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Anyone got an idea what 5000 Applecoins are worth in BTC?
Not sure if this coin is dead, no devs seem to be about and the wallet is broken......
Is it broken again? wont sync .... even after multiple delete and redownload blockchain...
BtcLtc is the only exchange I know of that lists PPL. Current value is 0.210010 CNY - not much, but it is possible to solo mine, and you get 1.25 PPL for each block. Average network hashrate goes from about 1Mh to about 10Mh.
Question: If I sell at btcltc do I need a bank account to put the CNY in or I can buy bitcoin directly from their site? Current price is 0.133 CNY. You can buy BTC, however I believe there is a minimum amount that you can withdraw - otherwise, buy other coins and withdraw those. There is a minimum withdraw from, it's 0.3 BTC and then there's the fee they take (off the top of my head it's 0.01btc. Not cheap and a pain in the arse but out of all the exchanges in china this is the one that has never given me any problems..... the rest of em..... don't get me started.
Cheers for that. I've given it a go, deleted both folders and completely cleared extreme coin from the computer and re installed. After a couple attempts it seemed to sort out the the chain. My 2000 odd coins disappeared but I've ended up with around 900 so not a total loss.
Glad this coin is getting some love, its a good one and will continue to mine.
I've been mining this coin over the last couple weeks. managed to get in 2000 odd. Then I read all the above.... anyhow, updated the wallet to the new one and started to re-download the block-chain. Its now stuck with 2036 blocks remaining and has been stuck there for an hour or so.
When I installed the new wallet I put my wallet file back, it started off with no coins then they all started to fill up as the chain downloaded. Its up to 800 coins now, (kinda sure I wont see the rest as per the info above) and i just sent 3 coins to coinEx and had notification that they arrived.
Bit of a longwinded way of asking if anyone else is having trouble downloading the full new block-chain or is it just me?
Its a funny one. Do I sell all my coins on cryptsy now expecting the coin to just die and be worthless, or hold onto the coins and hope the devs sort it all out. Ahhh the joy of choice.... Time will tell.
Thanks almightyruler, I think ill stop with the solo mine then for now and see what happens. Will be painful after days of mining to see the coins disappear.
can anyone tell me if its pointless mining orbit coins at the moment with wallet v1.3.2?? nothing comes across to Cryptsy at the moment.
I was able to solo mine the other day but as of late its not been working. CGminer says diff is 1 and I get a constant stream of rejections..... Shame as the price is going up at
I am running wallet 1.3.2, got a few orbit coins now sitting in the wallet and sent some across to Cryptsy. Nothing has arrived as of yet. First transfer was sent on the 10th Feb and now has 4934 confirmations. Does it normally take this long to send these across to Cryptsy?
anyone else having problems with solo mining? Or is this coin now dead?
price seems to be going up a bit on btcltc. Just sold a chunk of coins and happy with the price. Gona start solo mining again 
If you can hit the withdraw button then I would suggest doing so, it should come back. Once the coins have gone and there is no longer an option to cancel the withdraw then that's when I lost mine. Still no coins turned up in my wallet and they still wont reply to emails. I would avoid this exchange at all costs.
They have a QQ especially for withdraw problem: 99640212
I just add it and they are asking for the ticket no. for your withdraw
You can try add it if you have QQ acc. Otherwise feell free pm me the transaction no. and your APC address
Thanks again, I will try and get in contact with them via the QQ account. The site does not give a transaction ID, all I can see is the wallet address I sent the coins to and the amount. Below is the only info I can pull from the withdraw. 订单号 账户(转账单号或姓名) 币种 金额 手续费 状态 时间 取消 4818 ANP9iPSWfGzQ5ev.. () APC 2996.001 2.999 已通过 2014-01-19 02:49:11 thanks again,
I'm having trouble with This is the exchange that has apple coins listed. The info above on how to cancel looks like its for . There is no "finances" button on but there is on A word of warning though, I have tried to transfer 3000 odd apple coins from back to my wallet but nothing turned up. The don't give a TID so I cant track it and they wont answer any emails. Seems like yet another China exchange to avoid......
yes, the site I use for this was I have used it before in selling 6000 APC for Litecoins and then transferred them across to Cryptsy. They all came in fine. Its been over 24 hours now since I tried to transfer the remaining apple coins from back to my wallet but still nothing is in. Thanks for the help but I think this will just be put down to bad luck, I emailed the site but no reply as of yet.
Still no coins in the wallet and no reply from BTC-8...... looks like the 3000 coins got lost in the transfer 
Thanks again, I have updated the wallet and that's all working fine. Having a little trouble finding the customer service button on the website (even with Google translate) but did manage to find an email so sent them a note.
I checked the withdraw request time and its not even been 24 hours yet so I hope it will process through. The address sent to is correct and shows in my wallet. I think everything has been done correctly just have to wait and see if it comes in.
Cheers for the reply, my apple wallet is all synced (does have the warning about checkpoint being old) and I generated a new receive address when doing it. According to the btc-8 website in the "Withdraw Record" section it has been processed and done.
I will give it a day or so and see if they turn up.