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1  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] INTRO - DAS ÖKOSYSTEM FÜR AKTEURE AUF DEM WOHNUNGSBAU-MARKT on: July 14, 2018, 02:48:28 PM
Bereits jetzt umfasst das INTRO Ökosystem 6800 Objekte von 1800 verschiedenen Bauunternehmen, welche mit bis zu 30% Rabatt erworben werden können. Das Team ist bereit, auf den globalen Markt zu expandieren - .
2  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: July 14, 2018, 02:43:36 PM
"Warum Zimbabwe?" ist die wohl meistgestellte Frage, wenn es um das Goldma Projekt geht. Zugegebenermaßen eine sehr berechtigte Frage, da Zimbabwe politisch und wirtschaftlich häufig eher negativ auffällt, um diese Diskussion zu beenden und aufzuzeigen, weshalb Zimbabwe der ideale Standort ist, hat das Team diesen Artikel auf der Medium Plattform veröffentlicht:
3  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: June 26, 2018, 10:22:48 PM
Crypto Disruption, ein YouTube-Channel, hat ein umfassendes Interview mit dem CEO des Projektes, Henry Jenkins, veröffentlicht und zeigt das mögliche Potential und die Vorteile, welche man mit Goldma erhalten kann.

4  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] INTRO - DAS ÖKOSYSTEM FÜR AKTEURE AUF DEM WOHNUNGSBAU-MARKT on: June 26, 2018, 10:22:31 PM
Auch der Propertyportalwatch hat INTRO bemerkt und schreibt/erläutert, wie INTRO Technologies den Immobilienmarkt in den BRICS Staaten verändern kann:
5  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: June 26, 2018, 04:53:26 AM
In relativ kurzer Zeit hat das Goldma Team bereits einiges geschafft, in nur 3 Jahren haben sie eine laufende Goldmine aufgebaut. In diesem Medium Artikel werden die bisherigen Erfolge zusammengefasst und nochmal übersichtlich dargestellt:
6  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] INTRO - DAS ÖKOSYSTEM FÜR AKTEURE AUF DEM WOHNUNGSBAU-MARKT on: June 26, 2018, 04:47:22 AM
Das DigitalJournal ist auf das INTRO Projekt aufmerksam geworden und hat eine sehr positive Bewertung geschrieben, indem die Ziele und Vorteile des Startups - sowie die bisherigen Errungenschaften - zusammengefasst und bewertet werden. Den Link zum Artikel findet ihr hier:
7  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN] [ICO] INTRO - DAS ÖKOSYSTEM FÜR AKTEURE AUF DEM WOHNUNGSBAU-MARKT on: June 20, 2018, 04:07:54 PM
Das INTRO Startup wurde neben einigen ausgewählten anderen Startups von der EWDN(East-West Digital News) genauer betrachtet und bewertet, in der veröffentlichten PDF ist außerdem ein Interview mit dem INTRO Analytic Gründer Oleg Obolenskyi zu finden, den zugehörigen Tweet mit dem Link zur PDF findet ihr hier:
8  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: June 20, 2018, 03:08:12 PM
Das Goldma Team, welches sehr aktiv auf Seiten wie Medium ist, hat erneut den ein oder anderen sehr interessanten und lesenswerten Artikel veröffentlicht.
In diese Kategorie fällt auch der folgende über die Möglichkeiten und das Potenzial der Goldförderung in Zimbabwe:
9  Economy / Reputation / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me on: June 15, 2018, 09:56:53 PM
Everything is fine, we solved it, as you see phantastisch corrected himself and doesnt accuse me of using automatic translation programs anymore and I am allowed to post my next translations Smiley

I guess the thread can be closed.. or whatever haha Cheesy
10  Economy / Reputation / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me on: June 14, 2018, 07:01:51 PM
You should perhaps wait for 2-3 days and try to talk with the moderator again. He maybe will be more open taking a look at you and more open reconsidering your case. We are all humans and sometimes we are not in the mood to deal with something. We can be fussy.
If it's the first words he saw he may not have spent more time to read the post fully to notice you did just 2-3 mistakes

That was my plan, too, but through deleting my ANN thread twice I cant keep my deadline, so the solution of the problem has to come asap Cheesy And as I said, he said "I have nothing more to say at the moment" - which means for me that writing more is useless.
I know that he could have been in a bad mood at the moment, I dont even think bad of him or wish him bad things because of this, the job as a staff can be pretty exhausting I guess, but at the end he did wrong to me and I want that problem to be solved :/
11  Economy / Reputation / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me on: June 14, 2018, 06:40:16 PM
I don't understand what you want the community to do about this.  Seems to me that the issue is between you and phantastisch, and he feels that your translation was sub-par.  It also seems to me that if you're going to get paid to do a translation, you ought not make as many mistakes as he claims you made and the ones you admitted to. 

If you're truly qualified to translate something, there should be pretty much zero mistakes--if there are, it indicates that you don't know both languages good enough to take on the job.  In any case, there's no much anyone here is going to do for you.  It's not like anyone can do anything except possibly Theymos, and I highly doubt he's going to get involved in this beef.

I definitely am a good translator, but nobody is perfect, right ? And btw, I never saw an ANN thread which was absolutely perfect, without any mistakes. But you are right, I dont know what the benefit should be of posting this here, but I made a thread in the Beginners & Help section before and they told me to post that here, because I really dont know what to do as phantastisch is the biggest instance in the german local sector, but as I said, he just ignores every argument I write him..
12  Economy / Reputation / Staff is doing wrong on me on: June 14, 2018, 06:20:04 PM
Hey guys !

I did not want to post that here, but look like it is my last chance to solve a big problem. I wanted to solve it with the staff, but he just ignores all my arguments:

As a translating bountyhunter I recently posted a translated ANN Thread, which was deleted later. I posted it again and it was deleted again, too. So I asked the staff of the german local part of the forum why he always deletes my ANN thread. He accused me of using Google Translate("We dont need that Google Translate bullshit here") because of 3 terms and even forbade me to post my translations there:
"Einseiter | Deck Präsentation | Technisches Blatt", that are the translated terms, the original terms are: Onepager, deck presentation and technical paper. I moderate 7 ANN threads and 7 bounty threads in the local section, no one ever said something bad about them. Also there are many different bounty managers who checked my translations of 11 different projects for automatic translation programs and couldnt find anything - because I dont use them, obiously.

I sent my portfolio to the staff "phantastisch" and asked him to check my translations, because he only looked at 3 terms and not even the whole ANN thread I translated, he just ignored it and said "I have nothing more to say at the moment".

Here is my portfolio, so everyone, especially the native german speakers, can check my translations for Google Translate or similiar programs:

My translations were correct, I could have let "Onepager" as it is, but the german word is "Einseiter", or you could at least translate it like that, some examples:

Translating "technical paper" as "Technisches Blatt" is absolutely correct either, even when I could have translated it as "technisches whitepaper"(btw, google translates it "technisches Papier"):

But with "Deck Präsentation", I have to admit that is definitely not a perfect translation, for example "Präsentationsdeck" would have been a better choice, but I dont think that this term only is a reason to forbid me to post my translations in the forum, especially because that was the first time someone complained about my translations.

That problem is very important to me and I would highly appreciate it, if someone could have a look on this.

Kind regards,
13  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 14, 2018, 04:13:46 PM
The guys above (thanks!) gave me two oppotunities: Posting this problem in the Meta and Reputation sector.

But how could that help me to solve this problem ? As I said I dont want to harm his reputation, Im pretty sure being a Staff in the community can be hard sometimes, but I did nothing wrong.
14  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 14, 2018, 02:01:52 AM
Did you mean this user?"phantastisch" Huh
I have checked your posts; you have a lot of topics in that section which means "not translated by Google."
It's hard to find someone who speaks three languages so if they're in another section, that's probably a translated "Post that topic here."

This forum to talk about Bitcoin, so I recommend to stop advertising and talk a bit about Bitcoin.

Yeah Im talking about him, and I know what you mean, but there are many bounty managers which cant speak german either, but they take random lines from the documents, let them get translated by Google Translate for example and compare the result with the translation, I think someone who reviews this problem doesnt has to be able to speak german to do that. Btw, I could easily get something like a review from different bounty managers, but there has to be someone bigger than the staff who can give his opinion.
15  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 13, 2018, 10:28:34 PM
I think that admins are normally very busy to support members. I think they don´t get paid or they get paid just a little and there are not that many of them if you think of it. The admin of the forum is Theymos, but it is very unlikely that he will pay any attention to a minor (minor for him) issue like this.

I think that your best chance is trying to contact your local thread admin and if everything else fails I think there is a section to put a reputation claim that might help.

What would be the benefit of posting it there? I dont want to harm his reputation, just want this problem solved because I did absolutely nothing wrong.
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 13, 2018, 10:23:21 PM
I will wait for his answer and if it is negative I will post something in the Reputation sector Smiley
You must wait his response before posting this thread. Admins are responsible for what they are doing and they know their acts, they are not perfect but it's their job to clean the forum if there's something wrong.

What you can do now is wait for him and be patient.  Wink

I don't think the admins would waste their time with something like this.

Yeah he answered me and told me he won’t change his opinion, obviously he just ignored my portfolio of translated documents and builds his opinion through reading 3 of a few hundred words. Many bounty managers, including the Tokensuite Team I translated many projects for, checked my translations and couldn’t find anything from an automatic translator, because there is absolutely nothing. I translate everything by myself, and even when there are a few words I don’t understand I rather research them on the internet than use Googe Translate or something.
17  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 13, 2018, 03:55:59 PM
Create a thread in the Reputation board proving that the Staff is wrong and that your translation is legit.

I don't think the admins would waste their time with something like this.

Ok thanks for your help, yeah I don't want to bother the admins with this too, but I have to do something in case he ignores my portfolio. I will wait for his answer and if it is negative I will post something in the Reputation sector Smiley
18  Other / Beginners & Help / Staff is doing wrong on me - who is the higher person in charge? on: June 13, 2018, 03:45:53 PM
Hey everyone, I have a question for you guys,

A Staff from a local section of the forum is accusing me of using Google Translate and told me I was not allowed to post any translations anymore, he just read the first 3 words, and not the whole ANN thread I posted there. I sent him my whole portfolio, just to show him that I definitely dont use any automatic translation programs, lets see what that brings, but just in case he stays with his opinion and ignores my portfolio I sent him, who is the higher person in charge I could contact ?
Its a bit tricky right now, because through deleting my ANN thread twice I couldnt keep the deadline and I maybe lose a few ETH worth of tokens because of him.

Thanks for your help guys!

19  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: June 11, 2018, 05:51:39 PM
Eine kleine Zusammenstellungen von GoldmaICO - Ratings:

ICOBench: Leider ist das Rating durch die Bewertung eines Experten, welcher nur Zimbabwe ohne Berücksichtigung des eigentlichen ICOs betrachtet hat, von 4.7 auf nun 4.4 gesunken -

TrackICO: Eine 4.6 von 5 -

ICOMarks: Eine 8.1 von 10 -

ICOs.Best: Eine 4.3 von 5 -

ICOTokenNews - 4 von 5 möglichen Sternen -
20  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: [ANN]Gold Mining Asset|Digitalisierung von Goldwerten:Krypto Gold Token on: June 11, 2018, 05:40:16 PM
Goldma hat einen neuen Partner an seiner Seite: FLASHMONI, ein Projekt welches in seinem eigenen ICO stolze 72 Millionen eingenommen hat - !

Was es mit dieser Partnerschaft auf sich hat kann man in diesen beiden Medium Berichten nachlesen:
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