In some forums, the mere mention is grounds for having your posts mocked or deleted prior to being banned.
I’ve experienced the exact same everytime I brought up Bitcoin myself. I don’t understand where all the hate comes from … When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought of BitTorrent technology as money system and that seemed very positive to me, all technical details aside. Searching on Google for forum discussions showed pretty much the same thing everywhere. How come this happens?

Are people really offended by alternatives because they are so deeply entrenched in this system?

Ironically, later on, people complain about early adopters being rewarded – the same early adopters who were punished for trying to introduce people to Bitcoin.

I think It's a combination of many things with plain old misunderstanding and groupthink probably being the biggest contributors in the past. Right now there's probably a growing dose of jealousy and regret mixed in there too.

At some point in the future when the concept has been broken down into spoon-feedable chunks and repeated through enough sources you'll be able to go back to the same places and have by any number of Google-powered experts tell you just how much you don't know.

Last but not least there's the bitchiness of Internet culture in general. Being positive and genuine about anything is cause for ridicule while jaded sarcasm is normal.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When and how did you find out about Bitcoin? on: May 27, 2011, 02:10:21 AM
Slashdot.  Terribly written story about 2 weeks ago.  Apparently I had missed the previous story a couple of months prior.  If I had seen it earlier I'd be fake-rich now.

Fake-rich beats "not any kind of rich" =)

I'm actually more bothered by correctly predicting the rise or fall of a number of tech stocks like this one, this one, or this one and having cash to invest but never having the confidence to actually jump in than missing the boat on bitcoin.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When and how did you find out about Bitcoin? on: May 27, 2011, 01:52:01 AM
I’ve read about it on an imageboard in February and was amazed how I could’ve missed this for two whole years.

Reddit, last week.

I feel the same way.

I was actually looking for something like this for a long time, spending lots of time in various distributed computing projects and benchmarking/performance circles even dabbling in creative uses of OpenCL. I somehow missed on Bitcoin entirely.

I actually went back to see if I'd simply overlooked it in one of the feeds I regularly consume.


Apparently, bitcoin discussion was pretty tightly confined. I think part of the problem is/was that a lot of people have an irrational hatred for it. In some forums, the mere mention is grounds for having your posts mocked or deleted prior to being banned.

It's fine to have the same daily, circular arguments around Intel/AMD, which Linux distribution is the most elite or spend hundreds of dollars on completely ridiculous liquid nitrogen overclocking experiments that produce nothing beyond bragging rights but talk about bitcoin and mining are completely unacceptable.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Potensial Killer application for Bitcoins? on: May 27, 2011, 01:29:33 AM
I am so, so glad that my work no longer revolves around email systems.

When this happened it was one of the happiest days of my life. Utilization of my filtering appliances dropped 60% overnight.

Email is what it is. I don't think there's much use in trying to modify or extend it, there's just too much legacy to contend with.

Big ideas should be looking towards the next forms of communication.
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