Problem is Roger will have a BU node to accept the payment and it is only a 50/50 chance it will be online when they trade. How will Roger verify the coins were sent?
you troublemaker you. 
maybe if the difficulty wasn't 4 billion
I think that good ole Bob here is full of shit. But I guess we will see tomorrow then.
WTF, why wouldnt they just run it now?
To be fair I really don't think he stole the bitcoins, I have a feeling people will get it back and it'll be a nice surprise for everyone
Wishful thinking but unless you know something we don't, this is pretty fucking remote at this point.
Whats your price point on one unit. I ask because most are just fixated only their own price point, so it saves me time.
I was hoping for something comparable to ebay prices. However, with a discount since we are avoiding the ebay fees. I might be interested in 3 of the miners as I was looking at getting a Antminer anyways. I am already running 2 singles and would like to add to them. Would pay in BTC Sure thing. I use coinbase would appreciate using their prices.
Whats your price point on one unit. I ask because most are just fixated only their own price point, so it saves me time.
I was hoping for something comparable to ebay prices. However, with a discount since we are avoiding the ebay fees.
San Diego, CA. The rigs are stored at a local datacenter.
Do you ship your mining rig worldwide ?
Sure... Makes no difference to me.
I have (24) 60 ghz singles which are currently hashing away at the datacenter. Make me an offer. The reason one of the miners is missing in the 2nd pic is because it was defective when I got it. It was replaced with a new one.
I previously also thought that the document was fake, but then pieces of the puzzle just start to get together..
1. This document was posted online before everything happened.
2. MtGOX just acquired domain and changed the name servers yesterday.
3. Only support page in mtgox is working, exactly as it's described in the document..
4. Trading engine was halted
I don't want to believe too, but.. I'm starting to
I agree with you.
If they don't make people whole, this WILL be the end of Bitcoin. It could be the fatal flaw of bitcoin, its too hard to secure.
so many noobs in here posting absolute bs. its actually quite entertaining. This is nothing compared to the hack that brought bitcoin down to $0.01 back in the day. Its funny how people who were not around back then think this is srs biznassz.
links or it didn't happen.
gox has been making 500k profit per day for years. no fucking possible way they are insolvent. it's simply impossible to lose that much money in such a short amount of time with out noticing. I'm sure they got taken for a few million. like a week or two worth of profits. annoying to be sure but no possible way on this fucking plane of existence that they got taken for everything they are worth. no one is that stupid. no one.
I can confirm that i was able to convert real btc to goxbtc and withdraw them into mtgox account using bitcoinbuilder. really hope gox doesn't fuck this up.
Even if you could travel back in would still only be able to make 1 single trade before not knowing where the market is going again. Your one trade would set into motion a chain of events which is impossible to predict  Have fun over the next couple of days! I would only need 1 trade.
They guarantee a certain hash rate not that you will make an ROI. This is a business decision that you made and unfortunately, you would have made 90x more just by buying and holding actual bitcoins. Let this be a lesson to you. Mining is almost never the best option and never will be.