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1  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Crypto Capital Do Not Pay on: March 28, 2018, 09:57:19 PM

did the money arrive?
2  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Problems with smart contracts on: January 10, 2018, 01:03:38 PM

I have the same problem, really weird has to process ETH internal transactions manually...
Could you please take a look into it?

ticket #615019

PS: I also have ticket #531597 pending since 6 months if you can take a look?  Smiley

Kind regards
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAM ALERT] WEX / BTC-e / MAYZUS FINANCIAL SERVICES on: November 28, 2017, 09:14:07 PM

a guy nicknamed iras.fat.anus (original) mentioned 2 russian citizens (I won't give their names neither IDs as it might trigger a witch hunt, but initials are DV and EK).

What I would like to know is
- if anyone else heard about them
- how would they be connected to BTCe
- how did you have those names

@anyone: we are super serious about the legal actions we are doing so if anyone has information that could help us please MP me or join the Telegram chat or try to help us here but pease don't publicly put names...
4  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAM ALERT] WEX / BTC-e / MAYZUS FINANCIAL SERVICES on: November 25, 2017, 11:37:26 AM
Yes we started legal actions against Mayzus in several countries and target them in the UK in order to make them share the information they have.
We should have some news from their lawyer before end of 2017.

Any help is welcome.
5  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAM ALERT] WEX / BTC-e / MAYZUS FINANCIAL SERVICES on: November 13, 2017, 09:15:35 PM
Someone can be there?
6  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: WEX / BTC-e / MAYZUS FINANCIAL SERVICES --- SCAM ALERT on: October 25, 2017, 04:31:06 PM
Same issue as abyssis and winnie...

We would really need the help of someone who knows how to make the legal machine work... Because even though this is a scam, our money has been transferred to a bank and fiat money is regulated so they cannot move it like that no?

On my side the information I have:
- I contacted Mayzus, I wanted to know what was the name of BTCe bank account holder and their bank (could be another one than J&T)
- they told me their lawyers are preparing an official statement as the situation is tricky (fair point) but they have no ETA (less fair)

From my point of view the action plan should be:
- find the bank where the fiat was held by BTCe
- find the representative --> crypto is all over the world, I'm quite sure we can find someone that can find him/her once we have the name (like that guy who went to Tokyo for MTGox)
- contact authorities of the country that person is living in and try to put pressure in order to release that fiat money cause indeed nothing indicates officially funds have been frozen and I can't beleive they only had 100 million on their account (that they would have used to pay the fine)

What do you think?
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BlockChain So Slow to Confirm on: September 15, 2017, 11:23:04 AM
Back to 4,000
End of the slowdown Smiley
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BlockChain So Slow to Confirm on: September 14, 2017, 05:58:21 PM
32,000 now... I know there is a crash but still...
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BlockChain So Slow to Confirm on: September 14, 2017, 03:46:28 PM
It is happenning again...more than 4 hours my transaction started and still not confirmed!

From what I see here

I should not be the only one as there were 10,900 tx not confirmed few hours ago and now there are 22,400 !

Anyone in the same situation?
10  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: on: September 23, 2013, 01:01:38 AM
haha! ça taille sec!
11  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: Meetup bitcoin sur Paris on: September 06, 2013, 09:15:47 AM
Du coup la fermeture du Doodle + décision d'une date est prévu pour quand à peu près?
12  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: Meetup bitcoin sur Paris on: September 03, 2013, 08:24:28 AM
Super  Smiley
13  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: Meetup bitcoin sur Paris on: September 02, 2013, 08:20:51 AM
Bonjour tout le monde,

il y a moyen d'organiser un event prochainement comme vous avez pu en faire cet été? J'ai rejoins le meetup et essayer de contacter l'admin mais je n'ai pas de réponse donc bon... Qui serait partant?
14  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 30, 2013, 02:14:02 PM
How is it possible to ask for an Express withdrawal (with fee at 5%)?
Is it available for SEPA?
15  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 30, 2013, 12:58:05 PM
Yes  Sad

As usual for Ponzy-like schemes. Bahhhh and and it fails. And a few minutes ago everything was excellent...

Even if you both are currently getting errors, I think it's far too early to call this a collapse. I have a lot of experience with Japanese software and Japanese developers.. I am not trying to be discriminatory (I love the Japanese), but Japanese software, especially in terms of UI, is generally trash. It never functions properly and it's always a mess... A mess in the coding and a mess in the UI. I would not be surprised if this is just a bug caused by incompetent developer(s).

Yeah, I don't believe the collapse story he's telling. Probably a bug. An annoying one at that though.

I admit that I don't like them that much but I think it's a little bit too soon to call this a collapse... At least not with this facts =)
16  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 29, 2013, 02:35:47 PM
By the way I know the bought a company in Poland and so they use their account and so on. But does someone know what are their advantage to stay there? Because usually "brokers" (or similar) use some kind of fiscal paradise like Chypre eg.
AFAIK there is only one advantages with Poland and some other countries: Bank transfers are final. The bank won't return an incoming transfer unless MtGox agree.

Besides from that, it just happend to be where they finally found a bank willing to deal with a Bitcoin exchange, after their French bank threw them out.  They don't get very good terms at the Polish bank, but what can they do?  Not many banks in Europe are willing to do business with a Bitcoin exchange.

The other strategy ( and Bitcoin-Central) is to let each customer effectively have their own bank account tied directly to their exchange account.  We have yet to see how this works out.  It will probably be difficult for Non-EU citizens to get accounts there.

THis is simply not true. I currently have a incoming Polish payment to my Polish account and it was fraudulent, so they are in the process of reversing it.

Hmm what do you mean by "fraudulent"? How a money income can be fraudulent? (this is jsut misunderstood, no sarcasm at all!)
17  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 29, 2013, 12:17:15 PM
According to the Support :

Confirmed (user mail confirmation done) >> Processing (transfer moved in the bank queue) >> Processed (done by the Polish bank)

By the way I know the bought a company in Poland and so they use their account and so on. But does someone know what are their advantage to stay there? Because usually "brokers" (or similar) use some kind of fiscal paradise like Chypre eg.
18  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 28, 2013, 11:42:03 AM
@sturle, you are really annoying...

I want to talk with real users of platforms. I didn't answer your last post because it's obvious that you can look good in front of some people but I nailed your argumentation in 2 posts just yesterday (hard when someone use the same logic no?).

Let me clarify something : your last argument was "Did you never try to defend something you never did yourself?"

>>End of the game, come back home
we are talking about money here so my answer is NO I don't defend something I don't know on a topic supposed to help people understanding how they use THEIR MONEY because the big difference between you and I is that I currently have money in this business.
? You should take a introductory course in elementary logic.

Do you think all historians who write about the black plague have tried it themselves?  Or that everyone who defend the right to abortion have tried an abortion themselves?  Or the opposite?

I try to collect facts, and to help people do smart decisions based on the facts.  Nothing else.  I also have a considerable amount invested in Bitcoin, and I run a small Bitcoin business myself.  And I do arbitrage between MtGox and other exchanges like most other people posting here.

So I let you in peace but don't bother me anymore with this, you are OR a MG sales man OR a naive guy thinking that just logic and figures can explain everything in this both case you look and act like a troll.

(I don't even wanna know where you took your 10 days withdrawal limit neither your stupid "proofs" I already kicked your ass on it)
It would be impossible to give a formal proof of correctness.  (For the reasons why this is impossible, I suggest an introductory course in formal logic at any university.)  The information can however easily be proven wrong by giving one single counterexample.  I.e. an example which contradict the hypothesis.  As long as no counterexamples are found, and there are a lot of confirmations, I assume the information (hypothesis) to be correct, and you missed my ass by miles.  In case other people want to know about where I got the 10 days from: I let someone from MtGox support have a look at my previous version, and got some clarifications and updates.  The reduction from 20 to 10 days happened very recently.

I am just a normal customer of MtGox.  I never did any work for MtGox, nor did I ever receive any form of compensation from MtGox for providing facts here or elsewhere.

Haha!!! That's it, let's let people decide what they want but I have to give you this : you are a loudy funny person!
19  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: August 28, 2013, 09:30:51 AM
@sturle, you are really annoying...

I want to talk with real users of platforms. I didn't answer your last post because it's obvious that you can look good in front of some people but I nailed your argumentation in 2 posts just yesterday (hard when someone use the same logic no?).

Let me clarify something : your last argument was "Did you never try to defend something you never did yourself?"

>>End of the game, come back home
we are talking about money here so my answer is NO I don't defend something I don't know on a topic supposed to help people understanding how they use THEIR MONEY because the big difference between you and I is that I currently have money in this business.

So I let you in peace but don't bother me anymore with this, you are OR a MG sales man OR a naive guy thinking that just logic and figures can explain everything in this both case you look and act like a troll.

(I don't even wanna know where you took your 10 days withdrawal limit neither your stupid "proofs" I already kicked your ass on it)
20  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: MtGox SEPA Withdrawal on: August 28, 2013, 09:17:07 AM
It looks like, I had a confirmation about a friend that it worked but just for a small amount. He did the first transfert of around 100€ the 23/08 (still pending) and another of 44€ the 26/08. He received the 44€ but still not the 100€ it looks like smallest amount goes faster, what I don't understand is that it's supposed to be a in this case they moved it manually...which is strange.
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