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Everything was A-Ok. Thank you!
Thanks! It was a pleasure working with you as well! 
5850 price has been lowered!
I could take the MSI Twin Frozr II 5850 off you if there's reasonable shipping to Sweden :3
Yeah, after my last overseas shipment I swore off overseas shipments... Sorry!
to $$
It was a bump! Sorry, I was just trying to play along and keep your thread at the top. Cheers!
I have two Sapphire Radeon HD 5830's and one MSI R5850 Twin Frozr II (not pictured) nothing I'd like to get rid of. Asking $110 for each 5830, or $200 for both. SOLD to gigasvps. Payment received 10/14/11, will ship 10/15/11. Delivered on October 20th.Asking $150 $120 $100 for the 5850. SOLD to amazingrando. Shipped 11/25/11.Price includes everything as shipped new (power cables, CDs, packing, etc) and shipping via USPS Express Mail with insurance. Getting out of the BTC game, so will not accept BTC as payment. Rep threads: 1, 2, 3.  Thanks for looking! cent
Ben screwed me over for $70USD. Wanted to buy some BTC, "accidently" sent me an eCheck via PayPal. He talked me in to sending half the BTC in good faith (which I should have known better) and the other half when the check cleared. Guess what? Check bounced, and he's never responded to one of my PMs or e-mails. I learned my lesson, but unfortunately this is all going to catch up with Ben in the end... A quick Google search shows someone is already gathering info on him: Real Name: Ben Hayden Handles: exo666 ex0 ex0420 burnyourface BOX_FACE ravingpyro tekkikazama Birthday: 10/14/1991 Age: 20 E-Mail: Website: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17653521 Nationality: British Country: UK Address: 74 Shannon Road Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 2RL United Kingdom Pics: Twitter:!/benhayden YouTube: Google Profile: FourSquare: SteamCommunity: Bebo: deviantART: FacePunch: MySpace: Digg:
ex0420 scammed me as well out of $70USD. Sent me an eCheck for some BTC, which I knew better than to accept, and then talked me in to sending half of the BTC he wanted until the check cleared. Sure enough, his eCheck bounced, and I've never heard from the guy again. He must have really pissed someone off, because a quick Google search shows someone's gathering as much info on him as they can! Real Name: Ben Hayden Handles: exo666 ex0 ex0420 burnyourface BOX_FACE ravingpyro tekkikazama Birthday: 10/14/1991 Age: 20 E-Mail: Website: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17653521 Nationality: British Country: UK Address: 74 Shannon Road Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 2RL United Kingdom Pics: Twitter:!/benhayden YouTube: Google Profile: FourSquare: SteamCommunity: Bebo: deviantART: FacePunch: MySpace: Digg:
+10000 to CentroniX. Could not be more trustable guy !!
did give me an 0.9BTC TIP ALSO! and helped me to understand the hole btc thing, and help this newbie out a lot ! BIG RECOMMEND WHEN THIS GUY IS SELLING !
Haha, thanks for the kind words! +1 to bigfish420 as well. Smooth transaction! cent
Bump for thread update, 5 more available.
ex0420: Check your e-mail... (sorry, can't send PMs at the moment)
Apparently I'm limited to 10 PMs per hour.... arnoldrimmer: Get with you when I can, or PM me your email address.
Send a PN I take 5
PM sent!
5 BTC left available for immediate transfer via PP @ $14. No eChecks accepted, unless you're willing to way 5-7 business days for the eCheck to clear PP.
Check honest trader's thread for my name; reputable seller.
Can't say enough good things... I've made several orders, had immediate shipping on each, and was happily able to complete the entire transaction in BTC.
Will be doing more business for sure!
+1 CentroniX again because he's so fast.
If I had a dollar....  +1 MeowMixer again. Quick, smooth transaction as always! cent
Monitoring and remote management: If you try to run aticonfig or launch a miner over SSH, it won't work because the ssh session's "display" doesn't have a GP
If you are running LinuxCoin, you can try this (you have to be root) Create a file called "" containing what follows #!/bin/bash
ID=`ps axf | grep '\_ lxpanel' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | head -1` cat /proc/$ID/environ | tr '\000' '\012' | grep -v PATH | grep -v SUDO | grep -v TERM | grep -v PWD | grep -v _= | sed -e 's/^/export /'
then, in your shell, type: bash >TEMP source TEMP
you should then be able to launch your miners and the AMD control utility from an ssh session. Or, you could just add export DISPLAY=:0 to your .bashrc script that is sourced every time you login. All of my miners are offsite, and I have no problems launching mining clients on any of them without jumping through all those hoops! Unless there's something specific in LinuxCoin that requires all that; I personally use Ubuntu. cent
What flags are you passing phoenix?
+1 Jakel-s
Smooth, quick transaction!