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1  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S3 Discussion and Support Thread. on: July 04, 2014, 08:05:02 PM
IT would help if bitmain did not write BITCOIN MINER as custom description....

What should its description be then? Erm its just some circuits and stuff
2  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: July 04, 2014, 07:57:33 PM

wow... how much you earn / month will all that? how much are each of those neptunes and hashing power?

edit: I googled and i think each of those neptunes is 3TH/s ?WOW

5 of the Neptune boxes is 3TH
Seriously? You mean each box is only 200 Gh/s?  Like an S1?

No.  Each Neptune box runs between 600-700GH/s.

According to this article:

each neptune = 3TH/s

Again there are 5 Parts to a Neptune miner. Each does between 600-700Gh
3  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: ANTMINER S3 Discussion and Support Thread. on: July 02, 2014, 08:40:29 PM
I see post after post where mathematicians calculate profit or loss based on speed and difficulty, but the biggest factor that will get in the way is LUCK, the POOL LUCK has been destroyed by manufacturers and the private farms. Bitmain is a contributor to this as well. The difficulty is rising in leaps and bounds based on network speed but most of the public pools combined hash rate is getting left in the dust! Oh except when Bitmain or one of the other Manufacturers decides to raid a pool by jumping in with a Ph/s or two for a couple of hours while "testing". Crunch the numbers all you want, till you start adding in the Variance and LUCK of your favorite pool, those calculators are meaningless.

Yes, I too have been raped hard by luck over the last three months, but this is independent of hashrate distribution.  Slush has had a 1 month luck of 107% while BTCGuild has been at 91.9% even though BTCGuild is 2x-3x larger than Slush by HR.

Its all Luck some good some bad but it all averages out, although SLUSH and ELIGIUS seem to payout better than BTCGuild, maybe they are just inherently unlucky. Smiley

Maybe BTC Guild is actually running at 101.1% and 1 of every 10 blocks goes straight to the Owner.

Who know.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][Multi-Coin][Auto-Switch] Your Pool Your Way - NEW POOL SYSTEM!!! on: May 15, 2014, 09:57:33 AM
Remember to join us over on our IRC channel for any Support questions you may have or even just for a friendly chat.

5  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS/WTT] Gridseed 5 chip units for Ant S1 or btc equiv on: May 08, 2014, 10:12:59 PM
Scambot says:


This user is a confirmed scammer who uses the accounts "-droid-" "miroman86" and "w00tcoin" along with several other accounts


This has been brought to you by some good, friendly-ass mothafuckas who wish to protect you Smiley

And your proof is?
6  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: May 08, 2014, 10:10:53 PM

Here is the first rack of the new dc.

width=600 height=500]

Wow! Nice, but whats wrong with the bottom center S2?

It is probably ok, just the backlights of those LCDs seem to die pretty quickly.

The network cable is not plugged in so it's more than an LCD blacklight issue.

Maybe he was so excited about his new S2s that he had to take a picture even before he had finished setting it up.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Cryplex announces the launch of its Rainier Scrypt Miners 250M & 500M on: May 03, 2014, 06:48:08 PM
8  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: April 16, 2014, 05:14:13 PM
Got myself this gaming monster from alienware mid January this year and its really been preforming well on mining Bitcoin

omg dude, I heard this rig gets ~1TH/s  Shocked

Yeah im using the dust overclock method. Its like the pencil mod for Antminer S1s but for gaming machines.
9  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: April 16, 2014, 04:39:04 PM
Got myself this gaming monster from alienware mid January this year and its really been preforming well on mining Bitcoin

10  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: April 16, 2014, 03:43:31 PM
Been long time since I peeked here. All I can say is insane from graphics cards to those things with pics above. I wouldn't even know where to start with bitcoin mining any more. Ima try to get back into litecoin mining soon though as long as its easy hook up graphics cards..

Graphics cards will be history with Litecoin mining as well.

Yeah thats why i mine bitcoin with mine its really profitable at the moment
11  Bitcoin / Pools / [HOSTED][EU] Hosted Stratum / Getwork Proxys (Ghash - BTCguild - Slush + more) on: April 11, 2014, 09:52:02 PM
Hosted Stratum / Getwork Proxys
EU Hosted

Altcoin Proxys Here - Coming Soom!!!



4332 - Btcguild

4333 - Ghash

4334 - Eligius

4335 - eclipsemc

4336 - 50btc

4337 - Slush
12  Economy / Reputation / Re: Krach reputation thread on: April 07, 2014, 10:58:42 AM
Thats me just taken my third 24hour rental from you.

Mining is going great

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ####[ANN][SCRYPT][0% PREMINE]CCOIN LAUNCHED!!! EARN SOME CCOINS NOW!#### on: April 05, 2014, 10:46:50 PM
Pool is changed to new URL -

14  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTS] Sha-256 Mining Boards + Server PSU [ EU ONLY ] on: April 03, 2014, 10:06:16 PM
Pictures first

For sale

 - Miners
5x Bitcoin Miners that run about 8gh+ each but if clock 6 or 7 is used they can be overclocked to 13gh+

All the miners require is 12Volt power input + Internet connection.

The miners are all available separately and will be supplied with the power connecter + and internet cable.

 - PSU

The PSU is from a Dell server thats supplyes 750 watts of power at 12 volts 62.4amps of power.

The PSU also has the wires required to jump start the PSU without a breakout board.

- Prices

Im open to all offers via PM

Im offering Free Delivery to the UK if the offer is reasonable

Delivery in the EU outside of the UK will need to be calculated.

15  Other / Off-topic / Re: What is your favorite car????? on: April 02, 2014, 10:49:00 PM
My dream car is a Nissan GTR.

Imagine owning lambos and ferraris in a dragrace with a 2-3x cheaper car.

3.2s from 0-100km/h

6-7s from 0-200km/h

daaamn son, now who wants to send me 300 btc to buy one?

2012 Ducati 848 EVO Corse SE    0-60 mph 2.9    Quarter Mile 10.7

lets race that bike vs Nissan GT-R BoostLogic Godzilla


even a nissan juke can destroy that bike
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][XNC] XenCoin | Instant | Stable | Long term Support - New UPDATE!!! on: April 01, 2014, 11:25:26 PM
The pool is being converted to out new domain along with all our other pools!!!
17  Other / Off-topic / Re: What is your favorite car????? on: April 01, 2014, 11:19:12 PM
I have a 3 cars i would love to own.

Zenvo ST1

McLaren P1

If i cant afford them Zenvo or the McLaren then it has the be this - Nissan GTR Nismo
18  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: March 31, 2014, 08:04:03 PM
Miner Pictures -

It looks like the machine in the last picture is about to fall out.

I was tightly in place but i moved the PSU outside the case because it was getting fairly hot.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: How to do CPU scrypt mining in a pool? on: March 30, 2014, 03:59:22 PM
I think the program is called minerd.

I you want a hidden software so its not visible that the computer is mining you would need to PM me.
20  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: March 30, 2014, 10:15:14 AM
Miner Pictures -
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