Hey guys! Been a while, back again  I was wondering, I won a ToTo and wanted to get my free bet from it, (it involved an All-in Poker win, 2 under 50 dice wins and a sports win). How do I enter that and get my free bet? Thanks!
I dont understand? I was looking to play but there are no pictures unsolved with which to bet on.. Do I have to wait until new ones are put up? Can someone tell me when they get placed up?
Fuggedit, It's not an automatic system for posting images so after an image is solved it can sometimes take a day or two for a new image to be posted.  so the guy who runs the show is not exactly a go-getter.... Yea I can tell... Sucks.... Neat idea but bad execution... I still dont know how to find a deposit address to put my bet in so I can play... Anyone care to enlighten me? (Not that I am considering playing seeing how lackadaisical this admin is... On a side note: Owner, would you be interested in selling the site and handing it over to someone who can take the reigns more effectively and lead this idea/business to becoming much more successful? I'll offer 2 Btc to buy it
Here's a new pic:  How do I play?'
I hoped you cashed out after that, that is truly the high peak of gambling, you should never gamble again... Unless you are already rich.  I used to live in Las Vegas, but I had to move back home...lol This. X infinity!! You my friend can end it on that note when it comes to gambling for money... For entertainent maybe, but you should call it quits on gambling now lol. Grats man, sick win. How much did u bet on those slots do u think before you won?
Nice software, but I gotta say I will never play again due to the fact that I can't enjoy the games without a bunch of losers begging for money. Why would I want to see that crap every 5 seconds when I am trying to enjoy the game? Horrible experience...
Looks like someone is spamming the chat box. We've had a lot of discussions between everyone on the team about what to do with the chat. If anyone has any suggestions on how it chould be improved, let us know by emailing us ( admin@bitcoinvideocasino.com), twitter, here, or on Grindabit. We take a lot of stock in what users tell us about the experience, and the chat has been on our radar more than usual lately. How about the ability to opt into a semi"private" chatroom only available to players who have actually bet a certain amount, say .05 btc? That may help
Hey Tom, I am a player on btcasino, name is BigMonty/ShisoLeaf/BlackSheep on there. Are you all hiring? Also, I noticed on the slots something, if you click spin too fast after it rolls, does the win amount get messed up if you do it too fast? Just wondering because I was clicking it very fast at one point and got very little return. Thanks.
It just went thru. Thanks guys for your help, sorry for wasting yalls time.
Im not using altcoins if thats what u mean  . I use the blockchain wallet and its been open for most of the time since
And it has 0% and no nodes now. It says 7 minutes but I know that they will prolong it when that 7 min is up. I had a fee tacked to it of .0002 as well so I dont think the miners would push it down to the bottom.. Why is this??
When I hover over the small triangle, it says: " This transaction has a very small output and is none standard"
Also when I sent a small amt to the same adress it was immediately accepted into my casino acct within seconds.. This is just strange, nyone know why this happened? And what happens if it never gets confirmed? Will it stick in limbo forever and I will never get it back?
like the title says, this was a transaction of a small amount, (.o4btc) to a gaming site (btcvideocasino). It has been since last night waiting, which is strange since most if not all money i send to that site end up in my acct within seconds. I dont know whether it is an error on the site side or on the blockchain network side. The network propogation is stcuk around 0-2% very poor. What do I do? I sent an email to the casino admin, however so I send an email to blockchain as well? If it stays stuck, will it eventually just get lost? Thanks for answering.
P.S. Every time I check it, it says it will be confirmed in like 6 hours, then I chek again and it says it will be cofirmed in 11 minutes. Then I check again and it goes back to like 10 hours. Whats the deal?
I dont understand? I was looking to play but there are no pictures unsolved with which to bet on.. Do I have to wait until new ones are put up? Can someone tell me when they get placed up?
Never saw my bet come in.. been like 2 days now...
.025 on 24%
satoshi [230]
Thanks guys, very cool.
I wanna give it a shot, looks neat
Name: Sunupi
When do we get these payouts? my name is
Username: montanagoat
Username: montanagoat
Thanks alot!
I am betting as we speak so that xtra coin would kick butt for me
It's impossible for SatoshiDice to 'rip you off' without you being able to verify they were doing exactly that. Your rolls are determined by the TXID which SatoshiDice has no control over. As Biz said, wait for the secret to be revealed. Once it is you will be able to calculate exactly what your rolls should have been, and I'm certain they'll match up to what you were given.
Keep in mind, 8 losses in a row isn't improbable and bettors should never feel invincible martingaling.
8 lossess in a row is nothing, agreed, but Ived lost about 25-30 consecutlively. How exactly do I do that process Stunna; of verifying the numbers rolled with the secret ID? BTW I think I am going to switch entirely from SD to PD from now on.... ( Oh yea, while you're here, I am still awaiting my payment for my sig btw. I started in Oct 12th I believe, lost my acct for 1/2 month)
Suspicios... After I raise a stink the lookup site comes back up and all the info is there... How can I verify the real roll numbers?
Heres what they were I just checked now:
Bet/Lose: -.03 61011 L <52,000- My last bet
(ALL Rest are 50% >32,768) -.03 51929 L -.08 54423 L -.13 49633 L -.15 52100 L -.10 33292 L -.14 55330 L -.07 60441 L -.05 57339 L .01 10218 W WIN +.00957 -.02 60872 L -.06 32868 L -.0125 55730 L
ALL UNDER 50% !!!
Lose -.03 Lessthan 52,000 61011 Details 2013-11-26 19:33:22 lessthan 48000 132bc55c 0 4e452784 1A85Gg2 0.06750000 LOSE 0.00033750 58291 Details 2013-11-25 23:31:10 lessthan 52000 08ce6958 0 2d85f828 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.05000000 WIN 0.06175301 32614 Details 2013-11-25 13:44:08 lessthan 32768 08dd80c7 0 376e4e6b 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.03200000 LOSE 0.00016000 51929 Details 2013-11-25 11:43:56 lessthan 32768 1bc6f471 0 07a8578f 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.08000000 LOSE 0.00040000 54423 Details 2013-11-25 11:43:24 lessthan 32768 cff4060e 0 439f926f 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.13000000 LOSE 0.00065000 49633 Details 2013-11-25 04:02:04 lessthan 32768 bc77962d 0 1dde2e31 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.15300000 LOSE 0.00076500 52100 Details 2013-11-25 04:01:53 lessthan 32768 268c611b 0 ffef509f 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.10000000 LOSE 0.00050000 33292 Details 2013-11-25 02:45:14 lessthan 32768 f641461d 0 6e891005 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.14000000 LOSE 0.00070000 55330 Details 2013-11-25 02:31:27 lessthan 32768 4afe8dab 0 bb6bb95c 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.07000000 LOSE 0.00035000 60441 Details 2013-11-25 02:17:02 lessthan 32768 15633a39 0 52bb7f90 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.05000000 LOSE 0.00025000 57339 Details 2013-11-24 23:21:11 lessthan 32768 67cc9037 0 c087cb48 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.01000000 WIN 0.01957000 10218 Details 2013-11-24 21:52:43 lessthan 32768 9bb216f8 0 dab4a202 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.02000000 LOSE 0.00010000 60872 Details 2013-11-24 20:34:51 lessthan 56000 357eac80 0 1bc50017 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.06000000 WIN 0.06883193 32868 Details 2013-11-24 20:34:23 lessthan 8000 7748588b 0 969faca4 1A85Gg2 CONFIRMED 0.01250000 LOSE 0.00006250 55730 out of 10 bets under 32768, heres what happened:
INVALID BBCODE: close of unopened tag in table (1)